Tod Morgan Routs Johnny Dundee in -F ABy Associated Press). San Francisco, Calif., Oct. 2057 Tod Morgan, of Seattle, continues to_reign supreme in the division of ¥: 3 junior light weights For a few brief minutes here last night his"suprem- acy was questioned, but before the "battle had progressed far, the chal- lenger, Johnny Dundee of New York, had been put to rout by a barrage of flying gloves that.beat a steady tattoo on the face and body. FORGET POLITICS . (Farmer's Advocate) Canadian would do well to for- get 'polities for a while 'and settle down to industry and progress. The 7ing need mow is honest, steady I inistration of the c#lntry's af- fairs; a stronger morale and con- fidence in the future. Production In Canada. is 'abundantly sufficient te | warrant better times for all. Politics | uld not be allowed to suppress prosperity. King S& W. f 'WHITE 'ROSE GAS --and--i0 0 "EN-AR:CO 'OIL DOMINION & CE ICH 1 . =» 'FIRES and CESSO tisco pi Battle 'DEFEAT B COMPANY |, "Phe Employed Boys of 'the Y.M. (C.A. nosed out B Company of the 'Ontario Regiment 15 to 14 in a fast exhibition of softball.- Both teams finished strong with the "Y" boys hitting the ball alittle harder. The lineups were: B Company--J. A. Smith, 'rt; Bayes, ss; Norsworthy, 3b; Mowatt, c; J. Smith, p; Stocks, cf; Weeks, 2b; Marshall, If; Hardman, 1b; sub, Bennett. Y.M.C.A.--H. Luke ¢, Creamer p, Luke, 1b; MeDougall, ss; Trotter, 2b; Meath, 3b; Saywell, cf; Russell, rf; Witterick, if; Craig, sub. MAY GET NOMINATION IN NEW 'CONSTITUENCY Oct. 19.--Harold A C. Shipman, executive officer of the 'Ottawa Liberal:Conservative As- dociation, will séek nomination by Ottawa, | the "regularly constituted Conserva- tive convention ag candidate in the 'few riding of Ottawa North in the , forthcoming Proyineial elections. "In amféuncing that he would con- test the nomination, Mr. Shipman said tonight that while he had al- ways been a supporter of téemper- ance principles, he found the pres- ant suggestion of Premier Howard Ferguson for control of liquor by Government permit, in complete ac- cord with systems he had always advocated. Mr, Shipman is a patent attorney by profession. Public 3 MONTREAL OFFICE Dominion and:Provincial Government Bonds Municipal Bonds and Industrial Financing Foreign Issues Quoted Dom INION SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED Established 1901 Utility LONDON, ENG., OFFICE fhe will get all his barbering done E. R. WOOD, President Head Office: 26 King St., E. TORONTO 2 189 St. James Street No 6 Austin Friars OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE FRANK J. REDDIN MANAGER CENTRAL CANADA LOAN & SAVINGS COMPANY 23 Simcoe Street, North "Devent The second ¢lash in 'the Major Club' alleys resulted in some: distinet reversals. The Maple Leaf Dairy won 2 points and their performance was a lot better than last time out. The Professionals 'came to life and added 4 points to their score but their op- ponents, the Diamonds, will do a lot tougher next Tuesday. The Barbers were there with the big noise. The Mavor of Bowman- ville heard them and advises that at home, as he was a little bit afraid of that "skin 'em alive" stuff that has injected into their "Barber Col- lege Yell." Professionals 'Dr. Harding +199 Corcoran 162 Dr. Langmaid 136 F. Ebbs . . 160 Dr. 'Hubbe! 152 Dr. Gifford Dr. Ferrier .. 809 Total--2600. : © Diamonds §. Turner .. -- 125 P. Turner 191 0. Corey . . 145 Bollack ... 165 Guiltinan Total--2,352 Westmounts we TAT 18% . '159 137 H. Davenport .. L. Whittington . 0. Weeks ....... W. Whittington W. Campbell Garner ...... Fairman Bath .... Duxbury Johmson Corrin ...... 895 ~~ Total--2,746. Coca Colas - 181 152 213 McDougall Hall Creamer . Avery .. 916 1059 Christian Church 175 : 268 177 213 . 123 104 116 178 172 Crouse Anderson Petre Manuel .. Winstanley . Total---2,509. Adanacs / - 156 . 198 188 Dove Pratt Legge . Robertson Donald... 