Oshawa Daily Reformer, 20 Oct 1926, p. 3

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« THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER; WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1926 : Oshawa and District On the Police Blotter Today Shown on the police station blot- ter as 'coming under the attention of the police during the past twenty- four hours are the following items: Prokop Bachup arrested at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon on a B.O.T.A. charge; at 5.18 a dog was run over at the corner of Connaught and Masson streets; Nick Kowalchuk ar- rested on a B.O.T.A. charge at 5.40; William Kumford, of Hampton, re- ported that his Irish terrier was lost "at 6.20 and shortly after it was found; two lodgers reported between the hours of seven and eight; at 7.55 a bicycle was found in Alexan- dra Park; at 8 o'clock this morning a stray horse was reported Wwander- . ing round on Simcoe street north. In the cases of Bachup and Kowal- cuk bail was fixed at $2,000 each. They were adjourned until 'October FINE MEETING OF HUSIC STUDY CLUB Interesting Program Follows ". Business--Attendance Large "I love to wander through the wood- lands hoary, In the soft light of an autumn day." These lines of Whitman were car- ried out in song and story at the regular monthly meeting of the Mu- gic Study Club last evening when a large attendance of the membershin added interest to the occasion. Pre- vious to the program some items of business were considered chief of which was the reading of a letter from Mr. Glionna, leader of the Riverdale Orchestra, offering some suggestions for the development of an Orchestra in Oshawa. A committe eof which Mrs. R Bennett is convenor, was appointed to intervief some of our musicians and bring in a report at the next meeting. The subject for the evening, "An Autumn Day in the Woods, was tak- en by Mrs. Frank Chappell and al- though the*music rendered was very delightful, interest centered in Mrs. Chappell's paper which was cleverly written and possessed much literary merit, The opening sentence at cnce awakened interest in the audience, "Who would see Nature.must see it whole and free from man-made trappings and those of us of whom it can be said, '"A primrose by the river's brim. a yellow primrose was to him, just this and nothing morse,' can readily lend our imagination to the assisting artists who by their musical key can unlock the door of memory and enable us to relieve in fancy the emotions and enjoymen:s of a day spent in the woods." ' Mrs. Chappell"s portrayal of day- break, the breeze, forest and trees, until twilight gathered was very descriptive and showed intimate knowledge of the choicest gemms of literature. The songs fittingly wo- ven into the story were: The World is Waiting For Sunrise, Seitz, Miss D Williams; Break O' Day, Sander- son, Mrs. Farrow; Farewell to Summer, Johnston, Miss M. Ross: Down in 'The Forest, Laudon "Rou. ald, Miss M. Pringle; Trees, Ras- bach, Mrs. W. Hare; In The Hush of The Woods, Herbert Oliver, Mrs. J. Smith; But Why, Logan, Mrs. Robertson; Good-bye, Losti, Mrs. Fisher; How Beautiful is the Night, Cuthbert Harris, Mrs. East, Mrs. Hare, Myes J. Reddie. All the songs were rendered effectively and prov- ed that the club had a splendid ar- 1ay of talen, capable and versatile. The piano numbers were also des- criptive of the theme And were con- tributed as follows:--Brise d" Ete, Sanderson, Miss Eva Sharpe; In the Woods, Vector Staub, Miss Au- drey Werry; (a) To a Wild Flow- er, McDowell, (b) The Rose and the Butterfly, Wachs, Miss Mathie. The cantilena style which the piano numbers demanded was well produced by each of the pianists and proved very pleasing to the autdi-|- 'ence. The accompanists for the evening whose work added greatly to the enjoyment of the songs were Miss Mathie, Mr. Gifford McCormick, Miss Galt, Mrs. E. J. Bale, Mrs. F. Hallitt, Mrs. J Smith and Miss Ems- ley Mrs. Chappell referred to the folk-lore of all countries wherein men have personified the spirits of trees and peopled the woods with their 'merry| revels. [Little Gene- vieve Conant, as a fairy, gave an interpretation of a fairy dance to the dainty piano accompaniment .f Miss Woodwell and so captiated the andienca with her ease and grace that she had to repeat it again. The stage made a pretty setting * for the dance, having been curtaia- ed with green and tastefully decora- ted. Those who are always looking for succour don't always spell it that way.