Oshawa Daily Reformer, 13 Nov 1926, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1926 Bo These "Small Ads" are willing and speedy workers-- Read them! Use them! If you don't find what you're looking for here, ask for it in these columns - - - Then just watch the result! Legal Auto Painting Automobiles For Sale Real Estate For Sale Insurance For Rent FRANK S. EBBS, EARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan. Room 2, Royal Bank Bldg., Simcoe and Bond streets, Phone 1496. (121-mo) A. G. BROWNING, K.C, ANNES Block, immediately west of Post Office, Whitby. House phone 386. Office phone 392. (148-6m) H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office 11% Simcoe street south, Oshawa. Phones: Office 1198M; residence, 160. . CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etec. Con- vevancing and general practice of Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. Phone 63. G. D. Conant, B.A., L1.B.; A. F. Annis, B.A.,, LL.B. (38tf) K.C., BANK (116-1 yr.) W. E. N. SINCLAIR, of Commerce Building. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 1 > St. east, Oshawa. Phone idence phone 837. rister 24% K 445 I GRIERSON & Conve Office Simeoe CREIGHTON--BAR- yancers, Notaries Pub- over Standard Bank. st. Phone 13. J. rvisters lic Entrance 0. G. REYNOLDS, 33 BLOOR BT. East. Phone 693. Auto painting and simonizing. Work guaranteed, Bo- fore p~'nting get our prices. tf FOR SALE --1922 FORD TOURING, starter, parking light and shock ab- sorbers. Apply 229 Dearborne Ave, Phone 1001M. (188¢) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO., 67 KING ST. east. Ambulance. Residence 19 Division St. 69 King St. east. Phone 210J. FOR SALE--CHEV. COUPE, MOT- or unexcelled, five new cord tires and battery, whole car -n fine condition. Apply P.O. Box 17. (189¢) Auctioneer : Watch Repairisig F: A. Von GUNTEN, EXPEKT Swiss watchinaker, repair shop at 14% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. rtre-- Building Supplies BRICK FOR SALE. FOR PRICES: ete. apply to Hircock Bros., Manu- facturers of Red Stock Brick, 'Phone 28 r2. Box 83, Bowmanville, Ont. WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Beecroft, Whitby Lumber and Woodyard. Osn- awa phone 324. 69-ttf LIVE STOCK SALES, Ari HOUSE- , hold Furniture. Also goods brought to our auction rooms weekly will have prompt attention, W, J. Sulley, 8 Bond St, West. Telephone 924. (174-1mo) Wanted to Rent WANTED--YOUNG PROFESSION- al man and wife seeking large warm room, bed-gitting preferably with fireplace. Must be good location, Oc- cupancy assured six months. Apply Box "L" The Reformer, (18611) NT WITH once, Good Reformer. 187-¢ HOUSE WANTED TO RE option of buyi tenants, Box A 1 RFR J. A. SYKES, 80 ATHOL ST. WEST, lumber, lath, shingles, doors, sash, beaverboard, Gyproc Seamen Kent hardwood flooring. 6-1mo F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B.A SWANSON, enzie Barris Notary Criminal vancer Public, ete. All branches and Civil loan. Office over f.ambl "we 2 King St. e: "hot H D. A I. Swanson, ny 8 roat I, G Mackenzi 1. PARKHILI Notary ER, SO evancer; » loan. Offiec 1614; 1106] 62tf) HYMAN worth offic intn Medical DPR. NMcKAY, geon, Accoucher ( dence, King St. Kast, corner 8t., Osbawa Phone 94 VEY DH, GRANT BELRY, PHYSICIAN Bnd surgeon. lal velerences to diseases of infants and children. Of- fice and reeidencs, 97 Bond east Spe OR, B J Physiclan and tention iven Eiectro-Theopy. Block HAZLEWOOD Surgeon, special at X-ray work and Office, Disney 2050. (tr) Phone O ATHY stecpathy - DK. A.M. HEIST Acute DSTEO! pal and ind PR. S.J fice over Residen oval 308 Bank. Phone 959 4-1 yr. a DR. H M north, over Gas for extra COOKE, 2 SIMCOE Mitchell's Dru tion Phone 51. T g Store DR. ¥.; E. HUBBELL, MENTIST. OF