THE DSHAWA DAILY Troma; MONDAY: NOVEL i 15% PAGE THREE street, the home of W. F. Fice, at noon give the, fire brigade a rum. No Gamage was Ade. ; it7 ' Feo aipimss ' Nowe'dh Party we' en party will be held tHe Stam ces of St. George's a dys' Club, Tuesday even- in 'te pdrish Hall. Prizes will | - EAR for the best fancy dress. d other forms of ehtertafn- t will. be provided for the even- § : ' ! / thperitice Programs ervi at afl the Sunday Schools ih he city on Sunday were of a tem- néé character. At King street ch 'a spécial program was giv- .under the charge of Mrs, J. ory, thé Teémperandé Superin- ident. An 'msbiring temperance talk was given by Mr. A. J. Bell, | Which whs followed by a duet by Mrs. R" r and Mrs O. D. Fina A reading was also given LY Miss 'Neva Eastwood. One of the ouitstanding features of the program: was the presentation cf certificates to primary scholars who are now in the' junior department. ATTEMPT TO | TO BLOW up LONDON SAFE FAILS London, Ont., Oct. 31.--Burglars tonight made an unsuccessful at- tempt to blow the safe in the office of thé Forest City Laundry. They had blown the combination off when they evidently were disturbed by a #0n of Mr. Jarmain, Manager of the plant, coming to the office. Tt is béffeved that "soup" has been plac- ed about the Bafe ddor and there is some hesitancy about an attempt to ofien the safe, which contains con- sidérable money from Saturday. col- ldctions. It is believed that the burglars gained entrance to the of- fice by use of a skeleton key., There is po trace of how they left the 'building. REFORMER WANT ADS PAY A Sr re Bh a Le CRNA BASSETT'S Phone 1650 \ oe POLICE FINOND | 5 4 t CLUE TO MURDERER Can Fiiid No Per Pérson Able t tdlentify Passenger With Dead Sudbury Man y Press) Sudbury, Ont., ian 1.--Police today no closer on the trail of slayer of Ouissiont Justi, Sudbury jit- ney driver, than when the man's body was fourid 'on the side of Garson road vesterday morning. No person has been 16cated who is able to identify the mysterious passenger with whom Justi set olit supposedly for Garson Satur- day evening. REGRETS BEATH OF are MASTER TRICKSTER Sir A. Conan Doyle Pays a Tribute to Harry Houdini, Master Trickster (Cable Service to The Reformer by Canadian Press) London, Nov. 1.--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, noted author and spiritualist, today paid tribute to' ithe late Harry Houdini, as the World's master trickster, "His death 'is a great shdck and a deep nystery to me," he said, He was i teetotler, did not smoke, and was one of the cleanest Hving men 1 have ever known. [I greatly admir- «1 him and cannot understand how the end came for ome so youthful." TUNNEY BOOKED FOR MOVIES AT SALARY OF $7.000 A WEEK New York, N.Y., Nov, 1.--A vaudeville syndicate has an- nounced that Gene Tunney shortly will appear before the footlights in a short dialogue with a partner not yet selected. He will also box a round or two. The heavyweight champion will receive $7,000 a week, an- nouncement said. Vacation in Bermuda is filling Tunney's time just now, The Following Patterns in Commun ADAMS ity Plate HAMPTON COURT GOVERNOR PATRICIA are carried in Stock by A. O. FELT Jeweller The Gift Shop King St. E. Phone 990 A Full Range of C ommunity P 1 ate Patterns $b rons Always on Hand Your Inspecition is cordially invited. J. Brown Jeweller King St. W. TT HH Phone 189 I HHI the; PSTRETIN BLL SCHOOLS URGED Premiers Hold Discussion M Along Two Lines--Equality of Status "FOREIGN RELATIONS Result of Inquiry is Known Music instruction in Oshawa pub- lic and high schools was a live sub- ject brought prominently to the fore today at the Oshawa Rotary club. The speaker was Mr. Joseph Yue, director music in the twin cities of Kitchener-Waterloo. Mr. Yuile is also the head of the Phil- harmonic 'Choir there and with a pardonable pride announced that after four years instruction of schools including the collegiate in- stitute, he was now getting reeruits