~--St. Catharines Standard. Heaters . for cars } 'Merritt Paint & AutoRepair 20 CHURCH ST. K. P.'s at Peterboro : The officers, members of the degree team and members of the Knights of Pythias lodge motored to Peterboro last evening. They put on their degree work. While in Peterboro they were entertained by members of the Peterboro lodge; Recent Deaths MARY BADIN The death occurred in the Osh- awa Hospital this morning of Mary Badink._ She had ben ill for many yéars and had heen a patient in the hospital on several -oceasibns. - The deceased was 44 years of age. She was born in Ukrainia and had been a resident of Canada for 17 years. rp ------r Aanerican girls who have been asked to dance' wtih Prince ' Nicholas of Rumania will now be able to turn up their nose at one-time partners of the Prince of Wales.--Kitchener Record. Because of her blindness, Justice is saved from many a blush.~Guelph Mercury. The, most dangerous rum-running motorists are those who carry the Toad inside of them.--Milverton Sun. a | to take effect as under: PROMOTION LIST FOR "C" COMPANY Ontario Regiment Weekly Or- ders Issued Today By Commanding Officer Orders issued today by Lt.-Col. Frank Chappell and posted by Cap- tain C. A. Mason, Adjutant, are as follows: Duties--Officer of the Day, Lieut. Max Evans; Orderly Sergeant, Sergt. BE. Bourne; next for duty, Lieut. Mit~ chell, Corpl. Fitches. , ¢ Parade--Friday, October 22nd, 1926, *"C". Company fall in. Whitby Armouries 7.15 p.m. H.Q., "A" and "B" Companies fall in, 7.45 p.m. with rifles. Dress, Drill Order Inspection--Unit will be inspected at '8.30 p.m. by the Officer Com- manding 25th Infantry Brigade. Col. H.S. Cooper, O.B.E.,, M.C. Forma- tion, Companies will be in line sized. Signals in rear of "A" Company, Band in rear of. '"B" Company. Headguarters details in rear ofr "C" Company. Promotiens, "C" Company, Sergt. H. L. Taylor to be Prov, Lieuten- ant as from. October 1st, 1926. (Auth. OC. Ontario Regt.). Pte. J. Parker to be A.C.S.M. as from July 29. The following Acting Ranks Pte. W. Ashton to be C.Q.M.S. as from Au- -.PAGE. THREE... aR ----A gust 8. Pte. J. Sheridan to be Sergt. as from July 7. Pte. G. L. Brown to be Sergt, as from August 3. Pte. W. Brown to, be Corpl. as from July 29. Pte.R. H. Copeland to be Corpl, as from July 29. Pte. F. Mad- docks to be Corpl. as from July 29. Pte. E. J. Kirk to be Cpl. as from July 29. Pte. S. Bragg to be L-Cpl. as from July 7. Appointments--The following Of- ficers will command Platoons as follows, (Auth, 0.C. Ontario Regi- ment). Lieut. G. A. McGillivray, No, 9 Platoon; Lieut. H. L. Taylor, No. 10 Platoon; Lieut. G. Whitfield, No. 11 Platoon' Transportion--0O.C. "C" Company will make arrangements for trans- portation for "C'" Company to Osh- awa to Fall In with "A", "B" and "H.Q"" at 7.45 p.m. Attached for duty--The following other ranks are attached to duty to the Sections set opposite their names: Pte. E. Salmon "A" Co. to Signals; Pte. W. Borrowdale to Signals;' Pte. C. E, Fry "B" Coy. to Signals; Pte. R. Colgyhoun "A" Coy. to Band; Pte. J. Taylor "A" Coy. to Band; Pte, Steacy "A" Coy. to 'Band. Part II Orders--Special attention is drawn to Part II Orders issued under date of October 1st, and post- ed with these orders, Notice must be given at once to the Orderly Room of any discrepancy which may have occurred, . The face of Nature begins to show a lavish use of the vanity box.--Hamil- ton Herald. Some girls are so bowlegged they'd make good models for parentheses.-- Sault Star. Millions are hearing the world's series over the radio and about half of that number could tell the mana- gers how to run the teams.--Chicago Post. {oi-- STELCO COKE COAL, COKE, WOOD Phones: 1002-W--1002-] A. F. McCULLOCH - 37-41 Ritson Road North 7 Burn the best Domestic Coke W. J. Trick Co. Limited PHONE 230 Phone Your Drug Needs to : THOMPSONS % 10 Simcoe south. Phone 22 : fosfodentoss Felt Bros. = Auction Sale ON SATURDAY, OCT. 23--TIME, 2 p.m. sharp, at 62 Division street, Oshawa, of living room, dining room, bed room and kitchen furni- IT WAS WONDERFUL from « HERB JUICE simply wonderful," #tated Mrs. J. Pitkin, 30 Charlotte St., Toronto. "For *a year my stomach was disordered. I would have suf- focating pains in the stomach, gas pains and constipation, Nothing 1 tried would give me 'any benefit. At last J heard of HERB JUICE. 1 started taking it and found the results remarkable. 1 cannot say too much for the preparation and recommend HERB JUICE to all sufferers from amy kind of stomach trouble. It is a wonderful medicine in restoring the stomach, howels liver and kidneys to normal condition." or sale by Jury & Lovell Ltd. and other druggists, Oshawa. "The results were ture ,also piano in splendid condi- tion, rugs, gas range, dishes and utensils, property of the late Flor- ence Alexandra Fowke. Tems cash. A. C. Lycett, auctioneer . 