Oshawa Daily Reformer, 11 Sep 1926, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 115-1926 'The True Facts of The Motor Industry In view of the strenuous efforts being made by Liberal leaders to take credit for helping, rather than injuring. the automobile' industry, a recital of the actual facts would appear to be necessary to clarify the situation, This is what happened. Like a bolt from the blue, without investi- gating the conditions of the industry or calling upon the manufacturers ty offer explanations or reasons, and in direct violation of Mackenzie King's Richmond Hill Speech, his Speech in Oshawa and in the Speech from the Throne, which con- tained a declaration that no tariff changes would: be made without full enquiry by a Tariff Advisory Board, the Liberal Government deliverately slashed the automobile tariff in such a drastic manner as to threaten the extinction of the industry in Oshawa and elsewhere. Under the new low tariff rates on automobiles then established, it was undoubtedly more profitable to Automobile Manufac- turers to import completely finished ears from the United States than to manufacture in Canada. The au- thoritative statements made to that effect at the time by the important Officials of the various Automobile Manufacturers, were in no sense in the nature of bluff; they were an expression of the ¢dTd, hard, uncon- trevertible facts, which any one in- terested could verify. Verification was indeed invited. Naturally the citizens of this city became alarmed because not only was the living of the great majority of them placed in the most serious jeopardy, but the very lifeblood of the City was at stake. Meetings were quickly call- ed, and resulting therefrom, an enormous deputation visited Ottawa and virtually pleaded for the right to live and maintain themselves, their, families, and their homes, It has been stated, by men high in the Liberal party, that the expenses of that deputation were defrayed by Automobile Manufacturers, or people connected: therewith. Nothing could be more untrue. These expenses, were paid by the individuals alone. Not a cent was contributed by the manufacturers, When 'the deputation--by far the largest of the kind that ever waited upon a Government and Parliament ---reached Ottawa, the talk in Lib- eral Cabinet and Parliamentary circles was, that it was a huge blufs, engineered by the manufacturers with the intention of influencing the Government. and, accordingly, at- tempts were made to pooh pooh it. Indeed, some Liberal members of Parliament, and a few defeated Lib- eral candidates, in the bitterness of thejr rancour, quite freely gave vent toi the opiniom that it served Osh- awa right for voting against the Liberal Government. Could there be any more vicious or dangerous doc- trine than that? Have Liberal poli- tics descended in 'the moral scale to such an extent that it is deemed right. that people are to be punished for voting aceording to their convic- tions, if these convictions are in op- position to ruling Liberal powers? Bolshevism never went farther thar that. The Finance Minister, ourable Mr. Robb, who the Hon- was the Bring Your Films to THOMPSON"S DRUG STORE To be Developed and Printed jFilms in by 10 a.m. finished by 6 p.m. : PHONES: 22265 REMOUNT YOUR. DIAMONDS To be up to date have your diamond remounted with one of our new diamond mountings by expert workmen, Priced from $6.00 to $15.00 D. J. BROWN The Jeweller 10 King St. W, Phone 189 Saywell & Son General leather goods, trunks, bags and valises. 19 BOND ST. WEST . principal author of the tariff changes, publicly declared, before the spokesiffen of the deputation had a chance to say a word, that he had nailed his colours to the mast, and would not recede an inch: --+*He would stick to his guns." But that did not prevent the deputation from prosecuting its good work. The case against the action of the Jovernment was stated with com- mendable brevity and a solemn gravity which compelled serious at- tention. The Government as a mat- .er of fact realized, to use popular phrasés "that they were up against it" and "something would have to be done" otherwise the industry was doomed. They concluded, un- doubtedly against their will, that they would have to provide reme- dies, but instead - of relieving the tremendous anxiety of the people of Oshawa by taking quick action, they dilly-dallied for weeks and weeks. Finally they initiated compensatory