Oshawa Daily Reformer, 11 Sep 1926, p. 4

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_ a ......_...,..e. omg hemi Oi J ied dnt genalogy FORMER PREMIER ANSWERS QUERIES (Continued irom page 1) down, and'the big audience rocked with laughter. "You are now addi- tions to- plant in this © totalling more than a half g million dollars,' continued the speaker Considered Carefully "The: government went inte the whole situation very carefully. The matter was very carefully studied by the experts of the finance depart- ment, and -the adjustments speedily made, adjustments which have al- lowed the industry to get a fresh start im, this country. "I ask you if the advice of the experts of the finance department was not pretty good advice, both from the standpoint of the manu- facturer and the working man, "After all the important point is, what is the situution as a result of the changes that have been made. Is not Oshawa more prosperous to- day than in anytime in its history?" "And this under Tory rule," someone called out. whereupon the audience again sent up a roar of laughter. The plans for the changes and en- largements of the factories in this city were well under way and well nigh completed before there was any change of government, he stated. "But my purpose is to deal with greater issues," said Mr. King "If the Liberdl party is to be judged upon its record then you have the strongest assurance that nothing will be done which will in any way injure any industry or any employ- ee." The éx-prime minister then launched into a review of what had been accomplished by the Liberal party while in office. He spoke of the great mational debt which had piled up during the Meighen ad- ministration prior to 1921 and charged' that his opponents had in- creased rather than decreased this debt. With the taking over of office by the Liberals in 1921 affairs were said to have changed. The first bud- get brought down showed a reduc- tion in the public debt while the last one showed a surplus ot 25 million dollars. The progress which industries and the Canadian Nation- al Railways had made during that time was also stressed. Following this Hon. Mr, . King outlined % the trade arr: ients niade hy Liberal administration with: Eng- land and with Australia had benefit- ted the motor industry. witnessing (At the time The Reformer went | showed to press Mr. King was stil! speaki» A complete 'acco ' id from this point will be given in Mon- day's paper.) When Ex-Premier King arrived at the armouries headed by the On- tario Regimental Band, the building was crowded to capacity. There was not standing room in the im- mense auditorium for all who de- sired to get in. As the party walked Into the hall, the great crowd rose to their feet and greeted the Liberal [cader with chger after cheer. Minuled © with the cheers were 'hoo. , but the cheering al- most entirely drowned these derisive calls out. W. A. Dryden president ©of the South Ontario Liberal Assoelation was chairman of the meeting. He was hardy on his feet before there were calls "Where's Robb?" There were indications from the first that there was going to be plenty of heckling. Mr. Dryden said that there vas plenty of talent on the platfor: '. Some one galled out "Where'. Johnny Graves a fellow townsi™an was called on, for a speech first. There were shouts of 'boos'. He said that 'he was entitled to be heard before he was condemned. He nad never changed his polities he declared. He told of the steps that were taken to organize the citizens Committee when the deputation went to Ottawa. Politics were left gut of the matter at that time. Fur- thermore he had always fought for the bottom dog. "I have a lot of Conservative friends n Oshawa." He referred to Dr. Kai- ser and there were cheers for Dr Kaiser. He claimed he had as much 'ight to his political ideas as any "onseérvative. No one would denv he had been one of the best friends of he Great \War Veterans. He had heard th were efforts to upset this ifternoon's leting. "I- stand myself," he said, "and for no organization." "I see some ad vance in our cause, when a man of the laboring class should be asked to say something of the issues of the day. Ti he had to sacrifice his poli- ical liberties, all the cars in the coun- try could not take him to Ottawa. In Mr. Moore we outstanding figures in He never once said one thing about the Conservative date. We I? Conservative ernment which lasted or three days ind the dict in this campaign was scandal for breakfast, d'nner and tea. When he down he was greeted with loud for have one of the this country disparaging candi- Gov- sat apn! K.C., UE TEI EE Eo Oy Sinclar, clair said we were fortunate in this