REF JINIVIED » YVR) N Lodi si | , NOUERBRER . I. M. Law attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto yes- terday. --Mrs. \R. S. McLaughlin was a guest at the luncheon given yester- day by Sir Clifford and Mrs. Sifton PEA I Toronto; Mr. "and MTS, Me- Cabe, -Msaswing; Maj. and Mrs. Sifton, Dr. and Mrs. Temple, Mr. and Mrs. Brickender, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ivey, all of Toronto; son, Col. and Mrs. Phillips, of Osh- awa. ' LOL OFFICERS FOR COMING YEAR | the Loyal Orange Lodge No. 2167 attended the annual business meet- ing held last night in the Orange Hall. The lodge has been very suc- cessful during the past years and Beardmore, Mr. and Mrs: R. A. Laid- dy i Nr. ade. Biddy | fd law, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rob- | Quite a number of members of | Bbentieh:. Noy. | marked a very important milestone lin the history of Ebenezer church, it being the sixtieth anniversary of the opening of the present struc- | ture. Special services were held to celebrate this anniversary and splen- tdid crowds gathered in all | services. The special speaker | for the day was the Rev. W. R. | Tanton, of Napanee who gave splen- did 'addresses both morning and evening, In the morning service Rev, Tanton told the children a very | interesting and helpful story and spoke to the adult congregation on "The Tests of a Man's Faith." Fhe {choir added to the service with song | by rendering: two §@othems, one of = ov. 11. .--Sunday last ROOF OFFERED Chicago, Nov. 15.--An incipient romance of nearly 4,000 years agoi-- a proposal of marriage by the widow of King Tutgnkh-amen to a Hittite prince--was revealed by H. H. Von der Osten, of the Oriental Institute of thee University of Chicago, who has returned from a year of excavat- ing among buried Hittite cities of Asia Minor. The Egyptian queen offered herself as a bridal prospect in a comimunica- tion to a Hittite king, asking him il he had a son eligible to marry her. Ti Senin said the queen was very voling at the time, but did not give her age. The answer was not known, THAT LAD: "CAPS FOR MEN LADIES SET AGO SET Reisner, assistant professor of Egypt- ology of Harvard University, has is- sued a feport describing the work | he has done op the tomb of Queen | Netepheres, mother of King Cheops | and wife of Senefru, first sovereign | of the Fourth Dynasty. The report says that identification of the tomb | is based on two inscriptions in gold hieroglyphics on the batk of a car- | rying chair. Dr. Reisper asserted that he found, evidence that Netepheres died' some time after Cheops came to the throne | and was-buried at Dashur, on the | west of the Nile and directly south | For a light, satisfying luncheon eat | which was sung by the choir of but Mr. Von der Osten had a mass of | Ebenezer churgeh sixty years ago | mgnuseript and inscriptions to de- | This was espegially appreciated by | cipher, and these may throw further their progress, it is expected, will not be hindered in any way. The | of the (reat Pyramids. The tomb | was rifled by thieves and when the violation was discovered Cheop's sec- { retary transferred the body to a new | tomb at the entrance of the Pyramid { Ghiza. This tomb is a vertical shaft | y 7 cut 100 feet through the limestone | OUR AlLY BF AGE with the chamber opening from the Wash and quarter a small cabbage bottom. Everything in the former | and put it into the oven with only the tomb was brought out, even the | ater left on the leaves from rinsing. things the thieves had smashed. | Do not cover it. When it has finished The discoveries included a bed and | cooking, chop fine, put with a table- three chairs, still intact; fifty imple- | spoonful of bbutter, a half cupful of ments and tools, six of which are ik into which has heen stirred. a i'solid gold, fiffeen of copper and the beaten egg, a teaspoon of salt and George A. remainder of bronze. a little pepper. Turn into a buttered | pudding dish, return to the oven and | bake until it is a light brown. at the Toronto Hunt Club. Vis- countess Willingdon was among the noted guests at the luncheon. --A very interesting poppy tea was