"THE OSHAWA DAILY" NOVEMBER 17, 1926 Amis "PAGE THREE : | Oshawa and District A. Y. P. A. M« + Last Monday evening the A.Y/P.A. meeting was held St George's Hall, Centre street. After a short business session a short report was given by Rev. S. Heath (A.Y.P.A. Delegate to Toronto Convention) followed by two short debates. Christmas Mails For Overseas Parcels and other mail for de- livery in European Countries, before Christmas, should be mailed at as early a date as possible, preferably within the next two weeks and at the very latest to connect with the S.8. "Melita" from St. John, De- At Local Theatres YOUR CHANCE TO SEE RED GRANGE The greatest football player of all times--in a great picture! The sil- ver sheet is at last graced by the "Illini Flash," not a brief newsreel, but a full length feature picture, en- titled "One Minute to Play" which will be shown at the New Martin Theatre tonight, when it will begin a three day run: Admirers of 'Red Grange and lovers of football will have the treat of their lives when they see the popular idol in a story y STACEY SPEAKS AT CLAREMONT (Continued irom page i) had either been torn down or turn- ed into other uses; the one here in Oshawa now being a livery stable. The education of people = along temperance lines had been dropped, those formerly behind this work bhe- ing content aparently now with al- lewing the legislation with respect to prohibition to do all the work. That ws not a success as all agreed but the temperance workers must take some of the blame for the present condition of affairs. With respect to the bootlegger the case with quite simple. The boot- legger would exist while he could make a profit at selling illegally any sort ofsdrink. To allow the price the British Imperial Conference AUSTRALIN TO HAVE MINISTER 10 0. 3. Fellow Canada's Lead--To Elevate the Present High Commissioner : . i i Washington, Nov. 16.--The status of Sir Hugh Denison, Australia's | High Commissioner to the United States, is to be changed to that of Minister within three months' time, according to information gained to- night in an author'tative quar er. Premier Bruce of Australia may possibly proceed homeward from at London via the United States, and it is probable the contempla cd know," he asserted. VOTERS T0 CHOOSE LIOUGR OR HOMES * (Continued f from page 1) and upkeep of their homes. "l am constantly in touch with wundreds of these families and I "that they are n no position to accept Howard Ferguson's kind invitation to them o support a grog shop in Oshawa. "It is for them this wonderful philanthropist is so exercised that he going the length to make whiskey and beer as cheap as can be." It was at this point that Mr. Everson made the statement that in casting a vote in this election the elector must support of a grog shop in Oshawa or the ownership of one's home. choose between the "] have spent a considerable SPECIAL--Men's Dress Shirts .. ...... $1.00 Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 WHEN THE KiLT 15 FANCY DRESS Mctor Show Organizers Ban Scotland's Nationa Dress London, Nov. 16. --Kilts ve been banned from the Motor Show, and Scotsmen--or rather some of them--are angry. The gage was flung down by the Society of Motor Car Manufacturers and Traders, the organizers of the show at Olympia, when they deemed the Scottish dress of Sandy McDou- gall, who is assisting at one of the stands, to be a breach of the regula- tion against the wearing of fancy tume. If you want an Ingersoll Watch, come in'and see A. O. FELT King St. E. Phone 990 "THE GIFT SHOP" AUTO BODY change in Australia's representation in this country may be made at that time. If, however, the Aus- tralian Premier--who must he home before the Duke and Duchess of York make their official visit to the After vain protestations that he was wearing the Royal Stuart tartan kilt and attempting to continue wearing what was proudly declared to be as much the national costume that is built around football, and one which gives Red a chance to show the stuff that has made him the greatest player the world has ever had. The climax is a thrilling REPAIRING Metal Bumping a Specialty of a script to remain, and to allow the ridiculous nine dollars a gallon excise to remain, meant that the bootlegger had a possible profit of seventeen dollars a gallon. - But cli- cember 1st, portion of the last