for his Philharmonic Choir from those first taught by his assistants in schools. Mr. Yutle very modestly gave a chener and lamentéd tht fact that since 'the teaching of music was such a success in Kichener-Waterloo was too bad that so progressive a city as Oshawa had not yet begun a similar activity. and violin, are taught, the being girls' and boys' choirs and an orchestra, all flourishing. This in- struction is given after school hours and "at a small fee. Students must originally be those who have not taken music from a private teacher. Many grad- system helps the professional teach- er of music, Mr. Yuile declared, and | these teachers are now much more sympathetic to the idea than they formerly were. A vote of thanks was moved Rotarian Gordon Conant. Four members of the Rotary club who tied in the October membership contest were named today and drew for a special prize, a very handsome buffet set made here in Oshawa by the Smith Potteries, presented by Vice-President Alex. Storie. Albert Swail won the prize, the lucky trio being Newton Johns, Albert Crowle and Ernie Marks. Songs were given by Robt. Henderson and Norman Mell- veen. The chairman for the day was D. 'B. Carlyle. TIPS TO HOUSEWIVES Buy the large apple in preference to the small ones for cooking pur- poses, as there is less loss in peeling | and coring. Dry bran ing velvet by | is excellent for clean- flowers. Simply rub the soiled parts and brush off, peating if necessary. When using canned asparagus be sure to open the can at the bottom. go that the stalks may be removed without injuring the tips. When you have a sticky bean pot to clean the best way to do it is to drop a teaspoon of soda into the pot, then fill with boiling water and place in the oven for a hours. This will clean it without so much effort re- 0a POLLARD ENT THU Sk 'POKER FACES' CAST Hurry Pollard was Faces" the While ing 'Poker tin Theatre tonight he threw his whole heart into the work of dirce- tion and turned out what is said to be his greatest comedy 'success according to George Siegmann, who plays nh prominent role in the cast with Edward Everett Horton and Laura La Plante. "You can tell which player he is looking at without looking at the players," said Siegman. "At first one player and then the other was doing the acting in the scene Pol- lard's expression swiftly changed, and he unconsciously impersonated the character he was thinking about. "Pollard used to be an actor and he can't stop acting. He enjoys playing all the roles from behind the dahidra Tines. "His enthusiasm for the various roles aids him in imparting to the players the exact idea he wants us to put across in a scene." NELL G WY Nm WITH DOROTHY GISH AT REGENT TONIGHT The sensational English picture, Nell Gwyn' opens a limited en- gagement of three nights only at the Regent theatre this evéning. It is one of the most famous true- life love stories of all time. The in- popular actress and her royal suit- or. A child 'of the gutter, Nell Gwyn laughs herself into a palace, but from the heights of her. good fortune, she never forgets the people from whom she sprang. The pic- ture abounds with laughter and gaiety. The are authentic, shot' in London, Nell lived and loved. istic as it is artistic. "Nell Gwyn" picture, was backgrounds of as the evening during the local ment, preceded by a snappy comedy; creation starring the famous ster, Billy Dooley. The will also inelude interesting cur- rent events projected in. the Regen- ette, and a special arrangement of musieal numbers by the Regent-or- chestra under the direction of Sam | Collis, resume of his achievements in Kit- | Int (ing | equality of status in the empire, jt | committee's difficulty apparently Tes | regular | Week Will Elapse Bfore the, "| CONTINUE INGEARY OF INTER-IMPERIAL RELATIONS TODAY vr. Joseph Yuile, Director of Music § in the Twin Cities, Oddresses Rotarians WAS FINE SUCCESS \ * op 3 sults Obtained--Prizes Awarded (Cable Service to The Reformer by Cnt in Press) . London, Nov. 1..