Detailed Returns Were Gathered In Record Time; Member of Reformer Staff at Every Polling Place in Qsh- awa and East Whithy--Re- turning Officers Through "out Riding and. Tolaghne the First Poll Heard From The gathering of the returns for Ontario Riding, which is always a big task, was accomplished last night in record time. The first re- turn was received from Albert street school at 6.15 Standard Time, and the final returns from the country polls were' in hand less than two hours later, enabling The Reformer to publish its second Election Extra, containing complete riding returns, before nine o'clock Standard Time. In previous elections it has usual- ly been inipossible to secure com- plete returns on the night of the election, anywhere from one to ten polls being outstanding until the following day. This year The Re- former made elaborate preparations, delegating one or more members of Whitby poll, and establishing' local centres for the gathering of returns | at Whiby, Pickering, Brooklin and Port Perry. In the case of Rgach Township, a staff reporter visited ev- ary poll in fhe township during the Afternoon and made definite arrange- ments. for obtaining the returns by telephone at. Port Perry immediate- ly after the close of the polls. This anabled The Reformer to announce 'he complete results for Reach Town- ship in less than two hours after the polls closed, whereas in previous, years the results for the more re- mote polls have never been known here until thé following day. Not only were the complete re- turns announced, but The Canadian Press, of which The Reformer is a nember, was furnished with the fin- al figures for Ontario County by wire at an early hour in the even- ing. The Reformer wishes to thank the many Returning Officers throughout the riding for their hearty co-opera- tion in gathering the riding returns, also the Bell Telephone Company and the Home Telephone Company, both of which gave very valuable service in prompt handling of Re- former calls, both local and long dis- its staff to each Oshawa and East tance. CITY OF OSHAWA or very. Poll In Ontario Riding Josey Kaiser Moore Kaiser Moore Poll Place of Voting Maj. Maj. "1 A-L Follest's, 31 John St. ..... 126 92 34 'eve M.Z Follest's, 31 John St. ..... 93 51 42 2 A-G Puckett's, 78 Burke St. ... 123 59 64 mg H-P Puckett's, 78 Burke St. ... 134 57 17 sons Q-Z Puckett's, 78 Burke St. ... 108 47 61 FI 3 A.G Gibson's, 154 Mill St. ..... 125 76 49 APH H-P Gibson's 154 Mill St. ..... 136 60 76 Q-Z Gibson's, 154 Mill St. ..... 105 Vig 28 wine 4 A-G Miller & Libby, Celina St. . 131 8! 47 ee H-M Miller & Libby, Celina St. . 128 48 ia N-Z Miller & Libby, Celina St. . 91 54 37 Hy 6 A-D Albert St. School ........ 102 "4 23 ei E-L Albert St, School ........ 125 71 54 Nels M.R Albert St, School ......... 109 54 55 Pil S-Z Albert St. School ........ 90 57 33 coe 8 A-G Stprgess', 437 S. Simcoe .. 140 78 62 ST H-0 Sturgess', 437 S. Simcoe .. 23 86 37 hi P-Z Sturgess', 437 S. Simcoe .. 119 95 24 we 7 A-G Spencer' 8, 275 King E. 110 90 20 a H-O Spencer's, 275 King E. .... 67 51 16 . P-Z Spencer's, 275 King E, .... 97 51 46 8 A-G City Hall, Simcoe N. ...... 107 76 31 H-M City Hall, Simcoe. N. 92 51 11 N-Z City Hall, Simcoe N. 80 64 16 9 A-F Separate School ......... 99 95 "03 G-M Separate School ......... 126 78 se 3 "TN-Z Separate School ......... 157 86 pid 10 A-F Saunders, 32 Elgin E. .... 98 84 14 pols G-M Saunders, 32 Elgin E. .... 125 70 55 tees N-Z Saunders, 32 Elgin E. .... 89 :° pA vesis 11 A-D Mary St. School ...... es 142 0 i eivies E-K Mary St. School .... ' 124 93 31 iby L-R Mary St. School ..... 153 79 74 nee S-Z Mary St. School ...... 112 092 20 hie 12 A-F Crowthers, 335 Mary St. .. 129 68 61 pi G-M Crowthers, 335 Mary St. .. 107 84 23 2s N-Z Crowthers, 335 Mary St. 118 63 55 a 13 A-G Mrs. Robbins, *754 S. Simcoe 78 86 cian 08 H-P Mrs. Robbins, 754 S. Simcoe 104 113 sien 09 Q-Z Mrs. Robbins, 7564 S. Simcoe 79 80 "eine © 01 Totals for Oshawa ................ 4494 2967 1548 21 Net Majority for Kaiser 1527 . TOWN OF WHITBY Kaiser Moore Kaiser Moore Poll Place of Voting Maj. Maj. 1 A-L Office Whitby Memorial Co. . 