eight years en- couraging men and women to own their homes, believing it makes for the betterment of home life, the stability of industry, and individual King St. Quartette Sang On Sunday evening last Mrs. Foi- 'bes of Weston, addressed a special meeting of the Columbus Women's Missionary Society. She spoke en- couragingly of _ the splendid work done by this noble band of women. The ladies' quartette of King street United Church supplied the musical part of the program which was splendidly rendered and very much enjoyed. game through which the "Cridiron Ghost" tears with his unrivalled speed and incomparable technique. The picture was made under the dir- ection of Sam Wood from the orig- inal story by Byron Morgan. The cast includes: Mary McAllister, Ben Hendricks, Jr., Lincoln Steadman, Lee Shumway, Charles Ogle, Jay Hunt, Edythe Shapman and George Wilson, the latter the famous All- minate that or seriously curtail it and the bootlegger would be gone. No law ever enacted by any legis- lature would ever stop the bootleg- ging unless the bootleggers' chances of profit were destroyed. Mr. Stacey devoted some time to a discussion of events recently oc- curring. During 1924 he said there had been a vote with at that time Antipodean forced to cancel his American trip, some other suitable occasion will be selected for the announcement, and portance of closer relationship peoples in the Pacific. Commonwealth, is | ¢ Cc one that may emphasize the fm- ne- English-speaking tween the two Mr. hands with other like-minded citi- zens of Oshawa thought to fruition in some meas- ure, and what has been accomplish- 4d has been made possible through e ! the sobriety of the people." hrift; and a better standard of itizenship. "It has been the joy of my life." Everson continued, 'to join in bringing this Paint and Auto . Repair MERRITT 20 Church St. as an Englishman's coat and trou- sers, Sandy has capitulated. Further investigation, however, revealed a complicated and rather humorous situation, for whereas Sandy is an assistant' on an Ameri- can stand, three other employes -- London boys, also wearing the kilt, but working on Scottish stands-- have also been made to wear "Eng- lish dress a SS a weak sort of beer being sold cver the bars and in grocery stores and many places where no adequate in- spection or control was possible. And f Mr. Nickle discovered that in fre Rex, king of wild horses, is the! quent cases strong beer was being star of "The Devil Horse," the spec- | gold, with the more watery kind | tacular dramatic production which |as a'cloak. So he started to stop will be shown at the Regent theatre {this and the result was fhe 4.4. en Thursday aud Saturday of this ' beer. This had the effect of cut week only. iting out a lot of the hard drinking Owing to the theatre being i But Mr. Stacey said there was a re- | tained for a political meeting |zular tirade against the Ferguson I'riday night, our regular show |Government, with pictures in the pa- been cancelled. {pers of drunken men and of cars "The Devil Horse" required four it's filming in the Family Trouble Adjusted Adjustment was made today hy Colonel Grierson Crown Attorney between a young husband and his wife's parents whereby the wife who is very ill will be kept at her mother's home and their child will be kept at the home of the young man's parents. He is to pay a dol- lar a day and provide necessary comforts for his wife. The case came up first some days ago as one of alleged non-support. The young husband pleaded guilty but said he was willing as soon as he got a job Mr. Everson also made this state- ment: *""In the short space of ten years the O.T.A. has brought more blessings to the home life of the people of Oshawa than any other act upon the statute books of the province of Ontario. "I appeal to the men and women of Oshawa,' he concluded, "to be sensible on this occasion. We | must choose between home with its flower garden and happy children and the grog shop with its train of squalor and misery. The two cannot in Oshawa. We have 2 ; of this. 1]€Ts of American halfback. SAY CLERGY EAGER FOR INSPIRATIONS United Church Moderator Re- turns to Toronto After : Tour Toronto, Nov. 16.