. Lor F a Wr EXT ovis A TE WF -- i 100 down. Apply 15 'Gladptone Ave. Phone 256F. 2 = (171) FOR' SALE_§ ROOMED BRICK veener house, all conveniences Ap- ply 73 Westmoreland. * (1671) Ce ERBRE CU EARL od FEN ~Oshawa. Easy "ha or have not en can arrasge to Sale every Saturday afternoon. a I) Sullgy, auctioneer. Phone 924, Aan auction "for a 'sale Wwe, adle it for yon. LOST--IN QSHAWA LAST WEEK, .oversize tire, tube and Hips. wil finder kindly return 6 Lloyd street or phone 1164F. LOST--ON, SUNDAY MORNING ON Haig, Simcoe, King or Alice streets. ladies' gold wrist watch. . Finder mm to, 113 Gladstone an Teceive Tewarg' or phone SM 167-¢ "We 1 167-b | THE. OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER. { WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE ¥ Sh MARTIN, new teacher at Pendleton University, makes feiends with BRIC WATERS, sophisticated senior, MYRA ALDRICH, spoiled "who is in love with' Eric, i ALE--SIX ROOM HOUSE ON ge A ymen m Ave. eB To ROOMED BRICK and in good me rg location. Analy St. (14 ye sion. HOUSE , FOR SALE -- GORNER Ghuireh and Brock. Let 82% x 72. proposition. pos e 15 TW. 1453 For Rent 0 RENT--BRICK BUNGALOW, hardwood floors, all conveniences, possession Nov. 1. Apply 141° Phone 1311F. Cauon down. ApRly 3 Aung 167-c TWO. FURNISHED. FRONT ROOMS. |} suitable for housekeegin well hedtéd. Central. light All TO RENT -- BEAUTIFULLY FUR- nished double bedroom; individual beds, a Suitable for business persons. ply 78 Bond west or phone 804. (1591) FOR SALE OR RENT -- THREE rcomed house, large lot. For par- ticulars, phone 742F. (1651) TO RENT--POSSESSION AT ONCE. 7 room house, all conveniences, gar- age. 56 Park Rd. Scuth. Apply F. Dobngy, 281 Mary St. Phong 1867J. 2 (168tf) ROOMS TO LET WITH ALL GON- veniences. Bath flat. Select. Phone 6677, (167¢) TO, RENT--FURNISHED BEDROOM with all convenienges. Apply 797 Mechanie- St., phone 2329W. (1641) ROOMS TO RENT---NICELY FUR- nished housekeeping rooms. Hot and cold water, separate flat, heated, use + of telephone. Also single room. Close to Fittings and General Mo- tors. Apply 183 Arthur street be- tween 6 and 8 evenings. Telephone * i181. (1631) Costumes to Rent IF" REQUIRING COSTUMES FOR Carnivals, Masquerades, 'étc., see G. H., Davis, 159 Celina St., Oshawa, phone 2336W. (158 1 mo) Ap- All conveniences. Small + 8, "conveniences. : Apply Box "Y" Refoxmer. | 167-H A all conveniences, very central. |. YERY BOY WITH assau St. Phone (167p) 'BOY WANTED TO LEARN THE printing business. Good chance for right hoy. One with some hij h school education preferred. Must * able to read and spell well Appl to Mr. Alloway, Reformel" Office. 4 (161th) WANTED bicycle! 1538. md Prps mri -- EXPERIENCED IN [furniture and house furnishings. Re- (erenges. required. The Adams Tuy niture Co. Limited. (163th) ~ Brand New 7 Room: ed Brick Venegr House on Masson St. Hards fied Mors, fire place, every- thing moderp. Buys 8 Reomed $6560 Brick Veneer House op. 'Agnes Street. Very mods ern. This is your opportunity to get a real home, I have also beautifully fur- nished Modern 7 Roomed Brick \eneer House for Rent, within 7 minutes walk of Genl, Motors, Insure Your House, Contents and Automobiles with me in Al Companies. J. H. R. LUKE TEL, G687W or 871 V4 . 7 ¥ ---- THE - Disney Funeral Servica "Naw. Location 362 Simeoe St. 8, | | "Phone ih 'Day op igh! 1 Er RAILWAY TIME TABLES LN TE TABLE Fe rd any, Fo awa to Torouto. oR am. daily, ye lontreal to Hamil: EEE from Montreal to JDetroit & ER SR Ss Automobiles For Sale |=d.Ch FOR SALE--FORD TOURING CAR, $35. Apply 231 King St. E., phope 1566F. (166¢c) SIX CYLINDER TOURING CAR, looks and runs like new. Fully guar- anteed. Will sell at less than half price for quick sale. 198 King St. E. Phone 258. (166e) CAR FOR SALE---McLAUGHLIN H 45, in good condition mechanically. First class top and slip covers. Re- cently painted. Any reasonable of- fer. Apply rM. E, A. Stephenson, 16 Church street. (167¢) Wanted to Rent WANTEBD; TO, RENT--FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with- old coun- try people preferred, all convenien- ces. Near General Motors, Apply, Mrs. Smoker, phone 969W. (168¢) Agents Wanted AMBITIOUS, MEN AND WOMEN. $10 to $26 easily made weekly in spare time, taking orders for "'Im- petial Art" Personal Christmas ds. Rveryone a customer. Take 5: ers now, delivery later, Liberal copipissioh. Send for free sample British Canadian. 