110 SR © 1 Farats 13 M-Z Office Whitby Memorial Co. . 97 122 Sie 25 2 A-L Ed. Bowman's Office, Dundas Bl a iri 72 62 10 ies M-Z Ed. Bowman's Office, Dundas ER 102 60 42 .es ¢ A-L Miss McCann's, Brock St. .. 53 78 oie 25 M-Z Miss McCann's, Brock St. 63 62 01 Ng 4 A-L Turner's Shoe Shop, Brock AR AR a 90 96 PR 06 M-Z Turner's Shoe Shop, Brock RR SR 79 94 sine 15 5 A-L Community Hall, Brock St. HARA Gre etn ib sau Ye 138 39 99 "oes M-Z Community Hall, Brock St. CREEL Si 119 70 "49 Sha Totals for Town of Whitby ....... 923 806 201 84 Net Majority for Kaiser 117 VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY Kaiser Moore Kaiser Moore Poll Place of Voting Maj. Maj. Con. ® .%\............. irre #8 0:0 PRT viene 1 Town Treasurer's Office .... 127} 87 40 . 2 A-K Town Hall, Port Perry .... 76 62 14 sare. L-Z Town Hall, Port Perry .... 67 56 11 or 3 Frame School House, Rosa St. 119 110 9 sees Totals for Village of Port Perry . 389 315 74 a Net Majority for Kaiser 74 TOWNSHIP. OF EAST WHITBY - Kaiser Moore Kaiser Moore Poll Place of Voting Maj. Maj. 1 A-L W. W. Easton, Harmony ... 60 100 sale 40 M-Z W. W. Easton, Harmony ... 40 93 Jai 53 2 A:M John Ross' Res. 370 King W. 170 105 65 Wives M-Z John Ross' Res. 370 King W. 149 89 60 Ln 3 W. J. Stevenson, Lot 15, Con. RE RR Ta SRR 55 36 19 cons 4 A-L Donald Christie, Lot 11, Con. GH FR pT 68 133 meee 65 M-Z ponald Christie, Lot 11, Con. A ay 119 250 were 131 5 . Township Hall, Columbus ey 92 133 ous 41 6 Temperance Hall, Raglan ... 83 67 16 J Totals for East Whitby A 836 1006 160 330 Net Majority for Moore 170 TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY Kaiser Moore Kaiser Moore Poll Place of Voting Maj. Maj. 1 John H. Gulliver, Kingston Rd. oie ys enass 49 74 eee 25 1A Bratley, L. 21, ¢. 2, Kingston Rd. MPR SEN 43 79 anny 36 2 Graham's Temp House BroOkIlm ..cciocnvvivrivs 117 109 08 - eee 3 A-L Township Hall, Brooklin ... 82 66 16 ene M-Z Township Hall, Brooklin ... 95 68 37 ows 4 Robt. Parrott's Shop, Ash- 1 i Ig se nseen 108 138 ee ue 80 Totals for Township of Whitby ... 494 524 61 91 Net Majority for Moore 30 . TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING reached Spuyten Duyvil MRS. G. CORSON OWAM CHANNEL FOR HER BABIES Shown That Motherhood Is Help, Not Bar to Career Swimmer SHE'S OF HARDY STOCK First Medal for Saving Life of Girl; Won Husband by Courage York, Sept. 13--An Evening special writer, William O says: Harriet Amelie Gade Corson, sturdy blond daughter of Vik- ing ancestors, mother of two bounc ing youngsters, would have delighted such Scandinavian apostles of ad- vanced feministic thought as Henrik Ibsen, Ellen Key or Fredericka Bre- men. They would have seen in this new- est conqueror of the English Channel the fulfilment of their beliefs: that a woman could be a mother and follow a career at the same time. Mrs. Corson's own thoughts might almost be a quotation from the Norse dramatist: "I think no woman is at her best, physically or otherwise, until she is a mother. I had one child when I made my attempt to swim across the Channel in 1923. Sonny was seven months old then. I almost made it with one baby, and I believe that with two I can do the trick." Then with the victory accomplished on Saturday she exclaimed: 'I. was determined to make it or go down. [I've got to make some money for my kids." Those children have been her Joy. Clem jr., is four, Marjorie is two, "go- ing on three." Her husband is Clem- ington Corson, an armorer with the New York State Naval Militia on the training ship Illionois at the foot of West 96th St. A Cozy Bungalow. They have a cozy bungalow just in- side the reservation, a few steps from the river where some day the youngs- ters will be taught to swim just' as skilfully as their mother and their fa- ther, too, for that matter, because he is an excellent swimmer also. Both parents have been long inter- ested in matters aquatic, although Captain Corson--everybody calls hii Captain on the reservation--was brought up on a farm in Wisconsin New World