measures, which--on the assumption that they would finally be passed and become law,--though far from being satisfactory, materially im- proved the position and held out the hope to the automobile manufac- turers that they could assure their workers they could continue to op- erate, These proposed measures chiefly consisted of:-- (1) The placing on the free list of the tariff of a long fist of parts not made in Canada, upon which the manufacturers had previously paid duty at rates from 27% to 35%. (2) Removing the Excise Tax of 5% from low priced cars made in Canada, while retaining it on simi- lar cars imported, and (3) The removal of the Sales Tax from many articles which, while not actually incorporated in automobiles are used and consumed in their manufacture, It is, however, very important to remember, and reflect upon, that such relief. was not put into full ef- fect by the Liberal Government. In fact the only relief it granted was the placing of articles on the free list. The other proposed relief measures, while practically ap- proved by Parliament, had not been assented to by the Governor-Gen- eral, and, consequently, died when Mr. Mackenzie King resigned from office and peevishly refused to co- operate with the new Prime Mini- ster in putting through measures which had been approved by Par- lidment. The industry was, there- fore, thrown into chaos and con- fusion again; the manufacturers did not know where they were at. or which way to turn. Happily the Conservative Government. realized the situation and with commend- able promptitude passed Orders- in-Counecil which gave effect to the measures, and thereby enabled the industry to continue to operate, In other words had the legislation been left as it existed when the King Government resigned, the result would have been Practically the liquidation of the Oshawa Plant, instead of the progress and pros- perity as we have at the present time, due to sound Conservative Policy. But that is not all. The most im- portant factor that had to be deter- mined with certainty before the manufacturers could see their way clear to "carry on" was as to the interpretation to be placed on the term '"'cost to manufacture in Can- ada" to enable the manufacturers to claim the drawback of 259 of the For Better Values in Diamonds -- BURNS JEWELRY STORE 23 Simcoe S. Phone 389 SCRANTON COAL The best the mines produce W. J. Trick Co. Limited PHONE 230 " THE Disney Funeral Service New Location 302 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1082 Day or Night duty paid upon imported materials. | The drawback is payable only con- tingent upon 40% of the cost of the automobile being incurred in Can- add, for the first year and 50% thereafter, and it was consequently vitally important to have a broad- guaged and fair definition of what constituted cost of manufacture in this country, The Liberal Govern- ment had the question before it for months, but stalled and procrastin- ated, and finally left office without doing anything at all, with the re- sult that the manufacturers were again "up in the air", and at their wit's end to know what to do. Hére again the new Covernment quickly grappled with the situation and promptly passed an Order-in-Council which is eminently sensible and made the operation of the Oshawa Plants possible and thus saved Osh- awa. : Summarizing the situation: -- The cuts originally made in the automobile tariff by the Liberal Government meant extinction of the industry in the City of Oshawa, and other places. These cuts were made without proper. or indeed any, investigation, and without giving the manufactur- ers a chance to be heard. The Liberal Government, contrary to its own will, as expressed by the Finance Minister in the initial stages and not of its own volition at all, but, by sheer force of circum- stances and the logic of the facts, was compelled to recede from its position and initiate compensatory measures, ,in other words, to say that it was wrong and did not know what it was doing. But when Mr, Mackenzie Xing ran away from the censure of Par- liament, he left undone the things he, under compulsion, proposed to do, and the Conservative Govern. ment actually saved the situation and the industry, A little inside history may not be amiss. The changes introduced by Mr. Robb where made purely for political effect, The Progressives, who dominated the Liberal Govern- ment, and the Parliamentary