Juniors Hold Ice Practice {OSHAWA DAILY. REFORMER: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1671026 boo Jb E3Y TCA [¥13 At Toronto Rink Tonight Oshawa Junior O.H.A. team will hold its initial ice practice at Ra- vina Rink, Toronto, tonight. The coach is taking along fifteen praspec- tive players from which collection he hopes to round out a real fast agregation. In addition to regular ice practices to be arranged on To ronto ice, training at the rink here will- be continued until the opening 'of the season. : The Intermediates are also get- ting into condition by 'training at the rink and also expect to hold an ice practice. Manager Lett had fif- teen prospects over at the Bradley Arena last night executing a num- ber of exercises under the direction of Coach Sandy McKean. This is probably the first season in which local hockey teams have commenced training at such an early date and this speaks well for the success during the hockey sea- son. - i AMATEUR PLAY I$ WELL PRESENTED Given By Christian Church Choir Under Auspices Centre St. School Club Before a hall filled to capacity- the Christian Church choir repeat- ed their former successes when they put on the four act play "Martha Made Over". The entertainment was held held under the auspices of Centre Home and School Club and was a decided success. The play tells how a "too particular' mother plays on the feelings and actions of her children and how their home life is spoiled by this one fault. How Martha is made over, and how two of the principals Ruth and uncle Joe find themselves in love, is only part of this interesting revela- tion. The members of the cast were: Martha, Miss Lillian Southwell; Davey Hayes, Maurice Morris; Sam- antha, Dorothy Hainer; Blanche andj Anne, Hazel DeGuerre and Marjorie Better Than Pills | 24 BAYA | | ES Tonight tone and strengthen Sins ion. ns o digestion jad EN Thos, relieve ac Tock ie Tomorrow Alright t constipation. Sd pleasantly, yi eal edly Ji tes 1cemeay ) | Ls naam JURY & LOVELL,. Druggists McKay; Mrs. Box, Pearl Fletcher; Mrs. West, Mrs. Kelly; Mrs. Fair, Mrs. Koch; Martha's Husband, Mr. Koch; Uncle Joe, Roy Bennett; Dr. Moore, Murray Hainer; Rev. Mr. Black, Clarence Ellfott. At the conclusion of the play Mrs. Roy Bennett sang old fashioned songs. Mrs. Bennett was costumed as a lady of the 19th century and her songs were most pleasing. Miss Mary Dearborn delighted the audi- ence with a jolly Irish song. Miss Dearborn was dressed in a quaint Irish frock of green an white. The soloists were acoamuawied: by Mp; Hofigkinson, Oid Biack Joe, Mr, De- Guerre was a most amusing figure. The Centre Street Home and School Club are to be complimented on the success of the evening. The very excellent amount of $80 was realized. BAPTIST Y.P, U. REGULAR MEETING A goodly number attended the weekly meeting of the Baptist Young People held last evening. Ow- ing to the absence of the pianist, Miss Beulah Galt, the president, Mr. Howard, played for the opening two hymns. The vice-president, Mr. Joe Wilkins, occupied the chair. Among the other items of busi- ness it was decided that a delegation from the B.Y.P.U, attend the meet- ing of the young people of Oshawa regarding the Temperance situation. A short program was given, consist- ing of a pleasing solo by Miss F. Dulmage and a splendid recitation by Peggy Rice. The topic for the evening led by Mr. Wilkins, was the second Chapter of the study book, "Our Heritage, the Bible." The sub- ject of the chapter was "Preserva- tion of the Bible." The meeting was brought to.a close with the Miszpah benediction. City Council Yo Presiif afd lo i Sind to St. Andrew's Recognition of the honor brought to Oshawa by St. An- drew's Juvenile baseball team, will be made by the city coun- cil. * St. Andrew's, Oshawa's re- presentatives in the Ontario Baseball Association,. won the Provincial championship. At last night's Meeting of the council Alderman H. E. Bradley brought the matter to the atten- tion of the city fathers, suggest- ing that sweatey coats be pur- chased, the cost to be a little over $100. The matter was re- ferred to the finance committee with power to act. The sweat- ers will be procured in time to be presented at a banquet which will be tendered the St. An- drew's team in the near future. LIBERALS PRESENT PURSE 70 PUBLISHER AT MILTON Milton, Ont., Nov. 15.--Richard White, publisher of the Milton Re- former, who has been confined to his bed for the past six months, was today presented with a purse of $200 in gold by the Halton Liberal Association in recognition of 50 years of faithful service to the as- sociation and the Liberal party. A potato with perfectly shaped head, body and feet has been un- earthed in Kansas. We have seen prunes with the same qualifications. ETT LADIES TTT = = = = ATTENTION JE TI MRS. WM, JACOBI, President. snl Fr [IIIT II! JIHAD TI II I GT A Meeting for the Ladies of Oshawa under the auspices of the Ladies' Liberal-Conservative Association to further the cause of temperance wili be held in Welsh's Parlors on Friday afternoon, Nov. 19th, 1926, at 3 o'clock. Addresses will be given by Mrs. Fallis, of Peterkoro, and others. GOD SAVE THE KING MRS, F. W. BULL, Convener, MRS. ARTHUR WILLIAMS Secretary. TITIT BHM J, Jewellery On Credit Our Credit Plan of Deferred Payment chase his or ed. The easiest way pos- sible for you to pur- her Christmas Gift. Sim- ply choose your ar- ticle from our large assortment, pay a small deposit and the balance will be conveniently arrang- Just Imagine Ladies' Wrist Watches ___ movement in white gold filled case, choice of fancy style cases. 