ATI AL PAGE SIX PERSONAL | The Reformer i invites the 'co-operation of its readers in, contributing items to this Ghigo, Send us a post- or phone 35, --Mrs. J. Lewis of Columbus was a recent visitor in this city. --Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Law, Albert street, spent yesterday in Cherry- wood. --Mr. and Mrs. son, of Pennsylvania a few days with Mr. Walton, Bruce street. ~--Mr. and Mrs. Tucker of Winni- peg, Man. are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Disney. --A very original shower was given for Miss Wilma Cale and M Kathléen McLaughlin coming bride of this month, last evening. Miss Leallen Lethbridge, Drew street, wag hostess, and the shower was made up of articles suitable for the pantry shelf. About fifteen guests were present, Refreshments were served. --<Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mallett of Toronto have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett, Cedardale. --Mrs. L.. Hewitt and children of Orillia, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mallett, Albert streot. --Mr. and Mrs. George Louchs and two sons, of Hssex, Mr. Mrs. Will Goslin of Detroit, Mich., have returned home after spending C. Walton and are spendinz and Mrs. A. and BRUYEA and E M P Y Tobaccos and Pipes of all Kinds Billiard Parlor and Barber Shop in Connection King St. West Phone 122¢ For Better Values in | Diamonds --- | BURNS JEWELRY STORE .a few days with C. E. Youus and family,;--3122--Divis! "traot ~--Mrs. C. Bailcy, formerly of Osh- awa, spent a few days at the home of her daughted, Mrs. A. Holmes, Lloyd street. --Rev. J. H. McBain and Mrs, Mc- Jain, of Oakville, formerly cf Osh- awa, have sent out invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Rachel Marjorie, to Colonel ' Walter Wall; bridge Dennison, D.S.0., at St. John's church, Oakviile, at 3.30 o'clock, on September 25th. MENENDEZ--LAIRD The home of Mr. and Mrs. Clive Hatch, Whitby, was the scene this week of an attractive wedding, when Eleanor Lawder, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. James David Laird of New York City, was united in marriage to Charles Gembler Men- endez, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Menendez, Nassau, Bahamas. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Dr. Abraham, assisted by Rev. Herbert Abraham, Toronto. The bride, who was given away by her brother, wore a bouffant frock of shell pink satin and tulle; her veil of silk net was becomingly arranged © and finished with clusters of orange blossoms She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and Butterfly roses. The matron of honor was Mrs. Clive Hatch. Mr. William R. Naker acted as groomsman. Miss Dorothy Truax sang during the sign- ing of the register. The bride re- ceived the guests in the drawing- room, assisted by her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Menendez and Mrs. Or- mond Curry, sister of the groom. Following the . reception, a bullet supper was served. The happy couple left later for the Saguenay, the bride travelling in an ensemble suit of national blue with hat to match. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Menendez will reside in Oshawa. FIRE LOSS $25,000 IN FIRE IN CITY OF PETOSKEY, MICHIGAN Petoskey, Mich., Sept. 10. The first fire in Petoskey's business dis- trict in more than a year occurred re cently when a cigar store, barber shot and one clothing store were practically ruined, a second clothing firm suffered considerable damage and the stock of News Printing company was Petoskey injured. The fire started in the basement of the Monarch cigar store and the blaze was confined to that building. The basement and first and second floors stacle. iF LE | it sad! - THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, 'SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER tl, ye 73 1926 TOOK QUT TEETH IN COURT-ANB IS ASSESSED $30 An Atlantic City: Ex-Mayor | Shows $1,200 Set at Wrong Time RIDDLE TO JUGGLE Considered the Case for Two Days Before Finding Solution Atlantic City, N.J., Cept. 10. -- The County Tax Board had a hard prob- lem to figure out an assessment when it come upon a set of platinum teeth owned by former Mayor William Rid- dle. It took two days to establish jur isdiction and fix the valuation, which was announced today as $1,200. The problem was unsuspectingly pre- | cipitated by the former mayor, he appeared before the board ecarlic: in the week to appeal from a valua tion of $958,000 placed upon his prop- erty at Pennsylvania avenue and the Boardwalk. Mr. Riddle is one of the largest taxpayers in the