HULHRNGD BS A . 1 THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19 ------ W-- I Oshawa and District G. M. C. Social Evening The G. M. C. Ladies' Auxiliary will hold a social evening Thursday evening, October 21, at the Indus- trial Y at eight o'clock, at which all will be made welcome, Fined on Two Counts Harry Zilensky, accused of peddl- ing without a license and of driving a horse with open sores, was, in po- lice court yesterday afternoon, fined one dollar and costs on the first charge and two dollars and costs on the second charge. The two fines and costs amounted to $19. Humane Officer Baird asked for leniency and Louis 8. Hyman, counsel for the de- fence, put in a plea of mitigation and the minimum fine was imposed in each instance. Charged With Theft William Cohen, 225 College ave- nue, Toronto, was arrested in Hull last week and brought to Oshawa yesterday and this morning he faced Magistrate Hind on a charge of theft of a post office money order valued at $47.31. He pleaded not gnilty and his case was adjourned until Wednesday, October 27. South Oshawa League The regular meeting of the South Oshawa Young People's League was held last évening with a good num- ber being in attendance. The Pre- sident, Mrs. L. Trick, occupied the chair during the opening and busi- ness part of the meeting during "which time two delegates were ap- pointed to attend the League Con- vention at Napanee on November 3. 4 and 5, also final arrangements were made in regards to the "Bage- ball game on the Bible," to be de- Felt Bros, The LEADING JEWELERS 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH INSURANCE Fire, Accident, Automoile V. A. HENRY 113% Simcoe St. 8, JWFIOE: -- PHONE -- RES: 198-W 1858-3 BRUYEA a-d Tobaccos EMPY and Pipes of all Kinds i Billiard Parlor and Barber Shop in Connection King St. West Phone 1226 Bb Phone Your Drug Needs to THOMPSONS | 10 Simcoe south. Phone 22 esfeoferiosfofoofoodeofonfoafuatococfesfoofootratratunfectoctesfostontents 0 feefrelsele Burn the best A Domestic Coke W. J. Trick Co. Limited PHONE 230 New Method Cleaners and Dyers Frome service Guaranteed Goods called for and Delivered 21 BOND ST. E. . Phone 102¢ Saywell & Son General leather goods, trunks, bags and valises. 19 BOND ST. WEST Heaters for cars Merritt Paint & AutoRepair 20 CHURCH ST. STELCO COKE COAL, COKE, WOOD Phones: 1002-W--1002-] A. F. McCULLOCH v | for appendicitis. HARRISON--In ever loving memory bated on between the church board members and the League executive next Monday evening. There being no further business, the Literary Vice President, Mrs. F. Cowle, was called upon to occupy the president's chair, and the program was render- ed as follows: Topie, Miss I. Ayres; reading, "The men who went to kill death," Miss F. Sampson. The ad- dress of the evening was then given by Mr. O. M. Alger on "Canadian Citizenship," and was well enjoyed by all present. A vocal solo by Miss Branton, accompanied by Miss Me- Donald. and a vocal solo by Mr. A. Herring were also well received, fol- lowed with the closing exercises of the meeting. ' A Busy Day at the "Y" Last Saturday was a busy day at the "Y" at 9 o'clock. There were be- tween 50 and 60 boys on the Gym floor, at 10.15 with another large class at 2 o'clock. A large crowd of young ladies came in to watch the game on the Gym floor between the Bishop Ladies College and the Ontario Ladies' College from Whitby. In addition there were many collectors in and out of the Hospital Committee's Room, besides many fellows playing checkers and pool and many went down and took a shower, it certainly was one of the busy places in Oshawa. BAN ALL SIRENS ON BICYCLES IN CITY Maximum Penalty Will Be Not Over Six Months or $50 Fine | At last night's meeting of the city council a by-law was passed pro- hibiting in future the use of all sir- | ens on bicycles, or other vehicles, | excepting fire trucks. The by-law was Introduced by Alderman Hart, #nd received the necessary readings. Refusal to comply with the provi- sions of the bylaw carries a penalty of a fine of not more than $50 or in default of payment the party con- cerned may be imprisoned for a term not exceeding six months, Sirens used by boys on bicycles, | and resembling in sound the fire siren, 'has caused considerable an- noyance in the city recently, and the council decided to take drastic ac- tions to curb the nuisance. The matter came up at a recent meeting of the council, when it was decided | that a by-law should be introduced dealing with the matter. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Oct. 19.--The ex- ecutive and officers of the Home and School Club and the trustees met at the home of the first vice-president, Mrs. John McGregor. Much busi- ness was gone over. Plans were made for an entertainment in the school on Friday, October 29. It will be a Hallowe'en party, the pro- gram as follows: Program of music, Miss Osborne, elocutionist, of Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Henning, of Osh- awa, and other good talent. Then there will be games for old and young with a treat of candy and ap- ples. Lunch will follow, of goodies that will suit the occasion. Any who care to are to come dressed for the occasion, although this is not necessary, but it would add to the enjoyment of the evening. Prizes will be given for fancy and comic dress - for adults and one each for children. Admission is, adults 20c, children 15¢. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess after the meeting. Mrs. John Alexander went to Bow- manville Thursday to visit her niece Miss Dorothy Pascoe, who underwent an operation in the hospital there 3 THRILLS "One of the Bravest," three day engagement dramas. the elements that movie fan shout for joy. those "made. to order" hearty old fire battalion a day. ic stricken son who fighter. There is what might a burning roof into a of husky firemen. make you hold ever will. This scene has Pat Somerset, the villian. that makes this worth going a long way to --------" pot rors Los Angeles is slipping. pit, not the movies, year's greatest sensation. At Local Theat SPECTACUEAR FIRE SCENE AUDIENCE the latest Gotham Production, which opened a at the Martin Theatre last night, ranks right at the head of the class of thrill melo- It is a sort of screen "Abie's Irish Rose," or at least it contains all made that stage play such a hit plus a series of movie thrills which will make the average Ralph Lewis, the star, has one of parts as the chief and his performance is as fine a bit of acting as has been seen here in many at the To see Lewis scale a burn- ing building to bring down his pan- is also a fire- be called supreme thrill de luxe at the finish of this picture when Edward and Pat Somerset leap together from life net held seven stories below by a sturdy gang If this does not your breath nothing my trick stuff and is the genuine article. will make anyone think twice before taking up the -movie hero business as 2 career. have done for me. 1 cannot con- Oh yes, there is also a Plot, 2nd tinue this life any longer. Adieu. incidentally 3 5°00 one. shout the A verdict of "Suicide while of un- ris re la J Fg . : pretty daughter of old Levin the sound mind Was recorded. tailor, together with some missing funds stolen from Claire McDowell by DIRIGBLE FORCED 8 8 interesting but it's the real fire stuff This see, The pul- furnished the! ee 0 LEAVE DETROIT res PLANTER HAS LOST New | Adversity Drives Dutchman Hearn 530,000 FORTONE To Suicide in London : London, Oct. 18.--The tragedy of a man who once possessed @ fortune of $500,000 and was reduced cepting an allowance from his brothér was the subject- of an in- quest at Paddington on Jacobus Pieter Bastiaans, aged sixty-eight, a Dutch subject, who was found gassed Beaumont Hotel, Princes' square, Bayswater. "It was stated that Bastiaans was formerly a sugar planter in British Guiana and Trinidad. He lost his an {fortune since the war owing to vari- ous unsuccessful investments and speculations. A letter written by Bastiaans and addressed to Henry Seedroff, an old friend, at the West India Club, Whitehall, stated: "I have made up mind to go. My head is most awful, and 1 am afraid thal my troubles may return at any time. I think my future is hopeless. | thank all kind friends for what they It Threatening Weather Permits I yy YOUR EYES § 6 Richmond St. E., Osh Hamilton Optical House awa ptetodoodododododedosonleobbe doled 4 Only Brief Stay in £ Michigan *| Detroit, Oct. 18.--For the second %*! time within a month a lighter-than- & | air dirigible of the U. S. armed * | forces has been forced by threats 3 {of inclement weather to hasten its departure from Detroit, tring Three Groups of fly Priced Reduced Dresses mples--Others Chosen From Our Regular Stock getion includes many of the Smartest Styles of the yn Satin Faced Cantons, Flat Crepes, Georgette, {(-epes, Silk Jerseys and Taffetas for Afternoon and Near. $.90 to $15.00 Dresses for $5.00 $17.50 to $19.50 " "$10.00 $25.00 to $35.00 "" " $15.00 On Sept. 18 the army semi-rigid | airship, RS-1, left hurriedly for its] For fresh Meats call 10 + Groceries and 4 Greenly's Grocery Cor. Mary & Colborne Sts. Oshawa home hanger at Scott Field, Ill., cut- ting short exhibition manoeuvers at | Selfridge field. Yesterday the Navy's | !queen of the air, the Los Angeles, after a successful landing at the Ford changed, and late in the afternoon! | started toward its Lakehurst, NJ, | | base. | Although threatening weather in-| [ fluenced Lieut. Commander Charles | | E. Rosendahl to abandon flights he | {had planned over southern Michigan | N Victrola you are missing a real treat. The new rich- tess of Orthophonic music will astound you. _ Come in. D. J. Brown JEWELLER EXCLUSIVE DEALER IN Miss Pascoe helped on the concert at our chicken pie | | supper and we are glad to know she | | is doing nicely. ! Mr. and Mrs. E. Tattersall spent Friday in Toronto. ped Recent Deaths WILLIAM F. GILLMAN Port Hope, Oct. 18. William Francis Gillman, a former resident of Toronto, was buried in 8: James' NSHAWA If, you haven't heard the Orsthophonic y | last night, and to Youngstown, Ohio, | | today, the major purpose of the in | land voyage was accomplished. This was to test the $100,000 mooring mast at the Ford Airjort, a mast! built especially for the lL.os Angeles {and its sister ship, the Shenandoah, | which crashed a year ago while en) route to Detroit. | Immediately after the announce- | ment of the change in plans, full, supplies of gasoline and oil and 300 | pounds of provisions were taken { "DEAL" BARGAINS Airport mast, had it plans suddenly | -------- FOR THIS WEEK Ladies' Dresses Jersey Cloth Dresses, silk and wool, reg. $11.00 For this week only Big Stock Silk Caaton Face Dresses, regular YOUR Made-to-Measure -SUIT- - at LEDGER'S $25.00, all sizes and colors A Large stock of Satin Faced Canton Dresses, $ sizes ranging from 16-44, regular $32.00 ...... 