situa- tion, wanted lower duties but it is well known that they would have been satisfied with a cut of 5%. No- body was more surrpised than these same Progressives when a straight 15% cut was made from 359% to 20%; they were simply dumfound- ed. The Government had gone them two or three times better than they had hoped for, or expected, with the idea of gaining political favour, chiefly in the West. It is notable that after the' broad situation of the industry was disclosed by the Oshawa deputation and in Parlia- ment, the Progressives offered no opposition to the proposed remedial measures. A word or two in conclusion. The reduction in duty from 356% to 20 at one fell swoop was un-scientific, unbusinesslike, without precedent, quite contrary to all previous prac- tice of Liberal Governments, and un- questionably a Liberal device to gain votes, without consideration at all for the workers in the industry and their families. In Mr. Fielding's time, when lowering of the tariff was deemed advisable, the reductions were made by progressively easy steps, with which industries could cope. If the same reduction as in the automobile industry had been made by Mr. Robb in the textile in- dustry, every dry goods wholesalers and retailer in the country would have gone into bankruptcy. Just im- agine yourself a Wholesaler, waking up some morning to find that your stock of goods could be replaced at 15% below its value, It is the boast of the old King Government that nobody suffered from their action, Ponder this thought in reply. Today, of all the new cars sold in Canada, not more than 10% are sold to people who never had a car before. The effect of the reductions in the tariff was to reduce the value of every second hand car, and every man with a car, was therefore, a loser. Contributed by one who knows on behalf of the Oshawa Conservative Association, (Advertisement) --_-- RAILWAY MAGNATE (By Associated Press) Jamestown, N.Y. Sept. 11--Sir Henry Thornton, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and President of the Canadian National Railways and Miss Matilda Watriss daughter of Mrs. Charles D. Wetmore of New York were married at Long Point Wetmore summer home on Chatau- qua Lake today. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Alfred E. Vonstill, minister of the Unitarian church of Jamestown in the presence of members of the two families and a small company of intimate friends. Sir Henry and Lady Thornton left later on a honey moon trip to Vir- ginia. They will reside at Mont- real. Lady Thornton's father is Frederick N. Watriss vice-president of International Petroleum. Co. oc La - The National Smoke CARS DAMAGEI INA COLLISION One Car Loses Fender While Other Car Has Broken Axle Whitby Sept. 11--When J. Ormis- ton of Whitby, essayed to turn south off the Kingston road he either did not notice, or make" enough allow- ance for the speed of the Ford Coupe driven by G. Crosier of Toronto with the result that they collided outside the Universal Garage Whitby. Chief Constable C. Lavery and Highway Traffic Officer Wm. Reid were on the spot within a few minutes and had both cars removed to the garage. A new front axle and fender will allow Mr. Crosier to proceed east- ward, Mr. Ormiston's sedan sus- tained the loss of one fender. Neither car was travelling at a fast rate or the consequences might have been more serious. FOUR WOMEN ARE UNDER ARREST ON SMUGGLING CHARGE (By Associated Press) St. Alban's, Sept. 11.--Four women dressed as Nuns were taken off the C.P.R. train this morning at Richford when a Customs inspector found yards of valuable French lace con- cealed beneath their clothing. APPEAL TO HAVE NAMES ON LIST FOR THE ELECTION Whitby, Sept. 11.--The following citizens of Whitby have appealed to have their names put on the Muni- cipal Voters List:--Mr. Harrison Tate, Mrs. Mary McClelland, Mr. John McClelland and Mrs. William Turner. Their appeals have this day been submitted to the Judge who will set the date of the Court of Appeal. HOME LOCATIONS Listings solicited Best Rug Brick at low prices We have one of the best up-to-the- minute homes on Masson St. for sale It has all conveniences, lovely oak floors, mantel, in fact everything that makes a home worth while. Priced right at $7,500. Will take smaller house that will rent, as payment. We are offering you a home worth while on King streets, having 7 large, bright, airy rooms, stone cellar, man- tel, oak floors throughout, separaate toilet. This is a real home in an ideal location and is a good buy at $8,000. Easy terms given. --47 Listings solicited. Best Rug Brick at low prices 35% King E. LYE Sri FIRE & AUTO INSURANCE LOANS Alger Block MAILS CLOSE 7.45 a.m.