Oshawa Daily Reformer, 2 Nov 1926, p. 6

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7. Sr AF rei | LRN 2 § PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1926 If you don't find what you're looking for here, ask for it in these columns - - - Then just watch the result! - EEE These "Small Ads" are willing and speedy workers--Read them! Use them! Legal Auto Painting Work Wanted Wanted to Buy Live Stock For Rent FRANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER|O. G. REYNOLDS, ss BLOOR BT.] PLASTERING DONE CALL 908 RI WANTED TO BUY FIRST on |YOUNG PIGS FOR,SALE. APPLY | TO RENT--STORE, CAN BE USED Solicitor, Notary Public, Conyeyancer, Bast. Phone 693. Auto painting and | 22. H. Hazell, Harmony. (1768) second mortgage at a discount. Ap- |A- W. Dearborn, phone 350r2. for dwelling if desired. Rent reason- money to loan. Room 2, Royal Bank | simonizing. Work guaranteed, Be- INTING, | P1Y box "E" Reformer. (180¢) ' (179¢). | able. Corner Rosedale avenue and Bldg., Simcoe and Bond streets. Phone | fore penting get our prices. t¢| ROBT. GUTSOLL, PFA TANG, 54 - SD -- -------- | Mary St. Phone 2379W. (177-e) 1496. (121-mo) paperhanging, gralning, etc. one | Mp S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS CHOICE ROLLER BRED CANARY - - - 289r12 or 2067w. 67-1m | 214 all kinds of metals. I am pay- | singers, for sale cheap. Also Dahlia | FURNISHED FRONT, ROOM, SUIT- : A. G. BROWNING K.C, ANNES Undertaking i for' roots, decorative and cactus varie-|able for business men. All conven- , : AUTO BODY AND FENDER RE-|Ing for'scrap batteries $1 and$1.50.0., .™ 150" 5 i st phone 1324J. yiences. 99 Louisa St., phone 1146J. Block, immediately west of Post Buying old cars. Ph 764. 1 Office, Whitby. House phone 386.] LUKR BURIAL €O., 67 KING ST. (Pairs. All work guaranteed satisfac- | IV 18 OC 00rs. Thone a {17% (17%) : Phones Office phone 392 (148-6m) | east. Ambulance. Residence 19 | tory. Garrett & Joyce. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL Pu [IGHE : P x "OR RENT--BY DECEMBER Is Division St. 69 King St, east. Phone | 1983W and 1140W. 157-1mo) kinds of clean furniture, stoves and Insurance ROR BY DECK YuER it H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER | 31! DURRANT MACHINE C0O.--WHE DO | men's clothing, etc. All orders receive td Er vee Solicitor, Notary Public, ete, Office i. DE A A EI | Trinh dais Mons En DAVIE 6 TON. INSURANCE. TV. Beuting, SLI20% Ind olf convehign 11% Simeoe street south, Oshawa. Watch Repairing Excelsior starter ring gears imstall- | ture store, 8 Church street, Phene | King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest | S5 54. pply 145 Bure sree! 175 be Phones: Office 1198M; residence, -- ed. connecting rods re-babbited, | 1030. (138-1 mo) | Tire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reput- -- » . *Wia Tire Companies. 118-11 | 160. ini lied for Wanted i F. A. Von GUNTEN, EXPERT crown gears or pipiong supp ] - ¥ se -- Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at | 8:1 makes of cars. 161 King St, W. Real Estate For Sale . a | Help Wa F They must bs sol; look at the prices. CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, | 141 King Street West. Your pat-|Phone 519. (tf) Bicycle Repairing i = - pe Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Con- | ronage is solicited 29-tf YMALL HOUSE Fuk SALE ON LOT | WANTED--W OMAN FOR GENER- |1 Ford Touring ' ' 8 ; x I 113 Telia A BURTON'S BICYCLE SHOP, 21/2] housework. © 627 Simcoe south. !jcnhevrolet Roadster, license, VeyRilting and goneral mrachics. of RE-UPHOLSTERING DONE. ALSO | Gox11s. 112 Buckioki oe ewo 0 g Chostertislds made to order. Prices)" " Seking "U58 1 me | Prince street. New' C.C.M. Ivanhoe Phone 425F. (1741) | good tives. Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St. south, & o . | Oshawa. Phone 63. G. D. Conant, Building Supplies right. Workmanship guaranteed. | Bicycles and saond hand bicycles. | ror --orrr =e Lp Touring, Slip Covers TAT » east. Phone 520F. : VET ------_-- Repai i® P HRL WANTE CL or 2, 8 'overs, B.A, LL.B.; A, F. Annis, B.A.,, LL.B. 143 Colborne east. Phone 520 |For SALE---271 ACRES, GOOD gd work of all kin go home i SY a and care of children. Ap-| goo? motor. Price (38tf) | BRICK FOR SALB. FOR PRICES (170-1mo) j buildings, good well of water at the . ly by letter, stating age experi ete. apply to Hircock Bros, Manu-|------------ door. 550d. place for gi ne orl BMovore PR Bly.» o) Stating age, 2 pert | 1 Metavghiin ' TRNTRR TAR ; , B place for gardening or| BICYCLE REraiixixsg -- ALL |ence and references, 30x "N" Re- W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK Retires of iy Stock Brick, "Phone SAlPRNIES WORK rs WANTED trucking, young orchard. A real| kinds of rebuilt and new bieyeles, former. 178-tf of Commerce Building. (116-1 yr.) | © re ai y Bowmanyille, Ont, Workmuhship Zuaranieod For esti i bargain for quick sale. Come and | new ard used accessories at half | 1 Gray Dart Touring in fine ans aran . sti- | p iu 3% ™ ) i ay a. I ANTR CRG " i : : : W Hes ter note Ian Simoes at | see it. BR. Boterell, Pontypool, ont price. © Workmanship guaranteed. | WANTED AT ONCE--GOOD GIRL | rymning = order, . good tives, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRIGSSED mates ses M.-Dunis, 10% Simcoe St i an 9g) | Prompt service. Williams Bicycle | for general housework. Apply Box | price . ' : hid ; (She lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors|N. (178-1mo) | -- --- { Shop, Athol street west. 28-tf | "L" Reformer, 178-tf) : . 1. Chevrolet Tonring, '21 model rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- J ' ' and interior trim. F. L. Beecrof : pa orien veyancer. Money to loan. Office 1 oh. | WIDOW, SCOTCH, SEEKS 'POSI-|{FOR SALE SMALL, FRAME IR r SHER rg, Ay cnr te ; lito in 24% Ring St. east, Oshawa. Phone Whitby Lumber and Woodyard. Osh tion Witere girl 11 vears would not | house in Whithy. Good location' with Help Wanted GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR speeial cartaine, lois of extras. -- 4 awa phone 324. 69 tf 2 W g > Saal L Ai general housework. Apply 408 Sim- | Price . SR ie ae 445. Residence phone 837. ; : be objected to. Experienced house- | Water. light and zoo cellar. Small } ------ -- papa. | coe north ! 179 : yayment down, cheap for quick sale MAKE MONEY AT NOMFE--MEN ROpL (179tr) Every battery guaranteed for 90 Touring, goed tives, splendid motor, price : J. A. SYKES, 80 ATHOL ST. WEST, | keeper and needlewoman. Prefer { hayment down, cheap for he sr os |= GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- | lumber, lath, shingles, doors, sash,| bly mear school. C-o "Kilranock" | APPLY 152 Elein St. K., Oshawa. = jand women ean earn $1 0 82 an hour Lost and Found pe risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- | beaverboard, Gyproc Seamen Keni|R. R. No. 2, Newcastle, Ont. i (178¢) in spas Wik Gi es grt es py EE © : TELRMS ARRANGED a1 lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank. ! hardwood flooring. 6-1mo l TOR SALE . me 4 - Pa . 5 - Se. mE 1 FOR SALE--BRICK BUNGALO\ Ww d supply yon with work. Write; FOUND ON 51 NDA AY, A WRIST : Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13, J. on Brock St. East. All conveniences Ie Menhenitt- Company | waten Owner may have we b ONTARIO MOTOR | F. Grierson, B.A.,, T. K. Creighton, Transportation Tire Repairing | Hardwood floor Gar: 004 | i ited, 35 Dominion Building, Tor! proving propeity al 291 King cast SALES LTD. or yon B.A. " I garden, Apply 65 Broek east Phone onto 132-tf (1:0a) COLEMAN'S CARTAGE--S85 BOND | ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT | 194 |W (150¢ - : SwaNsox RAY & MAC- | treet West. Plone 82. Baggage, j Ideal Tire Repair Shoy, 14 Church | mmm = Orchestra FOUND ON ALBERT ST., BANJO ee S------------, ie, arristers, NVEyancers, | 1,041 or jong distance furniture moy- | ot Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. | Si Wi d | with owner's pame on back. Owner Notary Publie, ete. All branches of ing. 5 trucks for prompt service. | ™ - form mndows 4 Too LHIRY nave fame by proving property 4S 11 & S Criminal and Civil Law. Money to (29tr) Ontario will zeta lot of "wet re to 4 sinha ; ay PH and paying for this ad. 197% Abert aywe on 4 STOR M WINDOW: ORM DOORS ' oN ' oaaren Novelty) oo (179) loan. Office over f.amble's store, 2 talk and "dry" speeches between ; thei trunks King St. east. Phone 940. D. A.| SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- now and December 1 Stratford | Combination doors, wiachine floor Caesttd, vi GAR Mii FR ' General lea goods, y J. Swanson, H. N. German, F. G.!| ed., Simcoe St. S. PI Pp 'at "Hai: i sanding, W. 8, Haynes, phone 481, (TAY hell ho Tu AY { . fire EL LER Room and Board bugs and vals A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, SO- 3582. Superior Transportation Ser- ; Ise : LY "|For RENT ruRNsnED nen. | 19 BOND ST. WEST licitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, > 42-tt | room, Board if desired. Write Box money to loan. Disney Bldg., oppo- | BORROWDALE'S CARTAGR, LO- Roni 3 Reformer, (116th) ; ; Pe SE = site Post Office. Phones, office 1614; | cal and Long Distance. * he residence, 1106J. (62t0) | thinking of moving think or gon Ey his pir a 1 1) rect A LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER, 16 | 241 Ritson Rd. South. Prove 1618, 72M ae | IT'S A GOOD SIGN Simeoe north. Money to loan. in el IN ) 3 > $ a peel Ad pa " 5 BS i EPS WA No vacant houses In, Oshawa. 80 Phones, office 67, residence 1170. A hi "3 2 4 » he An . i " ball conven. | new houses under. comstrmction' at Evening appointments by arrarze- rchitects 3 3 & 1 , ah ;i the present time 1,000 houses sing » . en Cen Apply Bond pres ini) , ou, J] : p arecte 1 shawa in fhe last threz C. €. STENHOUSH, -- GENERAL ; i a I Tes Medical architoctural work. Becond floor, ia 2 Ee pu oars. Will you Tow With Ophawa? Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 1496. Res. " : Insurance service. Come on if. Phone 902J. DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, BUR- = 1 Tur STOOR Sti A ANWR TALK WITH 4. C. YOUNG geon, Accoucher. Office - H A \ dence, King St. Fast, prints Bi Signs / A ; J hold Furniture. Also goods brought | Phone 793, 415 Prince St. Bt., Oshawa. Phone 94. « to our auction rooms weekly will H. Jo SODLDERY, ARTISTIC DE- h J have prompt attention, W. J, Sulley, DR gorating. gLs on paper, wood cot- 2 7 8S Bond St. West, Telephone 924, and oar nh Brig on, kg! i Farle, price tickets (174-1mo) diseases of infants and children. Of- | pon' poocription Disney Block, i CE i S s fice and residence, 97 Bond east. | 0 vn Phone 1550. 229-1m ; Costumes to Rent mall nug Home $800 - for . 1 4 . -------- nna -------- 300° cf price only a DR. B. J. BAZLEWOOD, Music 5 A 1 Carni Qu RIN G Loin WES rou room ne on Farge lot, electric, Physician and Surgeon, special at- : 1, A I se Un owe. | water ana. maruse, tention given to X-ray work and | ARTHUR W. LYNDE (HAMBOURG 236W or 58 (158-1 mo) Electro-Theopy. Office, Disney | Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of hd "hone 2 Block. Phone 2050. (tf) | singing. Pupils prepared for all 0 ha WA Peotd Martin: | Theatre examinations, also church, concert, NH Money to Loan ~b% ox Shank. 2 ind opera. Studio, 11 Simcoe soutl / {ing and Celina. Osteopathy Oshawa, Wednesdays. (72tf) BRADLEY BROS. LOWEST CUR- Mortgages arranged at 69% : a 1 tgages. Build- ~ gages arrange be. ------ 3 rent rates on First Mortgages. A ed Dk. A. M HEIST, | SAMUEL COLLIS, TEACHER OF ' ing loans a specialty. Plan of repay- chr di ysician. , Acute and | violin. Studio, 34 Fairbanks street. R | : ment to suit borrower. Our Services ronic diseases treated in adults and | Appointments Phone 2127W. 124-tf fb are free. Do not hesitate to consult. children. Foot troubles corrected. 74 ' Room 7, Bradley Block. Phone 169 Centre St. Phone 1693. (83tf) Strayed i 2 an i 76-t : : 616% CITY AND. FARM LOANS. DISNEY Dental S " i Ter FRC 3 § 7 TIuAYED ONTO THE PREMISES fob! ¥ IF you Ye a telephone subscriber, s S my ply : ; No commission, Building loans. Le- TE DR. 8. J. PHILLIV N OL Tan allant, one mile cast of X 5 \ f 5 d gal work done at this office. A. J. REAL ESTA fl R 8S, DENTIST, OF- | Raglan on Oct. 30, female Lound, hp TE I lift the hook, ask or 3 an Parkhill, Barrister, Disney Bldg tqmmes poe. Dunk "Phone 959: | bob tail black, yellow" sna whit hone 16M. © Tet] Phone 1550 Residence 306 4-1 yr. | 1936 Tp. Pickering tag No. 2% : : state your request. It's a service that : | Phone DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. eo rsa i makes it comparatively easy for you to x OWNER OF WIGH CLASS RESI | Disney Bldg., King St. East north, over Mitchell's D 4 a . ml EY dential property equiring reason- Gas for extraction. 