i ir ~ PAGEFOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1926 ry TO NEW-MODELS IN NEGLIGEES ORIENPAEBESICNS ADD INTERESTING Swagger "Tea Suit" Has Trousers and Mandarin Coat in Black and Jade Green; In the more tailored kind of negli- gee the Chinese influence is evident. A particularly swagger "tea suit" has trouser and a Mandarin coat in black and jade green, the coat being heavily embroidered with much gold thread among the colors. The beautiful co!- ors to be had in Chinese damask tempt the designer to work out her model in the Oriental manner, and some of these that will be seen dur- ing the autumn and winter are inter- esting in the extreme. Some have the trousers and short Chinese coat--one such being done in coral damask with gold and blue embroidery and narrow bands. The style of these robes or suits is so largely a matter of indi- vidual taste that an enormous varicty of designs is created in unusual and decorative fabrics and trimmings. Some of the latest things in negli- gees are important, presenting a more definite conception of a gown for in- timate wear than has been shown for several years, Nothing in the newest of both French and American design suggests. the bath gown. They are more like the formal tea gowns that were once so fashionable. Some of the illustrations in the old fashion, books present tea gownsg of regal lincs, rich materials and elaborate trim mings. Heavy brocades, velvets, fine laces and fur were used for the most formal gowns, and «for others more delicate In style, the sheerest of gauz- "es, chiffons and all-over laces and nets, sometimes combined with dramatic etf- fect with fur, embroidery and passe- menteries. . More Dressy The swing of the pendulum is bring- ing back a feeling for more 'dressy' robes d'interieur, in models of prac- tical negligees and formal tea gowns. All the latest fabrics are being intro- duced in the new models--crepe satin, georgette, chiffon, velvet in plain cur- face and brocaded chiffon velvets, lame and metal braded. A fabric of deli- cious quality and subtle finish is a lacy gauze with gilt thread. This is similar to the stuff of which some of the handsome evening scarfs and shawls are woven and make a grace ful, charming tea gown. One that has just come from Paris in a chic trous- seau is made in beige and dull geld, with a girdle of brown velvet and bands of brown fox, Imitation astrakhan of pressed vel- vet is nearly as popular as astrakhan itself, as Jenny demonstrates in sun- dry little jacket suites, all cut after the same model but made in different colors, The foundation of these suits is a pleated skirt of kasha in beige, black, gray or whatever .color the suit happens to be.. Over these skirts come tunic blouses whose straight low- er edges form flat flounces over the pleated sRirts, Usually the sleeves of these blouses are cut after Jenny's new design, tight except just over the A Imitation Astrakhan Popular elbow, where a little puff is inserted. Finally, comes the tiny jacket of as- trakhan, caught at the throat with one button and allowed to flare perkily to the top of the hips. TUNNEY IS MILD Belies His Game New York, Sept. 4.--Mild manner- ed and of studious frame of mind, Gene Tunney, challenger for Jack Dempsey's world heavyweight title, represents an unusual type in the boxing game. Except for his fine build, the brisk step and tanned, rugged appearance of the trained athelete, Tunney would scarcely be taken by the &as- ual observer as one of the foremost pugilists of his day. In spite of seven pretty active years in the pro- fessional ring, the former Marine has few outwardly visible marks to testify to his conflicts in the roped arena. - His nose -is -straight---nat- ufally and not by atin prosess "and his ears are far rom cauli- flower variety so common among veterans of the padded fists. Frank blue eyes and a mop of brown hair, worn in closecly-clipped pompadour style, complete Tunney's pleasing facial characteristics-- handsomeness, in a squared-jawed, gladiatorial fashion. Bullets and ists At 28 Tunney is the picture of health and vigor. Avmy: life with Jarines nasdenad v's maseias, trained