Oshawa Daily Reformer, 17 Nov 1926, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER. ESDAY, NOVF ABER 17,1926 ih dS PAGE. FIV 2 44. 19 17 3" i w-- a BUINGIVADY" NOVEMENT GROWS "In Your Buying Do You Insist on Canadian Produce?" London, Ont., Nov. 17.--The "Buy- in-Canada" movement was furthered at the 12th annual meeting of the Womens' Institutes of Ontario in this city when more than 400 delegates heard a strong address by Mrs, George Edwards, the Chairman. Mrs. Edwards put five questions to the meeting ask- ing that they be taken home by thc delegates to their institutes and written answers mailed here at once. The questions were as folloows:-- "In your daily buying do you ask for Canadian products? Do you buy the foreign article first because it is cheaper; second, because it is of better quality; or third, because there is no similar article in Canada? Will you please furnish a list of goods produced in Ontario or in Canada that are not equal in price or in quality to similar foreign-made articles? that if our women constantly demand home products your local retailer will supply them? If you believe that a strong and loyal home market will at- tract new industries and settlers, which in turn will reduce the individual bur- den of taxation, will vou pledge your- self in your daily buying to ask for local, Ontario, Canadian or British Empire produc?" HINDENBURG MAY RESIGN NEXT YEAR Berlin, Nov. 17.--The newspaper Weltam Montag declares that Presi- dent Paul von Hindenburg intends to resigh on the occasion of his 80th birthday next October. President's Hindenburg's five year term of office expires April 26, 1930. He recently celebrated his 79th birth- dav at the hunting estate of his son- in-law. It was reported that he chose to spend the anniversary outside Ber- lin to escape possible royalist and re- publican demonstrations in the capital. £4 Do you think] KILLED BY SHELL Trent, Italy, Nov. 17.--Twelve peas- ants ranging from 18 to 20 years old, including 'three women, were killed and two were seriously wounded yesterday by the explosion of a shell leit over from the World War. ' One of the peasants accidentally struck the shell with a spade. HERE'S BAD NEWS - (OXFORD BAGS GO! "Gentlemen" Reminded Also That Plus Fours Not Good Form London, Samuel, slogan. ple instead. © (apple. Oxford, England, Nov. 17.--Ox- ford bags, once the rage among the young men here, have been wrested from their place of honor and sent scuttling into dark corners of clos- ets with other cast off pieces of clothing. These roomy ,bloomer-like trou- sers have been banned by all the colleges of Oxford University, and in the movement toward reform even "plus fours" are not to be permitted in the dining halls. Notices in, the dining halls read: "Gentlemen are reminded that they are not allowed to dine in this hall wearing what are vulgarly known as 'plus fours," 'Oxford bags' or any other unseemly or improper ar- ticle of dress." Attached to the notices is a warn- ing that college servants have or- 'ders not only not to serve but to ig- more undergraduates, who are thus attired. This means, as the students see it, that the callege servant be- comes the discriminator and adju- dicator, and if improper dress is worn "we students have to go with- out our eats." A proprietors goods?" so that the Deferred payments if desired when purchasing your Christmas gifts at A. O. Felt's Jewellery Store, King St. for game like offense RETURNS U.S. DISH FOR EMPIRE APPLE Chief Guest at London Lun- cheon Causes Dramatic Incident Nov. Cable, Montreal)--A dramatic incid- | ent occurred at a public luncheon today. The leading guest was H. M. Parliamentare for Overseas Trade, who is an. ex- ponent of the '"Bup Empire Goods" When, at the end of the meat course, he was presented with an American ice, he refused it and sent for the manager of the restau- rant and insisted on an Empire ap- After some delay he was presented with a fine Okanagan Speaking to me afterwards, the Minister asked: Dominion High Commissioners and all you Canadians insist on hotel supplying A PEASANT BECOMES MILLIONAIRE THROUGH OLD TREASURE HOARD Vienna, Nov. 16.--T. Scholkoff, a poor woodcutter in the Bulgarian Village of Schepschapare, has become a millionaire. While felling threes in a forest he came across a large stone covered with Turkish the stone was removed thousands of old gold coins were found, dating from the thirteenth and fourteenth century, and worth $500,000. peasants of the neighborhood, hear- ing of the treasure, all started dig- ging in the forest and cutting trees, police were obliged to intervene or the forest would have been destroyed. man named peare was fined in a midland court trespass. the greatest Shakespeare was forced to fly from his Midlanw home. OXFORD HED: id BY MODERN TREND Offer to Insure Against Al- most Any Kind of "Accident" Oxford, England, Nov. 17.