Oshawa Daily Reformer, 21 Oct 1926, p. 7

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= us « shortly before PRLEE FIND No TRACE OF ROBBERS THE OSHAWA! Diy REFORMER. THUR "o - \ SDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1926 spy CHCAGD WORER REMAINS MISTER! ~ re Shai Men Who Held Up Bank | "Gangland" Maintains It: 2 For $75,000 Make Their sr TE Dowagiac, Mich., Oct. 21.--Five robbers, who yesterday held up and robbed the Lee State Bank here\ of $75,000 in cash and securities and térrorized citizeng, had apparently made good their escape. A sheriff's posse, ormed "shortly after 'the robbery, after searching the roads in the vicinity, reported no trace of the men who were last seen speeding toward Chicago in an automobile. The men » drove : to the bank closing time and commanding patrons and employes to lie on the floor, scooped the mo- ney and securities into a bag. A score of persons witnessed the rob- bery, but were sent fleeing from the scene when the robbers fired volleys from repeating shotguns and pistols over their heads. 2 The men obtained $36,000 in cash and $39,000 in negotiable securi- es. ONLY SMART ALECS DAMAGED (Bosten Transcript) A college education never hurt anybody who was willing to learn something afterward. "Northern" Tomatoes, from plants and seeds pro- duced in 'the Clark nurse- riesin Canada, at St. Remi, P.Q., arid Hatrow, Ont., give Clark's Tomato Ket~ chup its fruity, appetis- ing flavor. Try it with chops, fish or eggs. At dealers everywhere ed h copa by the badl.ers of -Stoicai Silence About the Crime Chicago, Oct. 21.--A coroner's inquest yesterday into the death of John Dano, whose bullet-riddled body was thrown from an automo- bile along a suburban highway Sun- day night, met the usual stoical sil- ence which has characterized all attempts to solve Chitagd's "'gang- land" murders. Information ob- tained tended to confirm the, belief of police that Dano had been' "taken for a ride' asi a result of conflicting bootleg operations with some rival organization. ' It was developed that Dano had at one time. been associ- ated with the late "Genna gang." The only other development yes: terday in the attempt to stem the tide of gang warfare came when th® police announced that Sam Pellay and Bennie Jacobs, alleged gan sters, who were wounded in a 1ha- chine gun battle a week ago ina which "little Hymie"" Weiss, leader of one of the rival bootlegsin~ or ganizations, was killed, woul?! be charged with the murder of Weiss. Both men were' charged by wilnes: ses to have shot into the body of their chief as he lay wounded. 1'o- lice bélieve they did this in th» be- lief that they were being double- crossed when assailed I'y' machine- gun bullets from the cceind story of a flat afd shots f{ro:1 a passing automobile. : James Grieius, alias Granit, Thomas Mc¢Wane, to three murders threw themselves and pleaded guilty 'day and 12 mercy of «he two lang, Fred ~o and a Sunday Superintcnd- nt, and Ludwig xX last July. ced for cé- Ww erick Hein, her School veral days. A Surrey inn' i ceper complains that very few mo'or € ts pass through his village. What about baiting the place with a few dairy-fed pedestrians? -- London Punch. STELCO COKE OAL, COKE, WOOD Phones: 1002-W--1002-] A. F. McCULLOCH 37-41 Ritson Road North EFFECT OF DIET ON ONE'S TEETH (Continued from page 1) the Doetor made an examination of his mouth it was found to be in a terrible condition. J 3 Infection from diseased teeth had gone through his system and had affected his sight. Ome eye was found to be entirely blind and the patient' was rapidly losing the sight of the other eye. Prompt mea~ sures restored the sight to the one eye, but in the other the disease had gone too far, and the sight never came back. Diet a Factor The importance of a right diet was stressed very strongly by the speaker. He cited the instance of a young girl whose paremts were 'very particular in the matter of dental hygiene. Until she was the age of fourteen she had her teeth 'ngpegted regularly and she did not "nave a cavity in one of her teeth ot that time, She left school and rent to work in an office downtown. "he, hlong with other girls in the cffice, commenced mincing away at candy between meals. As a result !she did not follow her regular dict ot the noon hour. Inside of a year vvery tooth in her head was found to have a' cavity, due entirely to faulty diet. In another case, a girl was sent away to a boarding school. Up to that time shé had goed teeth. The first year 'away from home, her teéth went to pieces. An examin- ation of the list brought forth the information she was eating great quantities of white bread and jam. This, together with candy, was be- lieved responsible for the condition of' her teeth. Correction of faulty eating habits had often brought abolit a marked improvement in the condition of the teeth. Plenty of fresh fruit tables was recommended by the Doctor, who stated that a meal should never be finished with sugar or candy, but rather with fruit or vegetables. He stressed the importance regular dental inspection, and the daily cleaning of the teeth. He was tenderett a vote of thanks at the conclusion of the lecture. and vege- of NEW CABLE WILL HELP (New Yorker) The new cable connecting Ameri- ca with England will have eight times the speed of any now in use. Henceforth, if the Prince of Wales buys a new kind of collar, this sturdy vtimes as' quick. 