169-¢ " G YOUR EYES Hamilton Optical House ¥ 6 Richmond St. E., Oshawa The LEADING JEWELERS CHIROPRACTIC 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH D. E Steckiey, Chiropractor and less Therapist, will be in the office, 86 Sim- street, north every afternoon and Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday rent Foremoons by appointment. Residential calls made in town anc surrounding dis- trict. Consultation is free at office. Phone 224. - FINE WATCH REPAIRING D. J. BROWN JEWELLER King St. W. Phone 189 2 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1200 | REFORMER WANT ADS PAY i i -- > The Floor finished in Lamp, all at the astonishing price of . For What Would Ordinarily be the Price of One We are going to take orders to the number of 50 for sets of three lamps, as illustrated (other designs also available), while the quantity lasts, consisting of Piano Lamp, Bridge Lamp and Table is in the polychrome, the popular junior height equipped with 2-ligh 24-inch shade in fancy ova $29.75 On the Extremely Easy Terms Told of Below: Lamp gold adjustable cluster, t 1 shape is lined and interlined with silk and covered with alternate panéls of georgette and lace, heavy p metallic trimming, with 6-inch valance and two-color fringe. The Bridge inch oval Lamp finish, in brown and gold, with adjustable arm, shade standard is also in polychrome 14 lined with silk and covered witl Al georgette and gold lace panels, with trimmings and fringe to match floor lamp, The Table Lamp stands 21 inches high, with S-inch base, an finished to mateh other gold polychrome. Small Sum Down Sends Home the Three two lamps, You can then pay balance after you receive the lamps in your home--$1 weekly till paid for. REMEMBER! There are only 35( sets t osell as choice will, of course, favor those who have first pick. But we wonderful offer is a beauty! Nd phone orders can be accepted, (130 lamps in all), so } make up your mind to come early, in brown Outfit Com q! 2d In Walnut finish, with 2-inch can assure you that every lamp in this A splendid design, solid oak mattress. Specially priced at Oval Braided reversible. In mauve, black and rose colorings, Very suitable for bed- rooms or bathrooms. Sizes as follows 20x36 ins., reg. value $2.25. .8$1.69 24x48 ins,, reg. value $395 36x72 ins., reg. value $8.95 Cotton drawer. oy .. $2.99 week only . Adams Special Kitchen Cabinet Marvellous housekeeping aid. Solid oak, white enamel interior, equipped with drop flour bin, glass sugar bowl and spice set, disappearing roller front, want list and household lists. Base has porcelain extension top, all metal bread box with sliding lid, cutlery and linen Most convenient in appointments. Special this $49.85 .GREAT RADIO OFFER! Take advantage of one of the best offers in many a day. We are going. to accept orders (to the number of 50 only) for the wonderful TRIRDYN Radio Set, illustrated here, with all thes equipment shown. With famous opera stars, great violinists, the finest orchestras and bands in America, and a flood of other big features being nightly broadcast, every home should possess a good radio! And here is the best chance to own one. lam. $10.00 SENDS ONE HOME Balance $2 The complete outfit as without delay and you sums while getting Weekly After Delivery shown will be sent to your home can pay balance in small weekly your enjoyment from it, A THREE TUBE Set that does the work of five A three-tube tuned radio frequency cir- cults) ing increased selection--better tone and smoother control--actually giving re- suits equal to most five-tube sets--abso- lutely non-radiati d in hand two-tone mahogany cabinet, made by Mc- Lagan, and providing ample room for dry cell equipment. Complete with three West- inghouse WX 199 radiotrons, three Ever- Ready dry cells, two 45 volt Ever-Ready B batteries, C battery, complete aerial equipment, genuine 4,000 $ 8 4. 75 ohm. "Brown loud speaker. Reg. price $130.00. Com- plete BED, SPRING AND MATTRESS INCLUDED with medallion effect, all iron frame spring and felt mattress. { DIVANETTE BEDS =. easily converted into double bed and fitted with separate spring and all felt Small Deposit Sends It Home A small sum brings the phonograph and records included Congoleum Rugs These splendid rugs are all first quality, choice patterns and colorings in the following sizes: 6-0 x 9.0 pecial at $ 8.50 7-6 x 9-0 Special at § 0.95 9-0 x 9-0 Special at $11.95 9-0 x 10-6 Special at $13.95 9-0 x 12-0 Special at $135.95 plete Only continuous posts, heavy fillers and steel cane panel centre Regular value $35.00. VERY ¢BA 85 frames, upholstered back and spring seat in art leather, $54.85 Console Includiog 10 Here's a wonderful saving on a high grade phonograph-- the former price was $125.00. The details of construction in brief are: Handsome Queen Anne design, genuine two-tone walnut, exclusive three spring motor, Columbia tone-arm and reproducer. Guaranteed five ykars. to ybur home without delay. After you receive it you can pay balance in small sums weekly in a way that you'll never miss the money, o interest or extras to pay. - The Adams Furniture Co. Limited Temporary Premises Just West of Simcoe Bond St.

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