held by two groups of the Har- vey Hunt Mission Circle of Simcoe street United church. The guests, who were received by 'Miss Alta Kemp and Miss Ruth Lander, re- tired to the hoard room where tea was served. The room was pretty with poppies and flags. Mrs. Dr. Dougall assisted at the tea table. A splendid amount was realized. --A number of the out of town exhibitors at the Royal Winter Fair and several members of the enter- tainment committee journeyed to "Parkwood" to enjoy the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin at luncheon, today. On their ar- rival they were conducted through the Conservatory where they were 'delighted with the wonderful beauty of the numerous blooms of the fam- ous chrysanthemums Then the arena was inspected and the horses were viewed with keen iaterest. Mr. Me- Laughlin is making a very fine be- ginning of a stable with his fine new hunters. A Wuffett luncheon was served in the dining room. Mrs. McLaughlin was assisted with the guests by her daughter, Mrs. W. Eric Phillips and Mrs. Charles Rob- son. Among the guests present were: Mr. ang\Mrs. R. J. Goodman, Miss Goodman, Hartford Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cowan, Miss Ruth Cowan, Montreal; Mr. Sylvanus Macy. Avon, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thompson, Chicago, Ill.; Captain Woods King and officers of the American Team, all of Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. O'Boyle, Pittston, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. A. BE. Byers, Williamsville, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. B. Langdon Wood, Buffalo, N.Y.; Dr. and Mrs. R. E. 'Webster, Ottawa; Mrs. 'and Miss Bedford Jones, Ottawa Mr. and Mrs. Isaac . Clothier and party of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs." Ward Pitfield, Mont- real; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smallman, London; Mr. and Mrs. L. 'B. Hanna, Cleveland; Miss Claora G. Hinkley. can cars shown on the stand, indi- cated that he had redressed Sandy ' with bitterness in his heart. "First of all," he said, "Mr. Phil- | lips, the exhibition manpger, had the boy placed outside the door. That would not Go for me, "Why should they dictate what Ahne | we 'shall wear? It is no use pretend- | ing that we are not here for adver- tisement. That is the object of the show, "l am bowing to their ruling, but I think it is the biggest insult ever offered to Scotland." | NOVA SCOTIAN W YALE Here's the place the fans all call And we please them one and all We know every radio need We supply it too with speed. S SCHOLARSHIP New Haven, Conn., Nov. 17.-- William P. Warren, of Wolfville, N.S., is one of six students in the Yale divinity school who have been awarded scholarships for the cur- rent term as a reward for high standings in the second term of the academic year 1925-26. Warren was awarded the William H. Fogg scholarship for the class of 1927. HIS is radio headquarters where your every want and need is anticipated. Her, vou will find the scientific helpfulness you need, whether novice, amateur or profes- sional radio fan. x MOHAWK RADIO FOLLOW THE ADVENTURES N77 Babro 606 RADIO ELECTRIC S. Cowell-Prop. 15 PRINCE ST PHONE 94.2 OSHAWA,ONT. Weddings have dropped off more than sixty per cent. in south Wales se coal fields since the dispute of the | miners and mine owners threw more po than a million men out of work last ! A 50 Boys' Overcoats at Big Reductions. C. W. Detenbeck Kmg si. E. Oshawa Small Sizes Onty May. Richard Perris, ai English sports- man, celebrated his hundredth birth- ton; It 158 day by mounting his horse and go-! ing for a run with the hounds. consisting of Mrs. ADS PAY Wood, and Mrs. to attend to branch of the REFORMER WANT The first scpool ror gypsies in Eu- , . o -- rope will soon be established at Uz- horod, Czecho-Slovakia. an} A was Oshawa Mrs. of and PITHRA- TIRE A HOBBY Nov. 17.