fice Royal Ban} 1006 48: residonce, 1378M dott BR. W. H, GIF rent Theatre I Res, 609 DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR Block, 107 Simcoe St. S extraction. Telephone 1114 W. Jdg. Phone 56-tf RUNDLE | X-ray, gas | 604, Res. | 124-tt | RTEAN, DENTIST, 31 | 1ey Blocl ppt Q | | PR. L. J. SEBERT, 86 BLOOR ST. West, Teronto, will be at Jury and iovell's Drug Store each Sat from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for tation in diseases of the ay Ear Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 g.tn. for consultation and treatment nf. diseases of ear, nose and throat pnly. Appointments may he made at | drug store. Phone 97 49-tf | ee . = i Veterinary Surgeon | ©. 8. DICKENSON, V.8, DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically geated, Deminion Tovernment Vet- svinary. 84 Brock St. EH, Phone 165). 181-tt VETERINARY ®. J. RLEY, -- gurgeon, specialist d eatic animals. Cat ana $5 vears experience. 74 'Phone 629 Eo Window Cleaning B OSHAWA WIN sre--house cleaning, odwork and Algors polished, &creena and storm ¢ndows put on and removed. Phone 1302W. ahd lid King wah (tt) v CLEAN ow wv REFORMER WANT ADS PAY of | Money to | > i 0OppPoO~- FORD, OFFICE RE- | 1780 | --- CEMENT BRICKS, also cement blocks. R. 15 Albany St. south, (7-tf) SALE and red, stra, | FOR | arey { Transportation 'OLLEMAN'S CARTAGE--85 BOND 't West Phone 82. Baggage, | or long distance furniture mov- 5 trucks for prompt service. (22tf) | | 3 hod | | [I 'MITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- d., Simcoe St. S. Phone 346W. 242 Front St. E., Toronto. Phone Main 7637. Superior Tranaportation Ser- vice. 42-tf 'al and Long Distance. "When hinking of moving think of us" 241 Ritson Rd. South. Phone 1618. 84-1m Music RTHUR W. LYNDE (HAMBOURG | Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of singing Pupils prepared for all examipations, also church, concert; pera Studio, 11 Simcoe south, Oshawa, Wednesdays. (72tf) 'AMUEL COLLIS, violin, Studio store, 71 2388. TEACHER OF --Wilson & Lee's Mu- Simcoe street north. 187-tf ic Phone ------ Signs 1. R. COULDERY, ARTISTIC DE- orating. Sigre on vaper, wood cot- ton, brick; show ®ards, price tickets { of every description. Disneys Block Nehaws. Phone 1550 229-1m Bicycle Repairing | | mevoLs REPAIRING -- ALL kinds of rebuilt and new bicycles, ! and used accessories at half rice. Workmanship guaranteed. rompt service. Willlams Bicycle 'hop. Athol street west 28-tf Storm Windows ow STORM WINDOWS, STORM DOORS, combination doors, machine floor sanding. W. 8. Haynes. phone 481. Architects C. C. STENHOUSE, -- GENERAL architectural work. Becond floor, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 1496. Res. Phone 902J. | REFORMER WANT ADS PAY Your AUCTIONEER Specializing household furniture and live stock sales. A. C. LYCETT 5%, King St. E. Phone 295 BORROWDALE"S CARTAGE, LO- | Orchestra FOR YOUR DANCES, PARTIES, ete., engage the Monareh Novelty Orchestra, with chimes, muriimbas and novelty bells. Phone 2074W Piano i aning A. F. COX EXPERT PIANO TUNER and tone regulator, 20 years' experi- ence. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone all orders to 274J, Oshawa. (186-1mo) SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE ON LOT 50x113. 112 Buckingham Ave. 158 1 mo 7 ROOMED BRICK Apply phone (188tr) I'OR SALE house, 194 King west. 45650. 6 ROOMED HOUSE FOR RENT, all eonveniences. 