=An enterprise which would do credit to the most up-to-date Canadian busi- ness school has entered the staid and quiet confines of Oxford Univer- sity. It takes the form of an offer to insure students against any cal- amity in their college careers from being injured in soccer to breaking clubs upon the golf course. Circulars have been sent to all students telling of the new "Special Policies for Members of the Univer- sity," and describing the various forms of policies. The list includes: "Payment of doctors' bills a- rising from any accident at sport." "Insurance of personal ef- fects against fire, burglary or theft while in college rooms or lodgings." "Insurance against fire, burg- lary or theft of pedal cycles." "Repair for broken golf clubs; fire, burglary pr theft of golf clubs, and indemnity for third party claims." 17--( Star Special Secretary "Why do not the Empire suddenly SIDE-SADDLE UNPOPULAR Women are changing the mode of riding to hounds and also the colors of their riding habits. At a London hunt it was noted they had forsaken the side straddle, of which Princess Mary is a confirm- ed adherent, and were riding astride, There is a growing use of colors in riding habits and where it was the usual thing to wear all black or dark blue, many women 'are now wearing browns, greys and cinnamon. Deferred payments when purchasing your gifts at A. O. Felt's Jewellery Store, King St. inscriptions. When The William Shakes- It was for a if desired William Christmas" RO Lo 4) CTION IN hh 'H TAKE JOARD, OE, HE Peterboro', Nov. 1¢ 16.--Drastic ac- tion was taken by the Board of Health today with regard to houses in this city where the final notice had been sent to the owners to have sanitary conveniences installed. If the owners do not commence work Health ordering them to have the necessary equipment installed, the houses will be placarded as unfit for habitation. The owners of these houses have been stalling the board for some time and have paid no at- tention to the notices which were sent them. Other city property hold- ers have complied with requests of the board and as a result more than 600 homes have been 80 equipped in the past few years. WHEN HEADACHY TAKE "CASCARETS" NO OV TOCNPEL PAY AS HOUSEWIFE Minnesota State Legal Depart- ment Lays Down Dictum St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 17--Mar- ried men in Minnesota don't have to pay salaries to their wives for house work. 'The state legal department says so in an opinon just made public. The tuling was in rgsponse to a query from a perturbed housewife who wrote to Governor Theodore Christianson, asking if wives didn't have a legal right to regular allow- ances, "My neighbor's hired girl can draw a salary of $60 a month with board and room free," said the writer, whose name was withheld. "But I as housewife, get not one cent for my own needs." The attorney general's office re- plied "There is no law. which compels a husband to pay a salary to his wife for house work or to make pay- ments to her at regular intervals for any purpose. 1 "In law, there is little basis for 4 comparison between the house- wife and the hired maid. The lat- ter is, of course, employed for wages, but such employment may be ter- minated at any time. The mar- riage relation, with its correspond- ing obligations, cannot be so easily dissolved." The opinion pointed out, however, that the law '""'does impose upon the husband the obligation to support his wife in a manner suitable to their. station in life--and this al- ways includes consideration of his income." Tonight! Clean Your Bowels and End Headaches, Colds, Sour Stomach Get a 10-cent box now. You're bilious! You have a throb- bing sensation in your head, a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, your skin is yellow, with dark rings under your eyes; your lips are parched. No wonder you feel ugly, mean and ill-tempered. Your sys- tem is full of bile not properly pass- ed off, and what you need is a cleansing up inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself and those who love you and don't resort to harsh physics that irritate and injure. Remember that dis- orders of the stomach, liver and bowels are cured by morning with gentle, thorough Cascarets -- they {work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from your druggist wili keep your liver and bowels clean; stom- ach sweet, and your head clear for months, Children love to take Cas- carets because they taste good and never gripe or sicken. AGED HUNDRED SHE KNITS Toronto, Nov. 17.