--Encour- aging to adian writers will be the decision of the literature sec- tion of Toronto Unjversity Women's Press Club. The members at a re- cent meeting decided to make Can- | The Oshawa Duly Reforms | [DINING Room Suites Ideal Fashions Toroutn, totally destroyed ram's clock and of solid gold. | joved Mr. f3len, visitors Oke | On Tuesday, Novembmer 23 w Yinencing at 8 o 'clock a concert | be given under the auspices of | Mission . Circle. The concert will consist of music by Mrs. W. R. | Courtice and Mi Margaret Aber- | nethy, violin slections by Miss | Smith, of Oshawa, readings by Miss Joyce Edgar of Oshawa and vocal | duets by Mrs, Foster and Mrs. Far- | | row, of Oshawa. Following the con- King George has gone in for the style of wearing a gardenia in the | button hole of his light grey over- | coat. Queen Mary leans more to pearl grey in Yer street. attire. com- will the | annual election of officers also took all for it. recalled the past in a more | light on the affair. Worshiprul Masgten® Mr. Moker feature of the music was a duet by | settlements in Asia Minor, against he; & = i oor 3; POF. - | Mrs, G. F. Annis and Mr. Frank three which previously had been g Decretary, Ar. Gardener; MINAN- | waiter In the evening the church | known urer, Mr. Johnson; Chaplain, Mr, J. hear Rev. Tanton who spoke on | the Chicagoan indicate that the Hit- McCullough; Marshal, Mr. Brough- #The Place of the Church in the Life | Htes were the allies of Troy in the ton, First Lecturer, Mr. Selleck; "rv Today." The address was splen- | Trojan wars, and also that they in- committee, Messrs. Anderson, Shes will come again to us sometime. | the .great Babylonian conquest re- er, Boughan, Middleton, and Blair; The choir again rendered two beau. -erded in the Bible. Auditors, Messrs, Andrews and +5 n] anthems and Mrs. G. F. Annis, | Tomb Rifled by- Thieves. i -------- zton and Mrs. W. R. Courtice] TO MEET COMMITTEE re a quartette. At the close of | OF EDUCATION BOARD 3nthem of sixty years aga 50 that WORLD- RENOWNED any who had not heard in morning might hear it iE Heid The Home and School Connecil met ir the board room of the Pub- | a regular session with an added fea- | : lic Library yesterday aftcrnocn, for | ture which was a story for the chil- ing. slad to have our pastor with us in | Owing to the third week=n De- |o2r Sunday School as the privilege | More Notable By In- is usually denied us. The offering .. V. 1 the season it was deci not to . trinsic Value hold a meeting next month. The next | Which goes to the running expenses meeting of the Conncil will Le the of the church. The anniversary Quebec, Que., Nov. 17.--When the next meeting, in [Feb the King |"larts us off on a new era in our | burned some wonderful treasures street and Ritson Home snd Sehool | ¢hurcl's history. } rere destroyed, these ipcluding the Mrs. 'A. E. Clemens and Miss | World-famed collection of valuables, tee consisting of oR 8. Me- 1 y Laughlin, Mrs. !ierbert Smith and | Were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Law-| Queens of Old France in the past Mrs. O, Friend was. appointed to rence Courtice. centuries, which contained among board to dis possibility of | the Mission Circcle will be held at husk lo 1663, an ivory erucifiy of having music in the public [ihe home of Mrs. Frank Jackson on |, joanne date, ina ane Hig om schools. Saturday afternoon, November 20 at | 'roldered with threads of gold made Kinnear, Mrs. ia! vited to comé and enjoy' a good of Louis XIV. Saving from Jyse: Colpus nted program which is in charge of Miss ro oy a aid bers. . mela = the Christmas Cheer Shdie: Muir's group, walches, brace eiS, chains, rings, n » pilgrims for favors received. The { spent Sunday with Mr. slab of Mexican onyx, five feet iu { Hsli Oke. height, upon which the statue of St. Miss Margaret Abernethy visited pletely, there being no trace after The regular monthly meeting of | the ravages of the fire. This stone fhe Women's Missionary Society wag | was one of the largest pieces on eld on Thursday last at the home 375,000, ras 4 wig i are. 11 eo Mrs 1 Other treasures alo: 1} ' Mrs. 0. HE Bn HoPalare HS Cy vas of special interest since Mrs. I. " Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hung- | gdian literature their hobby and to I. Robbins, of Bowmanville gave an | were the famous pilg : : celle address » ladies. The Mrs. Ireland and Miss Pansy Ire- | ydian