4 > RX democracy can hear it about eight 'Most effective d economical hd 'Launderi and all Cleaning Dissolves the Dirt! No wit . no odor - no waste , Easy on gp your ands it your Grocers. GILLETT CO LTD CANADA Y PICKERING Pickering, Oct. 21.--Mrs. F. Doug- las and young son, of Northern On- tario, spent a few days last week with her aunts, the Misses Bunting. Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Clark, of To- ronto, spent Sunday with the form- er's brother, W. J. Clark and fam- ily. wig A number of young people from the United Churches of the village attended the Young People's Rally of the Cobourg Presbytery held at Bowmanville, on Tuesday. The Swastika Club held its first meeting of the season on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs, M. S, Chapman, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Boyes spent Monday in the city. Miss Myra Cronk, spent the week-end at her home. The Women's Guild of St. George's Church held a work meet- ing at the home of Mrs, Topper on Tuesday afternoon, in preparation of the sale of work to be held on December 4th, A number of the ladies of. St. Andrew's W. M. S, attended the meeting of the South Ontario W.M.S. of the United Church, held at Whit- by, on Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hennick of Buffalo, | Mr.a nd Mrs. Smith, of Oshawa, and Mrs, Park and Mrs. Reta of Toronto, | were the guests of Mrs. A. Fawkes on Sunday. | Mr. W. of Toronto, A R. Sproule, rector | Georges, isp residing at the Domin- jon Council of the A.Y.P.A. being | held in Toronto this week Mr, and Mrs, L. A, Findlay, of | Toronto, were in the village on of St. | Saturday, Adjutant Mercer, of the St. Cath- arines Salvation Army Corps, has been spending a week with her friend, Mrs. Geo. Reid. On Monday evening in tae local police court, a case of interest to many farmers in the community, was heard gefore Magistrate Clark when a Toronto citizen appeared on the charge of stealing grapes from the garden of Wm. Chester of Port Union. For the past three |yfars Mr. Chester: has reaped no crop from his vineyard owing to city visitors, who arive in cars, and carry away the fruit in baskets, Fortun- ately, on Sunday, Mr, Chester caught the culprit red-handed, and straightway haled him into court. The defendant pleaded guilty and was fined fifteen dollars and costs. Mr, Chester has not been the only 'vietim, and it is to be hoped that this case will be a timely warning to other would be visitors. On Wednesday evening last, while proceeding homeward from his farm, near Whitevale, Mr. John Moore's buggy was run into by a car. The hind wheels of the buggy were de- molished, besides other minor dam- ages. The car ran into the ditch, and was also damaged to some ex- tent, but no one was hurt horse which escaped injury, away, but was, later caught by Mr. Huteching. The morning George's Church, given over to the service of St. on Sunday, was children of the congregation. Assisted by the choir | + and adults present, their voices rose clear and weet in such old familiar children's hymns as "When He Cometh", and 'Jesus Loves Mq" Mr. W. R. Sproule spoke to them in a simple way, which even the youngest could understand, on Tim- othy's faithfulness and the need of their own loyalty to God. Church, nation and parents, He also spoke briefly to the parents, on their own responsibility in bringing the child- ren into the Heavenly Kingdom T° was service which not onlv bene- fitt the rhitAs=m but also the adult members of the congregation. "small of stature and you PROPER ENGLISH WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: Don'! say "John was a big man," if he was mean great man." OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: mes- merize. Pronounce the 1 as z. OFTEN MISSPELLED: carcelling two I's. SYNONYMS: embarrass, discon- cert, abash, chagrin, shame, humili- ate, humble, mortify, overawe. WORD STUDY: "Use a word three times and it is yours." Let us in- crease our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. Today's word: F. W. C. NASH Carpentering: of all kinds. 'OUR' PRICES ARE RIGHT hone 806M 17 Lloyd St. Newspapegmen who found Byngz handy in wring headlines wish they eould be familiar enough to call Willingdon, "Will."