Oshawa Daily Reformer, 12 Nov 1926, p. 15

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 19 2 6 CANADA NEEDS TO FIND NEW MARKETS FOR ITS PRODUCTS Much Material for Thought in Commercial Intelli- gence Journal EXPORTS TO US. Development of Other Branches of Agricul- ture is Needed / Those people of British race, al- ready the prosperous owners settled on this land (British Columbia) are puzzled--as I have learned from day to day--that comparatively so few of their own blood come from home to claim a share in what they regard as a family estate in need of nothing but development, Lord Darling in the London Times. Much of the capital now being in- vested here for this purpose is that of Americans, and therefore to a considerable extent the direction of Canadian industries has fallen into other than Canadian hands. With regard to some businesses--especi- ally those situate on the frontier-- there appears to be some occasional gossip regarding amalgamatipn with the United States--not from any love of their institutions, by any means, but merely in order to avoid | the duties now levied on Canadian | Feel- to my exports or American imports. ing throughout Canada is, mind, writes | difference in points of view; and along the border of Canada and the United States there is an ebb and flow of population. Some laments I heard that skilled artisans ' had been attracted by high wages to leave their employment in Canada. Some regrets, in the Maritime Pro- vinces especially, that sport was re- stricted .by reason of the purchase of riverain rights by alien million- aires. I have met with some loyal Can- adians who are convinced that America is carefully and consciously engaged in a system of peaceful penetration designed for the domin- ation--commercially at first and perhaps politically in the end--of the coveted and sparsely peopled country beyond their northern bor- dar. Such apprehensions I believe to be vain and unfounded; but I must record them, although the Canadians generally are too self-re- liant and occupied to waste time in regrets in the vein which dictated 'Mantua, vae, miserae nimium vi- cina Cremonae." Not a few see their country as a continent varied as Europe, and not less extensive, with no need what- aver to depend for exports or im- ports on any nations which dwell be- yond the boundaries of the British Empire. Qne home product especi- ally they contrast, in justifiable pride, with that of their nearest neighbors--the administration = of justice. In Canada the malefactor is impartially tried, and he receives neither undeserved sympathy nor garlands. He is not regarded by an hysterical populace as a psychologi- cal complex nor as a film artist gift- [ed with the especial charm of com- | plete sincerity in the playing of his P= Dol Ds "KIDNEY ANNDS DNEY_ S LIVE VS SLY Se" 'GHT's DIS Cc JIABETES Ki R part--the parallel of the tragedian who stained himself all over when he represented Othello. Indeed, I found that lately cer- tain homicides of the class who in the United States had achieved psy- chological and social success under the endearing name of "crooks," were, for having practised their art in British Columbia, incontinently hanged. It may not be immaterial to observe that amongst the lawyers of Canada Scotsmen seem to pre- dominate. " The United Empire loyalists de- serve that their graves and their memory should ever be kept green ---and that the descendants of those who for Canada sacrificed their homes in the rebellious colony are amongst the staunchest and truest citizens of the Dominion today. But it should be remembered that im- migration is not predominately from the British Isles, and that there are a few citizens of the world, who, a» -_ were they suddenly asked "Under which King, Bezonian, speak or die" would haltingly reply '"'Briterica." A great increase of a home-loving population is essential if Canada is to develop and enjoy her own bound- less natural resources. Here is the problem' which confronts the states- men of Canada and Great Britain alike--they must solve it without delay. The presence here of such men as Lord Clarendon is encour- aging--especially having regard to his present position in the Govern- ment--to those who hope that an 'mpetus to immigration from Great Britain may soon be given and main- tained. The party whose ideals are canny, and the dole, have no solution to of- fer for this or any other Imperial problem; and Canada ignores them accordingly. To the last newspaper- man who asked me what was re- quired I answered, "A Mr. Pitt, or a Mr. Canning, or a very long time." BRITISH BOB COSTLY London.