writers whenever possible and | Soellent. addres: to the Ingles. Tne land, Willoughby, Ohio; Mr. Regan to further the cause of Canadian lit- | "7° | itn Bum, BE SE TN ; McKinney, Wickliffe, Ohio; Dr. and | erature by reading and advertisi jt 3 di nd 8 i FAKING PLEASURE SADLY, bo Hooper and Mrs. Alldread of Bow- " an . sei | auvih hile A Frenchman, representing firms of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cox, | methods by which the seetion could | AHVIIE, WHTL oH Ee Oakville; Members of the Belgian | co-operate with other bodies in ad- | ia' a splendid Fis IY a OT as profoundly distressed that Scols- team, Commandant Mesmaeker, Lt. | vertising Canadian works, 4 8] ¢ 1g a as men were not allowed to wear the - "those skirts" he called them Members of the French team, Lt. and Mrs. Sam Brooks and son if boy Freme y of Oshawa .were week-end "How delightful it would he to see Fonlonge, Lt. de Fremendille, Lt. de Nr. : Nis. Blakel Clave, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Bell, To- with Mr. and Mrs, ake | hicturesque national costume all 3 j a g Mrs . Stelham, ihe Swiss over there, would loo ronto; Major and Mrs. H h utiful and. a dite Yodelling would sound splendid in this big place. The pfficers elected were: [realistic manner. Another special| Mr. Von de Osten discovered 55 cial Secretary, Mr. Stewart; Treas- ',. oqain packed to the doors to| Inscriptions already transcribed by Second Lecturer, Mr. Goodell; Fir if and we only hope Rev. Tanton | vaded Babylon ten centuries before Short. » ' a. A. E. Rundle, Mrs. C. C. Wash- | Cairo, Nov. 13.--Dr, he cervice the choir again sang the | tr Hf r RE MUSIC IN SCHGOLS past times. The Sunday School held | its regular monthly business meet- |9ren by Rev. Tanton. We were also | Loss in Fire. at at Ste. cember being a very time of | for the day amounted to nearly $450 third Tuesday in Jam "or the Was a success in every way and | hrine of St. Anne de Beaupre was Clubs will be in A commit- y Margaret Pollock, of Bowmanville, | some of them donated by Kings and meet the commii'ce from the school The regular monthly meeting of | 2ther objects a collection dating A committee 2.30 o'lock. All the girls are in-| PY Queen Anne of Austria, mother Council's work Mr. Cyril Weyrich ockets ete., 'presented by grateful ,! 3 WOUK. A . ' i eyr , Anne rested his disappeared coni- on Sunday with Miss Marie Rundle. onyx in the world and cost some of Mrs: Eli Osborne. The meeting erford, New Britain, Conn.; Mr. and | get into personal touch with Can the reliquaire, made ther part of the Mrs. Bruce, Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Rogers, | A committee was asked to devise Misa Louise Oshorne rena Dretell hr yf his native land. expressed himselt of Bowmany fille by all. ilt de Brabrandiere, Ii, Misonne; cilts } they desired. ronto; Mrs Frank Playes, To- round," hes exclaimed. "My {niend hall. Your favorite cereal is made in Canada of Canadian wheat--and it's the whole wheat, nothing added, nothing taken away. The process by which SHREDDED WHEAT is made is the most perfect process ever devised for making the whole wheat digestible. 'For thirty-five ears it has been the favorite in aan wh millions of homes. No other = = process can be compared with it. Shane Sunday With af The flavory shreds are full of ti es far nutrient and. their crispness 5% £57 ci encourages thorough chewing-- tific i i that's what makes it a wonde~- and § ne pu ful food for children. Our shredding and baking retain the rich mineral salts and the vita- .mins--also the bran which keeps the bowels healthy and active. Eat it dry toasted with butter, or as a hot porridge or simpy pour hot milk over it. 