riding today in having two great Lib- eral leaders present. This gathering the interest the people were aking 'in the issues of the day. haw «surrounding country pom mmm ------- CAST INCLUDES A AL. hh A GEORGE DOLORES COSTELLO "- O'HARA AN EPIC 110 AREY Tm OF 1840 A rousing tale of New Bedford whaling days, the golden age of American seafaring adventure. THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER. JATADAY SEPTEMBER 11, always given a good hearing to its public men. The name of Oshawa was known everywhere and he believed the citi- zens would maintain' their reputation for always giving a hearing to the men who had risen high. We were here to discuss the issues of the day. We were soon to choose a new Dominion Parliament, and we came here as shareholders to. hear those who propose to be our directors. He was not going to take up much time as he knew everyone wanted to hear Mr. King and Mr. Moore. All liked to hear a great man deliver a great speech. Mackenzie King was the one man in the country trained for public service, a training which no other public man in Canada had. His high office he had held with cred- it to himself and dignity to the Do- minion of Canada. Mr. Moore was also a man who had risen high in the life of this country and a man who was held in high rc- spect. He was the man who was go- ng to represent this constituency in Ottawa. Cries of "No, he won't." "I am here to say that the Robb budget is making you and me more money today. The only one who votes against Mr. Moore is the one who votes purely from a party standpoint.' Colonel A. T, Th K.C., of "Ottawa Colonel Thompson of Ottawa, was the next speaker. A gathering of this kind was calculated to either arouse enthusiasm or frighten him, Both parties were trying to evolve a policy to bring our boys home. This was what the Liberal party had done, In the last 26 months more than 102,000 Canadian had returned from the Unit- *d States as a result of the campaign hat was conducted in the last elec- tion. Even now advertisements were wppearing for help in the western harvest fields. Both C.P.R. and C.N. R. earnings were higher the first six months of this year than ever before. Fhe amount in the Savings banks of Canada today was greater than at any other period. This was the way the Liberals had ruined Canada. What good were our natural resources un- less we made use of them. The Lib- eral policy was destined to develope the great basic industries of the coun try. This was why the people were having more money to spend. We reduced the tariff on farm im plements and what happened. There were 5900 hands employed in the im plement factories of Canada then. To day there were 8400 men employ Had that industry been rui | Discussing the lovalty ed who introduced th: ce. It was Hon. Premicr Meighen was reported as having said he was going to consider this question and if it required it, he would ~ut it down, or abolish it Who did appoint Mr. King as head of our department? The Hon. Dr Bolard. What did Mr. Meighen do? He appointed Mr. Paquet, the Na tionalish, That is the kind of Impcr ialism we are getting from Mr. Meig- hen. He referred to the Bogart speech of Mr. Meighen, that a gen- eral election should be held to see if we should send a gun or a man. "Little doth it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own seul." Joys you belicve with me, 'Ready, aye, ready,' and not a general elec- tion," he declared. "If your house takes fire, don't hold a general elec- tion before putting it out. He referred to the Liberal candi- date as "Billy" Moore and hoped he would be elected to represent this rid- ing in Parliament in the forthcoming election. (A Funny Incident) "A funny thing happened on our way up from the station today," said Mr. Dryden. "Dr. Kaiser, said the election was over. I am inclined to think it is over. There was a truck all decorated with signs on it, in our procession. Even he must be converted." He introduced the of Parliament" for Ontario, Mr. Moore, rising to their feet, Mr. Moore When opening his address Mr. Moore referred to the presence on the platform of F. M. Chapman, his 'next member the riding of the audience friend. "There are many of you who be- lieve that high protection brirgs prosperity. I do not believe that is right, nor am I a free trader. Our dactrine, which I have preached in this constituency is that there is no barometer by which you can meas- ure the required tariff for each in- dustry in this country. You must take each one by itself. They say down with the tinkers, but a tinker's is an honest trade. he stops leaks. We may need low tariff today, we may need high tariff tomorrow. Whatever is needed should