--St. Thomas Times-Journal. Albert Soaps Limited, M1: i, Montreal, The | ran' W.A. HAR OPTOMETRIST 3 KING ST. W,-PHONES38 7 7" ""Corréct Glassess Correctly Fitted" INSURANCE Fire, Accident, Automoile V. A. HENRY 1134 Simcoe St. S. JFFICE: -- PHONE -- RES: .198-W 1858-J SULPHUR CLEARS ROUGH, RED SKIN Face, Neck and Arms Easily Made Smooth, Says Specialist Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Mentho- Sulphur, declares a noted skin special- ist. Because of its germ destroying roperties, this sulphur preparation gins at once to soothe irritated skin and heal eruptions such as rash, pim= ples and ring worm. It seldom fails to remove the tor- ment and disfigurement, and you do not have to wait for relief from em- barrassment. Improvement quickly shows. Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur from any good drug- gist and use it like cold cream. For Free Sample Mail This Advertisement to WHITEHALL PHARMACAL CO. Inc. 598 Madison A New York, N. Y: \Give your Child a onHEAL in HURLBUT CUSHION=SOLE Shoes # Children Buy shoes that are built by men who have spent almost 4 quarter of a century in the study of scientific shoe design- ing. These men have created a shoe that protects the health of your child-- No wrinkled linings to create callouses; no tacks, but a cushion-sole - that increases the natural springiness of the foot --a shoe that can be enlarged a full size when itisoutgrown. We sell and recommend them? THE BURNS CO. LTD. Cshawa -:= Ontario "Where is a Footwear Shopping Real Pleasure. CL Glass Bros. Credit Service Extended to Oshawa " - ES 'Clothes We carry an extensive assortment of high grade clothing suit::Dle in style and fabrics for every member of the family. See tho smart array of ladies' individual wraps, model' dresses and ch FREE--A bottle of every lady visitor: oice fur coats, choige perfume to Men's 2-pant Suits A wonderful choice of high grade tweed suits) in the new double-breasted models, in a wide selection of mew designs. suits are well tailor. perfection. "GB" ed and fit to Your choice from All $26 MEN'S WORSTED SUITS Extra special purchase of sihatt pin stripe worsted Suits in single and double breasted medium cut vests and Extra special styles, mew width pants. $52 price Deffered On PA Credit Credit with us is but an added service provid- ing a privilege which enables you to purchase good clothes now, and pay at regular intervals to suit your convenience. This credit service entails no interest charges whatever. a visit today. FREE--A bottle of choice per- fume to' every lady visitor. MISSES' COATS SPECIAL. from Al quality of choice velour--fashioned with very large moufflon collar and deep cuffs, smart side trimmings of silk stitching Colors, Fawn, OPENING cable cord and buttons. Sand, Brown, Bois-De-Rose, ete, LADIES' COATS New and stylish cut model in a wide choice of new colors, made irom specially selected velour, lux- uriously trimmed with rave quality mandel fur Pay us A charming coat made $177.50 Special Price MENTS NAVY SERGE SUITS "Glassonia Special" Indigo Dye Fashioned from all wool serge and choice herringbone fab- rics in a wide choice of smart styles for young men, and their seniors. Every suit carries the "GB" giiarantee for good wear, fast color and lasting service, $27.50 $35 $39 Handsomely interlined. collar. lined, and fy $22.00 BOLIVIA COATS AS ILLUSTRATED A popular version of the mode, specially design- ed to fit the woman of five feet three inches tall, fashioned from English Bolivia and trimming with Moufflon collar, novel $ 30.00 : side trimming with CHARMEEN DRESSES large fur tab on hem. New Fall Dresses in rich charimeen made from an all wool fabric in navy guaranteed East Indigo Dye. Collars, cuffs and front are sao §] 3 0 LJ SILK DRESSES =... Beautifully styled canton, and flat crepa silk dresses, featuring many. versions of the new stand collar, long sleeves and new tiered skirt, colors Claret, Titian Gold, Tartus, Navy, Black, cte. $19.50 Ld From. ... : WINTER COATS The Simcoe Oshawa Soecial MEN. Here's an opening special in ag ted navy chinchilla melton or smart radio $ ) tweed coating. Handsome models in new { double breasted styles, Credit Price We specialize in burly coats for growing youths in rare models, lined with all wool lining in smart double breasted styles. Colors of $13 95 y & BOYS' COATS , ; TORONTO OUTSIZED DRESSES imitate their elders in smart apparel that gives Local Of tice Xe rawr slaty for womeg Aho a Or a - . . . hen she considers Xiva cut=ized dresses oaay we a¢ showing a beauti- mother that lasting gajjstastion wi | ful black canton crepe dress, handsomely (rimmed with the price and their wear resistng qual- $7 95 a rich brocaded crepe. 2. 99 © . J - 8, Extra Special Vigae He $22.50 All sizes. sturdy overcoat madé froni specially selec- trimmed with' Tri colored Bulgarian braid, sizes 16 to 40. Special price : 0] ' YOUTHS' COATS navy, brown, iovat, etc. ..........ccoeeennne Wide choice of nobby styles for little boys who ities. From

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