THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1926 -- SE TOMATO CROP SUFFERS Owing to the rains of the past few days, coupled with the heavy frost on Saturday night, the tomato crop in ths Napanee district will be practically ruined. Thousands of bushels which have ripened the past few days will be unfit for. use. OBTAINED AUTO BY FRAUD Three months in jail was the sentence meted out in Kingston yes- terday by Magistrate Farrell to Nel- son J. Wilson, aged thirty, of King- ston, for obtaining goods under false pret He pleaded guilty. Wilson purchased an auto and in payment gave a cheque and a note but it was found that he had no account in any of the local banks, REFORMER WANT ADS PAY According to present arrange- ments the distinguished British jur- ist and his daughter, Hon. Diana Darling, will be in Kingston on Fri- day. but his visit will be a private one as the guests of Col. and Mrs. R. 0. Alexander, R.M.C. The King- ston Bar Association hope that he may be prevailed upon to be the as- sociation's guest for an hour or so during the visit, RECEIVES HIGH HONORS William Johnston of Smith's Falls has received a distinction in St. Francis %odge, AF. and A.M. in Smith'sy Falls, which a cery few members of the craft have acquired in Ontario. At a recent gathering he was presented with the long service GENERAL MOTORS WOOD COAL ss DIXON'S For Quality and Service Uptown Office Nex to Loblaw's JEDDO SCRANTON mw 262 q [i Bw ep---- We have just received notice from J. A. Ellis, Fuel Controller for Ontario, That we have been allotted '"'one car only" of Drumheller Lump Those wanting Canadian Coal should phone their orders at once, as all orders will be filled in rotation as placed. Argue-McLaughlin Coal Co. Phone 1246 110 King St. West Hi -- Graud Ludge medal, in recognition of his fifty years as a Past Master of St. Francis Lodge. KNOCKED OFF LADDER Herber H. Cossitt, well-known Brockville commercial traveler, is in the St. Vincent de Paul Hospital suffering from fractures of the right hip and left shoulder, sustained when a limb of a tree Which he was cutting at his Summer home. But- ternut Bay, broke off unexpectedly and knocked him from the ladder on which he was standing. He was | rendered unconscious but is progres- sing favorably. EAST SIMCOE RECOUNT There will be a recount in East Simcoe. On behalf of Fred W. Grant, defeated candidate application was made in Judge Vance in Barrie yes- terday. alleging irregularities on the part of some Deputy Returning Of- ficers. Judge Vance granted the ap- plication and fixed Monday, Oct. 4, as the date for the secount. He has not yet decided whether it will be held in Barrie or Orillia. Official returns showed Grant beaten by A. B. Thompson, Conservative, by 332 votes. VILLAGE THREATENED Fire which threatened®the entire village broke out in the oil room adjoining Maquires' General store at Cannifton. The family had just re- tired when Miss Maquire noticed a smell of smoke and immediately a- roused the family whose call for help was immediately answered by practically the whole village and the efforts put forth by the crowd and some firemen from Belleville soon had the blaze under control and con- fined tg the frame oil room though it repeatedly threatened the main brick building. Practically every- thing in the oil room was destroyed the loss amounting to several hun- dreds of dollars and the building was demolished. Messrs. A. Holgate, Bert Lummis, C. Van Allen and Bur- ton Lemmon who attempted to enter the oil room all were singed about the head. The cause of the fire is believed to have been a defective el- ectric wire. - MUST FACE TRIAL Frederick A. Cory, manager of the Belleville Milling Company, was com- mitted for trial at the Autumn As- sizes by Magistrate Casement at Ma- doc. Cory faces seven new charges of forgery. The bail is now fixed at $35,000, which was arranged. 7, omelrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle anomolies eyesight and glasses. 1516--Fhone--1516 Nanay Black - Opposite Post Office Coming to OSHAWA THE STUDEBAKE CARAVAN OF CUSTOM CARS TO-MORRO 5 P.M. to 10 P. M. The pride of custom lines for a woman, the economy of One- Profit price for a man, and the thoroughbred air that quickens the young to step on it and go. Watch for them! Ride in them! PUBLIC DEMONSTRATIONS A. F. COX 13 ELGIN STREET pr i pr ---- DODD'S ANIL 8 5. PILLS = "> KIDNEY. RHEGMm AT! LADY BOWLERS OF (ITY ORGANIZE Elect Officers for Season-- Eight Clubs Represented at Meeting The bowling season for Oshawa ladies was opened last evening at the Motor City Bowling Club, when the first meeting of the season was held. There were eight teams rep- resented, and the executive are hop- ing that there will be many more entries. The teams represented last evening were: Dumbells, Pirates, Whitesox, Caranomes, Bluebells, Fit- tings and Whirlwinds. The purpose of the meeting was to elect an executive for the coming season: president, Mary Hambly; secretary, Leola Fulton; treasurer, Vera Or- chard; press secretary, Dorothy Mof- fatt. The league has every indica- tion of having a most successful season and if more teams were en- tered this would be assured. It was decided that the games will be play- ed on a handicap basis, and the standing will be decided by points-- the same system that worked out so successfully last year. All games will be played on Wednesday even- ings and the games will begin at 6.45. If all members of the team are not present and ready to bowl at 7 o'clock the game, the team who have the full attendance at the time for the beginning of the game will be awarded the game. All disputes will be settled by the executive and the captains of the teams. A meet- ing will be called in a few days to draw up a schedule and all captains re advised to make their entries as soon as possible, so that the league wil get away to a good start, The ladies are pleased to learn of the reduction of bowling rates and are confident that more teams will enter and make the league the most suc- cessful ever formed in Oshawa. FIRST OF FINALS Peterboro, Sept..27.