-- "1 come back | from a visit to the ehurehes of Con- | ada with a conviction that ministers |live together QUEEN { HINTS ROYAL CRADLE FOR PRINCESS Nov. 16. ransacking : YOUR EYES : Hamilton Optical House 1 REGENT | ~Queen Mary Buckingham for the family cradle been used for many the use of littie the Queen's only 6 Richmond St. E., Oshawa Ya a wa London, has been Palace Attic which has not yeas It is for Princess Elizabeth, granddaughter. radles. such as those 10cked the Prince of Wales the Royal family, are De Laval Milkers, Cream Separators, and Repairs re- on has which have by drunken drivers. and oth- never |being wrecked by professional to do what was pessible. Today, however, it developed that as Magis- trate Hind said he was "bargain- ing" for a metor car. Colonel Grier- son strongly recommended him to get rid of the car. He promised to do so. In the meantime he has had occasional work is one of the plants of the city. Deferred payments if desired when purchasing your Christmas gifts at A. O. Felt's Jewellery Store, When painting old wood that has never heen painted much expensive paint can be saved by first giving the wood a coat 'of shellac and let- ting that coat dry thoroughly. Shel- lar goes a long way, and is cheaper. It might help us out of our trou- bles if we 'used more reason and less law. H Rubbing "ordinary olive oil into the skin is a new mode of nourish- ing patients ico weak to eat that has been discovered by two noted Vienna doctors. FINE WATCH REPAIRING D. J. BROWN JEWELLER King St. W. Phone 189 PIRRRORRY, The Drug Store for - CHRISTMAS SHOPPING BUY EARLY &é The Optical Gift Certificate You pay for the Glasses-- the recipient makes the selection -- A sure way of giving a useful gift that pleases. Let us tell you more about it. Jury & Lovell Optical Parlors PHONE 28 or 29 months' time in heart of Montana and Wyoming | wilds, not counting the months of nreparatory work and the fina! edit- ing and titling. Hal Roach wrote the story, bas- | ing it on actual historical legend of the West. It deals with the pio- neers and their battles with the ma- rauding rodskins of hostile tribe and the story of a "devil horse credited with supernatural strength and feared by all the Indians. "The Devil Horse" has been pro- duced on a massive scale. Hundreds of people take part in it, the entire | population of the Crow Indian re- servation in Montana appearing in it, along with their tepees and their ponies. One of the big spectacular scenes is an Indian raid on a pioneer cara- van, and another is the Indian at- | Gladys McConnell, Yakima Ca- Robert Kortman, Roy Clem- I'red Jackman, Jr., son of "The Devil Horse," are in the cast. Rex is given the equine support of Lady, his male, the Killer and several herds. Other attractions on the program- me will include Jimmy Adams in his latest comedy creation "Shell Shock- ed," a special cartoon comedy in which Felix The Cat stars, current events compiled in the Regenette; and Sam Collis and his Regent or- chestra. Final screenings "Mantrap;" featuring Clara Bow, Ernest rence and Percy Marmont will shown this evening. AT THE NEW MARTIN Thrilling Western Comes Friday nutt, ents and the director of of be A cowpuncher by profession- and a basebahh yvzyer by instinet! This is the role of Tom Tyler, F.B. 0. Western star, chose for his new- est picture, "Out of the West," to be shown at the New Martin Thea- tre next Friday where it begins a two day run. Tom plays the part of a cowhand who wins a job on the Bar X ranch by his ability to play ball. However, baseball furnishes only part of the thrills and sus- pense in -this pieture rippling with action. There is plenty 'of roping and riding. done in a fashion to warm the heart of the most critical cowboy, and the gripping climax offers something new and entirely different for screen entertainment. Frankie Darrow and Sitting Bull are much in evidence and guarantee a generous dividend of laughs. Oth- ers in the cast are Ethan Laidlaw, J. O'Connor, Alfred Hewston, Ger- trude Claire and Barney Furey. The continuity was written by Wiynd- ham Gittens from the story by Fred- erick Mindlin. Robert De Lacey is responsible for the excellent direc- tion. OTTAWA TO CONDUCT PROBE OFF CHARGES AGAINST MAYOR Ottawa, Nov. 15. -- City Council tonight deeided to eonduet a judicial inevstigation in the charges made by Ald. Thomas Brethour regarding Mayor Balharrie, Controller Tulley and Ald. Dansereau. About a month age Ald. Brethour eave notice that he intended to make a motien regarding irregular actions on the part of certain members of Council. No indication® was given {tonight as to what the alleged ir- regularities are, and the three mem- bers of Council concerned all voted for the inquiry. disclaiming any wrongdoing on their part. CONFERENCE OF RAILWAYMEN IS CALLED IN MONTREAL Winnipeg, Nov. 15.