Oshawa Daily Reformer, 20 Oct 1926, p. 11

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i 3 : D RISCH "7 Pianos, also Player Pianos, high ilgrey and red, also cement blocks, R. MeCulloch, phone 1002W and J. B= burners and oven, almost new, $12. THE OSHAWA DAI LY REFORMER, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1926 Articles For Sale FOR SBALE---MASON AND |] as FB I ST eit BABY BUGGY-----RUBBER TIRES, reversible gear, guaranteed an, ' dollars. 478 Simcee Street }. Phone "1264. 162-11. BD HARD AND SOFT WOOD -$3.75.per load: Also hotie dry, 'wood. Phone 660. Waterous 3 157-tf BABY BUGGY FOR SALE--CREAM (wicker, in first class condition. $15. Drew St. Phone 466. Lda (167¢) ROOFING, DQUkKs, ~HARDWOOD "Iooring, plaster, Gyproc, Rocboard ilieathing. Waterous Supply 2 TOR SALE -- CEMENT BRICKS; south, nizends 15 Albany SL pagtra, Start ¥'7 Oshawa. FOR' SALE--SOFT WOOD, HARD- wood, body wood cut in : stove lengths, dplit if desired. Also coke. A. J, McCulloch, 1002W and J. (150tf) ard Chinése authority existed the tish Government will accord her na-j tionals the 'fullest measure of sup- SEPTIC" #TANKS -- CONCRETE blocks, 'b¥iék tile, sewer pipe for cul- yerts "and road crossings. Concrete plant; "Né¥th 'Oshawa. J. W. McCut- chieon, 166° Athol street east. Phone 516WH 74-tf OAL; COXE, WOOD--WE HAN- dle only the highest grade of an- hracite: coal and domestic coke. Try 8 for. your next order. All orders i} 'elghed: qn city scales. Phone 660. i Viterous: Supply Co. (119tn) WHY .A -NEW SUIT? SEND US the old trousers and we will .make a new pair to mateh that good coat jand vest, submitting a sample to you with the price first. New Trou- ser Co., 140 Victoria St., Toronto: (126-1 mo) COAL, COKE AND WOOD. rders waéighed on city scales. ALL A. F, (165tf) GAS RANGE--THREE NATIONAL {Can be seen at Cleve Fox Hardware lors, Simcoe south. 169-c "IN GINA POLICY| Naveagei 1 h } abd) 'Great Powers to see eye td eye with one another in the matter of repar- ations for damage done." Will: <A 'Demand Some Recompense « London," 'Oct. 18.--British policy in China is stiffening. The clarhors of the large mercan- tile firms who 'have 'built up Bri- tain's huge overseas trade in the Or- ient are to 'be heard and the Govern- ment is not'geing to sit idly by and see her nationals insulted and mur- dered and her trade ruined. Hitherto, the answer of the Gov- ernment to those who have pressed for a stronger hand in China has been that Britain will not act alone and 'it' has been difficult for the Miles Lampston, Minister desig nate at Peking, in a speech mad: here has indicated that this do no- thing policy is to stop, for he ha made it quite plain that where mo Bri- port and exact reparations for dam- ages done." The Minister added that in view of the patience already chown by British subjects, the Government recognizes that it is all the more incumbent upon them to derend Tir tish rights pending a return to nor- mal conditions in. Mhiv~ Tree implying any unfriendliness towards the Chinese people. $630 Brand New 7 Room- ed Wrick Veneer, House on Masvon St. Hard wood floors, fire" pinde, every- | thing modern, J. H. R. LUKE TEL. 687TW or 871 THE ' 'GAS STOVE, QUEBEC HEATER, City Treasure range, nearl ynew,! i! Apply evenings, 97 Colborne St. K.) hone 639W, 169-h | FOR SALE---UPRIGHT VICTROLA, | good' as new with 35 records. $40. Apply 77 Eldon Ave. (168¢c) 'CREAM STROLLER FOR SALE, jf Good condition. Apply 608 Christie 'St, Rossland Park, (168b) 'FOR SALE--FIVE LID SOUVENIR Bh Range, hot water front and high back. 56 Division St. (168¢c) ELECTRIC FOR SALE--MOFFAT gly Range, 3 burners, large oven, high shelf, white Porcelain trim, Also Annex. Both in good condition. 