Oshawa Daily Reformer, 22 Oct 1926, p. 4

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SENSE PAGE FOUR I ---- a G. M. C.aud Chearolet Tie RUSSIA CONPLETELY | DISCUSSES HINGE Industrial League Final| BANISHES YMA CAROL'S POSITION G.M.C. Stage Rally in Sixth, G.M.C., 16 to 16. = Plenty = hitting rin SET Sh : Scoring Nine Counte | and some fast fielding were the out- | Sovief Forces American "Y" | Prince Centacuzene Says the Scoring ine unters to eatures. The contest was #. Lt ; Standing ¥ Reconciliation Was Not Overhaul Their Rivals = [apparently one sided for the first | Secretry to Leave--Property " > Ne "few frames when Chevrolet piled up Seized . Political v 7 Score in Last Frame -- [a score of fourteen runs by the > : 1. ; Z . end of the fifth. In the sixth G.M.C. rrp - | Young and Gummow Hit~ registered nine counters consider- New York, Oct. 21.--H. D. Ander-| Paris, Oct. 21--The meeting of bl M.C.A. secretary | former Crown Prince Carol coef Rou- ¥ A ably enliving the proceedings by |son, an American Y.M y mania with his mother, Queen, Marie, . H ' coming to within three runs of their | directing physical education in Mos- > TPR rivals. From then until the end |cow, has been foreed out by the [before her departure for A.merica, "Plenty of excitement prevailed at |iho Ontario semi finalists held the Soviet Government, and his property | certainly indicated a family? recon- the second game of the Industrial |Chevs in check while they helped | confiscated, it was announced today | ciliation, but it had no political League softball finals at Alexandra | themselves to a lone counter in the py the National Council of the Y.|significance, the Roumanjaiz Charge Bark last evening. when Chevrolet !seventh and four more in the eighth. | M.C.A. following receipt of private |D'Affairs, Prince Cantacuzere, said ho won the first game tied with! Chevs secured one in the sixth and | advices by cable from Mr. Anderson. | today. + } ; another in the eighth. This amounts, it was said, to com- He remarked that Quekn Marie Young and Gummow were the | plete expulsion of the ¥Y.M.C.A. from |is a mother with a mother's heart eR heaviest clouters, the former con- | Russia. instinct, but it would be wrong lo necting for 4" home run while tie Officials of the national council |draw the conclusion that everything COMPLETE AS ILLUSTRATED latter connected two four ply bing- | said there had been no Political ac- | is forgiven, a fal Coral is able Take advantage of of the best offers in va day, 'We les. Joyce and Hubbell came through | tivity on the part of Mr. Anderson |to return to Roumani: ; i one man with three baggers while Fair ug in Russia. In the cablegram to the |his rank and rights. are going to accept orders (to the number of 50 only) fon: tributed a double. New York headquarters, he said no He also denied that King Ferdin- : - , the wonderful TRIRDYN Radio Set, illustrated here, with all Keenan for G.M.C. and Young for | reason was assigned by the Soviet |and is in bad health. On the con- g government for withdrawal of Its|trary, the Roumanian diplomat' as- Al > * the equipment shown. With famous opera stars, great the Chevs were thé opposing pitch- ? ini America, and PUSLIE 0 co-operation. serted the King had benefitted great- violinists, the finest orchestras and bands in ' 2 ars. The lineups were: National council officials believe ||y from his recent visit to Vichy, } food of other big features being nightly G.M.C.--Childerhose, rf; Lowe, | the ultimate cause of the Withdraw-|anq the slight operation he under- | 3s; Fair, 3b; Webster, 1b; Petrie, If; | 21 cr permission to continue the | ont had not hurt his general , N broadcast, every home should possess a good: OY 2 rhe rs the , NN Palmer, cf; Parish, c; Service, 2b; | Work lies in what they say to health, : ; A . : Keenan, p. Soviet Government appears to re- ------------------ Y \ NN radio! And here is the best j Chevrolet--Young, p; Gummow, | 8ard as the incompatibility 4 Toki--Ten cats are the only heims ( chance to own one. Pah: Carver, ef; Habbell, 1b; HH: Prostams of the Y.M.C.A. and Com- left by Mrs. Kiyo Shimizu, a wealthy | Juke, rf; 8, 3b; a AH . . : i v. ie 3 P . Hall, 1f; MeDougall 88. Take, Mr. Anderson's cable did mot Wiaow A ere rs bi G.M.C. 000 029 14--1¢ | specity deltails it was said, but "late is to be devoted to insuring Chevrolet . 