Oshawa Daily Reformer, 1 Nov 1926, p. 8

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a PAGE EiGHT ---- a. - News of Eastern Ontario : HONORED ON DEPARTURE A. A. Knight, for 13 years repre- sentative of the Department of Agri- culture in Victoria County, with headquarters at Lindsay, leaves next week for Athens, Ont., having been transferred to Leeds County. CONVENTION IS CALLED A mass meeting of the Liberals of Dundas County and all those oppos- ed to the policy of the Ferguson Gov- ernment will be held in Chesterville on Tuesday, November 2. FUSIONIST CHOSEN William Newman was selected Liberal-Progressive candidate in Vic- toria North after Liberals and Pro- gressives held separate conventions. W. G. Carley secured the Liberal nomination and Mr. Newman the Progressive nomination, and on joint balloting Mr. Newman was elected to represent the two. ADHERE TO O.T.A. . A well-attended and enthusiastic meeting of the Prohibition Union of Victoria and Haliburton was held in Lindsay, when keen regret was expressed that Premier. Ferguson had seen fit to reopen .the question of the continuance of the Ontario Temperance Act. Firm adherence to the act on the part of the delegates was expressed. RANEY MAY RUN The Progressive party held caucus in the Public Library here Saturday evening, and it was decided to call 2 eonvention for November 6 to nom- inate a condidate to contest this rid- ing in the coming elections. It is rumored the Hon. W. E. Raney might-be induced to run as candidate for Progressive-Liberal and -Prohibi- tion Union forces. FUSION DRY IS SOUGHT The U.F.O. Association of North Renfrew will not enter a candidate in the field to contest the Provipcial honors in the forthcoming election, but will confer this afternoon with the executive of the Prohibition Un- | ion of North Renfrew to consider placing a dry candidate in the ecam- paign to run on a strict temperance ticket. H. S. COLLIVER CHOSEN The Conservative convention for tl {nomination to Horace 8S. THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1926 p---- a ------ ------- _---- a Prince Edward, held in Picton on Saturday to select a candidate for the coming elections, tendered the Colliver, former M.P.P. Mr. Colliver in his address, expressed lis undivided sup- port of the policy of his Leader, Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, as recently outlined in his speeches at Kempt- ville and Belleville. Mrs. M. B. Weese, president ®f the Women's Conservative Association of the coun- ty, offered a resolution endorsing the platform of the present Premier. SEEK DRY CANDIDATE Appointing a committee to confer with Conservatives, Liberals and Progressives in an attempt to secure an absolutely dry candidate .in the Provincial election, the prohibition- ists of Northumberland at Wark- worth on Saturday reaffirmed their allegiance to the O.T.A. and declar- ed positive disapproval of the liquor policy of the Ferguson Administra- tion. The committee consists of a- bout an even representation of all political parties. ANNIVERSARIES OBSERVED S.t Andrew's Presbyterian Church Belleville, celebrated its ninety- ninth anniversary. Rev. R. A. Cran- ston, B.A., of Trenton, preached the sermons of the day. Presbyterians organized in Belleville in 1826, but church was not built until 1830. Tabernacle United Church observed its anniversary today, it being one of the oldest congregations in the city. Rev. F. W. Anderson, of Port Hope, was the special preacher. CLERK IS BANQUETTED G. W. Taylor of Bobcaygeon, was tendered a complimentary banquet by the Township of Verulam, of which he had been Clerk and Treas- urer for 30 years. He was present- ed with a gold-headed cane. WILL, VISIT BELLEVILLE Thirty-five members of senior year in the Faculty oi Applied Science, University of Toronto, wil. visit Belleville and Hastings County on November 11 and 12, when they will inspect large industrial plants of the Canada Cement Company, Canadian Industrial Alcohol Distillery, Deloro Smelting and Reduction Works at Deloro, in Marmora, and other plants besides, as well as the scene of cop- per discoveries in Marmora. Osh- awa will also be visited. O.T.A. IS DEFENDED The denunciation by Dr. Maloney, M.P., of the Ontario Tempérance Act at the Renfrew Conservative conven- tion on Wednesday was followed by a spirited defense of the act by Rev. James Rollins in St. Andrew's church last night. Mr. Rollins said the dct had been approved by the people ev- ery time it was submitted to them, and contended that if it was a good thing as a war measure it was a good thing in, time of peace. He recalled how Sir Thomas White had asked that it be continued for a year after the war in order that money loans might be the more readily floated. TORONTO LAWYER IS STRICKEN SUDDENLY Toronto, Oct. 31.--Stricken with heart failure, Charles Millar, 75 Scarborough road, a prominent law- yer in the city for over forty years, expired in his study at 4.30 yester- day afternoon while actually engag- ed in looking up a point of law. He was a bachelor and leaves no near relatives. Seventy-two years of age, Mr. Millar was born at Aylmer and was educated at Toronto University where he took the gold medal for navural history, subsequently gra- duatinz from the law school. Good Recipes PUMPKIN NUT PIE One cup prepared pumpkin, one cup brown sugar, one-quarter tea- spoon nutmeg, one-quarter teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon salt, one- half cup chopped nuts, two cups milk, two tablespoons flour, two eggs, one-half cup grated cocoanut, pastry. Mix ingredients, pour into a pastry lined pan and bake in a hot ---------------------- I oven. In preparing the pumpkin, let three tablespoons of pumpkin flour stand in a cup of cold water half an hour, then simmer slowly ten