THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER WEDNESDAY, OLY OBER 2, 1926 PACE FIVE % YR EpER NR Ye "THURSDAY 'FRIDAY SATURDAY" FOR 3. DAYS--Thursday, Friday and Saturday, We offer. special prices in all lines, of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing and Furnishings Every- thing for' 'the Man or Boy from two years to sev- enty. Exceptional opportunities are afforded dur- ing this three days selling and the savings will be worth while. The following are a few--space will not permit further quotations. and Young Men's Suits 200 Suits i in a new Mead and worsted clotiis, assorted shades and colorings, in two and three button, single aiid double breast- ed styles. 'Sizes 34 fo a. Men are now think- ing of their Winter Overcoats -- We are offering for this 3 Day Sale--Overcoats in navy blue, fancy Suits Regular $27.50 to $30.00 od Suits Regular $32.50 to $35.00 $25.00 3 Days Onl y We offer for this 3 Day Sale--400 Boys' Suits made in the popiilar Belted Norfolk style, every suit has either two Bloomers or a Bloomer and Golf Pants, made from good tweeds and worsteds as well as the popular Blue Serge. Regular $10.00 Suits $6.95 tweeds and plain cloths, $32.50 and $35.00 values. Regular $15.00 Suits $10.95 Regular $12.50 Suits Regular $16.50 Suits $8.95 $12.95 REGULAR $18.00 surrs $13.95 BRING IN THE BOYS Men's and Boys' Golf Hose A very pleasing showing of Men's and_ Boys' Golf Hose, in either fancy. or plain knit, all with fancy roll tops. Special 75¢ to $1.50 Men's Work Sox Young Men's Long Pant Suits In Blue Chambray, Navy Blue, Khakj}, Black and Colored Drills--14 to 17% $1.25 values 98c¢ $1.50 values $1.20 $2.00 values $1.65 8 3 Days Only Everything for the man who wants good warm pull wool heavy ribbed Sox--All Colors. 35¢c values 50c values 65¢ values 75c values "3 Days Only This is a rare oppor- tunity for the young chaps. We offer real values in fancy tweed, worsted and navy hair line Suits made in the popular single and double breasted styles. . Sizes 32 to 36. Regularly priced $25 to $27.50. 3 Day Sale Price ' shown. We have tliem in plain as well BOYS' PLAIN AND FANCY JERSEYS Something very new and ponder are the Jerseys similar to the illustration as in the fancy collar and cuff: 2 years $1.50 $1.75 $2.50 : $200 Arne Airs totter timeratts met mvey meri retusa perso renrrrare nin TT --------------p-- wry, - BOYS' WIND BREAKERS Same style as the illustration shown, in fancy pure wool knitted' or fancy flannel stylas. Sizes 6 to 18 years. $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 $4.00 and Are You Using Our Credit Service oo. The Ten - Pay - Plan UNDERWEAR Our stock is complete 'in Men's heavy, medium or fine wool Underwear in combin: aticn or two piece styles. Priced for 3 Days Only .75¢, $1.00, $2.00 . Up to $4. 75" Every garment guarariteed or money r2funded I Pure Wool Pullover Sweaters In Heavy ribbed knit with shawl collar. Navy, Scarlet and White. 34 to 42. Reg. $4.50. | $3.35 Men's Sweater Coats and Cardigans in plain or fancy knitted all-wool yarns--a variety of shades, $2.50 to 88.50 3 Days Only $1.95 to $6.75 Men's Jumbo Knit Sweater Coats A: pure Wool Coat with fine large collar and nockets, in Sand and White shades only. 38 to 42. 3 Days Only E. 2 Men's Fine Quality Pure Wool Worsted Sweater Coats Made in Canada: Olive and Brown Heather mixtures. A beautiful coat for muoor wear. 36 to 42. A Wind Breakers We have a large and vagied as- cortment, of nign's. fancy Wind Breakers, in knitted faney pai. terns. or in the heavy fancy tweed eftecty. . $6.00, $6.75, $7. 50 $ Odd Pants For this 3 DAYS ONLY We offer 20% OFF All MEN'S ODD TROUSERS 20% OFF For the little fellow of two to six years we show a pleasing selection of Suits; made fiom Jersey Cloths, Tweeds and Serges, in Midday, Vestie, or Oliver Twist Styles, F 4 Our Ten - Pay - Plan $10.00 Down The Balance In. Ten Weekly Payments