550 Oxford St. Apply 217 Hillside Ave.,, phone 1999J. (188tf) DAVIS & SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest fire Agency in Oshawa, <=30 Reput- able Fire Companies, 118-tf GARAGE TO RENT APPLY 252 FOR SALE -- lid brick house. SIX-ROOMED SO- All conveniences, divided cellar, stone foundation, good verandah, garage," on paved street, easy terms. Apply to Mrs. E. IL. MeNaughton, 172 Mary St. Phone 494, (1841r) ATTRACTIVE, OLD FASHIONED home, seven rooms, modern conven- iences, 114 acres of splendid land, {hen house ,zarage, stable, small { fruit and fruit trees. church, school, station, lake harbor and fishing close, three thousand. M. M. son, Whitby. 167-e FOR SALE--FOUR ACRES AND fruits, large house and barn, in Whit- by. Would consider small property in Oshawa. Apply 170 Gibb St. (188¢) ------ ---- Help Wanted MAKE MONEY Af HOME--MEN and women can earn $1 to $2 an hour in spare time writing -showcards. No canvassing or soliciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenitt, Company Limited, 35 Dominion Building, Tor- onto 132-tf ONE MAN IN EACH COUNTY TO sell Washo. Best seller, great re- peater. Washes clothes without rub- bing and cleans everything like magic. Different. Beats everything. $100 weekly easy. Sample free, I', A Lefebvre & Co., Alexandria, Ont, (189%a) Arthur St., phone 969J. Tire Repairing ik ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT qo RENT 2 FURNISH ED ROOMS Ideal Tire Repair Shop, 14 Church |, light housekeeping. Immediate 8t. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Apply 221 Ritson Rd (188¢) ; (138¢) posesssion, outh. Money to Loan Gib- 1" | HOUSE TO BRADLEY BROS. LOWEST CUR- | Apply 280 rent rates on First Mortgages. Build-| 14658 after ing loans a specialty. Plan of repay- | ment to suit borrower. Our services! FOR RENT -- WARM, COMFORT- are free. Do not hesitate to consult.! ably furnished bed-roosn, suit busi- Room 7, Bradley Block. Phone 3. | ness lady, 52 Division street, 1%7-¢ -t RENT--$25 Verdun Road, 5 o'clock, MONTH. Phone 187-¢ FOR = RENT--SPLENDID EIGHT 6%% CITY AND FARM LOANS. yoomed house in Whitby. All con- No commission, Building loans. Le- | veniences. Newly decorated through- gal work done at this office. A. J. | out. Also garage and large lot. Im- Parkhill, Barrister, Disney Bldg.' mediate possession. $25 monthly. M. Phone 1614. LL (176t1) |M. Gibson, Whitby. (189¢) i Wanted to Rent TO RENT--SM! - ---- io rooms) on 25 ply Mrs. Lewis, COTTAGE Cromwell 'Ave, 252 Cromwell. (189¢) (3 i cme : Ap- WANTED TO KNT--6 OR 7 roomed house in good locality, Ap- | ply Box "M" Reformer, (189¢ { ROOMS WITH USE OF KITCHEN, 7 -- = (unfurnished, with . cement wash 85300 buys 7 roomed brick veneer (tubs, all conveniences, radiators, Bungalow, Ritson Rd. All conven- heated brick house. 131 Albert st. iences and in first-class condition, | (184f) $3000 buys 5 roomed Stucco House -- = Gladston Ave. 1 $15 RENTS HALF OF $2000 buys 7 roomed Frame House house. $3.50 rents Nassau St. Water and light in house. | J. V. Hill. Phone I have good buys just now in lots in |coe north. all localities. Insure your through me. J. H.R. LUKE DOUBLE a garage. Apply 1947) 15 Sim- (1874) house and contents | FOR RENT---HOUSE, 167 OLIVE | Ave. Apply 45 John, Phone 633W. 187-¢ | TO RENT--SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, central, conveniences. Newly redec- one your Irs the hook, ask state your request. service to offer. tion! "THE REFORMER" F you're a telephone subscriber, simply It's a service that makes it comparatively easy for you to insert your advertisement. ads offer the solution to many a prob- lem. There's always someone eager to buy, sell or trade; someone who has a : Results are certain anc the cost is quite moderate. Call 35 Before 9.30 lam. (Saturday 8.30) For Tamorrow's Inser- (orated. Immediate possession. Phone Lang SUE ities ate 1] WE MUST HAVE ROOM, SO LOOK AT THE PRICES Ford Touring, special curtains $35 Chev. Touring, refinished ....