51 Welling- bo "West, Toronto. 167-e . Help Wanted MAKE MONEY' AT. HOME--MEN and women can earn $1 to $2 an hour in spare 'time writing. showcards. No capvassing or soliciting. yon and supply you with work. Write togay. The Menhenitt Company Limited, 35 Dominion Building. ono. We instruct |'* 2.22 Br. daily except Sunday, from Brock- t i pm. from Montreal to 'Detrolt a pin Sundés 'oaly, from Belleville to Bed 7.27 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Ottawe 04 5.01 [2 . daily except Sunday, from' Moat- redl to 823 am. Sail except a. oy, from Tor: as i Sunday only, from Toronto F Boe a.m daily, from" Chicago o Sodiieh 1.28 28 pun. daily except Sunday, to to 2% Wid daily except Sunday from Toron- wa, ym, daily except Synday, from Toronto ik a Bevite from Toronto to Montreal. i from fom Horio to Montreal, Ottaw., Hi i) t to > Maatreal CT) train. py mn for Mont pas | acngers and i to Montreal iif om a. gue BE Chicas to Montreal 205 ni. daily. (except Sunday, from Toronto to Ott: iy a daily, except Sunday, from Toront) to. Trenton, 11.10" p.m. daily from Hamilton to Montreal real to Hamilton Chi treal to ; trom gies to f Ch a Trenton a on dal pan. ay rR MALS ClosE | 7.45 aim. --Golng. East. 9.1. a.m,--Fot Raglan, Columbus, Tauntom, Cedarale cinity. 30, a 0 I h oront, aud Joints oy paa.--Port 2 to Blackwater Junc ; Por. Hope and] Bowmanvill 3.45 pam.- Toronto apd, West; New York an, Eastern States. 35 pom. -- AF going east and west. REFORMER WANT ADS PAY Help Wanted--Male of and DR: PETER DORN, earnest young astromomy professor. "Myra turns against Judith when she leaims that Evic has kissed Ju- ith, on n 'bet, before he was intro- duced to her. Eric and Judith dine at a rgad- wonse. which is raided. They escape 'ms vAinstorm to a cabin where Tudith fihds a night's shelter, while iric walks: back to town. Next. inorning Eric returns with a8 ear, bringing fresh clothing for Ju@ith, which he has asked Myra to - ppek':for him. She reproaches him for telling Myra of the escapade, The following night, when Judith etwrps from the movies with Will Wetherel, Will warns her to be care- tu) of Myra. NOW GOON WITH THE STORY ' 'CHAPTER XII "What do yon mean?" asked Ju- dith in a voice that attempted to be casual but- shook, in spite of her. "I don't know what I have to fear from Myra." Wetherel peered at her in the shadow of the campus trees. "She's fighting mad at yon for snatching Eric, and she doesn't fight fair--in a case like that, any more than 'any other woman does." Judith was silent. tled on. He had dropped the sub- ject of Myra and returned to his favorite topic, himself. Wetherel rat- | red spot on Mars were clearly yisible. But perhaps she found the movies less fatiguing." Judith had no chance to reply, for Myra spoke, a little to glibly. "Yes, | Judith, you'd have loved it." She turned to the professor. 'But you must excuse her. She must be very tired. You, see, she didn't come home last night." For a moment, nobody said any- thing, but Judith thought she heard Will whistle faintly. "Yes," said Dr. Dorn, 'one never sleeps 80 well away from home." His voice was casual. Wetherel put his hand on Judith's arm and led her up the steps and into the house. "Wow!" he exclaimed, when the door had shut behind them. "What'd, [ tell you about that little hellecat? Holy mackerel, that was a hot shot! Before his nibs, the professor, too. She was hinting at the Schooner to- day, that there were things she could tell, if she would! But I fidn't think she'd go 'so far as that. » Judith spoke cautiously. "What do you mean, Will?" Wetherel was obviously trying to read her face. 