475 §, Simcoe St, North. Phone 1688. (168e) | FOR SALE--ELECTRIC WASHER i A.B.C. Medel. Oscillating $75 cash g' or $85 terms. $25 down, $10 month- ly. Phone 2150. (167¢) HEATER FOR SALE, CHEAP. AP- a: Ply 574. Simcoe St, S, Oshawa. gi 167¢) fl FOR SALE--HEAVY SET OF TEAM harness. Apply 38 Brock St. E. Phone 1073W. : (168Db) ff OR'SALE--LADY'S HUDSON SBAI Coat, beaver trimmed. 39 Greta St. (168c¢c) FOR SALE--QUARTER CUT DIN- , ing room' suite, walnut steel beds, i spring .and mattress, oak dresser. * Gold, Seal Congolewm rugs. Quebec Heater' and various other articles. Oy Leader Dry Goods Store, or after 7 o'clock, 71 Simcoe street north Phone 740. 167-c 'FOR° SALE~--ONE WHITE GOAT- y 8Kin baby carriage, robe, also boy's ; large wagon. - Apply 209 Bruce St. Phone 1283J. 168-c , ORDERS TAKEN FOR GOOD PO- tatoes. Price $2 per bag. Phone 16667, er 274J. (168e) BICYCLE FOR SALE--APPLY 208 Glidden:yAve. or phone 1190W. 3 169-2 --NE FOR: SALE--1 LARGE HEATER in {ist class shape. 1 two-burner zas( plate with detachable oven, also number of other household articles. Avdly 210 Prince street. 169-¢ FOR "BALE, -- COMBINATION breakfast and 'library table, fumed oalg Also two chairs to match. up- hol#pe: win tapestry. As good as neWasWidl sell eheap. Phone 2128 betwéen six-and seven. , 169-¢ WOR SALE--MUSKRAT COAT--- last *®¥ason's. Snap. 147 Brock castes - 169-tf == Building Supplies Disney Funeral Service New Loestion 302 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 1082 Day on Night RAILWAY TIME TABLES _ C.N.R. TE TAB4E Gol Wi ing est 4.44 a.m. daily, from Montreal to Toromto, 5.09 a.m. daily, from Ottawa to Toromto, 5.28 am Say , from Mbntreal to il t Ll troit, 6.20 a.m. daily, from Montreal to Detroi and Chicago, } iss am. dnily except Sunday, from Belle ille to Toronto. Y2% borne daily except Sunday, from Brock ille to Toronto. "43 pan. daily, from Montreal to Detroi nd icago. 2 ig Sunday only, from Belleville t 'Yoronto. LL p.m. daily except Sunday, from Ottaw: to Taronto. 9.01 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Mont real to Toronto, g Eadt 8.23 am. daily except Sunday, from Tor onto to Montreal. 8 a.m. Sunday only, from Toronto / Belleville. . a 9.59 a.m daily, from Chicago to Montreal 1.28 pu dail y except Sunday, trom Tloron to to Brockville. i 2.32 p.m., daily except Sunday from Toron to to Ottawa, ; m. daily. except Sumday, from Toronte to. Belleville. « 9.42 p.m. daily from Toronto to Montreal 11.07 p.m. daily, from Toronto to Montreal 11.41 p.m. daily, from Toronto. to Uttam *11.59 p.m, daily, from Detroit to Montreal CL) train stops only for Montreal par sengers and befend, ft ving East 12.09 a.m. daily, from Chicago to Montrea 10.07 a.m. dail» from Chicago to Montres 2.05 p.m. daily (except Sunday, from Toront to Ottawa. 8.03 p.m. daily, except Sunday, from Toront to. Trenton. . 11,10 p.m. daily from Hamilton to Montres est 5.45 a.m. daily from Montreal to Hamiltor 6.23. a.m, daily from Montreal to Chicago. 8.40 a.m. daily except Sunday, trom T to Toronto. i 4.47 p.m. dailv irom Monireal to Chicago. 7.35 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Ottaw to Toronto. MAILS CLOSE 7.15 a.m.--Going East. 3 9.1. a.m.--For We Cdiumbsts, Tauntor Cedaratle and vicinity. ' 8.30 a.m.--Whitby, 'lorénto_and points west 12.45 par--~Port Hops to Blackwater Jum tion: Por. Wopek and Bowmanville. 3.45 p.m.- Toronto and West; New Yor! and East®n tates. o 8.35 p.m.