18.50 A Very Large Stock of Evening Dresses, reg. $13 95 $25:00, will be cleared entirely this week ...... . F. W. C. NASH Carpentering of all kinds. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Phone 806M 17 Lloyd St. | Lieut. Commander Rosendahl's re- | | aboard the Los Angeles, * "turn route called for a flight straight "across Lake Erie to Buffalo and then | over Rochester, Syracuse, Utica,] | Troy, Albany, Kingston and New | York City. The airship was not ex- | | pected to sight any Ohio cities, unless | { weather conditions should necessi- | tate a change of itinerary. MILITIA OFFERED "IN BANDIT HUNT | New Jersey Governor Says He Would Mobilize Troops | 4 Newark, N.J., Oct. 18.--Governor A. Harry Moore, of New Jersey, of- fered to mobilize the militia and every resource of the State in pur- suit of the Elizabeth mail bandits, | COATS at $17.95, $19.95 $25.00, $29.50, $37.00 A very large stock of the above Coats must be cleared. $2.45 Removal Notice | | Having purchase] the stock and equipment of the Battery Business formerly conducted ®) Den MacKay a 37 King St. West, Oshawa of busi- into I will move my plac from 19 Prince St. | id | these quarters on | | | | Saturday, Oct. 23rd and invite the public and all old patrons to call on me there "omen || IDEAL SHOPPE Service | Baird Block Simcoe St. S. A. G. Broomfield, --Proprictor, | PHONE 725 Prest=O-Lite Distributors Open All Day Wednesday | Who Thursday killed a postal em- | , Ploye, wounded three others and es- caped with $160,000. -- Friday night in a about the Watchung camped an army of 500 state and | city police reinforced by armed, citi- zenry. Somewhere in the circle, it || is belieted are the bandits, armed | with sawed off shot guns and machine in cash, 30-mile circle guns, which fire 400 shots a minute. An advance of five miles toward the supposed hiding place of the bandits, | was made yesterday and last night a | Mountains en- | |g Cemetery, Toronto, today after a funeral service held at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. William Wade, nere Sunday evening. Decedent was in his seventy-second year and died on Friday after a lengthy illness. Mr. Gillman was born in London, England, and came to Canada at an early age. For several years he re- sided in Toronto and came to Port Hope with his daughter a few years ago. Some months ago the deced- ent sustained a serious fall and since that had never recovered his pre. vious health. Mr. Gillman was a veteran of the Red River expedition and received a medal for service ut that time. For 52 years he was a member of good standing of the Maple Leaf Orange Lodge, Toronto, and prior to his remoal to Port Hope was its oldest living member, He was a member of the church of England. The late Mr. Gillman is survived by three daughters, Mrs. William Wade, Port Hope ,and Mrs. E. Moore and Mrs. C. Thomas, Tor- cnto, and three sons, William, Paul &nd Thomas, all of Torcnto. + In Memoriam 37-41 Ritson Road North of our dear wife and mother, who the organs and relieve vegetable laxative, tones ee" 3 TONIGHT ) TOMORR (0) ipation, Bili Sick Headaches. be 80 necessary to bei PY. Used for NR JUNIORS===Little Nis candy-c Sold By Your Druggist died Sunday, Oct. 19, 1924, ~--The Family, King St. East JURY & LOVELL renewing that vigor and good feel. ing ing well od 7 a = 7% 5 = Palit ie Perey) ORNS LABLE TS on BNA > ; Chips off the Old Block The same NR --in one-third doses, d. For children and adults. Over =| picked squad with riot guns and gas!| g | | George Uhle, the Cleveland pitcher .) The other two days he was away on Phone 28", ,utir ¢ o'clock. bombs moyed on Chimney Rock, !] where many a cave and crevice offers || harbor to the desperadoes. I "After making sure of your man, | shoot him down without warning." | This was the order issued to state troopers yesterday by Major Mark 0.4 Kimberline. in charge of that force. The bandits have two high nowered scene of the Elizabeth robbery, and | it is thought not improbable that they may make a dash for freedom, trust- ing to sheot their way out of the circle, The authorities are convinced that they have the "John Bum" Rogers to deal with, Rogers with John "Killer" Cunniffe, and their com- panions are Jeld responsible for rob- | (kk beries in year which and cost 15 during the $500,000 New Jersey have yielded lives. ,won 27 games in the 1926 season. | business. \ Announcement Mrs. Charles Nenendez (nee Elen nor Laird) of 457 Masson St. will be at home on Frida,y October 22 from cars in which they escaped from the! KARN"S 5th ANNIVERSARY Ic SALE Wednesday, Thursday and Friday BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! Ivory at 1-3 off = Don't Miss It ! Drug Store Next the Post Office