Seay THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1926 Suburban and District News Gathered By Reformer Staff Reporters and Correspondents COLUMBUS Columbus, Nov. 16.--Miss Burns, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at Wm. Smith's. Mr. Stewart Murison and Mr. John Nesbitt returned home from the North on Saturday from their 'hunting trip with a deer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook and children, Brooklin, spent Sunday at L. Ellin's. ! Quite a number attended the Thanksgiving service here on Sun- day evening when Mrs. Forbes, of Weston, gave a very interesting ad- dress on the Woman's Missionary work of -the Church. The King St. Ladies' Quartette, of Oshawa, assisted the choir and was enjoyed by all. On Friday night, Nov. 19th, the United Cheir of Whitby, under the leadership of Mr. Arthur Lyonde, assisted by Mrs. Luke, elocutionist, of Brooklin, will give a concert in the church here. Everybody wel- come, Come and enjoy an even- ing together. Mrs. Beckle, Miss Hazel Beckle and Mr. Fleming, of Oshawa, visit- ed on Sunday at L. Ellin's, Mrs. Jas. Ashton, of Oshawa, is spending a few weeks with friends in the village. Several from here have attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto and say it is better this year than last. Mr. and Mrs. M. Doolittle are visiting in Toronto, Mr. Doolittle attending the Royal show. Last Friday the Young People's Class spent a social evening at Mr. and Mrs. H. Dearborn's, when a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Mr, Frank Marchington, of To- ronto, visited friends here Sunday. Mr. Wathon Pascoe is visiting his sister, Mrs, Wallace Scott, Enfield, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wickett, of Toronto, spent Sunday at J. Stone's. RAGLAN Raglas, Nov. 17.--The menibers of the choir, under the leadership of Mr. Roy Moon, are busy preparing for their concert which will be held on Friday evening, Dec. 10th, The concer a pie social wlll be held instrumenals, men's quartette, reci- tations and dialogues. After the concert a pie sacial will be held. Come and hear the best program of the season, and enjoy a good piece of pie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Squelch spent Sunday at James Strong's, of Pur- ple Hill. Mrs. Wm. Kellington is spending two weeks' vacation with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Roy Brawn, of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgson and family visited his parents here on Sunday. A number from this community are attending the Winter Fair in Toronto this week. Mr. Jack Stanton, of Toronto, spent Sunday at Wm. Brent's. The Ladies' Aid are holding their monthly tea and concert on Wed- nesday evening, Nov. 24th. Prepar- ations are being made for a good programme and, of course, the Rag- lan ladies know how to look after our innermost parts. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hughson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilroy, of Prosect, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Luke and Mrs. Wm. Squelch spent Sunday at Russell Coates', Shirley. What might have proven to be a serious accident happened at the four corners of Raglan one day last week when Bruce Reeson and Robt. Smith, of Columbus, both driving their cars, met with a collision. Both cars were damaged, Mr. Smith's be- ing almost beyond repair. We are pleased to say neither party was injured. Miss Susie Bray spent with her brother, John, pect. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hood, of Osh- awa, visited at Wm. Hodgson's ou Sunday. Remember the pie social to be held in Raglan on Friday evening, Dec. 10th, Mrs. Horner has been visiting relatives in Brooklin recently. We are sorry to report that Lloyd Thompson is very ill with an attack of measles. SOLINA Solina, Nov. 17.--Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Thompson and son, Clarence, and Miss Gwendolyn, Brooklin, at Mr. W. T. Baker's, also Mrs. M. E. Pen- found, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harris and Ray and Mrs. Amos McMullin, To- ronto; Mrs. J. B. Harris, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. Les. Snowden and fam- ily at Mr. Thos. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Woods and son, Murray, Bowmanville, at 8S. William's. Mr. and Mrs, Foster Ferguson and family, Nestleton, with friends. Mrs. J. T. Rundle at Toronto with Mrs. Annis Penfound. Mrs. Annie Fallis, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pascoe and Miss Marjory and Edith at Mr. W. Pas- coe's Sunday of Pros- Mr. J. T. Rundle with Pickering friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Marlow, Miss Marion Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- frid and Mrs. C. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nelson and Miss Muriel at S. Williams'. League meeting was held on Mon- day night when the church was nice- ly filled, to hear the medical band from Toronto University, who gave a good programme, consisting of mu- sical selections by a mixed trio, ad- dresses, etc. The forward move- ment work was started off with a splendid subscription list taken up by Mrs. McKessock, Mrs. John Bak- er and Messrs. Will Westlake and Elgin Taylor. Sorry to report Mr. R. J.' McKes- if |sock in Toronto General Hospital, Messrs. Will and John Baker at Royal Winter Fair. Mr. John Baker exhibiting cattle. Bigamy has this in its favor; you can always go to prison and escape the consequences. GRAIN TRAFFIC AT VANCOUVER BRISK Vancouver, Nov. 15.--(C. P.)-- Grain ships are carrying away the wheat that is pouring into Vancou- ver as fast as railway traing can bring it along, according to a state- ment made by port officials last night. In the last few days five vessels have loaded: cargoes of grain aggre- gating more; than one million bush- els. Six or seven vessels are ex- pected to ayrive this week to load full grain cargoes and, according to marine authorities, November pro- mises to bp a record month since Vancouver fpecame a grain port. How manly young men will run after duty ajs they will aiter beauty? REFORMER WANT ADS PAY SASKATCHEWAN MAN COMMITS SUICIDE Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask., Nov, 17. --With his throat slashed by the blade of a safety razor, the dead body of Owen Woren, an employe of the sanatorium, was found Satur- day a few yards from his home, two miles west of here. He had been in ill health. John B. Keeline, Bluffs miner, man, this morning shot and killed his wife, sister-in-law, and then klled hmself. KILLED WIFE AND SELF Council Bluffs, Iowa, Nov. 17.-- former Council banker- and, sports- seriously wounded her Ohio State University's R. O. T. C., is among the largest in the na- tion. ty-eight. students in the corps' activities. Thirty-six hundred and twen- are participating ACV AND WN) Qual Confidence at ee ee CORR ty LJ Je /V) J . NOVO DNS HE Ford: car is the most simply designed automo bile in the world. It is entirely without superfluous parts, yet has everything needed for e hcient operation. .. , \ It is easily handled by the inexperi-" enced, and it has won the confi-. dence of veteran or experienced motorists. } " J § rd » : or "4 A oY a He «ud - Because of its proven quality, over twelve million owners have chosen | the Ford car as their ideal for prac- tical transportation. | Fort CARS * TRUCKS * TRACTORS OF iy TRADITIONAL YAN, £30 108 QUALITY