2 OE Siete, Wanted t to Fert oe insert your advertisement. And Wa alt 3 able loans either new or renewing Wr MOC OC0000000000000 a . Re man a rob- , | will be conserving tneir interests hy } DR. L. E. HUBBELL, MENTIST, OF- | WANTED IMMEDIATELY--SMALL Ea 1 4 ads offer the solution to y P t # calling on Harvey N. German in urn 4 © lem. There' Ss always someone eager to : the firm of Swanson, German & Bee Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948: furnished house or 4 roomed apari- Ww AE M 1 residence, 1378M. 85-tf | ment, light housekeeping, two bed ARES A | Mackenzie, 2 King street east, Osn- e an ale rooms. No children. Reasonable. Ec, 2 buy, sell or trade; someone who has a j Mae t, Oxi Help ted-- oe. by NR SRvIcE BE. Hox "H'! Reformer. 180-1 y . service to offer. Results are certain anc -- Te = MARRIED MAN, ACCUSTOMED TO Res. 649. 56-tf . . ; Pi ve i : 3 ite moderate. " I have a saber of good build- farming. Take care of place 18 Piano Tuning . the cost 1s quite ing lots on 'Athol 'St. East, and [acres. Write John M. Baldwin. DR. R. 'B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE |NEIT, YELLOWLESS, PIANO TUN- x : , | Simcoe St. North, which, if sold | Bowmanville {33) Block, 107 Simcoe St. 8. X-ray, gas |er, Bowmanville, will be in Oshawa Call 35 Before 9.30 a.m. td) {Hip now a cut of 107, will be made. | -- Rr -------- t A 5 ' , SXlrantion Telephone 6504. +25 cery two weeks. or on appointment. ; ; : = RY 4 - | The opportunity is yours. Secure DR. J. R. PORTER, DENTIST, 3 All work Beli are (Saterday £30) : ja site for your new home. Lots i For 'RA D1 OS NE ohn, , 81 : ; a ' & \ . i also for sale on Simcoe St. Nox! bo PvroRrAphs and "Stall Musi- King as Dighey Block. Opposiie "a4 Lis Me For Tomorrow Ss Inse r- 7 | just past carline. Terms arranged, barter Ahi see. you cannot do : z / | Money to Loan on modern brick better than see . ' v; 7 Your tion: ji rd o" | vencer houses at 6; and 7%. "WILSON & LEE | Insure your hcuses and contents 71 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2388 Eye Specialist / on PR. L. J. SEBERT, 86 BLOOR ST. oDUCTIONEER 3 "THE REFORMER" wr \S 3 against fire through me, and get Y----------------_ West, Teronto, will be at Jury and and live stock sales, i -- ) : | bes st coverings in best companies. Wel, a snowstorm even this early », . t 3 Jovellls Drug Sire J hanna A. C. LYCETT 1 oe / y 4 ; | J H rR LUKE in ithe season is a héa)h*sight better ers 7 N | . x3 . ld § . from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for comsul- . tation in diseases of the eye. 12-1 »r. 35%; King St. E. Plione 295 | ki compre Rn RAT RR 2 ; ; RITE | than a cyclone or an carthquake.-- A --_ iat RE a ' as i Telephones 687w or 871 Guelph Mercury. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist . a . bi aaa . F..T. YANS, OF 160 BLOOR me] : DR > oR Sn will be at his ELLA CINDERS : By Bil Conselman and Charles + Plum office over Jury & Lovelrs Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 ti A pe o i TRS uh Vi : p.m. for consultation and treatment f To AE OR TS ai "YS ST C ~-- -- : rr : z : ~~ : => nb J) [rT opi) Ry or AAT? ) A ; Lo DON! T 2 : =i, St ON ¢ x EVEN Finis OW { 3 suc : Bh : GST pri x i DAK 2 xy (S A OH = ft YS 2 ~0 RRA en NX ol ll, Ny iA > x TJ of diseases of ear, nose and throat ! = snly. Appointments may be made at \ =e TO CIMNNER drug store. Ph. me 97. 49-tf Veterinary Surgeon mar BCR] 1 ARE 0. 8. DICKENSON, V.8., DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically Jreated Deminion Jovernment Vet- srinary. 84 Brock St. B. Phoue 1053. : 131-tt ¥. J. SHIRLEY, -- VETERINARY surgeon, specialist diseases dom- estic animals. Cat and dos hospital. 35 years experience. 74 King west. Phone 629 [874] Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- srs--Dbouse cleaning, woodwork and lloors polished, screens and storm windows put on and removed. Phone 1302W. o, REFORMER WANT ADS PAY

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