be given," declared Mr. Moore amid applause, | "I believe that the day will come when Mr. King will stand in this country as Sir John A, MacDonald and Sir Wilfrid Laurier did." The candidate then referred to the personal nature of the campaign locally. He spoke first of all of the so-called "McLaughlin incident." He told of going to Mr, R. S. McLaugh- lin and securing his statement that General Motors were out of politics. He went on to say that he again went to Mr. McLaughlin and after reading it to him obtained his sanc- tion of it. "I do not quarrel with Mr. Me- Laughlin. He extended every courtesy to me, but I do quarrel with Dr. Kaiser's statement that the elec- tion is over because Mr, McLaugh- lin would appear on his platform. 1 quarrel with my opponent and with his opinion of democracy. If the presence of one man on the politi- cal platform settles the election, then we have lost democracy. The dem- ocratic view is that every man shall think for himself. "I must stand or fall on my rec- ord and the kind of a compaign | make. I want you to vote in accord- ance with your belief," asserted the Liberal candidate. The labour question as brought against him by the Tories was then discussed. ' Mr. Moore sistant to the ronto Street years ago, asserted that as as- president of the To- Railway twenty-three at which time there was a strike, he had taken a car out of the barn and operated it. It had been represented to him that the i paroled convict of Ionia prison, ' here company would lose its franchise unless the cars were operated. to the men who remained an he said, 'Come on we cars out. "You will man enough to say and not 'go alone'," said Mr. Moore. Imitted that on that trip he truck by a brick. "I am i i night a man stood cuire and said he threw [the brick, and that he was the man that was working on the road at the time," continued Mr. Moore. "I want to tell you that is not true. That man was not on the road at the time. And what is more. or- ganized labor does not throw bricks. It's only hoodlums who such things." The Liberal candidate then brought his labor record to date by reading a letter which had been sent to him by 163 employees of the Toronto and York radial who were on the road while he was its General Manager. The men express- ed the hope that Mr. Moore would be successful in hig campaign and made special mention of his sym- pathetic dealing wth them when' an official of the road. "Could any man have a better certifiate," asked the candidate. "I defy any man said one unkind opponent in this serted Mr. Moore, will take these notice I 'come with me' do to say I word about campaign," have my re-as- It was charged that the Tories were not spreading the same gospel in all parts of the riding. Instances of this were given. In Oshawa it was said by the Tories that the Liberals were sacrificing the interests of in- dustry for those of the agriculturists while in the northern part of the riding they said the opposite. "If you send me to Ottawa I am going to give you service. I was loyal to the interests I served. even my opponents say that. 1 will be loyal to the bigger interests of the was | So | duty people of this constituency. 2 1926 | THO MEN DEAD IN AUTO CRASH Paroled Convict and Compan- ion Killed When Interurban Hits Car May City, Sept. 10.--Roy Harris, a and an unidentified companion were killed when the automobile in which they were riding was struck by a southbound interurban at the Bullock road crossing of the Michigan rail- way. : Harris was identified by Sheriff Ezra Marvin, as the man who was sent from here to Ionia on a one to ten year sentence and who was par- oled from that institution April 22 oi this year. His companion was so bad- ly disfigured that identification was impossible. Tattoo marks on the dead man's arm and back will undoubtedly be of assistance in identifying him. Harris and his companion were evi- dently irying to beat the car to the crossing as there is a clear view of the track in both directions at this point The car was carried nearly 200 feet along the grade before the interurban came to a stop. This is explained by the fact that when the impact occur- red the air brakes on the interurban were disconnected. The dragging of the machine over the ties was all that eventually brought the car to a stop. The license for the wrecked car was issued to Myrtle Dilworth of 362 Ford street, Jackson, which leads the sheriff to believe that the machine probably was stolen from that city. A letter signed by Marion J Dewey, introducing the bearer to the Briggs Manufacturing company of Detroit, was found on the body of Harris. Harris was sentenced to Ionia after he had been arrested here for