218 224 199 201 1043 3 Total --2,867. Driazells 184 205 146 IMish Price ... Total--2,762. * 127 108 158 T44 Lemon Temperton .. cS wrer--- - " pki 0 desi MEN'S OXFORDS $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 New Fall Styles in 'both heavy or medium weight soles. $3. © Frank Slater's : Fron 'SHOE 3 For Men and Women year Reg. a nar i A EA re bia bl VE ~ MEN'S BOOT ? For outside or shop wear, Extra good quality black calf leather uppers with full double soles, goodyear welt. Let $6.50 Lined Special Values in School Shoes Misses' Oxfords black or 'brown Extra good Growing. Girls' Oxfords Sizes 214 to 7. Dressy look- ing, good wearing shoes in either black or brown: Priced at 45 "Also, similar style at $2.95 In patent, calf 'leathers. soles. Sizes 1] to 2 ... * 8 to 101 5 to 7Y. 1) i Men's Brown Calf Oxfords, good- Black or Brown: 95 Jon $3.95 Value welt soles, rubber $5.00 shoes: p heels. Men's Work Boots For sutside and sliop 'wear, with toe. caps or in plain toe style, solid leather throughent. black or brown, = ua " ana EEEEE A City 5-Pin Leagiie at the Reéreation their cheer leader, Charlie Johuson, | 32 | Lovelock .... Total--2,536. -. 127 198 .. 143 000 1.10 170 124 186 193 '131 ETO 6 7 1--14 4.3 6--15 161 Tonkin Kunkel . N. Wilson B "Company ....... Y.M.C.A, Low... Clendenning Montgomery rd 138 178 .|the recent fain and | would 'halt threshing for the next '| her happiness in her néw home. TRESHNG » oT HASBEEN DELAYED: But in 'Alberta Weather is Fair Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 19.--Wea- today and the indications were that snow storms three of four days. 'Rain was re- ported as general over the entire Province of Manitoba from midnight last night until this merning. ter weather 'conditions prevail in Alberta, Threshing was general this morning in the Medicine Hat, Leth- {bridge and Calgary division and over two-thirds of the Edmonton division, 'according to the 'weather and crop report of. the Canddian Pacific Railway Company. In spite of the adverse wether conditions, the crop is moving rap- idly tgward the elevators at the head of the lakes and Vancouver. LEAVINGATY IS man Gimblett gathered at the home of Mrs. Geo. Montgomery to wish A dainty lunch was served by the hos- by 'Mrs. Montgomery followed 'by gifts of a pair of blankets and bath towels in remembrance of her neigh- bors on Jarvis street. 'The address {which was read is: Dear Mrs. Gimblett: -- Since learning of your, departure .|we thought it would be fitting to: ""|spend a few hours together again Total--2,503. Has Beens Norris: ......... Cregg .... Brown . Morrison Dobson .. Walton George Total--2,869. * Go Getters 131 165 153 184 134 Webster .... Rorabeck Jackson Bowers Tutton' .... 148 168 158 200 142 816 172 94 239 175 767 877 Total--2,560. Canadian Xatiogal Express - Miners 113 122 Love . 93 122 Skelton 143 203 Atto 174 215 Dummy Mann 127 89 103 764 Total--1,992. , Maple Leaf Dairy Anderson 105 Br ol SE R. Lambert 101 Coombs .. . 145 Rutter ..... 184 216 143 103 181 673 Total---2,440. Alger Press ems 1 48 192 Cator ......... Burgess ....... H. Rorabeck i133 Ji MOUEIS ...c.oooniin: 1 38 Wilkinson 74 146 135 129 161 755 Total---2;164, PILSUDSII FACES HIS FIRST REVOLT Twenty Young Officers Are Arrested for Issuing Pamphlets Warsaw, Oct. 19.--Signs of the first revolt of the army against- Mar- shal Pilsudski, Premier and Minister of War, since he established his vir- pual dictatorship last May, were dis- covered in Poland today. Twenty young officers of artillery, stationed in Prsemzsi, Poland's largest fort- 'ress, were arrested on a charge of cireulating anti-Pilsudski pamphlets among enlisted men and 'non-com- missioned officers, / The 'young officers, who graduated from the Polish Officers' Schogl last Summer, supported the former Pol- ish President against Pilsudski in $2.95 $3.65 $3.95 C1 Boys' School Boots _ Good dependable boots for fall wear. \ Sizes | to 51, $2.75 to $3.95 * 1ltol31, $2.25t6 $2.95 * 8to 101% $1.95 to $2.75 a See Window Display the May revolution. 