Trapp, in that state with full-blooded 'Hol- steins roaming the meadows. - Some day the Corsons may settle down there but at present Mrs, Corson declares she would rather be a mermaid than a milkmaid. Their first meeting was a romance in itself. In 1921--the then Miss Gade had been in this country but two vears--she resolved to swim around Manhatten Island. Friends told her it was impossible, that only one wo- man previously had ever done it. But they did not know thé fierce détermination that was in this Danish girl's heart. They knew nothing of her splendid courage, the same cour- age that had won her a silver meda' at the hands of the Danish King ant a Carnegie award for rescuing a wo- man from drowning in her native Cop: enhagen. "I just want to see how long it will take," she said simply. She started out at 5 o'clock in the morning, accompanied, in a rowboat alongside ,only by her friend, Mrs. Adelaide Davidson, a graduate nurse of /this city, and Corson, then a boat- man at the Naval Militia Headquar- ters. Using a breast stroke and then an overhead stroke, she swam steadily down the Hudson, starting from the foot of West 99th Street, at an aver- age speed of three miles an hour. She turned South Ferry and swam into the East River, reaching the Brooklyn 8 and today owns a fine 300-acré farm Bridge at 9 o'clock, Here she had her | first nou ange. battle. rishnfent, As she passed under the burg Bridge she curfents that mark the river there and from that point until she passed the Hell Gate whirlpools she had a real a few slices of qr- struck the At 123rd street she drank some cof- fee and ate sandwiches and then | Technical Education at Copenhagen, into the launch as she unconsciousness. Williams- Mrs. Corson has been terrific | since she was five years skill in Denmark teens she school at conducted a Veile. When Creek at 6 ature was 54 degrees, and she be so henvmbed that she had to be hauled relapsed into old. gained widespread reputation for and while still in her cighteen she-enrolled in the but before that she had won many As an amateur she swimming She her swimning she was College of pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of ont Fok Absolutely Harmless ~No Opiates. and Diarrhea; allaying Physicians HELPS STOPPING Many car. owners. fasten blgcks should the brakes Kalsér Moore Kaiser Moore |o'clock. She struck a stiff tide in the | medals and cups. oll Place of Voting Maj. Maj. Hudson and bad to s'ow down a fittle | was noted particularly for her speed, of wood to the garage floor near the 1 Powell's, Kington Rd. 1. ' be: managed to reach 929th streer at a | especially in the 500-yard and 250-yard | pear wall. This is done as a means 6, C. 3 "ees 28 129 oe 101 |litile after nine o clock. dashes. of stopping the sap 2h Gh ELMORE Riaieiniese . i .e prone py <2 A-M Fire Hall, Pickering ..... 32 89 rene 57 Near the finish she was about to RA Rd driver fail to a N-Z Fire Hall, Pickering ..... 85 183 rae 98 | surrender. CAR WIRING of wir Where the flooring of the garage +3 Walter' Nicholson, Liverpool 56 130 a 74 "Don't you dare give up." Mrs. There are a great variety o ar is concrete the blocks can be joined 4 Toynes' House L 32, Rouge Davidson 'exclaimed. "Dearie, it is- | ing plans for cars, Some involve | + ne end of a brace which rests P Hin : " 38 61 Lh 23 n't far now," echoed Captain Corson. | many little points of superiority. | on "the floor and extends to the 5 PE "Hall, Cherry- That "Dearie" may have been a stim- | Usually the horn and Hatter He roar wall, wood... a... iale ye 80 88 Sah 08 |ulant, for the swimmer and the Cap- | separate Jou the Seneral Bashi] ibe P Hall, Ki ale... 76 66 10 w... |tain had never even met each other | system. Some car : A-M ablie al Prout il 93 78 15 ...: |until the night before the long swim, the positive side of the current: ; YES, INDEED N-Z Town Hall, Brougham .... 