PAGE: ELEVEN -~2%1 Tt a THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1926 oon Bede rebsefocfonfosfacorfocfunfontecfonoofocionts a CI) Josieeionfonts HATS New Ready-to-Wear Hats in Felts and Velvets at $3.95 16 96.95 PY. 3 Jord 0 Joel Feteitects CS 3 " liv Py x oo} 0) 0 A i a rel 2 " 2 elise wy "duit ORRIN MXR, +X esses Cy an oo "* We are Prepared to Greet Thode of Visitors to Oshawa's Great SummeriE aif oy AR 0 % We Are Now Ready For What Has Every Ap- { pearance of being the bést busipess season Osh- awa and Canada generally has known in séveral years. With complete confidence we have made our purchases from Cafiada's foremost manufac- turers. YOU ARE SPECIALLY INVITED TO VISIT THE STORE. We want you to Feel at Home Here. Make this your Headquarters. Meet your Friends Here. Leave your parcels here. HK there is anything at all we can do to make your visit to the Fair more enjoyable, just say the word. HOSIERY There Are 2 Iakes of Silk Hose That Have Captured the Confidence of th: Women of Canada. Both makes are made in Canada, a fact that we are proud to state, particularly when we are showing them to visitors, for no manu- facturer in any country in the world can_make better hoe for the money. Evidence of this fact is proved when we tell vou that one of these lines is now being exported to tendralede Pte a De poafeefedsafontenfeofefseforfesfondrnfeaontedt Last. S ool aR Joule ooteed With the greatest, whit, new Fall Merchandise Pee sure and privilege to display. od a To sunteses¥otortostss bu teitostestun®ere tet EE Tested Peete' Peetestests ofregontesgaegentostuedenfosdueiolietselonteetesontosfeetontest a 2, ols & DRX 0) TR) 20 cy XXX RR » a aS RS a a) :, 0 a gol tot, re! ots 5 » eaten! Paris, New York and the Foremost Fashion Centres of Canada Have Endorsed These New Styles in Dresses Charming new styles expertly chosgn and moderate prices, make: this department the most popular place in the city for fastidious women to shop. You simply must sce the latest arrivals in silk and fine woollen fabrics, featuring the new styles, so decidedly differ- ont from those of past seasons. Seeds aageefonfocfects Tested Ck Tete Jovian °, " Tooled oaleelaaforionfonfondesies ow 2, GS Seed ON 0 a) foto Sedo joi oe Lest 4 tee! ', & ° " eedes, ie 2, 0 boo feetestesteelen Sa a A Very Extensive Range of Dress Fabrics In Both : Silk and Wool We can unhesitat'nzly state and patterns, the "¢llent any previous show Here are scime of a big volume of lusi Black Duchess Satins, yard ............... $1.29, $1.49, $1.95 Flat Silk Crepes, yard 12.50 and $2.95 Heavy Crepe de Chenes, yard $1.95 and $2.25 Satin Faced Crepes, yard ....... ESE $295 and $3.50 French Wool Delaines, vard French Wool Santoy, yard 31 inch Plain Dress Flannels, yard 31 inch Fancy Flannels, yard 54 inch Fancy Check Charmeleins, yard Dress Velvets, yard 2 oe} 0) afonfond 2, oo x that in this values and HA department the variety of weaves the extensive range of colors excels Loctite tect, 3 a ee ee taaeels 0 In that cne word we an- rounce the New Showing {or Fall, Needlepoint, puvetyne and the materials coats for the Fa 1926-1927. Beautiful furs cleverly uscd give them a luxurious- ness and a richness that has never been achieved before. 22 We have paid particular at- new Fall Shades. Pric- 3 tention to good linings and the largest retail store oh at pcr $1 48 . interlinings, as well as to i 0 J J ESE 00 00 20 JE aegufeelustostonfortontortontostestestest in London, England. Will Pay You To Visit Our Store garment. We feel sure you fim Ji TIT yA [IIT TI EO wiil be as enthusiastic over J) most cutstanding values on which we depend for a ness. > 0) " oo! Py " We are Exclusive Agents in Oshawa for the World Famous Lover's Form Corsets There is no substitute for this original boncless corgi. It is strongly constructed and scientifically re-inforced. It has no-bones, no-steels, no-clasps. It gives a free- dem no other corset can give. Tt has revolutionized the corset business in every fashion centre throughout the world. Our specially irained corsetierre will be glad to give you a fitting. When n Visiting Oshawa Fair It HA CIR) feelers nges) atest, gsegeniest 2 Pinpoint, Tweeds are used in the 11. Winter Yao! xX isda by Soedeele oteedecte Caries Oriental Purple Stripe, Full Fashioned. Silk Hose, priced $ at per pair .. 