--Royal Mid- gets of Peterboro' were easy winners of the first game of the finals of that series of the O.B.A.A., defeat- ing Merritton here this afternoon, 13-2. The winners were far superior to their opponents, and led all the way, outhitting and outfielding the visitors by wide margins, Cripps was the pitcher for Peterboro' until the fourth, when he retired, because of a sore arm, being relieved by Holmes, who held the visitors to one hit and one run in the last five innings. Rountree started for the visitorsy and was hit hard all the way through, retiring with two out in the eighth in favor of Beaver. Hollingsworth led the Peterboro' batsmen with four hits in five tries Hatton and Grosse hag three each. Riddle, Doherty and Rountree, with two hits in four trips to the plate, led the visitors with the willow. The visitors' fielding was bad, For- rester, the catcher, contributing three errors, while almost every member of the team helped in bringing the total to ten. Three, er- rors were made by the winners. R. H. E. Merritton 00010100 0-- 2 Peterboro' 13120024x---1316 3 Beaver, Rountree and Forrester; Cripps, Holmes and Hatton. Umpires--Skitch and Harcourt, 9 10 SATURDAY'S T. AND D. GAMES Saturday's first division games and referees are as follows: Neilsons v, C.G.E.; A. Kerr. Oshawa v. Simmons; J. Irving. Swansea v Oshawa G. M.; W. Mit- chell, Bell Tel, v. Congasco; H. Gilpin, ZION Zion ,Sept. 28.--Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, Oshawa, .attended our Rally service and afterwards visited at their daughter's, Mrs. Foster Snowden. Rally day was fittingly observed when 113 were present, some of the clases were either all there, or one missing. Little Leona Flintoff gave a recitation very nicely. An exer- cise by four boys in the junior grade Harvey and Gerald Balson, Gordon Wilbur and Alan Chant, was nicely done; also the recitation in concert of a chapter in-Corinthians by the intermediate girls, namely, Doris Fice, Beryl Glaspel, Pearl Flintoff, Ileen and Bernice Stainton. Rev. Mr. Bick gave a splendid talk on the boy Samuel. Mr. A. T. Stainton sang a solo. The flowers of every kind were beautiful. The junior boys tagged everybody through the week and each received satin book marks for a prize. Attending Lindsay fair from here on Saturday were Misses Elwood | Wilbur, Irwin Vinson, Wesley and Walter Vivian and Mr. and Mrs. El- 'mer Wilbur and Gordon, Mr. Clarke Wilbur and Miss Mabel, Miss Effa Balson, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Stain- ton; Mr-and- Mrs. Russel Perking, Mr. Wesley Cameron. Messrs. Alf. Ayre, Anson Balson, Tracy Glaspel and Russel Robbins were exhibitors at Lindsay fair with sheep. : - Mr. and Mrs. Beal, Mr. and Mrs. Will Michael and family, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Delbert Flintoff's. Mr. Richard Flintoff re- turned to Toronto with them for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cameron, Ty- rone, visited his brother, Jas. Cam- eron, on Sunday. It's the Dainty Little Access- ories that put the Finish to Miladys Becoming Costume lish Calfskin Bags in different designs Speaking of the result in South- east Grey, a Durham observer re- marked: "There's chust one man in South Grey who can beat Miss Mac- phail---Doc. Chameson--and he can't do it."--Hanover Post. a half under most stores' prices. Scarfs! same--individual ones. best of Gloves and Hose. WEDNESDAY MORNING Extraordinary selling of superior BATH TOWELS Direct from the makers in England to the Arcade, Oshawa F. W. C. NASH Carpentering of all kinds. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Phone 806M 17 Lloyd St. See North Window for Prices SCRANTON COAL The best the mines produce W. J. Trick Co. Limited Phone 1000 We have just received a dozen or so of very pretty Eng- and colors, very dainty and very reasonable in price, perhaps a dollar and Georgette Frinted or plain Crepe de Chene, the Lace Jabeaux and Collars, fancy trimmings of furs and embroideries, and, of course, the MLLERS' /, PHONE 230 Y REFORMER WANT ADS PA sage damian iv A or Lad and LE ed TS ERE LR LT a © petals 2 Cy Le deh at id Si alr WRAL UIG ND FIR ITRS WH RTD aa IWAN PRR NNSA, 4 CAA AA FIA SION ET CATA ( Stipany og A 1 Fry: KEEP yourself bright,smiling and vigorous, with a cup of FRY'S every day. Dainty chocolaty fla- vour -- natural stimulant to the nerves--grateful nourishment to a tired body. A small spoonful does for a cup--make it with milk and you have a royal beverage indeed. CN a See directions on tin-- . wa ANIA FEIT BLT CWS REN VIR qu AE rt A Da avr Ama "Nothing will do but FRY'S"' A 8 2 sand wend | v " TR IAI a vr Nn 2 ENN Rel Ie By EX x © 1 os NT a SR GOLD SEAL RT-RUGS Beautiful, Low-Priced Rugs That Lighten Housework LENTY of charming patterns to choose from -- plenty lof money left over for extras-- plenty of time for rest and relaxation. That's what Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rugs have brought to the women of the Dominion! Small wonder that Congoleum Rugs are the most popular floor-covering in Canada! There is no other floor-covering so easily cleaned, so good to look at, s0 durable and, at the same time, so low in price. Made in Canada CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED Montreal, Quebec Your Dealer Sells Congoleum Rugs Oshawa Headquarters for Congoleum LUKE FURNITURE COMPANY