'An acquaintance over there from Hungary has a lovely set of clothes »f nis native land, and | think there is a Greek, a Turk, and an Armenian to. be found mm the show. "No wonder you English to be sad and lacking in the joy of] 9 Piece Select Solid Oak, English Brown two-tone finish, very latest. See this Suite on display in our Window. Special for One Week Only. cert a social time will be spent in |iife when you make tire Sunday School where lunch will the stand iif rhe y ake such laws." AVG { On ste around which the YI | ha served in cafeleria style from | discussion surged Sandy McDougall, Dh A Vk 4 | booths representing the four sea-|a fair-headed boy of 16 was dis- AZ | tributing white heather. | Cc I @ OKE | sons This promises to be a fine | He had worn a peppe -and-salt ® . are said | | evening of entertainment so come to | - Ebenezer on November 23 and help | suit and a green cap in place of the banned kilt. {the M on . Circle. : Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gay and Miss Alex Robertson his employer, who Evelyn were anniversary visitors is the Scottish agent for the Ameri- | with relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne, Miss | Louise and Master Neson and Mrs. James Courtice, of Bowmanville, spént Sunday in this vicinity and at- tended anniversary services at Ebe- | nezer. Young People's meeting will | hela on Thursday evening as usual this week and will be in charge of Miss Aura Osborne and the C.G.LI.T. The meetings are being well attend he ne Very Ymportant One- piece Dress Adhering to the straight-line silhouette, this model would be very trim for sports wear or business. The charming simplicity of its cut is emphasized by such adornments as a row of buttons down the closing from neck to waist, and patch, pockets, while there are slight gath at each shoulder. Long sleeves are gathered to narrow wrist- bands and the round collar is of the latest mode. NO. 1336 is for misses in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 (36 bust) requires 35% yards 36-inth, or 234 yards S4-inch material. 20 cents. Our Fashion Book, illustrating the newest and most practical styles, will be of interest to every home dressmaker. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. Brooks and | of Oshawa, | and Mrs, K Saves $24 A Year Cooking experts figuie that the SMP Enameled Ware Roaster will 'save the average Canadian family 00 a year in meat he "Oxo" with hot milk The " Oxo "' habit is wonderful for keep- ing children strong and healthy. Taking "Oxo" regularly means a regular rein- forcement of strength--the strength of prime beef derived from the largest British-owned cattle resources in the world. Give the children "Oxo" with their hot milk for breakfast they love it--and "" Oxo' gets over the digestion difiiculty. tin of 20, 30c. OXO LIMITED, 356 St. Antoine St.,, Liontreal words and in it he told the purpose of the gathering. Following this the | young couple were presented with a | buffet mirror. Both Mr. and Mrs. | Werry made a suitable reply and the | remainder of the evening was spent lin games and a social time. Toward | midnight the gathering broke up | and departed homeward, wishing the | bride and groom happiness and long | life together. "Other visitors who took in the anniversary ser- | vices at Ebenezer church were: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevenssand daugh- ters, Mr. and Mrs. Ivanson- Munday, | Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Jeffrey, Mr. and | {| Mrs. RR. R. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. | : Se rtd snowden, all of Maple Grove, | Hamer Fed | 2 j.L4 GAT, { 7 | 3 ERS) | On Friday evening this 'week in' the Sunday School room there | For Sale gp EVE FOX HARDWARE will be a meeting of the Prohibition | Simcoe Street South t inkag makes chdap cuts taste Win the best ones. You place the roast in the roaster, put on the cover: the roaster does the rest. No basting required. Every roast is perfectly cooked. so that cooking The cover fits cl PATTERN PURCHASE odors cannot COUPON whic 1» a sweet clean oven. ces rar . to $3.50 each, i Sol sh and don't To The Daily Reformer Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find céits. Please send patterns listed below: in the community Tin of 4 cubes, 15¢. - [M1 Uunion and all interested in {i cause of temperance are requested attend. We have ¢ Most food for least money i: 20 cents © each. Send or coin. Wrap coin care- Price, stamps fully. were but the rain weather! thought we me fing eather started again air out of dale, CL Puts Sevength into You seems to be . .