Oshawa Daily Reformer, 13 Aug 1926, p. 6

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----Miss Margaret' Finucan, of To-" ronto, is visiting Mrs. F. Love, Athol street east. ---Miss Reta. Taylor, King: street east, has returned home after spend- ing a very pleasant holiday in and around Picton, ~--Miss Mary Mason and Miss vian Fulton have been spending few days in Peterboro. --Miss Jessie Minaker is holiday- Bobcaygeon, ing at "The Cedars," Ont. --Mrs. Leo Connors Mich., is visiting Mrs. E. Hall, 181 Church street. --Mr. Beatson, of Winnipeg, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thos. dan, Brock St. W. ~~ =Mr. J. S. Fraser, who is in charge of the Export Trade at General Mos of Detroit, at thé home of is Sheri- Il tors, from a business overseas. . --Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Cal- gary, Alta., have been visiting Mrs. Found, . Masson street and friends in Brooklin. Dr. Armstrong was born in Brooklin, and gained much pleasure and pleastire trip i pin calling on old friends and acquaint- "ances. --Mrs. S. Reeson, of Toronto, is {visiting Mrs. J. Mear, Brock street I west. i] / treet, A.O.FELT JEWELLER "The Gift Shop" Silverware F course you want to be favored with the compli- ment "your table looks beautiful." The many lines of Silver- ware that go to help make are obtainable in Oshawa at "The Gift Shop". One of the finest displays of Silverware await you--Your chservation would be complete if you did not see up your table not our supply. All Our Materials Are Guaranteed A Complete Jewelry Repair De part tment Step into an Invictus agency, and try on an Invictus Shoe. See how cosily your foot nestles into it-- not a pinch any- where--not a gape or trace of slackness-- just fice ft perfect glove- t. Be Invictus workmanship! Invictus materials guaran- tee unusually long wear and enduring good ap- pearance; and there i6 a range of designs and models to satisfy évery- taste, 5 E BEST GOOD SHOE ~aluags Kecps ds shape Wr Exclusive Invictus Agents A DAVIDSON & SAMELLS --Miss Constance "Golpus. Bagot is holidaying at e Point, Lake Scugog. --Mr. Loren Hezzelwood, of Min- neapolis, Minn., is visiting relatives in this city. --Mr. and Mrs. Vanvechter, of Ro- chester, N.Y., who have been visit- ing friends and relatives in Oshawa, have returned home taking with - | them Mrs. Edith Park, Simcoe street a south. --Dr and Mrs. A. B. Chapman of Reston, Man., were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sweet, Ken- neth avenue. --Mr. S. Borlase of Margate, Eng- land, has been visiting his cousins, the Messrs. Pascoe of this city. --Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raley, of Lethbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Myers, of Pittsburg, have been the guests of Mrs. S. Emsley, street east, during the past week. | THIMBLE TEA GIVEN | BY LOCAL W. M. S. On Wednesday afternoon, August 11, the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church gave a thimble tea on the church lawn. The occa- { sion was mainly to do honor to Miss Amie Hislop, a member of the Soci ety, who is leaving for China on Mon- day next, to.be married to D. Mec- Lure, a medical missionary at Hwai King, North Honan, China. Her ia- ther, Mr. John Hislop, a life-long re- sident of Whitby, accompanies her. The ladies of the society presented Miss Hislop with a purse of gold, whilst the men of. the congregation presented her father with an umbrella and a lounging robe. The Board of Education held their regular monthly meeting on Wed- nesday evening. Mr. Arthur Lynde was appointed musical director in the public schools. Preliminary arrange- ments were made for the annual school fair to be held this year on or ! about. Sept. 28th. The commencement | excreises of the high school are to be held again this yead in the town hall, tand will be largely of an educational nature, with some prominent educa- tionist giving the address of the even- ing. The public schools are not to re- open until Tuesday, Sept. 7th. Engel's Midsummer Sale is Boing strong. \ Nothing will stop you to buy at En- Why? "BECAUSE WE SATISFY" gel's. arrived - in Oshawa yesterday _- me Brock | © (110-¢)° FINE SUCCESS Held By Christian Church at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Hall A very successful garden party was held yesterday on the spacious lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Hall, College avenue, under the auspices of the Christian church and was arranged in the most ap- propriate manner. A large crowd was present for the opening of the evening's entertainment, the chief item of which was the excellent pro- gram, the numbers being as follows: Musical selections by the Watson Trio; two solos by Donald Allman; readings, Misses Pearl Fletcher, Hazel DeGuerrg, Lillian Southwell and Mrs. Ross Pipher; piano solos by Ruth Hodgkinson, Mary Dearborn and Mildred Morris. Dr. Fletcher was chairman dur- ing the program after which refresh- ments were served to a very appre- jative audience. The Committee are very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Hall for the use of their beautiful grounds. TOYS DISCOVERED IN ANCIENT MOUND Marbles Belonged Who Lived 