--Ninety repre- sentatives of conductors, trainmen and yardmen employed on the Cana- {dian Pacific and Canadian National Railway Systems in Western Canada will. leave for 'Montreal Saturday to | attend a Dominion conference of un- lion delegates. | ~ Announcement will be made {the conference of the strike vote inow being taken in protest against | the rejection of a wage increase by » conciliation board to which the at {morrow in Oshawa and Friday niz tack on the fort. |2 {district lion Tor- | all of which was "drys" and all of which was later found to be pure buaenmbe. "There is the same iirade now and there is every reason to believe that it is also buncombe. "In the days of 4.4 beer Premier ferguson advised all to 'Wait ' That still goes,' declared acey, ' 'Wait and see'. : Mr. Stacey asked ior 'the support | of his hearers as thickinz men and | women. The liquor traffic would he more under control than ever under the proposed amendments. Tonight he speaks at Secugog ta io ht Perry. Lawson, formerly pay master of the 204th battalion of whieh Col. the Hon. W. H. Price, |S Attorney-General, was Officer Com- ! manding, spoke particularly in re L; ard to conditions in big centres. He | that while conditions in rural were somewhat different, speaking as a temperance man, these conditions prevailing in cities were gradually. extending to the rural sece- | tions. tem would eliminate the widespread | bootlegging now. being carried on in the province. | Port Captain in said A monument overlooking the hor entrance; through which a American soldiers passed the summer of 1917 to 1918, is to be erected I'rance. | har- | mil- in Brest! eting a more | Paris than | ihe dance, to several ! "Black Bottom" is n auspicious welcome in did the Charleston. however, has submitted modifications, BLOOD BY MOTOR London, Nov. 17.--A ment of blood by motor 1 transfusion operation is the laicst medical feat in London. An opera tion performed at Richmond wa followed by a blood transfusion with | blood taken from a man in a Nertih | London hospital and rushed by mo- | 3 sign | car for af ant Richmond. The operation transfusion were both suecessful. | Select your Christmas gifts at 'A. O. Felt's and take advantage of the deferred payment plan, 12 Simcoe North everywhere | fresh inspirations; ting such inspirations, lare jdcclared Right Rev. Moderator {speed (to the church on a visit of inspectic in ithe fa aad [United [the ho the The Government Control sys- ¢ and that the respond to that new from [inevitable November the new (minster the bodies of The that a §he street without looking, but that fin jimiprudence coat 1A. tor ®ar to the operating surgeon at Hor the deferred payment plan. housework. Simcoe A" WIDE are eager to receive | that they are get- | and that they their people." James Endicct of the United Chureh, : luncheon here when associates jends gathered to wish him G on his fortheoming jour overseas mission fields C; n to | C giving them t the ¢ He had left the recent conference Toronto, the Moderator said, wi conviction that the men of and Quebec were of one mind heart for the task of t! Chureh, and he had found enthusiasm at conferences | in Halifax, Winnipeg, Vietoria and Vancouw said the Moderator, "to |, overseas mission ] to tell the in rio one same attended askatoon, "1 £0," visit the he ehurch; t everywhere irch of Canada there gard for their work and am telling those 1 aries, in lo name of the United Church, that pansion in foreign mission work is wossible within resonzble tin heart of the church will day." fields of 4 missionaries |p the United is a warn welfare. | in Ia ACCIDENT | "Death from while erosging looking," is ihe Oddie of West- inquests over kiled by of Streets. |, viewpoint | might have | ed TABLE Nov. 17. accident road without verdiet Coroner has coined for persons middle the on SINEV London, ar bh [t auto- 1obiles in "the Coroner takes person ye 1 ctepped off the sidewalk and cross ie such death. i, | N id la la transit means these days of rapid frequenly Bloused bleused dress is very It must be worn under generous lines. Dresses The zood fall. of v Christmas and take Select your 0. Felt's € {C Se a gifts at | advantage | = | Too Late to Classify Ist {s GENERAL oat Bradley, 432 |? (192¢) WANTED--GIRL FOR Apply Mrs. N., Phone 1037 Noy St. la WANTED- EXPERIENCED MAID for housework. 