'Look here, Judy. You can't fool me. I know what she meant when she said you didn't come home last night. Anybody but an unworldly sap like Dorn would have caught it. Lucky for you he didn't. «After all, Will," said Judith, cold- |-1y, "it depends on W hat kind of mind\ vou have, whether Myra's speech was an insult or not. ~I must say 1 prefer the mind of 'an unworldly | sap' to one like yours. Better serub 9 i 7 we Nini WAL Hr "Who's that on your front steps?" he, asked; as they turned in at the Stedway walk. A man and a girl were sitting on the porch steps. "Just us," called Myra's shrilly sweet voice. '""'And this is Dr. Dorn. I think you both know him. We'ye had the most gorgeous session at the observatory." "And we've had a session Pola' Negri," cried Will, Dr. Dorn was looking at Judith. | "aes a pity Miss Martin was too tired to come. It was a good tele- scope evening--no moon and no clouds. The rings of Saturn and the with She brushed her hairy wll it Salindiii. it up a bit before you go to bed." Wetherel leaned against the newel post,'looking at her. Now he smiled and held out his hand. "It's all right, Judy. You know I'm for you. But watch Myra Aldrich. This is only a sample of her tactics, with the main 'campaign to follow. Guess I'll toddle along now. My bedtime. Good night." * * ow "Mis Martin--please call Mr. Waters, Red 311," said a note on the Stedway telephone pad when Juli! came home next day. She paused by the telephone, and TUESDAY, "OCTOBER 19. 1926 PAGE NINE Eric's s vo e, was debonair. "Hello, Jude, | What say dinner at the Sigma Psi house tonight? Clean papkin night. 'Ewerybody 'asking guests, "Eve's staging a banjo hike by moonlight to Lover's Leap after- wards. Thought we might like to trot along, see the harvest moon rise, and sob a few sobs to Wetherel's ukulele. Ts it a go?" Across the hall a wavy mirror in the hatrack showed Judith her re- flection. Her face was smudged and there were drooping lines about her mouth. She turned back to the phone. "I'll .come. Eric. I've had enough of stress and strife this week, and 1d like to be gay for a little while." "Righto! You'll enjoy the Lover's Leap jaunt. All sentimental souls do. Better stick some oxfords in your pocket for the hike." Judith went upstairs with a lighter step. Near the top of the flight, she started back against the wall. Myra was standing against railing above. She tossed her head when shé saw Judith. I'd like my week- end bag, please," she said sullenly. Myra stood stiffly by the table while the bag was being dragged out of the closet. '""Wlren Eric aeksd me to pack your clothes, I couldn't find any bag of yours so I had to send mine," she continued. Judith handed her the bag. "Thank you very mueh, Myra." She turned away to the dresser. It seemed to her that Myra lingered a moment by e table, on the verge of speaking. hén she heard the door slam. It had been many days since Ju- dith had had the time for a really elaborate toilet. She spent two hours over her dressing tonight, luxuriat- ing in the warm bath and the frag. rant creams and powders that stood on her dressing table. She brushed her hair until it gleamed, and rubbed alee Ok due evel liei face Lo bing back the color that the day's fatigue had stolen. At 'six o'clock she was slipping into a dress of sapphire blue, and kicking off the mules that were to be re- placed by the high-heeled satin slip- pers that lay on the bed. When Eric gave the Sigma Psi whistle under her window, she was wrapping a pair of walking shoes in heavy paper. She found him standing at the foot of the stairs, his blond head hatless and rumpled by the wind, and his face uplifted eagerly for her coming. "Hurry up run; like everything," he cried, and she tossed the walking ghoes down for him to catch. The - fraternity house was ablaze with lights when -they drove up the driveway under its hospitable pillars. They could hear laughter and synco- pation from a phonograph as they ran' up the steps. "I wish I had gone to a school were there were sororities," she said. "These Greek letter frats at least mean comfort | and social graces--big fireplaces and grand pianos, in place of boarding | house parlors." Eric nodded. "We have pretty | good parties now and then. Hope | this dinner won't be too tame. You're | rather thrilling tonight, Jude, and | I'd like to get all the credit coming. Hope you make the brothers' girls look like a parcel of frumps." A freshman opened the door for them and Judith found herself in a great square hall filled with young men in dinner coats, talking, smok- ing and wandering about. Heels tapping in the Charleston sounded from a little morning room which evidently housed the 'drunken 'vie- trola. Someone dashed off with her wraps to the chaperone's room, and Eric led her into the living room. «The .,hush that fell upon groups as her blue agd copper glory passed was flattering. A youngster in a flame-colored dress brought her