$40 Chev, Touring, 1921 model, good top, price' oobi Salsa $45 Gray Dort Touring, good motor, Price "rei a va as Se Chevrolet Superior Touring, 1922 model, extra good motor, price Every days. battery guaranteed for 90 Terms To Suit ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 99 SIMCOE ST. S. -- ii 2 T Tr ER 9 ~ IT'S A GOOD SIGN No houses in Oshawa. 80 new houses under construction at the present time, 1,000 houses erected in Oshawa in the last three years. Wili you grow with Oshawa? This Agency offers you unxecelled Insurance service. Come on in. TALK WITH 4. C. YOUNG Phone 793. 41; Prince St. vacant Lost and Found LOST A HARRIER HOUND, black and white body, tan head, an- swers to name, "Mike." Anyone found detaining this animal will be prosecuted after this advice. Zi- lan, 170 Bloor st. west. (18410) 1400. (189a) | Room and Board | -- - EER WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD 'for business couple. West end of city. Apply Box "0" Reformer. | (189¢) ' ROOM AND BOARD BRIGHT, warm room for gentleman, in good | home, with board, very central. Phone 224. (188¢) Live Stock FOR SALE--YOUNG MILCH COW, | Holstein, fresh, for eash or terms. Phone 723ri12. (188h) Wanted " Buy ! MR. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS | and all kinds of metals. I am pay- ing for scrap batteries $1 and$1.50. Buying old cars. Phone 764. 155tf { HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL | kinds of clean furniture, stoves and | men's clothing, etc. All orders receive | prompt attention. M. Collis Furni- | ture store, 8 Church street. Phone | 1030. (138-1 imo) You Can buy a new rug brick 5 room home with all modern conven- iences on large lot, splendid location. Only $400 cash. Price low at $3500. A. C. LYCETT Martin Theatre Block, Corner King & Celina Insurance Written Loans Arranged Phone 295 35 and for And Want- New rug brick cottage--all conveniences, north end, five rooms and bath, $300 Cash and $30 monthly. Priced right at $3500. Im- mediate possession. ' See Disney. Real Estate and Insurance Disney Block hy "NG a RRS X Es LOST--A SMALL SILVER PURSE, containing change and key. Between Brock and McGregor St, Pinder please return to Reformer Office. Reward, (18%a) LOST coat, Rd., td. Phone ABOUT OCT.6, between Elgin St. and Verdun via Division, King and Ritson Apply 239 Dearborne Ave. 1001M Reward (188¢) AN OVER- GIRLS AND BOYS UIE GUO TH wrist watch You'll be real proud of this love- ly Wrist Watch. It has stem wind and set, reliable lever movement-- guaranteed for a year, solid nickel- silver case and soft- grained \ leather wrist strap. You'll be surprised how easily you can get this wrist watch free by selling only $7.50 §! worth cof lovely Christmas Post § Cards at 3 for Sc, Folders at 5c, Book- lets at 10c, splendid assortment 'of: Christmas Tags, Cards, Seals and? Stickers at 10c a packet and Tissue. Christmas Bells at 3 for 10c. Get; busy right now. WE TRUST YOU, WITH THE GOODS till sold. Send us your order TODAY. 4 THE GOLD MEDAL PEOPLE LIMITED, wt Dept.01t 4 , Jarvis St., Toronto; § ELLA CINDERS 3 ESTERDAY YOU 0 YARDS PLAYERS FRIEND -- TODAY YOU'RE JOST A Footeart.! RUN AROUND TH WITH TRESE OR WOU FORTY WERE A FOOTBALL MAKE AN END WASHTLB 'LL PONT 3 OR, DEAK = JUST LOOK WHO'S GING THE WASH- TUB A DIRTY TY Sor, peAaL! 7] 1 WW TI ~ 7 ". SLDS-SCEPTIBLE STEPSISTER ! IF RUSTY GLTGEEON COULD ONLY Wher pss? By Bill Conselman and Charles Plum QA Dixy TLL GET SORE AT THOSE TWO POLE-KITTENS AND SMACK THEM SO : HARD (TLL CRANGE THEIR, COMPLEXIONS * --_-- L] Reg U S Par. Off, Copyright, 1926 by Metropolitan Newspaper Service PY BUT wis § T CanN'T GRIN, BUT I Have: of TO [BEAR IT BROKE: --- MY BANW, WI Tir ALL NY SAVINGS RAND ONLESS I'LL HAVE TO STICK HERE LIKE JAM TOA QUILT! . S THE USE © ¥7 BECALSE I'v 4 1S GONE I ENS aT

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