--The Committee of Premiers which is investigating inter-Imperial relations, continued ! its inquiries at the Imperial Confer- | ence today along two lines. 1, Equality of status in the Em- | pire. relations to foreign countries. n About a week is expected to elapse before any concrete results of the | CAPTURE OF INSIGNIA Vocal instruction as well as piano result lessons | {i signa captured when uate to private tuition and thus the | | committee's deliberations are able. So far the proceeding have | mainly consisted of throwing ideas into a common pot and the exchang- of views. Under ip reaching definitions. FROM FANATICS SHOW REVOLUTION PLANNED | | | unfted in marriage to William E., (By Associated Press) Mexico City, Nov. 1.--A statement issued by the presidential palace to- asserts that the flag and other the band of anaties" headed by General Galle- gos, was exterminated on Saturday by "Federal forces, furnish the evi- dence that a revolution was being nizéd by the Roman Catholic! ' DECLINE SHOWN IN VITAL STATISTICS { the Vital statistics "for the city of Osh- {awa for the month of October show not-so- | | ing Rotarians | | births, 27 on | | Heavy Cast Iron Tank Merriton Plant Blows Up uk Argonauts ... 7 | cast iron tank,about | feet exploded couple of | beautifully | your | part, | At Local Theatres direct-! Universa! | Jewel which opens at the New Mar- | rines General J the city in which ; It is as real-! Two screenings will be given each iq 0p, engage-| fun- treatment, programme Tabout a decline in all instances. There are fewer births and marriages and deaths than occurred in the city dur- ing the month of September. Dur- the month just closed there were 40 births, 15 marriages, and 11 deaths, as compared with 43! marriages,.and 16 deaths | month of Septeniber, EXPLOSION KILLS TWO, THREE HUR? jin the ! x In| Cause Unknown Merriton, Ont., Oct. 31.--A eave) wide and eight inches thick, | with terrific force shortly | after 10 o'clock this morning in the plant of the Interlake Tissue Paper Company, killing two men and in- Jjuring three others, The dead are: JAMES BOYLE, Merritton. 'HOMAS COSTIFF, Merriton, » injured: KORGE CHIVERS Merritton. GIMORGE DISNNIS, Merritton, CRANK OWEN, Merritton ihe cause of the explosion is un Known, end according to men with ) of experience in paper-making pl. al such an accident is unheara of. The tank, or beater, as it is technically known, is used to "tease" or' mix the ingredients used in the manutacture oi paper, At the mom. nt wn electric drill which Boyle wa using to bore a hole in the tank had just pierced the eight inches ol metal . Without warning the crash tollowed. Heavy steel window frames were wrenched from their settings and pieces of iron were found a hundred feet away. The room in whicl the tank was located was also [badly wrecked and the wonder is that all five men there at the time of the explosion were not killed. As it was Dennis and Owen only sustained slight injuries, and while Chivers were of a more severe nature, his condition is hot regard- ed as serious. The theory thar the tank con- tained gas of an explosive nature is disposed of by one man who says i was fiot air tight and consequently it was incapable of generating 5 He says further that other tanks in the plant have frequently been dril- led. The Provincial Inspector of factories and the Industrial Hygiene Department have been communicat- ed with and asked to help solve the mystery of the explosion. Following the accident injured were rushed to 18 Peter Street. 14 Merritton ol the explosion all of the St, Catha- Hospital, Boyle died while being admitted and Costiff fow honrs later, Their wounds were principally about the head and a Tells of Work and the Re- 2, Inter-Imperial communications, | we | with which is linked the question of | prob- | the first head, the | | morning, Rev. | ficfating. a i liam | couple 20 feet long 10 U. 1 NISTERS FLAY 1IUBR TRAFFIG (Confined ° 'from page 2) The services at Albert street church yesterday dealt entirely with temperdfice. Rev. R. A. Whattamh, the: pastor, spoke eoncerhing the wel- fare 8f the people who were affected by 'the ne¥ law and the disastrous cffécts on the provifide and the ad- {joining states. 