his eye mal nerves belere Lo was of vating age. Oat dnor life l.as kept him in robust condition. Gene prefers as much gaiet and golitide as he can set when he is treining foe an imooctant fig t "1 like the woods for my conli tioning."" he says .'Rough and ready work away from the crowds and any excitement, is the thing that puts me in shape. Ii'nder such conditions I plan out my battle, fi- gure what I'm going to de Then when I'm ready to hop into the ring, my mind is clear and my body ready. I'm not bothered by any last min- ute .doubts or indecisions." Who for many years AN OLD DIRECTOR HON. WILLIAM SMITH, E 14s be nected with the South Agricultural Society. | § ; em ----_ pu---- (IER ERNIE ERER ERE RRB TEA ¥ N-M.P. en' con- io Ontario | Hearing and Seeing Heart Beats Ne only to listen ta heart Beats, but to see them traced out on a screen is now | a recent vacuum tube development perfected as a by-product of telephone res tories. A point of light on the'end of a glass tube traces a wavy pattern whose bun heart beats, and whose irregularities tell the story of health or disease. the body rather than from the air, the stethoscopie transmitte Its rubber button is pressed against the patient's body, and a soft rubber rim cuts which holds it. Physici#fis find records made at intervals by means of the apparatus of value in tracingtheresults of treatment. The char¥in the lower right hand corner was transmitted by th one thousand miles. From it a diagnosis was made by a Chicago specialist, w. diagnosis made direct {fom the patient. ; NN A a de posible to physician e new telephone picture method over hose findings agreed perfectly with the arch in the Bell System labora- ips and hollows correspond to the As the apparatus must pick up sounds r hardly resembles the familiar telephone transmitter. down vibration from the hand amount already threshed receive samples from you. it or not. s by from our prices are right. ges) i Pianos, Pianos Player Pianos Phonographs Oshawa Fair Specials Last Year we put on a special sale of a Piano to advertise Oshawa Fair. This event ~ was so successful that this year we are offering FOUR SPECIALS Player Pianos, Every one a special bargain at prices that will astonish you ENNIS & CO. PIANO Fumed Oak Finish as good as new. Regular price $395.00. Special Oshawa fair price only £295.00 TERMS IF DESIRED WILLIAMS PIANO Appartment Model Fumed Oak Finish, slightly used, cannot be told from new. Regular price $365.00. Special Oshawa Fair Price $285.00 L Phonographs GULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANO Oak Finish, first cla condition. Regular $695.00. Special Osh- awa Fair price only $495.00 TERMS IF DESIRED Fumed price BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH Fumed Oak Finish. Regular $150.00. Price only Special Oshawa $75.00 ONE ONLY AT THIS PRICE TERMS IF DESIRED &* . SEE 'OUR EXHIBIT IN MAIN BUILDING AT THE FAIR Price Fair We cannct speak too highly of these bargains, and to anyone desiring a Piano, Player Piano, or Phonograph, we advise coming early. These instruments are on view at our store. We will gladly demonstrate them to you. The Johns Piano Store 80 SIMCOE ST. NORTH = | : OSHAWA SHORTS BRAN COTTON SEED OIL CAKE BREAD FLOUR Five Roses Five Crowns Quaker SCRATCH FEED WHEAT OATS CORN BUCKWHEAT CRACKED CORN 54 CHURCH ST. | ALSIKE 4 i # 9 While the crop is nof as large asi last year the exceeds expectations in nearly every district and at present is moving freely at good prices. We are open at all times to buy your seed at the highest market prices and will be glad to If you wish your seed. cleaned, bring it in and we will be glad to put it in marketable condition regardless of whether we buy Flour and Feed You will find our stock complete in all lines and OAT CHOPS CRUSHED OATS CORN CULL PEAS PASTRY FLOUR XXX ' Eclipse Marvel POULTRY We carry a full line of poultry feeds that should make any normal hen glad to lay, and also tonics for any that may be out of condition. EGG MASH GROWING MASH CHIC MASH BEEF SCRAP OYSTER SHELL GRIT AN 17 wiv. J LYTL LIMITED PHONE 203 HEIRESS FEES EEE SEES EERE EERE REFEREE REE EEN Ed 0 8 3 NE 8 gd 3 8 \ n