16 45 1 vu.. | which took place on' June 26. : others ground the negative. Where (Christian Science Monitor 8 Qddfellow's Hall, Whitevale I 137 serie 41 The "Dophin of the Deep," as the | starter-motors and generators are If Kalani Kaumehameha 9 Basement Meth. Ch., Lot. 6, Copenhagen people called her, mark- | combined the wiring arrangement | kalanynaawahinekuhao, a Hawaiian Con. 8 87 45 42 ed up another feat in that same year | may be a bit more avelved, Sa girl lived ip HaptaonileN yaar, . 7 Sh BR EE cans Pp 3 nha y the vari- bh, a small town in t.. 41 80 NG 39 'on Sept. 8, when she swam from Al- | cuit-breakers and fuses in gogoc 10 A ogni Hall. Clarewont Ne 83 118 Ha 35 bany to New York in a week, with! ous lines "are simply protectives. | would be a brave man who would 11 Alb. Davis' House, Lot 31, '»{ 46 « !103 oa 57 sixty-six hours actual swimming time start a correspondence with her. Totals for Twp. of Pickering ...... 887 1352 68 533 Io The 163 miles. ; Bachelors may object to being es Net Majority for Moore 465 1at Was the first time a woman had| yoa5ted but it's no worse than be- The desire to get somewhere in ever done it. Captain Corson ac- ing married and being kept in hot [a hurry gets many persons in a TOWN! OF companied her, on that trip, too, and water.--Sault Star. hospital.--Kingstoy Standard. HIP er a Kaiser Moore | {WO weeks later he accompanied her Po oting 5; Maj. on another trip to marry her at | cm we - a emer ema we ~~ Pu Mémiey an, of Vo oT 4 82 85 Ain 03 | Bridgeport, Conn., on Sept. 21 p 2 Waltér' Roget's Gardge, "Epson | 56 71 tise 16 "I won't stand in her way of being . - 3 Robert Swanick, Lot 6. 'Con. 3 did 43 51 Rk 08 | the greatest woman swimmer in the 1 Temperance Hall, Greenbank . . . 38 160 i 122 | world" the doughty Captain exclaim- ' 5 C: Moon; Seagrave ......... 42 97 ie BB ed immediately after the ceremony. ren we 3" Piitterson's Paint Bliop, Prince Alb 90 56... 06 | "Why should I when I fell in love ; 7 Cedar Creek School House. 100. . 47 22 25 . with her for her courage and her skill 3 Township Hall, Man SDE 83 99 a 16 --to say nothing of her cheerfulness ) Healoy's Hout, SaMMNSHIC. *% 38. 17 [and sweetness." : Totals for Township of Reach 521 739 25 243 In her training for the Channel det 1 Net Majority for_Moore 218 '| swims, both in 1923 when she. came 2) (CA YA within two miles of the French coast, TOWNSHIP OF SC and this year when "she was so suc HY SCUG Moore. Kaiser Moore cessful as whole world now knows, the Poll Place of Voting ' : Maj. Maj. * | Captain has been near her to encour- 1 Town Hal, iSCUBOE Soibitibormn 94 124 Bg ~ 39 [asc her. Totals for Township of Seu ' 94 124 ie 3 Prepares for Channel. Net Majority for Moore 30 The preparation for conquering the S - Channel is difficult and arduous. One Ll + 8638 7833 2137 1332 |of her trials this year was to swim MOTHER :-~ Fletcher's BES §AJORITY FOR KAISER 803 last June from the Battery to South Castoriz Js Ep all re- B a Beach, S. I., when the water temper- storia 1s especially p everywhere recommend it. on Wales, it EE ------ Ae Ty {is 88 Spots North The Pontiac Six Has Canada Here is a six built up to the high standards set by General Motors-- tested in General Motors labora- Swept NEVER in automobile history has any new car achieved such instant and overwhelming accept- ance as the Pontiac Six. Ever since its introduction, the Pon tiac Six has faced a demand far in excess of its gapacity to fulfil -- Now, the Pontiac Six is Canadian-built in the huge, new Pontiac plant at Oshawa, Ont. : To inspect the Pontiac Six --to ride in it--to drive it-- is to realize how Pontiac has won such outstanding success. At Factory - tories--proved on General Motors Coupe Sedan 1035 Landau 'Sedan '1125 Sales Tax Extra : G L MOTO RODUCTS CA LI Srinias o Shnret A of Cdnada, Hed: ANARA ONTARIO proving grounds--a car that hasnot. compromised on quality --a car that gives smooth, power- ful performance, ease of control, roomy comfort and striking beauty. Yet Pontiac -- a quality six in every sense of the word -- is available at prices made low beyond comparison by the un- matched facilities of General Motors -- and now made still lower by the removal of the . Excise Tax. - No Excise Tax Moffatt Motor Sales | | Phone 915