heels abruptly to earth from the transports of a wild clog danee on the hearthstone. Ju- dith recognized her as a member of her freshman English class. There were other co-eds ensconced here and there about the room, in deep chairs and divans. They looked at Judith curiously when the dancer cast an embarrased glance in her direction. | Lewis, me -- eres i pm tert ----t Bhe's just a sweetheart of Sigma P8L." Judith blushed under the shout of approval that went up from the men. A familiar head seen over the back of a big armebair turned, and Judith saw Dr, Peter Dorn staring at her. ""There's your friend, the profes- sor," said Eric, in a low tone. "He's an alumnus of our frat and faculty patron too. Pity he hasn't sense enough to turn down duty invita- tions to dinner." M "I don't think much of that kind of hospitality, Eric," said Judith shortly, The white-haired Dresden china chaperone of the Sigma Psi house came down the stairs with mincing steps, and the guests were brought one by one to be presented to her. Judith was standing by the little old lady when the gong sounded from the dining room. The president of the chapter gave the chaperone his arm and Judith followed with Eric to the larger df two long tables shin- ing with' silver and white linen. The pale, miserable freshman who held Judith's chair pushed it against her knees too soon, so that she sat (Continued on page 10) , INDIAN CHIEF LOSES LIFE BY DROWNING Mission City, B.C .B.C., Qet. 18.~--John 75, chief of "the Nicomen Is- land Indians, and known throughout the Fraser Valley as "Sumas Johnny," was either drowned or bur- jed alive while attempting to land on the north banks of the river about 10 miles east of here, on Saturday night, after a tempestuous crossing from the south shore in a dugout canoe, with Henry Thompson, 21, his son-in-law. Caught by a sudden squall wigle crossing from Sumas' Landing to the Devil's Bun Reservation on Nicomen Island, the two Indians barely made shore before their canoe filled with water and sank. After vain efforts to assist the older man up the bank, which was being crumbled away by high waves," Thompsou left him and ran toward a nearby ranch for as- gistance. Before he had gone far he heard a ery, and when he return- ed his father-in-law had disappear- ed. Where do the old autos go? To Connie," called Eric. "Keep it up, schoolmarm tonight. "Judy isn't a the same place as pins and razor blades.-- Kingston Whig. i Moffats Electric Ranges give the utmost service IN. pale homes, where the utmost efiditrcy % aff uigent daily necessity, there you will find the Moffat doing its work, day in and day out, without interruption. Yet in smaller homes--those of a large number of Canada's artisan class--you will still ind the Moffat rendering just as good service, because every range leaving the factory must meet the Moffats Hare. specialit ranges for forty years, of its on nothing else but cooking today Moffats Ranges are to be found i in every type of home imaginable. Yes, there is a Moffat Range to meet every need and suit every purse. Make sure yours is a Moffat--there are 70,000 in daily use throughout the world. Ask your dealer to show you all Moffat's Ranges--there is one among them that will suit your need. MOFFATS LIMITED, WESTON, ONTARIO and satisfaction MOFFATT'S ELECTRIC RANGES FOR SALE BYTHE "ELECTRIC SHOP Simcoe Street N., Oshawa, Obtario., oR WANTED -- CANV~SSERS FOR portrait enlargements. See Mr. Smith, 286 Celina. (163tL) bos A HOME FOR YOU At a price that will not hurt. $4,- 500 for a 6 room brick bungalow in the north, all city conveniences, oak floors, French doors. on, smaller house. Large, bright store for rent with fix- | Ii tuics. Listings Solicited Best Rug' Brick For Sale 25 King E. . E295. Oshawa FIRE & AU} 0 SNSVRANCE . ATCT ee a -.,.h AA pri Perhaps. the Germans are not so } foolish; after al, in giving 'the ex | Kaiser back his castle at Homburg. Wilhelm will at least have to pay taxes on the property, and' that's no ji emall item nowadays.--8t.' Thomas Will exchange { mm x Sm He wi ROSIE POTASH ARRIVED AT THE" €LUB*NORTH £7, SOUTH CAROLIA" JUST AT THE MOMENT W ABE HAD H ACHE Now { --~ A HEAD-] BEFORE THE BROILED LOBSTER! Times-Journal. By wr orn La MONTAGUE GLASS] DONT LET THEM | ROBIE! \ AKE NO FLASH-{ GO OME" | SEWED. ENOUGH! FOR YEAR DARNED