--British women are or- ganizing long hair clubs as a pro- test against the high cost of shing- ling. Even the very ordinary hair- dresser who charges aboit 18 cents for cutting masculine hair will not shingle a woman's hair for less than about 60 cents. This is denounced by women as unfair; but if they turn to women hairdressers the charges are even higher. A hair-cut, shampoo and curling costs a working woman at least $1.25. This much can be said for Novom- ber: it's a lot nearer June than Oec- tober was.-- Border Cities Star. PARTLY PARALYSED BUT GOT LIGENSE Motorist Now Disqualified for Life After Dangerous Drive A motorist was disquélified for life from holding a driving license by Mr. Hay Halkett at Marylebone Police Court. The .defendant, Alvaro Herner, photographer, of Darrock street, Gravesend, who was charged with driving a motor car in High road, Kilburn, in a dangerous manner, admitted that he was partially par- alysed in his right hand and almost completely paralysed in his left leg. It was stated that his car on to the pavement, knocking down a boy and throwing an old man through a shop window. Herner told the magistrate that he obtained his driving license last June. and had been driving almost daily ever since. hy Mr. Barker (for the Commission- er of Police): You are partially paralysed in the right hand and al- most completely in the left leg. The L.C.C. did not know that when they issued you the license? Defendant: I don't suppose so. Mr. Hay Hackett asked if the I. C.C. would have said anything if thev had known. Mr. Barker replied that they is- sued licenses to anyone without question, and had, he understood, isued one even to a blind man. ran, Mr. Hay Halkett: So that any person, blind or stone deaf, could obtain one. It is a very serious mat- er. In addition to disqualifying the defendant from driving the magis- trate fined him 6s. 6d. and ordered him to pay £5, 13s, 6d costs. An eminent geologist, Dr. A. M. Ami, has discovered that Parliament Hill in Ottawa is rapidly sinking. We've always suspected that place wa more or less volcanic.--Brock- ville Recorder and Times. WILL WEAR COTTON HOSE Dallas.--Flappers of the South are to "flap" in a new garb if suggested remedies for the ailments of King Cotton are carried out. Shining silks and short skirts are to be replaced by cotton clothing and the dresses are to be longer in order to boost the cotton market, a number of Southern girls and women have de- creed. School girls at Ennis, Texas, and El Paso have voted to wear cot- ton hosiery to school. HERE IS A SWEET that is DELICIOUS NOURISHING BENSONS GOLDEN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED -- MONTREAL thoroughly sound and truly | settled in regard to growth and con- | tinuance within the British In most provinces, indeed, this feel- ing amounts to a fine affection, not 80 much to the old Realm within the narrow seas as to the world-wide Jmpire. | The FAMOUS TRIRDYN Empire of today--to all, actual or | potential, material or mental, which is symbolized by the Union Jack. Naturally, propinquity makes Dresses Cost Half What They Used To! Ven needn't spend a lot to keed up | with the season's color changes. Nor cven know how to sew. Make all yoor old dresses latest shades--throngh the magic of 'home dyciig. It's so easy sto do beautiful dyemg or perfectly gorgeous tinting, if you'll only use original Diamond Dycs (true dyes). Brighten the house too; cur- tains, spreads, etc, are Diamond dye | in an hour or less. over other colors, FREE: your druggist gives vou the Diamond Dye Cyclopedia; valuable suggestions, easy directions. Actual piece-goods color samples. Or write for illustrated book Color Craft, post- paid from DIAMOND DYES, Dept. N16, Windsor, Ontario. 536 Make it NEW for 15 cts! Any material right | Improved EXTRA! T TTT TIN ¥ IN THE BOND STREET STORE Take advantage of one of the best offers in many a day. We are zoing to accept orders (to the number of 50 only) for the wonderful TRIRDYN Radio Set, illustrated here, with all the equipment shown. opera stars, great violinists, the finest orchestras and bands in America, and a flood of other big features being nightly broadcast, every home should possess a good radio! And here is the best chance to $10.00 SENDS ONE HOME Balance $2 Weekly After Delivery The complete outfit as shown will be sent to your home without delay and you can pay balance in small weekly sums while getting your enjoy- ment from. it. A THREE TUBE SET THAT DOES THE WORK OF FIVE A three-tube radio frequency circuit--giving increased selection--better tone and smoother control--actually giving results equal to most five-tube