--Going East. ; 9.15 a.m.--For Raglan, Columbus, Tauntom, Cedardale and vicinity. 4 8.30 a.m.--Whitby, Toronto and points west 12.45 p.m.--Port Hope to Blackwater June tion; Port Hope and Bowmanville, 4.0 p.m.--Toronto and West; New York and Eastern States. %35 o.m.--All going es"* and west. RAILWAY TIME TABLES C.N.R. TmE TABLE Going West 4.44 a.m. daily, from Montreal to Toromto, 5.09 a.m, dail; , from Ottawa to Toronto. 5.28 an, Sal y, from Montreal to Hamil ton and troit. 6.20 Sn daily, from Montreal to Detroit and icago, 8.58 a.m. daily except Sunday, from Belle. ville to Toronto. 5 222 p.m. daily except Sunday, from .Brack. ville to Toronto. Ann daily, from Montreal to Detroit and icago. 7.24 {Cato Sunday only, from Belleville bo l'oronto. 7.2] p.m. daily except Sunday, from Ottawa to Toronto. 9.01 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Mont: real to Toronto, 11.41 p.m. daily, from Toronto to Ottawe 823 a.m. daily except Sunday, from Toe onto to Montreal. £.58 a.m. Sunday only, from Toronto # Belleville. 5 9.59 a.m daily, from Chicago to Montreal 2.32 p.m., daily except Sunday from Toros to to Ottawa. 1.28 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Toron. to to Brockville, 5.54 rib) daily except Sunday, from Toronto to Belleville. y . T from Toronto to Montreal. 11.07 p.m. daily, from 'Toronto to Montreal, *11.59 p.m. daily, from Detroit to Montreal. TLS trai stops for Montreal d sengers and ve. vs CF.R Going East 12.09 a.m. daily, from Chicago to Montreal 10.07 a.m. daily from 'Chicago to Montreal 2.07 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Toronto to_Ottawa, 7.30 p.m. daily, except Sunday, from Toronto to. Trenton, 11.10 p.m. daily from Hamilton to Montrea) West 5.45 a.m. daily from Montreal to Hamilton. 6.23 a.m. dailv from Montreal to Ch 8.40 a.m. daily except Sunday, trom Trenton to Toronto, "4.47 p.m. daily from Montreal 20 Chicago. 7.05 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Ottaws to Toronto. To Dairymen Having secured contract for selling De Laval Milkers and Cream Separators in Oshawa district, a Milker and Sep- arator wili be on exhibition at Osh- awa Fair. E. BERTRAND, 122 Simcoe N, ' ADDED POWER FROM THE ENLARGED ENGINE OF THE NEW OLDSMOBILE SIX reduced in Oldsmobile Six by the system of Crankcase Ventilation. By this system, the air from the crankcase is being constantly drawn off through the carburetor, taking with it the vapor and un- burned fuel which cause dilution. Before entering the carburetor this air is cleaned, as is the air entering the carburetor from with- out--two air cleaners are used on the Oldsmobile Six. An oil filter, improved combustion chamber, two-way Sooling system, double valve springs, are but a few of the features that place Olds- mobile Six far in advance of its field. Tue Oldsmobile Six laughs at hills. It purrs complacently over the rough roads--speeds in swift, silent flight along the open highway. And in traffic you can scarcely think faster than Olds- mobile will act. In the NEW, improved Oldsmo- bile Six Engine, with its larger bore, there is power to spare. But, in addition, Oldsmobile offers you an economy and security never before achieved in a car at Olds- mobile price. Crankcase dilution, with its atten- dant loss of efficiency, has been Moffatt Motor Sales Limited 88 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 915 OF-630 J] "Buy Oldsmobile with Confidence BY 9119. 00):300 Fob oh 0 4 rrosiys Sines wovons ok £3 WALR CY Last Minute Appeals Secrecy of Ballot Electors, regardless of party affiliations, would be well advised to disregard last minute ap- peals which come so late in the campaign that those injured by them are denied their right of reply. Beware of R oorbachs How you mark your ballot is your own secret and your own business. Mark it fearlessly for the man you consider best qualified to repre- sent, not only your particular section of the riding, but the riding as a whole. CEI RE nin de. ¥r No one can possibly know how you vote so let not threats and intimidation prevent you from voting on September 14. Greater Oshawa Club God Save The King

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