--At the Ladies Home, Belmount St., the an nual display of handiwork was held that of a hundred year old exhibitor, who showed her fine examples of knit- ting, was notable. Aged FOR THE BOWELS Select your Christmas gifts, at' A. a geicy hse of the defer Lodo ibn pire Orchestra ra Conductor: "I'm one of the fastest men in the world." Violinist: "How's that?" 0. C.: "Time flies, doesn't it? Well, I beat time, don't I?" rates are low on the luxurious CANADIAN PACIFIC Cabin Class Ships which sail frequently from Quebec and Montreal. Book carly and have a wide choice of accom- modations for early Fall sailing. 1,000 miles ofin- land river waters-- only 4 <lays open cea. Convenient direct serv'et 1} to Ireland---no transfer al "Summer Sailing List Now Available" Apply Local Agent J. E. PARKER General Agent Ocean Traffic C.P.R. Building, Toronto THE "IDEAL" SHOPPE 152 Simcoe St. S. OSHAWA NOW OFFERS YOU A REAL TREAT in Ladies Ready-to-wear and Millinery FREE An Exceptionally large Showing of Ladies Coats. The Best Values COATS--We are reducing our coats to very low prices and will be very glad to let you examine what we are offering. Yet Offered DRESSES Your Choice Of The Season's Best CHILDREN'S FLANNEL DRESSES--Just the thing for this weather--in prevailing serviceable shades, the latest shades, in pretty straight line effects. We have them in all sizes too and they will just suit the kiddies from eight up to the Misses of $2 45 fourteen years. Price o LADIES' FLANNEL DRESSES--Can you fancy getting a nice serviceable dress for less than the price of the material? Well, we are giving you a chance you can't afford to miss. These Dresses have a natty look, strictly tailored and we are sure you will approve of them when you call. ANOTHER LINE OF FLANNEL DRESSES that will simply amaze you are some worth up to $10.00 that we have reduced to $6.95. The shades in these dresses are the very newest bright colors and the styles made to fit the slender, willowy figure as well as the stylish stout. 'sure to ask to see this line For this week-end we are placing on our racks something that will be worth investing in--you can never have too many of these little sports dresses. Silk and Wool Jersey in all the favorite autumn shades, and rose that were sold $3 95 LJ for $10.95. We have reduced our price to |] POIRET TWILL and TRICOTINE DRESSES-- These wear so well and always keep their form and will give more than one season's wear. They always look like new when freshly pressed. have these in blacks, navys and the san- $6. 50 If you want a dressy frock for the afternoon or evening, we have just the thing you are looking for in Canton Crepe. We have them in black, brown, navy, and some of the lighter shades in the lot. And they all go at dlewood shades. The price is Now here is the opportunity you have just been waiting for. You want to look splendidly dressed and this other line of tricotine dresses we are sure will appeal to those who like quiet shades and good materials. These sell in the regular way for $22.00, and you can have one SATIN FACED CANTON DRESSES--in all colors and sizes which were sold regularly at $32, and among this lot we have placed several cut velvet trimmed dresses. We have reduced $19 50 LJ We have also about two dozen and one-half' dresses --some of Canton Crepe and several satins and we have reduced them for quick sale the price of this lot to You have been waiting for these evening dresses-- we have two dozen of them in various styles and colors and for this week-end we are giving you an opportunity to procure one for $12 95 . To the First 10 Lady Visitors to the Store on Thursday Morning We Will Give a Pair of Ladies Silk and Wool Stockings Absolutely Free of Cost. Very Latest showing of MILLINERY of The Season is Shown Here We have reduced our Felt Hats to extraordinary low prices that will warrant your buying at $1.00, $1.95 and $2.45 oo Velvet Hats Regularly $6.50 and $4.95 to go this week-end for $3.95 Also a beatuiful as- sortment 'of Satin Hats for $4.95 to $6 . HOSIERY Silk and Wool Hose in all colors and sizes for, a pair, 75¢, for this week-end only. 75¢ Pure thread Silk Stockings, regu- larly $1.75, for: $1.25 "IDEAL" Shoppe Store Opens Thursday Morning At 8.30 152 SIMCOE STREET S.

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