city. In the course of the hearing, he took out his platinum teeth. It caught the eye of Walter McDevitt, an "Why, he hadn't even been for the teeth!" exclaimed the asses The board looked. They rejected Rid dle's appeal and turned to the matter of personal property. "I n Mr. President," said the asse ad dressing John T. French, "that we as- | sess the teeth at $2,000." The board then encountered an ob-| Riddle lived in Ventor and an Atlantic City was trying to levy upon his teeth. The question 'of | jurisdiction stumped the board. They adjourned two days ago in perplexit It reconvened Wednesday, a solution. Harold Cain, another At lantic City assessor, came to. the cue. "The teeth should be assessec Atlantic City," he said. This seemed plausible, so the turned to the voluation. | The secretary of "the Fran cis B. Coll, is a. dentist expert advice. "I paid $1,200 for the set," admitted | the former Mayor, "but I don't know how much I could-get for them in tl open market. ass assessor no nearer board | question of board, Dr. , and he gay whe: nim FONCI'S FLIGHT 10 PARIS 15 SET New York Next Week-- Test Cruise Planned Westbury, N.Y., Sept. 10--Captain Rene Fonck will start on his non-stop New York-to-Paris flight some day next week, Count Igor Sikorsky, de- signer of the three-motored plane to be used in the attempt, announced at Roosevelt field, The "N New christened the Mayor Walker, was taken on a giant ship was York-Paris" by of New York, and it | test. Heht to Washington, probably re- turning Saturday or Sunday. Rev. D Richard Pope, of the Protestant Epis- copal church of Westbury, L.I, bless- ed the plane after Mayor Walker christened it, Aboard the plane on the Washington flight, which started from Roosevelt field, 1.1, were th A. P. Snody, who will fly with Fonck to Paris; Igor SikorskV and John Hambleton, Balti- banker. Snody will conduct | and oil comsumptive tests { on'y has on | New lieves that the canbe made-iraboit An early morning start will Sikorsky Sl hours. be made. FINDS ESTATE A WORTHLESS VICTORY Madison, Wis., Sept. 10. -- Mirjam Noel Wright found © her trium- phant entry into Talieson, country es- tate of her husband, Frank Lloyd Wright, noted architect, a worthless victory. Securing temporary possession of the Japanese villa and its art treasures by means of an injunction restraining employees 'and relatives of Wright from blocking ker entry, the cast-off wife of the architect enjoyed a brief residence in her former home, The Bank of Wisconsin, which holds a $25,000 mortgage on Talieson, today began foreclosure proceedings with the result that neither she nor Wright will he allowed to take possession of 'the formidable negro nurse sa., has decided opin voo Yawk folks." View- passing show from Central with her charge, she opines that Yorkers "don' have chiilun: dey pet dogs." Park, SEE a a New || or 'Persons holding teachers' certificates valid in Ontario who desire to secure occasional wark on the Oshawa Public School staff are ressuntod to apply by letter stating qualifications, experience, full name and address, also telephone number to MR. J. A. McGIBBON, Sec'y Oshawa Board of Education REFORMER WANT ADS PAY 4 Lg hy Last Oshawa last oppone with Westmount, mainly of democracy. us it has become a thing of ink and paper. mr H has : By W. H. MOORE night I spoke from four platforms in this City, and suburbs. I addressed the audience in a schoolroom, and its atmosphere led me back to a discussion of those things we were taught in our youth, and We have worship ped the word and not the principle. With night. an application to this election. t to make people think that this election is over simply because he claims Beginning That is what I said to the people of An attempt has been made by my were partially gutted. Adjoining es- tablishments suffered damage from wa- ter and smoke. assess the teeth at ti mterposed McDevitt The tax on them | "Why not full face value," And the board did. will be 58 23 Si . o : . " Shacoe 3 Phone 359 tc have he Anbart of men who are lead ers in the business community. $30.58. Sow I rave not a word to say against any of these men, not a word against an active part on the plat form of my opponent. But I have this to say that IT IS NOT THE MAN WHO SAYS ENG AGF IN DUEL BUT WHAT HE SAYS, THAT COUN TS. u Were it otherwise Democracy is dead. The true principle of democracy lies soi and I, each one of us men and wo men of this constituency, and of this With Rapiers is ; 3, Y, - 'Endounter p : Canada, thinking for ourselves. OCTOBER 4th to Oth Caused By Row Over Fascist Issue Nice. Brinda Two tal | jan