sets-- absolutely non-radiating--encased in handsome two-tone mahogany cabinet, made by McLagan, and providing ample room for dry cell equipment. / three Westinghouse WX 199 radiotrons, three Ever-Ready dry cells, t Ever-Ready B batteries, C battery, complete aerial equipment, gen- uine 4,000 ohm. Brown loud speaker. Reg. price $130.00. Complete OMORROW ! With famous Complete with own one. ed ' About Our Great Halt Million Dellar Trade Expansion Sale As we told our readers yesterday, the lack of space in our temporary premises on Bond St. makes it im- possible for us to extend a share of the huge Trade Expansion Sale to this store. We are, however, inviting our Oshawa friends to take full advantage of the great sale at the Main Store in Toronto, and will refund the return fare to Oshawa residents who make the trip and purchase goods to the value of $35 or more. It is unquestionably the greatest opportunity to buy Home Things in years. Don't miss it! woven wire in art ticking. SATURDAY At the Bond St. Store Tomorrow 'Steel Bed Outfit $22.95 Well designed bed, in walnut finish, with 2-inch con- tinuous posts, Heavy fillers, complete with iron framé spring and Outfit regularly all-felt mattress, covered $29.00. SPECIAL $22.95 © ® a CEDAR CHESTS SURE PROTECTION AGAINST MOTHS 45 inch size Solid Walnut Cedar Chests, lined with genuine Tennessee red cedar, fitted with lock and mounted on metal glides--priced as follows: 42 inch size $19.95, $22.95, $24.95 $29.95 wo 45 volt $84.75 trated, brown Saturday at sizes. Majestic Electric HEATERS Quick Heat for the Cold Rooms These are in grate style, as illus- tone finish, with heavy burnished copper reflector, six elements, guaranteed, complete with extension cord and plug, two \ $9.00 and $10.00 il im CHL. \ TH 3 Lamps Here's a sensation in floor lamps. For What Would Ordinarily be the Price of One The standards are beautifully designed and' finished with the permanent Duco finish, choice of walnut, mahogany or polychrome; the Junior stand has two lights and silk pulls, with 24-inch oval dome shaped shade, lined and interlined with silk and covered with cut velour panels on sides and georgette panels in sunburst effect at ends, silk val- ance and double silk and boullion fringe--the bridge shade and stand to match, also table lamp with oval shape shade with cut velour panels. Regular value $45.00, to go at 3 for $27.75 The All Year Round Range This wonderful stove i stove construction. the very latest improvements in Burns coal or market affords. embodies a position to secure the biggest "plums" the By taking the entire stock on hand of the bean- tiful Console phonograph are enabled to make a most amazing offer. illustrated here we We are Repeating a Great Offer in Phonographs at the Bond St: Store Buying in great quantities, as we do, we are in wood. The new designed OVAL FIRE BOX cuts the fuel con- sumption to a minimum. It holds fire for a greater length of time, heats the oven faster and distri- butes the heat more evenly than other stoves, 'The Saxonet' is beautifully finished and very attractive, Polished "blue steel bodies, polish- ed cooking tops, high quality nickel trimmings, white enamel oven and feed door, high back is white enamelled, oven door has heat indicator, individual shaking roller coal grates. A really marvellous stove. SOLD ON VERY EASY PAYMENTS Adams Furniture Co.,Ltd. SavingY ou $81.00 This Beautiful Console Phonograph has Posi- tively Never Been Offered by us for Sale Pre- viously for less than the Reg. Price $150 But We Are Going to Sell Them While They Last To-morrow for $69.00 Details in brief: Cabinet choice English brown mahogany, divided top, and disappearing droo panel in front of tone chamber, exclusive Col- umbia 3 spring motor with new self automatic start and stop. International reproducer (a marvel of naturalness), separate compartment with shelves for 100 records, exclusive tone con- trol leaves, 5 years' guarantee, After you get it pay in little amounts weekly as convenient. Place your order to-morrow. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT TOMORROW SEXDS IT HOME ws TT @ete -- r= 4 \G MADISON AVE. NEAR GRAND CIRCUS PARRD - RNA ans S t of skin remedies will remove chery gre Mictions that have made your life a burden, That intolerable itching, burning and discomfort will disappear under the magic of this remedy. It has healed many cases pro hopeiess and will reach your cuse rat $1.00 bottle relieves you or your als bry Try D. D, D, soap, too. JURY & 1LLOVELL, Druggists. W. UW. KARN, Druoggist. TEMPORARY PREMISES Bond St. W.

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