minutes. Cool, and use an or- dinary pumpkin, MOCHA TART Take 4 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 table- spoon melted butter, 1 cup ground nuts, 1-2 cup flour, 1-2 teaspoon vanilla, 1 level teaspoon baking pow- der, 1-2 teaspoon salt, Separate the eggs and add sugar to the yolks, beating until creamy. Beat in the butter and add the flour sifted with the baking powder; flavor with vanilla. Beat the whiteS of the eggs, then add the ground nuts, stirring them into the first mixture. Bake in two. layers for 15. minutes in a moderate oven. EVENING FROCKS VARIED. Evening frocks are so varied this autumn that it is difficult to classi- fy them. The main distinction made by Bond Street is on of sil- houette. There is the frock that hangs straight, except when tle wearer moves and there is the de- finite 'picture gown. The straight frocks are oft:n draped, either to one side or to the middie of the figure, the gathered folds hanging a few inches, below the rest of the hem, while the slim skirt is slashed to disclose a finely pleated under- slip. These frocks are knee length and the picture frocks as long or as short as the wearer pleases, REFORMER WANT ADS PAY TEL. 262 COAL All orders thoroughly screened and weighed over City Scales if desired. DIXON'S ~ peer. a - ' ¥ TEL. : 540 a ------ niture make it possible for *> + + $ The Gateleg Table, only equalled by its small homes find it dining room use, Gibbard solid walnut phone. Walnut finish, complete Walnut finished smokers, to light up. Complete with tray + + + walnut finished sewing place for every sewing need . .. with gold decoration. is a wonder how any home can do without them your hall or living room. Priced up from Christmas Novelties Occasional pieces for you home that are bargains. .. Exceptional. values in fine fur- up your home at very little cost. its attractiveness is usefulness. very adaptable for Serviceable and attractive, a telephone set will look well in your hall, or wherever you wish to place your tele- friend is in listening to your radio set place one besire his chair and invite him >. pb @ Nest of Tables, Walnut finished plain or Always handy, it date albums. .Regular 115.00. Luke Furniture Company 63 KING ST., EAST Blankets Bed Spreads Baby Carriages Congoleum Rugs Carpets Cedar Chests Chintz Chesterfield Suites Chairs Comforters Curtain Materials Carpet Sweepers Draft Sereens Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Chairs Draperies Electric Washers Dinner Wagons Floor Lamps Furniture i Garbage Cans : Linoleums | Oilcloths | your you to dress Many $24.50 living room when Any of the following articles can be purchased cn our Household Club Plan: Portiers Pillow Phonographs Rugs Rods & Fittings Refrigerators, Dining Suites Radios Sheets Table Lamps Table Oilcloth Tapestries Vacuum Cleaners Velours Window Shades Wash Tubs Steel Beds Springs Mattresses Pillows Kitchén Tables | Bedroom Novelties | Cases everyday the memmbers Buffet Design. and Anne bargain Take this opportunity to surprise mother with a present. she will love to receive, a cabinet with a $14.75 $37.50 A beautiful console table in solid walnut richly polished, lends a dignified air to Famed Oak Phonograph, equipped with all wood, oval tone amplifier, single dia- phragm ultona Brunswick double spring motor, twelve inch turntable, automatic stop, tone modifier, shelf filing system is designed to accommo- Special. . family and give years of service, Its eight pieces consist of Table, 6 chairs of Dining Room Suites 8 Piece Birch Walnut Dining Room Suite of genuine beau- ty, a suite of which you can be really proud when particu- lar guests come to dinner, a suite which will bring real, enjoyment to of your Queen A real $157 yp Start room piece jacquard velour up- holstered Suite. $260. a, 1 99.00 Dining Room Suites You could not long for a more exquisite oak dining room suite. .Its Our Floors are Filled with Wonderful Bargains in Home Furnishings--Money is Being Saved Daily by Our Many Customers Who are Also Enjoying the Benefits of Our Deferred Payment System--Buy Your Furnishings Now and Pay According to Your Own Arrangement---Come In and Take Your Choice | living three out with your this Chesterfield Reg. | The Leading Furniture ~ House Furnishing and Radio Store of Oshawa lines express the fine ar- tistry of furniture design, its fumed finish is lasting ,its nine pieces consist of extension table, arm and five side Chairs, large Buf- fet and China Cabinet. Regular $132.50. Special $115 Radio Values---Come In and See Them $22.50 at, conception I all sizes $85.00 Steel Bed, Spring and Mattress A complete Simmons Bed Out- fit of guaranteed construction is bed, link spring and white cot-| ton mattress, unit, Radio, duced from almost beyond a well-designed| $22.50 Stewart- Warner $140.00 . INSTALLED + Stewart-Warner matched five three dial control. Stewart-Warner used including tubes. Re- $90.00 to $70.00 Less Accessories The Federal A-10 five tube Receiver. Totally balanced tuned radio fre- quency, rich brown ma- hogany 'finish. . Federal standard parts through- Less Accessories . tube All parts out. $105.00 PHONE 79 King quality radio re- ceiver, model 61, six tube three dial control, staba lized circuit, two tone cabinet, less accessories, Join Our Christmas Club-- By paying $5.00 down you can be a member of our Christmas Club which entitles you to a participation in our Special Christmas Radio offer. When one-fifth of the total is paid either in large or small payments, your Radio will be installed. The balance will be dis- tributed over nine months, without interest. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity of obtaining a Radio at practically your own terms. Come in and let us talk it over.

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