'The Govern- orate secret ters in Posen, propaganda headquar- where a large number ot claims to have discovered elab- | of hostile books and pamphlets had i been printed. { The substanée of | officers" the complaint ig that {obtined and fétains power by un- {Tair means. "The Government thor- { oughly alarmed, is making a search- rebellious Pilsudski | ing investigation of all: garrison posts" | rouse, the country. ENGINEERS IN BIX MONTHS ' "(Kansas 'City Times) A 'promising move recently has (been undertaken By the Ameriean "Association of Erigineers. This or- avization seeks to end .the 'pro- itable 'business of certajn unscrupu- {ous correspondence school that ! old out to young men the lure of high salarys immediately upon com- pletion of the courses the schools | ffer. In some cases, an official of the association states, these schools | promise a salary "higher than that | .f the chief engineer of the Chicago | elephone company' on the comple- tion of a correpondence course last- ng only six months, i | to enjoy your company. As we have always'®fdund you agreeable and jolly, ready to help at any time, we wish 'you to' ""aceept these gifts as a 'small "token remembrance and hope they will be | very useful to you in your new home. Signed on behalf of the neighbors, Mrs. Mentgomery Mrs. Love: VIOLATED EARLY. (LOSING BY-LAW Was Laboring Under a Misapprehiension Tony Matehynski has been for some time laboring under a misap- prehension. This morning in 'po- lice court he was charged with keep- ing his store open after the regular closing hour. The case was dismis: sed when it was shown that several of his friends were wont to gather in the store in the evening and dis cuss the national problems of thg day. His 'store was not open for business but as a sort of resort for his friends. ok was } Jeeinitely laid GROSS, FEVERISH CHILD 15 BHLIDUS OR CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! See if tongue is | coated, breath hot or ' stortach sour + California "we Ld harm Fi ru - Every 'Mother 'realizes, after giv- ing her 'children " "California Fig Syrup' "that this ¥s thelr ideal lax< ative, Because théy love its pleasant] tastoand 'it thoroughly cleanses: the tender little stomach, liver "Sand bowels "Without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish, oi breath is bad, stomach sour, 'Took at 'the tongue, 'mother! give a teaspoonful of this harmless, | "friity faxative," and in a felv hours ull 'the foul; constipated 'waste, sour bilg and 'undigested food passes Hut ct'the 'bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When the littiz eystefn is full of cold, throat sore, has stomaeh ache, diarrhoea, indi gestion, colic--remeémber, ' a. good "inside clednsing" 'should always be the first treatment given. Millions of "mothers keep "Cali fornia - Fig Syrup" handy; they 'Know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask Yyoar druggist for a bottle of California Fig syrup, which has directions for ther. "repotys throughout Manitoba' 'land Saskatchewan were unfavorable Bet- i HONORED BY FRIENDS |[H A'nafabér of fMends:or Mrs. Nor-{E tess after which an address was read | of |' Tony Matchynski Claims He | down by Magistrate Hind that "a store to be closed within the mean- |; ing of the law must be locked and rely barried. There was no ob- ection to the! presence in the store of the prdprietor 'or his_assistants, bit the public must not be admitted on 'any pretext. ES = 3 De Yavd "Millers, Cream Separators, 'and 'Repairs E. BERTRAR ; 1 122 Simcoe N. ; Stationary A Let 0s do Your Picture Framing-- 'ROBERTSHAW"S 1 HH B) Screened at NEISWEN In The Story Of A Man Who Hit Bottom And Fought . Back "Tin Gods" THE PICTURE YOU'VE BEEN. WAITING TO SEE MEIGHAN IN. THE DRAMATIC STORY OF A MAN FORCED TO THE DEPTHS BY ONE WOMAN --AN pELrED TO THE HEIGHTS BY ANOTHER! «(AST INCLUDES-- Renee Adoree Aileen Pririgle TE If toate babies, 'children of all rages and grown-ups printed on the bottic. Beware of, counterfeits sold hdre, so don't be fooled. Get the genuine, cold by the "California Fig Syrup Comping." A Daredevil 'Wh8 Wanted Peace and Willingly Fought For it. story by F. 'W. 'BUCKLEY Directed by Ww. S. VAN DYKE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY They expected a two | fisted gunman They 'got an inno- fensive individual 7 who looked like a ° dude. : He was a man of peaceful méthods, 'but boy, how he could fight! | WE | ARE | ALSO [SHOW ING APERS OMEDY 8 CYLINDER BULL