15 jewel $10.00 to $225.00 Gent's Watches -- Thin model 15 jewel movement in green or white gold filled fanc ycases. $10.00 to $200.00 Ladies' Ribbon Watch Bracelets-- Plain or decorated ribbons $1.00 Come in--We will gladly explain our credit plan to you GIFT SHOP pierced design. THE Solid Gold Waldemar Fancy cr plain design. $8.00 to $35.00 Silver Plated 3 Piece English Tea Set, fancy engraved design. $15.00 to $150.00 set Silver Plated Casserole Pie Plates, These Values On Credit Cut Glass Water Set consisting of Chains-- high jug and and sizes to $4.25 to $15.00 Go'd Filled FELT $5.00 to $50.00 Cut Glass Vases--Several designs and sizes to select from. $1.25 to $35.00 Gent's Waldemar Watch Chains. six tumblers to match select from. Regular $2.50 to $6.50 each 14 4 King St.E. St. E. Tells: HAS DOG RIGHT T0 CHASE CATS? Novel Point in Appeal Case Before British London, Nov. 15.--Is8 a dog to be regarded as '"'dangerous" because it chases cats and fights other dogs? This was the question raised in the King' Bench Division before the Lord Chief Justice and Justices Avory and Salter, Littlehamcum-Exmouth, Devon, a- disappear _by this one simple, safe sprinkle it on a hot wet cloth, rub the face M« An appeal was brought by Cap- and sure method. Get two ounces briskly--every blackhead will be gone. tain Angus James Cameron, of Blackheads simply dissolve and of peroxine powder from any drug store Ad. No. 519 After Shaving A few seconds under the tap-- a wipe on the towel--and you put your razor away ready for the next shave. $5. up to $25; 'Other Models af Lower Prices A Silken Siren with Claws! "Mantrap' With ERNEST TORRENCE CLARA BOW PERCY MARMONT A vivid pulsating drama of Northern Canada--of two men and a woman.--A luring lit- tle flirt who smiles and spark- les all too dangerously. COMEDY REGENT ORCHESTRA SCRIP BOOK CONVENIENT AND RIE SAVES YOU MONEY 4 Look Who's Here RED GRANGE --in-- 'One Minute To Play u The Football Hero in A Smashing Drama of College Days THE COMEDY SNOOKUMS' TOOTH-ACHE New Martin ymimi8a90 ofidagngt a dddmind GIVheSixmbutn justices. Counsel for Captain Cameron ex- plained that his client's fox-terrier fought two dogs that were on leads. On beth occasions it bit the hand of the person who separated the ani- mals. He also chased cats now and then. The Lord Chief Justice. -- Two persons, two dogs and cats un- numbered. WILL NOT BE A CANDIDATE BUT IS FERGUSON SUPPORTER Brantford, Ont., Nov. 15.---M. M. 'MacBride, former member for South Brant today in writing decclared that he has definitely decided not to be a candidate in the Provincial election. He declares: | "Under the circumstances' feel that 1 shidutas he duifel franks' aXe the whole situation and therefore I can only say that after nine years of active public life, I am not at the present time in a position to assume the financial obligations which are always necessary in connection with the most carefully conducted elec- tion campaign. There comes a time in the life of most public mer when it becomes necessary to look to th: protection and welfare of one's wife and 'amily. That, in brief, is my postion." He states, however, that he de- sires to leave no doubt in the public mind as to his unswerving support of the present administration. Deferred payments if 'desired when purchasing your Christmas gifts at A. O. Felt's Jewellery Store, King St. holders. touches paper. Parker dealer. No Inkwells Needed on the Modern Desk Now The "Parker Desk Set Pen Holds Its Own Ink -- and Plenty of It N° longer do you need to dip, dip, dip a pokey pen each time you sign your name or write a few words at your desk. For now at home and at the office, in- stead of old style pens and spilly inkwells you can have a Parker Desk Set-- with one or two Parker Duofold Pens filled with ink ever at hand in their ball-and-socket Parker Desk Set Pens not only tilt and stand upright but also lie level when not in use--yet remain moist with ink--ready to write the instant the super smooth point So they are out of harm's way by day-- and at night you can slip the Parker Set in your drawer and lock it up. Lose no time in replacing your cluttered inkstand with one of these handsome Desk Sets. Select your model at the nearest Parker Duofold Pencils to match the Pens: Lady Duofold, $3; Over-size Jr., $3.50; 'Big Brother" Over-size, $4 THE PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY, LIMITED TORONTO 3, ONTARIO rs Per Duofold Desk Sels Any color or size in a pen may be selectea from your dealer's stock with the point that best suits your handwriting. Single Sets, $8, $9, $10.50 $11.50, $12.50 $13 and $15, according to the pen de- sired. Complete Sets $8 to $39 Parker Duofold Pens and Pencils are sold at the HENDERSONS BOOK STORE 18 King Street East Phone 142 KARN'S DRUG STORE Opposite Post Office Phone 378 BELFRY'S WEST END DRUG STORE 48 King St. West Phone 354 JURY & LOVELL--The Rexall Store King St. East - - Phone 28 SMYTH'S DRUG STORE 41 Simcoe St. North Phone 1360 THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE 10 Simcoe St. South Phone 22 KELLY DRUG STORE 34 King Street West Phone 705 w