2 in family. 261% (192 lc King E. | AWAKE ~ YOUNG MAN with sales, copy writing, and crea- | tive advertising experience, open for position. Box "J" Reformer. CHIROPRACTIC D. E. Stecley, O Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist, will in the office, 86 Sim- coe street, orth © every afiswicen and Mon. day, esday and Friday evenings. Forenoons by appoiz tment. Residential calls made in town anC surrounding dis- trict. Consultation is free at office. Phone 224, WANTED -- Members to join our Library Club, Up-to-date ; Fiction, Robertshaw's Book Store Simcoe St. N. Phone 1472 SHOE STORE SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Felt Bros. The LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH dispute had been referred. | RR ADS PAY BEFORMER WANT '| ber, UXBRIDGE POTATOES FOR SALE $2.25 per bag. Phone 1666J. 191-¢ POSITION WANTED FIRST |! class millwright and man. Apply Box "J" BY maintenance Reformer. 191-c ---SWEET CIDER, So. Phone 955W. i91c-196¢ FOR SAL 86 Park Rd. MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in a certain mortgage which will be preduced at the time of sale, there will be offered for| sale by public auction on Saturday, | the Twenty-seventh day of Novem-! A.D. 1926, at two o'clock p.m.! at Street No, 45 Pine Avenue, in| the Township of East Whithy, by A. LC. Lycett, auctioneer, the following | property, namely: The lands and | premises known as 45 Pine Avenuc, | in the Township of East Whithy and | being Lot No. 45, according to a pian registered in the Registry Of- fice for the Registry Division of the County of Ontario, as No. 178. TERMS: 10% of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale with the balance p ble in cash within thirty days thereafter. Kor further particulars and con- ditions of sale, apply to Joseph Mangan, solicitor, 14% King street east, Oshawa, or A. C. Lycett, of| "Where Satisfaction is a Certainty." King street east, Oshawa, auction-| eer, (192a-195a-197a) hundred years of proof brings ed the all changed ing son's 'ndeavor in with |formable to those (possible, |and bill came in leputation 9 ( 191-C net the a report will 5 notice assessment | iner, ! nothing "spread annot understand how any sanc- 1inded man in this country with a sonsciousness of the responisibilities »f citizenship and the knowledge of use of liquor can advocate Surely Christ- more to iis that the the home, its return. has blight to r vote for an civilization redit than this." te COUNTY COUNCIL OPENS AT WHITBY All members of the County Coun- il of the County of Ontario were resent at Whithy on Tuesday after- when Warden Sweatman open- ssion of the year. The it occupied the in reading a grist of most them rou concerning small oon lerk, ext half hour ominunications, ine matters, and of of accounts council is support of Province in the regulations to the main- persons, now county, be more rned to gainst the municipality. made to have amend the County the the Halton owever, enlisting the counties of n endeavor to have with respect mance of indigent he aged against the that it would enefit of all conee his charge niade own: local will be Legislature respect. The have per- An the ntario law this Communications were erning certain hospital claims and respect to roads and bridges nd certain improvements. Deputy Tinister Squires of the Highways eparment is endeavoring to have 11 county roads quipped with signs nnouncing railway crossings con- now in use on pro- read econ- incial 'roads. Communications were read from xecutors of the estate, of the late olonel Farewell with reference to ertain bequests he made condition- 1 upon a hospital in Whithy being arted, and a children's shelter al- Three thousand dollars in the se of the hospital and one thous- nd in the latter ease were to be 0. | aia over but the time limit 'has el- it instead is quite psed and the payments, to . will made institutions. new Registry office cost $1,760 from the firm It was referred for he Jshawa The fixtures furniture and the supply- ng them. pay- ment. a live topié. A the department late yesterday and Reforestation is from council be presented on esult of the conference. Councillor Dr. of motion, move that the matter be taken up. he would equalized that of LINER MENACED BY BUMBLE BEES Hurricane of Stiviging Insects | Threatened Crew's Safety N.. Y.. Nov. 17.