--Al going east and west. / se Brooklin, » Ont., Oct. 19. -- Mr. md Mrs. Gilbert Brown and son, Vewton, Toronto, spent the week- nd with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Croxall. Miss: Hunter, Exeter, is visiting Mrs. J. Ormiston. :: .. ~~ = Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stan 'ahd aughtér, Coming, N.Y., visited 'last veek at the home of Mrs. M. Grigg. Miss Inez Savage, Toronto, spent lel week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd of Cambray have moved into part of Mrs. Wm. miston's house for the winter. The Women's Institute donated a ronsignment of ¢lothing for the Nor- 'hern "Ontario people this week. tev) PL. Jull preached 'anniver- ary sermons in Raglan last Sun' day. ' large number of old friends «rom here. attended the fumeral of 'he late Mrs. D. Holliday in Whitby. ast Sunday. ' | Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Canning- on, have . moved 'into the morth alf of Mr, Wm. Jones' home. Miss. Viola-Lewis has been under he doctor's eare with blood poison- ng in her hand. : Mr. 'and, Mrs. Norman White as- isted the choir at Raglan last Sun- 'ay 'evening. The United Church hoit are as- isting in anniversary services at ft. Zion the last Sunday of this month. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Thompson and disses Laura and Hilda Mackey are wssisting on the program at the arvest \Home concert in Kedron his Friday evening, 3 The. extremely wet weather this all and last Monday is casting gloom 0 a tertain extent among people vho depend upon agriculture for a ivelihood. It cannot be denied it as been a serious financial setback poor quality grain, some heating in the granaries, much ef a large buckwheat crop is lying in mud and ver half the corn crop is _uneunt wd impossible to get off the field when cut by hand. Several corn wd grain binders have been stuck n the <fields and others broken. ere's hoping for a cessation in the wet weather. AH are hoping for a fine day for 'he plowing match next Saturday. 't would be suitable to have young nen from Brooklin competing in large numbers but they mostly are '00 rushed to get the proper prac- ice. There is great satisfaction in sloughing a good furrow. The inter-school meet of the lo- 'al schools was held here in the "ommunity park last Wednesday af- ernoon. The pupils are to be con- tratulated on the way they entered 'nto the sports. Miss Gladys Long ind Mr. Charles Brignal won a number of prizes for Brooklin. RAGLAN The Thank Offering services held n the United Church on Sunday were well attended. Rev. P. LL. full, B.A, of Brooklin took charge f both services and deliveréd most 'xcellent and inspiring sermons. We ire very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wtlite of Brooklin who as- listed the choir at the evening ser- vice and sang two very appropriate selections. The chureh was decora- ted with flowers and fruit suitable 'or the occasion. : Miss Effie Bracon has returned home after spending three 'weeks' /acation with her brother, Roy, of Montreal. Miss Jean Miller spent the week- nd at her home*in Utica. A number from the community attended the chicken pie supper held At Columbus United Church on Fri- lay of last week ard report a splen- 1id 'tea and "concert. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Squelch visi- ted.over the week-end with the lat- er's niece, Mrs. Earl Garfett of Burford. Miss Winnie Wilson of Port Per- v and Mrs. W. Sonley of Manches- ter" spent Sunday at her brother's, Vr. George Wilsonr ! . Mrs. L. Stanton is wisiting her jon, Mr. James Stanton, of Fenelon Falls. - Mrs. J. H. Platten has disposed of jer farm to Mr. Albert Slute. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgson and sons, Bob' and Melville, of Oshawa, 'ecently visited at Wm. Hodgin's. Mrs. W. Vance, Miss Edna Vance nd Mr. Wilbur Vance of Purple Hill pent Sunday at Mrs. William REFORMER WANT ADS PAY squelch's. : Suburban and "| Billie, visited her brother, Mr. J. 'DistrictNews Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moon and son, Stanton of Fenelon Falls one last week. Mr, and Mrs. McLaren intend moving to Toronto in the mear future to reside with their daughter, Mrs. Simpson. x § Ae Mr. ©. B. Hodgson of Toronto called on friends jn the neighborhood on Sunday. 'Chufeh 'services will be held next Sunday evening at seven o'clock. Rev. Mr. Swayne will occupy the pulpit. Sunday School will be held at the usual hour in the afterngon. Mra, illiam. Horner recently visited at Mr. J. Garbutt's of Brook- Hn. No, ty : Mr. and Mrs. Carrie Hood of Osh- awa 'were recent guests of her par- ents here. day COLUMBUS Columbus, Oect. 19---Miss Mary Marchington of Toronto visited friends in the village for a few days | last 'week. rv. LAE 'Mrs. Jas. Ashton of Oshawa spent last: week at J. Storie's. ; :The: ehicken supper at the chuéh on Friday night was d huge success. Lots of chicken and a good program was enjoyed by all. Proceeds about $330. Miss Ethel Wood of Broklin spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. Fred Tarves was in Bowman- ville on' Friday wight with the C,0 C.F. Lodge of Oshawa helping them with their play "Safety First." Mr. Ross Murison spent the week end with friends at Colbourne., Mr. Leonard Hindman of Oshawa spent Sunday at F. Wood's. THE CIRCUS PASSES (Vancouver Province) The circus proprietor is no longer he mighty wealthy wizard he was. ity inspectors allow little mystery bout him. He must account for his orses and their tricks, and report on his performing animals. Taxet are levied to razor-edge 'miceties. h2alth officers, cruelty to animal iispectors and police hedge and arass him with restrictions galling 0 his ancient kingship. Instead of miling farmers, wonder-eyed youths and holiday announcements greet- fig his advance agents, there are stern-faced officials and suspicious merchants, who resent "so much money leaving the town. Punck nd Judy, a generation, ago, turned own the side lanes td "the valley f oblivion. The circus already ie leaving the great highway of pop- larity. It may long travel the hy- ays, but always getting farther rom the main thoroughfare. | CHCAGO BUILDING " L0OTED BY GANG Band of 16 Men Escapés| With*Booty Estimated at $100,000 Chicago, Oct: 20.--Another crime mystery "perplexed police today as they hunted somre clue to a raid ».. the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company building early Sunday morning, k h The building, six stories high and sovering an entire block, was raided by 16 bandits who subdue,d nine employes, set off six blasts, and ecaped with loot,, the value of which will not be determined until a check {s made by company officials. How- ever, it wag sald the amount may reach $100,000. : The robber gang filéd the build- 'ng for aprpoximately eight hours, going about its work, quietly, While the. looting was under way, the watchmen were taken about their regular rounds and their clocks punched at the regular hours by the bandits, ; Most of the loot consist of platin- am and 'Premier' diamonds, com- sany officials said. Large quantities of the articles are used in the manufacture: of switchboards. Approximately $17,000 in and bonds was obtained. KEEP LIVER AND BOWELS REGULAR WITH 'CASCARETS sour stomach and constipation cash Get a 10-cent box now. % No. odds how bad your liver, stém- ich or bowels; how much your ead aches, how miserable and un: 'omfortable you are from constipa- fon, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels--you