'The yiiedtion which |is Professedly out of 'politics and Eet- {tled by 'the people is reintrodiced | by Preniier Fergusoh Who mixes 1t in a political campaign," the speak- er sdld. '"He declares himself the liaw has dérie great good, but owing {to restlessness Wnd bootlegging fie | is asstired that 'the sale of govern- I ment permit will Be satisfactory." {The speaker went on to point out {that 'tHe sale of hard liqudrs urtier this arrangément would be very iih- satisfactory. Plebiseites in Ontario ey ave fevealed a strong public senti- iment back of the law. The appar- ently decreased majority in the last | ibiscite was largely accounted for by padded voters' lists in the large 't centres. "A government label the outside of a bottle is not p oof that there is no poison there- li" Mr. Whattam said in closing, ct us not go into ,partnership with the distillers and brewers of | Ontario. 1 ! | POMEROY--ROSS At Bridge Street United ysunate. Belleville, Saturday Dr. F. E. Malott of- quiet wedding was olbmnized when Sybil, elder daugh- ter, of Mr. | on Church | ba and Mrs, Lester Ross was only son of Mrs. Elizabeth Pomeroy of Oshawa. The bride who was at- tedded by her sister, Miss Wilma toss wore a charming gown of bronze crepe back satin with sand trimmings over which she wore her trdvelling coat of brown and gold tweed muskrat trimmed, and hat | and shoes to match. The bridesmaid wore a French gown of ette blue georg- with wine shade hat. Mr. Wil- MeClennen supported the groom, The groom's present to the brides- maid was a string of pearls and to groomsman a gold watch chain. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the home of the bride's parents; where a wedding breakfast was served. The young left on motor trip to Montreal. They reside in Osn- awa, a will RUGBY SCORES INTERCOLLEGIATE Senior 11 McGill Inter rmediate Queen's ©.A.C. Junior 7 Queen's Westar n . . Michael's . HER RIPROVING TAL UNION Montreal Hamilton ONTARIO UNION Benior 9 Hamilton Camp Borden ". Intériiediate West Sides Walkerville Petrojia Chatham 30 Galt 16 London Jimior Branftord.... db Twin City ... . Balmy Beach 1 BIG FOUR UNION Andrew's C. 18 Trinity C. S. INTERSCHOLASTIC UNION Senior 10 . Cobourg C.I. . 34 Brantford C.I. S$. Gag Cl. Junior 34 Brantford C.I. A. LEAGUE Senor 74 Windsor CI. 49 Galt C.I, .... Junior WeWh Cl... 15 Gan Cl. ...... Assumption Col. 9 - Sarnia C.I. .. OTTAWA LEAGUE Ottawa Thirds 4 UNION UU. of T. 7 © 5 tl. 16 R MC | O.A.(C to Ottawa Balmy Beach of T. Ossington Sarnia Imps . Sarnia Wand rs Wallaceburg . Twin City ~ Windsor 7 3 30 18 Albert Coll. I'win City C Oshawa C.I. 4 Twin City C. W.0.5 Sarnia C.I. . Guelph C.I. .. Rideau | JOSEP BGEN, 50. (Felt Bros. TIES IN PONTIAT Two Brothers df Deceased Are Well Known Residents 'of Oshawa Joseph Ogden, Sr., who had not peeh ih ¥ood health for the last 121 years, since he was shot by a crazy man while in 'the performance of his duty as city marshal, died at his home on South Cross street, Pon- tiac, October 18 about § o'clock. Joseph Ogden was one of eight children, seven boys and one girl, of William #nd Martha Ogden and was born in Kendall, 'Ontario, Can- ada, June 1, 1865, He removed to Chicago when he was cighfeén years of age, and Was married there on April 15, 1886, to Miss Eva M. Weed. They bécame Tesidents of Sycamore in 1895. Here Mr. Ogden conducicd a transfer business for a number of The LEADING JEWELERS 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Small Sizes Onty C. W. Detenbeck King >t. BE. Oshawa SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Is 4 {anid semis years. He was then appointed City Marshal and for iSome ten years served