413 241 01--16 Re yi) Lave 10 Jouve Le comfort and care for the felines who His office furniture has been confis- | Were the companions of the deceased # in her old age. TTS cated. Trouble of some sort was not entirely unexpected, it was said, as Mr. Anderson's family had been refused peymission to enter Russia BOWLING SCORES AWA COLLEGIATE to join him. 4 Mr. Anderson was born at Grand Hart's Dairy League opened the Forks in North Dakets, in Sh He | season at the Recreation: alleys last has been a Y.M.C.A. physica rec- the scores show that most With a 23 point lead behind ror in Berkeley, Oakland ,and other hee have not forgotten them, Oshawa Collegiate rugbyists United States cities. In 1921 ne how to knock the wood over journey to Cobourg tomorrow to was in Germany and Poland, in| F. Garner had the high individual play the return game to the en- connection with work among prison- SCOte a nice game of 257 closely counter here last Friday which re- | ars and refugees, In 1922 he was f lowed by Harpy Aston (last year's sulted in a 24 to 1 win for the tri- | physical director of the Y.M.C.A. yh li and. S. 'Williaa color. A victory or even enough at Riga, and in 1924 went to Mos- 2 with 2904 Cc Scammell and points to give them the round will | cow. : gs + Via i - earn for Oshawa the right to, meet, The national council today said S Williams Were high tee games 10 SE N D S 1000 seats in all probability, Peterboro, their with Iotals of '556 and 533. Scores Every old rival. Oshawa will field her = A are as soows. - MAGI : Night SOC || strongest testn snd Judeing From [at Alecandra Park on he following | + HART DAIRY LEAGUE BALANCE $2 WEEKLY AFTER DELIVERY the performance in the last gs , | Saturday. Bowmanville expect a 5 ers . > an " ag game good turn out of fans for this star |E. J. Hart . ..._.. 152 82 The complete outfit as shown wi ill be sent to your home without NOW PLAYING: and after four work outs, there tiation. The #2 : oF Bi Y CSP) 132 118 attre game will start at |C. Grifinham ... : should be little trouble .in putting 1 pm. promptly. 1. Andison 178 137 delay and you can pay balance in small weekly sums while getti Cobourg out of harms way. A fast > ; = Thomas Meighan game yesterday hetween two. picked- Big Poole PPLE your enjoyment from it. \ --in-- up teams and a snappy signal prac- | ia Team Total --1688 ES UT, Truckers STIN GODS' || ies, ooiehe thouid, roused thom ort | Geo Wilkon "120 143 1: A Three Tube Set That Does The Work of Five : Counter. : YOUR EYES E. Snowden 18¢ 19 2 A three-tube tuned radio frequency circuit-- giving increased selection -- better tone and i MeNally . ~ 149° 11% 2 smoath er control actually giving results equal to most five-tube sets -- absolutely non- Team . Total --1818 ra ating w Encased 4 ys hatidsomte two-tone ma hogany cabinet, made by McLagan, and pro- "i ) < ) } Drivers viding ample room for equipment. lete with three W, ouse WX 1 News and already much interest is being Willlaths Aaa 5 radiotrons, three Ever-Ready dry well two TEP he dk a ints 99 shown in the class room competi- ¥, Glover... 172" 1 3 batteries, C battery, complete aerial equipment, genuine 4,000 ohm. $84 75 " L ] tion, which should be the keenest Waram 163 this year that it has been for some - Aston... 126 rown loud speaker. Reg. price $130.00. Complete time, The captains alréady named T - > tal---2,005 are: form 5--Doug. Bailes; 4A---Bill WANTED -- Members to join Tealn' Toa Mic aA ( 0 | U i Gummow; 3B--Bora Shelenkoff; our Library Club. Up-to-date °. Garner ....... 7185 126 257 LE Fa~sper; Cornwall; ZB-Gram Mo | Fiction, P. Matthews .. 122 135 147 Intosh; 24C-- on. Corn shy 1/ = Robertshaw's WwW. Stevens ........ 