always get he desired results with Cascarets. Don't let your stomach, liver amd owels make you. miserable. Tgke Jascarets tonight; put an end to he headache, bilioveness, dizziness, rervousness, sick, sour, gassy stom- «ch, backache and all other distress; leanse your inside organs of all the rile, gases and constipated matter vhich is producing the misery. A 10.cent box means health, hap- oiness and a clear head for month. Jo more days of gloom and distress f you will take a Cascaret now and hen. All druggists sell. Cascarets. Jon't forget the children--their lit- le insides need a gentle cleansing. 00. St. Thomas, Oct. 20--An at- tempt to blow the safe in the office of Utter and Company, coal mer- chants, Princess avenue, Saturday evening, was frustrated by the time- ly passing 'of Constable Colin Me- Gregor. The safe was already for "touching off," the combination having been knocked off with a hammer or some other heavy ob- ject and the space filled with mitro- glycerine. A percussion cap with a long length of insulated wire ate tached had been placed against the explosive with the usual soap and sugar 'mixture... The preparations appeared to have been made by an experienced safe blower, As Constable McGregor was pass- ing the coal: office, about 10.45 o'clock, Saturday evening, a move- ment at the rear of the building caught his eye. He crossed the road to investigate and as he cross- ed, a man darted out from the deep shadows and ran arbund the coal sheds toward the bean elevator at the south end of the yard. Con- stahle McGregor gave chase but the robber eluded him in the darkness. Footprints found Sunday morning by detective McCulley and constable McCart indicated that the robber ran between the end of the. coal sheds and the bean elevator, out on to the London and Port Stanley Railway tracks, probably catching a freight train that was 'passing at the time. The footprints were made by a small-sized shoe. Mr. Utter reported that {hes COSTABLE ARRIVES IN TIME TO FRUSTRATE BLOWING OF SAFE were: only a few dollars in sive 12 friendship delivered by Seveillier," fer's statement that Gerniany's war guilt could not he forgotten." sistible DOES NOT FORGET GERMAN CRUELTIES Frenth |/Chaufféur [Astults Former Prison Camp Commandant Nice, Oct. 20.--*"Ybu were the chief of the German prison camp back of St. Quentin during the war?" asked Jean Sevelllier, a French chaueffeur, when his fare descended in front of the Monte Carlo Casino. "I was the commandant," replied the portly German who had journey- ed from Nice to try his luck at rou- lette. "Well, then--take that," shouted the Frenchman, landing a punch on the other's nose, knocking him into the gutter. At the police station, Seveillier told the officials that he was willinzs to go to jail for a year if necessary. since he had kept his vow to repay jome of the cruelties he had endure during his days as a prisoner of war, The German officer refused to make a complaint and Seveillier was releared after the desk officer ad- speech of Foreign Minister Briand at Geneva. upon the vised him to read the secasipn of Germany's entrance into the 'League. "I' prefer Poincare's speech," said referring to the Prem- PLAN YOUR HUNTING EARLY leaves, ~» TRIP The tinted the frequent sight of migrating water fowl, the bite of frost in the air, awake the prifitive hunting instinct and 'irre- desire . in the heart of all keen huntsmen to trek to the famous unspoiled game regions of Norlh- ern Ontario, teeming with wild life. Here roam the giant moose, the tim- id Deer and other game animals. soon the woods will ring with gun and rifle