on tlie police force. On Sun- day evening, Nov. 8, 1914, at about 6 o'clock, while he was arresting a worthless old man named Samuel Atkinson, the man turned and shot the officer through the head, He was near death and never fully. re- covered, his sight being permanently affected. The man. who di the | shooting, who came liere from La-; Salle, 111., four or five years before, went immediately after the shooting to his Boarding house and sent two bullets into his body and died. al- most instantly. Mr. Ogden was prominent in the Masonic Order for mahy years. He was a member of Sycamore Lodge, No. 134, AF. & AM. Sycamore Chapter No. 49, R. A. M., and Syca-} more Commandery, No. 15, K.T. He. was also a member of Tebala Tem- le, Rockford, and of the Royal Ar- canum, He William + S50n, leaves surviving his father, Ogden, of Pontiac,- Mich, Joseph Ogden, 'J., of Syca- more, a daughter, Mrs. Harold Rap- alee, of Elgin, and three grand- children, Frances G. Ogden of Syca- more and Kenneth L. and Lorraine M. Rapalee, of Elgin. He algo leaves surviving his sister, Mrs, T. Ashton, of Pontiac, Mich. and his prothers, Leslie, of Buffalo, N.Y. john and Herbert, of Oshawa, On- rario, Canada, and George, of Chi- ~ In Memoriam In ever loving memory of Down, who passed away November 1, 1922. IForgiving, loving, gentle and kind; \ beautiful memory left behind. wife and Family. DOWN- Edwin Victorias ...: i ! st. , | pionship by | at MANITOBA UNION Senior 1 St. Junior John's . 6 Canoe Chr ALBERTA UNION Junior xCalgary 21 Edmont« xiZdmonton wins routid ana John's 2 39---2 ¥ XHTBITION Stratford Jrs. 18 Sada _ Tos Late to Classify BRICKLAYERS Yarhge, (17%) LATHERS AND wanted. Apply Central King west. 11 | De Laval Milkers, Cream Separators, and Repairs For Sale by E. BERTRAND, 123 Simcoe N, North Bay Int. } Wampole's R= - Milk of Magnesia is an effective Antacid and Mild Laxative that has been used by Canadizn mothers for man + Stach #nd vim. endid years th prev ach pares in remedy for adobe 1a th INTESTINAL FERMENTATION, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, HEARTOURN, COLD SORES, FEVER BLISTERS, DIARRHEA, AND ACIDITY CF THE STOMACH 25c. . "ea 50c. For Sale by 6 ounce battle KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 376. NEXT THE POST OFFIC) We esd C=" Radio Adams Furniture Co. Ltd. NOTICE T am authorized to offer a reward of $25 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who broke into house corner of Gibbon and Kingston road, Tp. E. W., and stole electric fixtures, W. T., Stevens, County Con., 331 Park. Rd. S. (17%) . ad 28 = gm OONMONITY PLATE BASSETT'S Plone 1630 Ii has Sicds het roby 8 aka yo isd OJAI} ion KENWQOD Our Christmas stock, 4 you need it. is 25% below city prices. \®/\®/JB)\6)0\ TEA 8) @/ face. Both men 'were, married, Boyle leaves a wife and two chil- dren and Costiff a wife and able to receiving and Owen hospital Chivers' were after injuries to consist of burns and the face and uhless troubles follow, should be around in a few days An inquest, the date of which has not yet been fixed, "will be held by the city coroner, Dennis { leave the found four ! The price is & PHONE 1000 A NEW SHIPMENT OF in fact. pick yours out now. We will lay it away for you till You will save money, too, as our price KENWOOD KIMONAS Are also in a class by themselves. to 'equal them. See them in the Ready-to-Wear Dept. | $15.00 were | | cuts || ave | "Visit our Self Serve Section and Save Moriey" ABN BVD HABBV (BV: BLANKETS Better come in: and (B33) [BNIB (B\ There is nothing BV (B\IB\IB\ BY YOUR EYES | Hamilton Optical House 6 Richmond St. E., Oshawa Peel ee > yf 3% hog ., fos fententonten CRON) ', geetes eo Xa Sa a 2 " ORR) 12 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1200 Shur: "0p SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES, Your Eyes Deserve the Best Our Examination will tell if you need Glasses or not. Consult our Eyesight Specialist Jury'& Lovell 'PHONE 28 OR 29 i