journalists fought . a mpe-round | The Oshawa General Hospital Board beg to BE ee gr announce to the citizens of Oshawa that they have decided to conduct a financial campaign for the raising of funds to retire the indebtedness in con- nection with the building debt of the Hospital and provide funds for the necessary improvement and repairs, and respectfully ask all citizens to bear 5 in mind that the week of October 4tr to 9th in- il TO Hospital Week | TWO JOURNALISTS + taking a A THING, in you This is not a new subject for me. I have discussed it at length in my much advertised book, "The Commandments of Men," which is another word, in spite of the Doctor's misrepresentation, for legislation. Sept. 10.-- I have made ro appeal jn this campaign to party loyalty. I have made no ap- peal fo the prejudices of men against my opponent and those who support him on his platform. in the hills behind The over th ardo Camphglioni, editor of the Tial Nice paper, La Franc : Porta repot Pens: publi duellists, who had quarreled cist question, were Leon- I do make an appeal and as earnestly as I know how that the eleetors of this constituency will on the 14th of September, Tuesday next, exercise their fran- chise in favor of the candidate whom in their opinion will best represent their | views in the House of Commons. ian page of the and Guiseppi ployed by 11 Fascist paper ned in Nice. Porta was wounded in the arm ang a d to the home of a friend ing principal was willing to call his - honor satisfied. The duel resulted from a personal written: attack which Porta had madc upon Camphglioni. Four local French reporter whom had ever cen a duel, affair, which J. D. STORIE, the : ! the as- o President. "i Three women fainted at sight « 5 ES the blood streaming from Porta's arm and this caused more excitement than Es the duel 'itself. TE LLLP i a Ss Feeling between the anti-Fascists has been running in Nice for some time, and it is the duel will only serve to inereasc the bitterness. I have made that appeal in the rural and urban sections of this riding, alike, and I have made it, confident in the thought that it is only around the common table of L iberalism, that the men of the field and factory alike can harmonize their differences of opinion as to the fis cal policy of this country and other mat- ters which are of commen concern. { clusive will be known as Hospital Week. Signed on behalf of the Hospital Board, none of arranged the carried out with a duelling primer. seconds If you are satisfied that I represent those principles and will give you that representation at Ottawa, then and only then I say and high 1¢ ared Fascists . Hi Vote for Moore MADE A BISHOP | 3, : AT Ai. OF 23 True Democracy TUDENTS who intend to enroll this term for any course at the Oshawa RP Meet Mr. Moore stalled With Catholic Church -- AT THE -- Band Concert and Reception Mr. W. H. Moore, Liberal Candidate, will be in the Armouries Satui- day night from 8 to meet his friends from Oshawa and the County. He has not been able to see all in his canvass, and takes this opportunity to greet his friends. Collegiate Institute, are requested to reg- ister for same on or before Tuesday, Sep- York, Sept. 10--With all the stately dignity of the Roman Catho- lic ritual, the Reverend Father John Joseph Mitty, rector of St. Luke's church in the Bronx, was today con- scerated bishop of Salt Lake. Bishep Mitty, who is * 42 vears old, is the voungest Catholic bishop in this coun- \ trv. He formerly was an army chap- lain, and was stationed'at the Military academy at West Point. Cardinal Hayes presided at the pressive three-hour ceremony at St, Patrick's cathedral in Fifth Avenue. The co-consecrators were Bishop John J. Dunne, of New York, and Bishop H. S. SMITH, Dani¢l J; Curley, of Syracuse. The ceremonics were attended by a great throng of dignitaries and friend that filled the spacious cathedral. attendance were two archbishops, more than 20 bishops and several hun- dred" monsignori, | ts and nuns. Among the lay spectators was William Mitty, brother of the bishop. Aside frem the distinction of the youngest bishop, Bishop diocese is the largest in the States. It takes in the entire of Utah and part of Nebraska, an area of 157,000 square miles. New tember 14th at the office of the principal, Mb. A. E. O'Neil. This is necessary in or- der that the Board may provide for. the larger attendance this term over previous years. im=- Chairman Oshawa Board of Education ) Ontario's Regimental Band will furnish appropriate music. \ GOD SAVE THE KING. . being Oshawa Liberal Association Mitty's United state