who can, match v reap the to November . The Canadian r. made spétial arrangem. accommodation of hunters special trains will be operated the hunting territory. On rejuest, any Canadian Pacific "Agent will gladly furpish you with full infor- mation and any particulars you may require as to hunting regulations, and will assist you in planning your ps Ea ro 'MADISON AVE. NEAR GRAND CIRCUS PARK NYP ITTTVTTY. YTVPWN Ad AL 63 King St., East. licy never to leave largé Bums of money in the office overnight. Wed+ nesday night of last \week was an exception. to this rule. The man- agement of the firm: were out of the city until late and a compara- tively large amount of office collcc- tions were locked in the safe. Fors tunately, the safe-blower did mot know this. " The police believe that the rob- ber was already to blow the safe when Constable McGregor arrived on the scene, as the man evidently was waiting the passing of a train to deaden the sound. of the explo- siom. That he was relying on a passing train: was indicated in the fact that no blankets or old sacks were placed over and around the care. There was sufficient insulated wire to enable the robber to "téuci off" the percussion cap, some dis- tance outside of the office. Entrance was gained to the office by forcing in the rear door, the staple fastener being © broken off. Before starting at the safe, the rob- ber pulled down the blind of the window on the south side and pulled out a change and stamp: drawer in the counter, throwing it on the floor. The few postage and rev- enue stamps in the drawer were net taken. ' Although the robbery was frus: | tratdd; 'the repairing of the safe will cost 'the Utter firm probably in the safe, that they. make Ha po-L Matched~Unit Radio INSTRUMENT plus TUBES plus REPRODUCER pilus ¥. not purchase any Radio Receiver or Re- , prodicer until you have heard the Stewart-Warner The Stewart-Warner Radio is Sold in Oshawa by J THE LUKE FURNITURE CO. Phone 79. w= SuEeY MeYaL Prosucts Co. "aig E fete I prt] CALGARY CLE 'Simcoe St., South . Sold by VE FOX ..<USIE |AFT JCOVERS "ROOFING, FLOORING, | + > cy STORM WINDOWS PROPERTY OWXERS, HOUSEHOLDERS AND \BPILDERS SROULD WRIT #1! FREE T +U) é BEAUTIFUL MATCHED HARDWOOD FLOORING, for new homes or over old floors Basy! to Jay, Special introductory prices; freigul , Free samples. : oy OLL_ ROOFING AND ASPHALT SHIN GLES--Factory clearance, Rewof now at "a great saving. -Samples tree. We slip on approval ; STORM WINDOWS save honey. Rend Melsyrements for ireight paid prices, rfendy ; of 3 reGenuite rhgathd sheets coated, at a ancais § ple free azo of roof for free estimate. * HALLIDAY COMPANY. LTD P.O. Box 198Q, Hamilton, Ont. Ps Lgatrice Joy, outstanding woman golfer in the movie colony, is taking instPuctions from a professionai mashie wielder prenarafory tn en- tering tournament play this fall, TE FOR oun! JE THAT ABE { POTASH 15 | STAYING UP LATE NIGHTS DOING DET- i 115 ING HER LAWYERS FIXBERG & WHEN A HUS- BAND BEHAVES BEGIN TO THINK | : DETECTIVE ANYHOW 20! By M "MY ADVICE WOULD BE TO SEE OUR DETECTIVES, ER 25 YEARS, BEEN .GO-¢1° AGENCY { ON FOR AND IF WE IF YCU CATCH WI CATCH HIM, AGAIN, THE IDEA 15, see Us 2? NIGHTS med AGAIN, MR, SHADOWITZ, Vid id HIM, AND J iLL BE A NES TO WM NOW, TO GET A LINE ON YOUR HUSBAND, MRS. POTA JUST. WHA ARE ; HIS HABITS? M Rony HOME HE SNORES TERRIBLE JW AND COLD BCRSHT" FE! ALWAYS GIVES HM *A SICK HEADACHE, BUT, DO YOU THINK HE WOULD STOP EAT ING AT? gserl DAY AND EXPENSES ARGES FOR THE USE THE CUTLE! SALE RATES FROM DETECATIVES BECAUSE: MY HUSBAND IS ALSO ONE OF THEM LOAFERS {~ RY, 50 T WHOLE

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