1f 110 160 1 " Don Black; 1D--Fred Montgomery; : M. Haft a 3 179 1€C--Ray Way. ; Book Store Team Total--1,843 GRAFONOLA The first forms will doubtlessly Simcoe St. N. Phone 1472 We wove still two vacancies in get into action next week while the the House 5 Pin League and would higher forms will follow in perhaps be glad to have entries to complete SPECIAL two weeks, depending on the school ; this League. rugby. oY CHIROPRACTIC Here is one of the popular MOTORS FOOTBALL D. E. Steckley, Chiropractor and Drugless that two years ago moderate ele- Columbia Console models Therapist, will be in the office, 8 Sim- cs withi C ™ ariv TEAM WILL OPPOSE coe street, north every afternoon and Mon. || Melts Within the Communist party, designed, finished and day, Wednesday and Friday evenings. realizing a need for physicat educa- equip i as a high grade Forénoons by appoiz tment, Residential 9 : 3 LLE EN ti among university students, to ' . The strops BOWMANVI ELEV calls made in town anc surrounding dis- on wit hthe low state of student machine should be equip- trict. Consultation is free at office. ° ba Phone 224, health ,entered into co-operative ro-) ped. Beautiful mahogany the thin General Motors football team will lations with the Y.M.C.A, ind the case, Columbia three visit Bowmanville on Saturday purpose of promoting sports, mass . bi play and physical instruction. The spring motor, Col where they will play Bowmanville n yay A d d in an exhibition. game. program was being carried forward tone arm and reproducer. The lever releases 8 ROBINSONS rapidly. Deferred Payments ar- the blade, the Bowmanville can always be de- YELLOW GARAGE a pended on to put a strong team on A strop does the rest the field. In the past Motors and King St. W. -- -- B ill ke ival d 18.38 sesonds || Somme meena ll wraTE ROSE 20 SELECTIONS FREE the keen dge is porters of these two clubs to see GAS Special WITH EACH MACHINE them in action again. A really good game should be the outcome. The --and-- Motors t ill 1 th ul AA o Sino soa Ring wists i £51 || p EN-AR-CO OIL for $69.00 The following players are requested TIRES 4 TUBES S t et there t 2.30 tly: i d Smith, Bo nioy. AL TS LD. a t u r ay Reid; Brown, McEwan, Chalmers, Tom - y W. Simpson, MeManus, G. Simpson, 1 reasure Line Stov 3) R. Simpson, McKellar, Lyons, Fer- ; nu? ' ris, McNaught. Any other prospec- g Have a Life-Time Reputation Behind Them Poodle Joogoodes C3) Comedy 3 BUY 3 Inter-form rugby made. its ap- Orihesira SCRIP BOOK pearance on the horizon this week Hamilton Optical House a A SAVES YOU HONE y 478 when the form captains were chosen, o Rich LSE gus oes - otefoels 3 1 i tive players will be cordially wel- come to come along. A special bus . 5. up lo $25; 74 has been engaged so that the play-. Other Models at Lower Prices: ers can travel comfortably. A re- | : SHOE STORE : All Wool a kT " x - v - THE ~ a XO turn game will probably be played ne ar AR i 4 ile si 'Treasurs'h no te -- ' JERSEYS 7:3 i RH Ai The mest popular number in .the ini [AFAR Peete -- te 3 "Treasure" line today, Handsomely finished in polished black, -polished HOT WATER Eau de Quinine i BOTTLES Hair Tonic All Sizes | A 4 4 nickel and white enamel. A real fea- 2 Year Guarantee : 2 Bottles For . : ture is the extra deep, oval firepot. 2-for $2.51 ; $1.01 $ 1 ) S$ om wip =< a Special. wood grates, Variously, equip- "ped and in various sizes. Priced at sari I yo [$50 to $70 C Aa NT SA L k Cannings || & SR =</] HEATERS Of All Dzscritpions % 7% RewlDug ser BLACKHEADS Gf FEESRT | ont vt ho od me Te I ee I ae be weed, pg an open fire place, priced by 4 \ 7 disappear by Fis one simple CHL i : and fe pisthod: : for t¥o es : -N \ p JURY & LO ELL ol Pate powder oo dl be the face 1 ~ ove y i b . [from $25.00; We also have Quebec 4 briskly--every blackhead will be goae. y . i 3 fl i Ri ie i | E Heaters 4 in ious st 1 the I ly Ad. No. 1519 electric grate type heaters, the latter at King & Simcoe S. FACE ram hi. » ei 7 $10.00 and $8.50 GET YOUR PoE -----etont | WDE, | IB ee [All The ADAMS FURNITURE: Co. Limited Hk 2 Boxes for 51c --S 3 T- . : RBOND STREET WEST, NEAR SIMCOS J Bl .---. --. BEER HE ec mn ol agnesia 2 Btls. for 5lc | 1 Ss re LAs aL EE a ---- Il | |

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