1.95 Supersilk Hose, 14 strand pure thread silk, 8 ply siikk heel, 4 ply lisle sole. Comes in 22 joaont forts sole ; wt od Jo: 4 2, 0 todos Poste Cady Featoste best: feefeeto ded ', edoatedt 5 Joel forgo te ERIS 2, aagesen SS pur coats as we are our- selves. Soiled. Joules, 0 ER rm - whi. WE VA -- Ah N 7 'WHILE AT-- The OSHAWA FAIR visit our Drug Store' i i let us show you the many and varied toiletry and y: store merchandise we have on display. You need not | uy---ét ts be of; setvice to you. THE. CANADIAN HOMEMAKER YA series g weekly arfic/és covering. f PLANNING .. BUILDING . FINANCING DECCRATING . FURNISHING . GARDENING hoi 132¢. f DS Bg ! ' / / Kodak keeps the story Indoors, there's a long list of pic- tures to make for the Kodak history of the home. And the Kodak album soon becomes the most precious book you have. We carry all the latest Toiletries Ask us for your copy of "At Home with the Kodak." This 32-page booklet, completely illustrated, describes and shows interesting pictures such as you can make at your house. 1 ; | DIE 9: nie i Kodak Film--the genuinein the | famous yellow box. Photo Finisking--s~ vice Lhat's right and right on Lime. KODAKS $5.00 UP 1ST FLOOR PLAN This home, 21 ft. 6 in. x 35 ft. has already been erected by a client of the architects and including hot air heating, plumbing fixturés and septic tank, cost $5,500. The ex- 2M CER Rake are also exceedingly large, 17 ft. x 14 ft. 6 in. and 17 ft. x 13 ft. Spacious clothes closets and a store room complete the second floor plan which could easily be altered to suit than the area 6f the windows thém- selves is the fact that the light from these sources is absolutely unob- structed. Roof projections for ver- andahs are usually the most pro- terior walls are of lapped siding laid over tar paper and tongue and groove sheeting. The concrete cel- lar. extends under the whole house and contains storage space for fruit and vegetables. An interesting feature of the first floor plan is the elimination. of the entrance hall or what would be equally true, its enlargement to form a sunroom. This arrangement is far more preferable than a small hall for it really performs the same functions and at the same time is ever so much more utilitarian, = The living room is 13 ft. x. 13 ft. and the light problem 'is well tak- en care of by the two groups of cagement windows. More important lific source of trouble in this re- spect and it is- invariably the liv- ing room which suffers. : As there is no dining room, the kitchen, 17 ft, x 10 ft., is intended to serve in a dual capacity. The iarge cupboard just inside the door contains a built-in refrigerafor. with outside icing door. This, of course, in addition to facilitating icing, dur- ing: the summer, also precludes the necessity of it in winter. The architect's client insisted on a bedroom and bathroom downstairs and the dimensions of the. former 17 ft. x 9¢t. 6 in, indicate that his wishes have been complied with. The oiher two bedrooms upstairs other preferences. Readers desiring further informa- tion regarding 'the plans and spec- ifications of this house should com- municate with the architect direct. Address, Messrs Baldwin and Greene, 31 Bloor St. E., Toronto, Ont. Copyright . 1926, Building Reports, Limited, Question. Is a one-inch air space éen a tile wall and the plaster coat sufficient fo eliminate damp- ness? Yes. And it is desirable to have waterproof paper applied S\between MacLean |, .the furring system and the tile. forms are available that do not. re- Guire furring. Phone 378 - Quality and Service x Rarn's Drug Store Next the Post, Office: 4 Aes w EAN SS SSS = TERY EES 2,