THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, THURSDAY, OCT OCTOBER 14, 1926 Soe' Douglas Fairbanks' Hidden Treasure [IER SH 2 Root 7 INC g yx. Photographed Entirely in NA1 URAL COLORS 3 WONDERF UL EXCITING DAYS Tonight--F riday-Saturday--M atinee Saturday Think of it, a Tailor Made Suit for 1 he Black Pirate says The New Coffield Cyrator Washer is the DADDY of them all Washes inn 5 Minutes--Easy Terms $25 REGENT Q THEATRE Rl.00 K_ Phone 1075 See Our Windows Bowra Electric Shop What we Sell we Service 70 Simcoe St. N. CK e of opiate. oy os and Thrills If you cannot find the Key to the Treasure-Chest--You can always find a key to Health by eating-- NUT-KRUST BREAD || ELECTRIC BAKED Eyesight is The Key! to knowledge, vision is a great factor in Education. OSHAWA"S LEADING Ladies' Hoouse --- The Black Pirate The "Fair" Simcoe St. S. Ready-to-Wear Just Say:-- ""Mect me al the Babette Our spacioys waiting room Beauty Parlor." at your service. We Specialize in Marcelling Ladies' and Gentleman's Manicuring BABETTE Beauty Parlors Open from § am. to 9 p.m. "Upstairs," 14 1-2 King St. E. Phone 2020 Oshawa, Ont. FREE ridgee amps | Regular $15 Given to 12 Customers purchasing a Gurney Electric Range. SALE NOW ON at Hill Hardware CLEVE FOX Hardware "15 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 3 "your Fall Suit and Overcoat. Just Step into The Men's Store closest to the Corner of King & Simcoe 5 SIMCOE SOUTH DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Nutt-Krust Bakery SIMCOE ST. S. Don't Neglect The Eyes C. H. TUCK Eyesight Specialist DISNEY BLOCK Phone 1516 OSHAWA Opp. P.O. $50 IN GOLD AND MANY OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES TO THE LUCKY FINDER OF KEY You Will Not Look Like a Buccaneer If You Wear OUR CLOTHES $30.00 Scason Pass (for Two)--Re- gent Theatre. 5.00 In Service--Babette Parlor. 5.00 Hat--A., L. Rodgers. Beauty 5.50 Meal Ticket--Biltmore Cafe. fo see 5.00 Axminster RBug--DLeader Dry Goods Store, 5.00--All Wool White Pullover THE BLACK PPIRATE Sweater--Murray's Clothes Shop. HO000 7.00 Dress Iength -- Exclusive Silk Shop, 3.00 Shirt--C. W. Detenbeck. 3.00 Merchandise--J. M. Ashby, Tailor. MURRAY'S Clothes Shop 85.00 Radio--Luke PRINCE ST. 5.00 Silver Eversharp Forniture Ceo, Pen -- The Black Pirade Says: OTHING weakens one more than hunger. If you are tired looking for my hidden key visit the Biltmore for a lunch or dinner, their rich larders are . loaded with nature's treasures. The BILTMORE CAFE | | Opposite The Post Office Karn's Drug Store, 5.00 Service or Credit--Dr. Tuck, Optician. 10.00 Table shop. 1.93 Dress, Choice of any color, goes to the finder of the key. samuel Swartz, 18.00 Pair Bifocal, fitted and guar- antéed, Hamilton Optical Co. 5.00 Pair of Shoes--Bale's Shoe Store, Lamp--The Electric 33 King St. East 12.50 Balbriggan 2-piece Dress-- Burt Barley, Hops, Malt, The Fair, 25.00 Transferrable Cash Certificate on Pigno--Johns' Piano Store, ported Hops for making flavored beer. 5.50 Bread and Cake Box--Iox Hardware, 5.00 Merchandise -- Anderson's Clothing Store. 5.00 Merchandise--Cannings. 5.00 Merchandise--Collis & Sons. 2.00 Cui Glass Wailer Set--A, 0, elt, Jeweler. 25 Ibs. of Pastry Flouyr----{ooper. Smith Company. 25 Bread Tickets--Nut Krust Bak- ery. Pair of Genuine *"Lammernor" edies; Birds, Cages, Cage We Pet Stock Supply Company HOME BREWING INGREDIENTS and UTENSILS including Crocks, Boilers, Capping Machines, Syphons, Barrels, Bottle Caps and Corks, Raw or Demarera Sugar, Yeast, We specially recommend our Britannic Malt and Best im- Our Britannic Malt and Hop Combination {which requires absolutely no boiling) cannot be excelled. * Also we carry all requisites for Birds, Poultry and Dogs, including all of (Spratts Patent Limited) Foods and Rem- Wire, Punch Bars, Cage Fronts, Etc. Best imported Canary and Cage Bird Foods, Dog Biscuits and other foods. Call in and see us for information. permit forms. THANKING YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE If the Black Pirate were 'living in Osh- Phone 2075 OSHAWA Ete. awa he would want a ee : the best pianoo. We Sell the WILLIAMS The Johns Piano Store 80 Simcoe North Stands, Cups, Baths, Perches, Free recipes and Deliver Scotch Wool Blankets--Ward's. We are Specialists in Our Line of Business Five Roses, Royal Household and Purity are the best bread flours Canada produces. Eclipse, Marvel and XXX Pastry Flours are the best in their cass. We deliver and guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. We can supply anything in Cereals or Whole Wheat Flour, best brands of Sugar, nice quality Potatoes, 'Salt of all kinds and in all sizes, packages. Our Superior Poultry Mash is a real egg-producer when fed with our Scratch feeds to_ hens. Figeon Feeds for flyers or squabs, also Bird Seeds and Foods for singers or breeders are also sold by us under our usual guasantes, We import these lines direct. Cooper-Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. Just South of Post Office " PHONE 8 . WARD'S | rich black. terns and cotorings. other popular weaves. Regular $1.50 to $2.25. On Sale at, yard Etc. On Sale for ,yard 54" Check Flannels, Homespuns, A ebecial offering of about ten pieces in fine wool materials that have been formerly priced at $2.00, $2.25 and $2.49 A Week- ond Drive on ers Goods and Silks--With Prices Away Down Imported Black Duchess Satin, $1.19 Yard A saving here that is quite cut of the ordi- nary. Beautiful beavy quality in a deep, 36 inches wide. 300 Yards Fancy Printed Silk Mixture Fabrics In a variety of particularly attractive pat- Crepe, Silkine 36 inches wide. 31 Inch All Wool Dress Flannels In a full range of plain colors as well as navy and black. A splendid quality that will give excellent wearing satisfaction, 69 Friday and Saturday, only; yard Cc 31 Inch Dress Flannels In Hair Line Stripes, Checks and Novelty Tweed effects. 89¢ Special, yard Finest French Wool Santoy One of the most favored fabrics for Fall Dresses. A very fine corded weave that pleats well. Colors are Navy, Black, Brown, Sand, Copen, Reseda'and Rust. 40 inches wide. On Sale Friday and $1 29 LJ Saturday, yard ¢ind 59¢ 98c FREE =. FREE Good ck othe Winner He cann be assured of perfect reception from this 5 tube Stewart-Warner Radio Set Luke Furniture Co. 63 KING ST. E. PHONE 79 = = ~ ------ ee