--=A bees threatened t if not the safety, of the cre Dollar liner President Adam on hoe recent trip through the Medi- terraneain., Capi. W. A. has the proper substantiate every detail, of the ship's hospital three davs convalescence Mike McGraw, of summoned to York, New "of bumble Ross, a veracious mar to sa recor to norm Seaman volunteers one th Lers™. afternoon," report point or calm *It Capt was a Rass, "when a the beam I. saw a black spot. The spc and a buzz like several aero tors was precentible. Throug wuld see the air teemin plane 1 mv glasses, with bees." Ic assert- | to, the | the Farewell presented "hur- entries in his log tor "repel hoard- so ofl cast aside. The Princess, April, will be a during the four months' Australian | trip of her parents, the Duke ani | Duchess of York. The Princess will Lave a great big room to herself, next to that of her grandmother The baby's apartment is some dis- tance ay from the suite of the King, however, who is not altozeth- Ek a sound sleeper While he very fond of iis granddavghter, he | <hudders at the thought of hearing haby cry in the i ww -- For Sale by E. BERTRAND, 122 Simcoe N. arrived in st the Palace! who guest Your Laundry Done As You Would Have It! Try us once--and you'll want 1s every week. Remember the 'phone number--2391. ONTARIO LAUNDRY 32 ATHOL ST. Athol and Celina Sts. Phone 2391 REALL MATTERED married to a Scotis- wonian friend of the family out to lunch. Knowing thai his wife was not of a jealous dis- position, he mentioned the matter to her when he came home. To his surprise she became "But you sometimes go out to lunch with men who are our friends," protested the husband, "and 1 don't object. What is the difference betwen the (wo cases?" "Phe difference is in th billeFFI "The difference," snapped the wife, "is in the hill In the one case you pay it; in the other case i ave it."--Edinburgh Scotsman, MADE FROM BLACK AND | } HIDE OF A HOLSTEIN COW FEATURED Chicago, Nov. 16.--Coats made from the black and white hide of the Holstein cow are being featured | by a fashionable department store on Fifth Avenue in New York City, according to reports to the Illinois Agricultural Association. The faun and reddish-hued hides from - Jerseys and Guernseys also figured in the garments on display. Tre 'spotted' hides from the Holstein, however, seem to have the preference. The sport coats are three-quarter length, and where the Holstein coloring is utilized the skirt is usually made of black vel- veteen. Nation-wide adoption of the new fashion among women will create an unheralded demand for dairy cattle the leading breeds, and may create some new departure in breeding for fancy color combina- tions, according to A. D. Lynch, director of dairy marketing for the I.A.A. Lynch pointed out that cow- hide ranks high as a desirable mat- crial for coats because of its ex- celjent wearing qualities and at- tractiveness. WHAT An Irishman, woman took a Cor. angry. N 3 9% ge ust Arrived orChristmas big assortment of Secor eco Ree eoteee; > 11 Christmas Papetries suitable for gifts. When in doubt give Stationery--an always acceptable gift. See the assortment in our window, K ARN'S DRUG STORE Phone 378 Next P.O. ¥ ZnS MBS is of HUBIIGLIBIALISISAISB BABIES (D\TBNBNANB\I/D\ AM Specialists in Home I Furnishings 3 LAMPS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE . . $27.75 Junior Piano Lampstand in Mahogany or Polychrome Anish, double socket, complete with pull cords and beau- tiful oval shade, panelled, double fringe, finished with gold galoon. y | Bridge Stand, Mahogany or Polychrome finish, metal bridge arm with pull chain socket, shade to match prism 4 lamp. | Table Lamp, Mahogany or Polychrome finish, shade to match the other two lamps. Special For the Three, While They Last Smckers' Stand, Polychrome with metal base and top with colored glass ash receiver $3.25 Smokers' Stand, Walnut finished, separate nickel ash tray, with colored glass ash receiver Also Walnut finished stand with glass ash tray /\\\A\AV@\B\'(D si 14 y d; ¢ S ot | " | I/8\\/B\V/B\