2,000 Years Ago . Chillicothe, Ohio, Aug. The skeleton of an 11 or 12 year old boy and a number of mdrbles, highly priz- of childhood, were removed Mount of the Seip eighteen miles | 12. ed relics from the Bricer group near Bainbridge, west of here. This is the second of a group of burials back in the mound when last year the "great pearl burial" 'was un- carthed and where this Summer five cremated burials with the usual finds of a set of black, tan and white wild- cat jaws and "marine 'tortoise shell combs were found. The boy's body had been interred in a log cabinlike structure and was covered with a canopy, the mold of which was found. The body had been clothed in a garment of woven fabric. The grave contained many - unusual ceremonial specimens. H. S. Shetrone Men's Balbriggan Shirts AND DRAWERS Anniversary Specia 46¢ Dominion Clothing Ge. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 rteatetost ow Suafosfaafecgoafucgesfonfostonfosionfosforfeetost Cac i Arsocrnoement foeforfoodeed boo} joofonfefonfoefonfectrafoofoniesd 2 0 CC a 2 ie 2 DRIER 2, prebooi G feodeed 2 Paetertestss® odes doslen COTLAND WOOLLEN MILLS nounce that they have mov- ed to larger ious quarters. address will be 11 SIMCOE ST., S. 2 Doors North of their old stand. S. RQTISH, Manager Set. ferieriangestocfesfactestsalsnianiecfosiantosfeier to Lad} G Il many times more flies wm mn, e money than any 3 et fly killer. Each pad will kill flies all day, every day, for three weeks. At all Grocers, Drug- gists and General Stores -- 10c and 25¢ per package. ------ -- curator of the Ohio Museum, said: "We found a number of marbles made from chlorite, a fine, close-grain- ed stone that takes a very high polish, engrayed in beautiful designs. They ENGEL'S Windows are full of bargains Money to be refunded if goods not satisfactory DISHES LLEX LAUNDRY and ALL CLEANING "She comes as a boon to the house keeping sex - v This bright lite maid that we'call Jane Gillex"S Your Grocer Sells it! €E W GILLETT CO LTD TORONTO CANADA had been placed there. reverently by Besides the loving hands. finds, Believed nsurpaifed in the fec- = ords of mound archaeilogy. They in- We believe that the game of mar- | Cluded a stone carved in the os /8 of bles was a time- -honored pastime even |; turkey vulture carefully cut down in the days of the mound builders. | 4; the feather markings; another stone These little fellows probably ERE dike a lizard, with a tail Ye- more than 2000 years ago," he co sembling the rattles of a rattlesnake : tinued, "for the first time hinting at his idea of the age of the mounds. begs. green chlorite, resembling tur- marbles were unusual yuoise; many well-cit mica designs, teeth of raccoon, fox, wolf, mountain lion, bear and other wild animals, that roamed the forest, pierced so that they could be strung and worn as orna- ments; wove. fabric; obsidan spear points and a few bits of copper. .. REFORMER WANT ADS PAY, bl AM Ar RALL CANDIDATE OF ONTARIO UST 13TH, AT 8 O'CLOCK. REQUESTED TO BE PRESENT. A MEETING OF THE SUPPORTERS OF DR. T. E. KAISER, THE CONSERVATIVE WILL BE HELD IN THE COMMITTEE ROOMS (G.W.V.A. HALL) OVER THE ARCADE, ON FRIDAY EVENING, AUG- DUE TO THE RESIGNATION OF JOHN STACEY AS CHAIRMAN FOR THE CITY _ OF OSHAWA, A NEW CHAIRMAN WILL BE ELECTED AND ORGANIZATION GENERALLY PROCEEDED WITH. ALL SUPPORTERS ARE URGENTLY God Save The King CONSERVATIVE COMMITTEE ROOMS, G. W. V. A. HALL, OVER THE ARCADE Contereative RIDING, wish to an- and more spac- There new Peetente ttt OR a 2, oC petesdaitedt Pr 2 |= USED balance $25 per month. ncthing more to pay. for $125 each. Terms. Two Chevrolet (490) terms arfanged. Chadburn ~ PHONE 1160 One Ton Truck, stake body, enclosed cab, Ruckstell axle, run only four months, mechanically correct, just the truck for transfer or farm use. terms" arranged to suit purchaser. One Ford Coupe, new Duco finish, balloon tires, in first class mechanical shape. Two Ford Ton Trucks, stake bodies. CARS Cheap and Terms $170 down. Car insured for | year, Your choice Tourings, very cheap and Motor Co. ofestestests. x 2 of ', { 0 Cie Si a acer Coy 03% 38% . TO THE EFFECT THAT WE bE - . rm ------------ ns Corner King and Simcoe Streets, Oshawa ANNOUNCEMENT ARE OPENING A NEW DEPARTMENT AND TO POPULARIZE THE IDEA WE ARE OFFERING [Leather Goods at HALF PRICE The Goods for this Department have just arrived and We want the Public to Realize Their Values rm-- Huet hee est designs. goods. HE Hand Bags illustrated on the right are examples of the production shown in our window. Each Bag is of wonderful quality and decorated with the very new- The patterns are finished in all the newest colors and the designs are the newest shown this Fall. order to place our Leather Goods Department on the mar- ket, we are going to sell our first shipment, which arrived a few days ago, at half price. to come in at any, time and inspect the quality of these ------ 36 RING ST. WEST x CORNER KING and SIMCOE Streets Ce CE ET PTT TTT EE TL ETT TIT Ih You are cordially invited ol aes & MBAR BE -- - ) 3 3 8 YOU BUY THE BEST AT BASSETT'S o wn . oly >» 3] > EEE EN FENN EENEENEEEEEENEEEEEEERD pepo EN

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