the theft large quantity of beans from a tarmer named Slezak and was also im- of a plicated in the robbery, of a store in Munger. U. S. THEATRES FACE A NATIONAL STRIKE Chicago, Sept. 10. -- A nation-wide strike: of musicians, affecting every motion picture and vaudeville theater in the country, loomed as a probability 'hgre Wednesday afternoon, when con- ferences between John G. Gamble, of New York, head of the International Musicians' Unione and James Petrillo, head of the Chicago Federation of Musicians, failed to develop a basis for settlement of the strike of 3,000 Chi- cago musicians. "It is quite probable that 'a national strike will he called," Boston Gamble said after the morning of con- ferences, "and it is not improbable that stage hands, operators, and the entire working personnel of the theater would join hands fn a sympathy strike." Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams, Al- bert street, entertained a number of their friends at their home last evening. The home was tastefully decorated with gladioli and asters. The evening's entertainment took the form of a euchre party. The win- ners of the prizes are: Ladies, Mrs, Peter McDonald and Mrs. W. Cav- erley. The Consolation prize was won by Miss Spencer, The winners of the gentlemen's prizes were: Mr. J. Holdsworth and Mr. A, Walton. The consolation prize was awarded to Mr. Fred Adams, Dainty re- freshments were served by the hostess, and the party broke up in the wee sma' hours. BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Toronto 53 Baltimore Jersey City ....1 Newark Reading .. . Syracuse Buffalo ,. Three games played. Today's Games Rochester at Toronto (2 and 4 p.m.), Syracuse at Buffalo. Jersey City at Baltimore (2 games). Ne- wark at Reading (2 games), NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. 58 .583 60 .565 562 .539 .485 467 .397 .393 St. Louis Cincinnati Pittsburg Chicago New York Brooklyn Philadelphia Friday's Scores Pittsburg ....5-2 Cincinnati ..2-5 Boston St. Louis ....3 Philadelphia «8 Chicago .....4 Only games played. Today's Games Brooklyn at New York. St. Louis at Boston. Chicago at Philadelphia, Cincinnati at Pittsburg. AMERICAN LEAGUE Lost P.C. .621 662 .545 544 .b14 507 .406 1307 New York .... Cleveland Washington Philadelphia Detroit Chicago St. Louis Boston Friday's 8 "Scores St. E Chicago .... 4 (10 innings). One game scheduled. Today's Games New York at Detroit. Philadelphia at Chicago. Washington at Cleve- land. Boston at St. Louis. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Lost P.C. 54 .630 59 .599 64 .568 Louisville Milwaukee Indianapolis Toledo 68 .528 Newark Buffalo Rochester Jersey City Syracuse J St, Kansas City 70 .527 Paul 75 .486 Minneapolis 83 .428 | Columbus 23 111.329 etale .KoSIG, 8q iy To Rag- time! What a shock that marriage Charleston wasn't just alions, dramatic surprises, gaye ty. They Played th: Wedding March when they do. one scorered long What a riot of funny situ- music, arts, - = Sparkle f Paris -Warmth of Africa -Humor of America wm MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY TWO SHOWS Special 'Fair Week' Attraction! NIGHTLY --Added-- COMEDY ORCHESTRA | NEWS 7.15 AND 9.00 P.M, = GET WISE. «= Buv a SCRIP BOOK Sh AND n The ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, LIMITED AS DN 8 9 NS NSS NS Phone 900 K - Value Means More, we than Price Alone.) Davidson Motor Co. Ltd. ..... Whitby, Ont. . Roadster Sport '* Touring 640 Sport '* 715 All Prices at Factory $640 715 Coupe $810 Sedan Commercial Chassis - Utility Express " - - $920 Coach 810 Landau Sedan 970 - 495 730 Taxes Extra Ask your Chevrolet dealer about the . GMAC Plan of buying 2 cat on fime, -more 'power and speed -- more Oshawa, Ont. T= price of a car is what you pay--the value is what you get. Value is the combination of Quality and Price. Notwithstanding the recent remark- able reductions in Chevrolet prices, Chevrolet does not aim to -be the cheapest car in its class. It does aim --and is justly considered -- the greatest value in its class. The smooth Chevrolet is outstanding value, not only because it costs you less--but because it gives you more --more of performance a NE EE BROAN A TR instant acceleration -- more striking beauty of line and finish--more rich- ness of upholstery---more complete- ness of appointments. To 'pay less than the price of the smooth | Chevrolet is to sacrifice quality. 'To _pay more, for a car in the Chevrolet class, is needless extravagance, The Smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet J for "elias cl is selling at at the Lowest Price or wv ot hiss" over boem Lin aA ToT RAT TR a i ------

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