THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1926 pe -------------- TL FIER SCTINNYTCY Fr Thm rd AAR AL YP ss "UL a gr ry Svein EE SR eh tr lr, bP wn i---- PAGE SE SLA RAT 17 These "Small Ade" what you're looking for here, ask for it in these colufiitis us -T 'If you don't fihd are willi ng and spéedy workers-- Read them! Use them! Hen just watch the result ! _ Legal -- T Bicycle Repairing' ----- A Articles For Sale , For Rent (#1 or Reidl Estdte For Sale y AN BARRISTERS, Soto rie¢' Public, Etc. Con. VYeyancing d; general practice of law. 0 1% Simcoe. St, oth, Oshawg;. Phone 63.: G. D, Copant S.A, LLB, 4. 'P. Annis, B.A, LL.B. A 38-tt . SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK imerce Building. 116-1 y¥: JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--HBAR- rister, Solis] Notary Public, Con- veyancér. 'Money to loan. Office 243% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837 i : GRIERSON & 'CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, ofics ovat otaries Pub- wv. B. ot C lle, ete. Office ov: ndard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 18. J. 1. 3riovion, B.A, T. K. Creighton, SWANSON, . GERMAN & MAC- kenzle, - Barristers, 0 ER iy Notary Public, etc. All Branches of Crifiinal and Civil Law. Money to loan. Office over Lamble's store, 2 King St. East. Phone 940. D, A. J. Swanson, H. N. German, F. G. Mackenzie. H. B. MORPHY, B.A,--BARRISTER tor, Notary Public, ete. Office § Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, nes: Office, 210; rcsidence 160. a PARKFILL, BARRISTER, SO- ftor, Nyotary Publie, Conveyancer, money to loan. Disney Bldg, it Pobt Office. Phones, ofmce i a ence, 1106]. 62-tf IS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, citor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- Mortgage loans. Offices 4-6, dley. Block, 29% Simcoe South. . Rasléence 1170. 156tf 'kinds of rebuilt and new bicycles, BURTON'S BICYCLE SHOP, 21 Prince street. New C.C.M. Ivanhoe Bicycles and second hand bicycles. Repair work of all kinds. Phone 1624, + 226 Imo BICYCLE REPAIRING -- ALL new and used accessories at half price. Workmanship guaranteed. Prompt service. Williams Bicycle Shop, Athol street west. 28-tf QHJPS FOR Phone 81tf CRUSHED STONE driveways $4.75 per load. 660. Waterous Supply Co. FOR SALE--GRAY GOOD WICK- er baby carriage cheap. Apply 25 Colborne street, west. 106-c APPLY Phone (108-c) CHERRIES FOR SALE. Huber, Thornton's Corners. 202 r 5. Archifects C. C. STENHOUSE, -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 1496. Res. Phone 902J. Window Cleaning CREAM WICKER STROLLER EOR sale. $7.00. Also a steel range $15.00. Apply 75 Colborne St. W., or phone 1510M. (108b) DINING ROOM SUITE, $40, COST $90. All kinds of furniture at half price. 17 Prince st. (107h) THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ers--bouse'cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and storm windows put on and removed. Phone 1302W. H Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, deors and interior trim. F. L. Beecrnfy, Whitby Lumber and Woodyard. Osh- awa phone 324. 69 tf J. A. SYKES, 80 ATHOL ST. WEST, lumber, lath, shingles, doors, sash, beaverboard, Gyproc Seamen Kent hardwood flooring. 6-1mo, Transportation COLEMAN'S CARTAGE -- PHONE 82. 85 Bond West. Let us haul it for you. 3 trucks. 22-tf CREAM STROLLER, Apply 43 Mech- (107e) FOR SALE in gzood condition. anic st. FOUR BURNER. GAS STOVE with oven, 1900 Cataract Electric Washer, nearly new, 300 ibs: of stucco. 29 Pine avenue. 4 103-1 OAK 'UPRIGHT PIANO Apply E.. Down, 554 Oxford 91-tf FUMED for sale. street. FOR SALE--4 BURNER McCLARY gas range. Nearly new. Cheap for quick sale. Apply 640 Carnegie Ave. Opposite Simcoe St. North school, (108-¢) FOR SALE--MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Planos, high grade only, Terms arranged. Used pianos on hand. C. Trull. Phone 6553J. 96-tt Medical DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, BSUR- €99n, Accoucher. . Office and resi- dence, Kiig St. East, corner Victoria Bt, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN pire] surgeon. Special references to ases of infants and children. Of- fico and residence, 97 Bond east. OR, A. F, MACKAY, PHYSICIAN urgegn, Office. and 'residence 268 King East, , Office hours: 2-4 pm. 7-9 p.m. Phone 1710. DR, Boyg J, HAZLEWOOD, Physician and Surgeon, special' at- tention given to "X-ray work and Electro-Theopy., Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. (tr) Osteopathy OSTEOPATHY -- DR. A. M. HEIST, Osteopathic Physician. Acute and chronic diseases treated jn adults and children, Foot troubles corrected. 74 Centre St. Phone 1693. PACS) Dental DR.'S. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Royal Bank. Phone 959: Residence 306. 4-1 yr. DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug ® Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 34. DR..L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice 'Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948; residence, 1378M. 35-tf DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- Bent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780 Les, 664. 56-tf DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE Block, 107 Simcoe, St. S. X-ray, gas extraction, Telephone 504. Res. 1114W, : : 134-tf DR,.J. R. PORTER, DENTIST, 31 King East. Disney Block. Opposite Post Office. Phone 2065. 222tf Ear, Nose, Throat Special ist DR, F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Loveli's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1. till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases.of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. 49-tf * Eye Specialist DR. L.'l, SEBERT, §6 BLOOR ST. West, Toronto, will be at Jury and Lavell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m. for consul- tation in diseases of the eye. 12-1 vr. 'Buying old cars. P, SMITH TRANSPORTATION CO., Simcoe St. 8. Phone 346W,. 242 Front St. E., Toronto. Phene Main 7637. Superior Transportation Ser- vice. 42-tf BORROWDALE'S CARTAGE, LO- cal and Long Distance. "When thinking of moving think of us." 241 Ritson Rd. South, Phene 1618. H. R. COULDERY, ARTISTIC DE- corating. Signs on paper, wood cot- ton, brick; show cards, price tickets of every description. Disney Block, Oshawa. Phone 15560. 229-1m Auto Painting sheathing. STEEL wicker buggy. west. Phone - RANGE, 75 Col- 1510M. 106-b FOR SALE Babys cream bobrne tsreet ROOFING, DOORS, HARDWOOD flooring, plaster, Gyproe, Rochoard Waterous Supply Co. .) (t.1 FOR SALE -- CEMENT BRICKS, grey and red, also eement blocks. R. Duizendstra, 15 Albany St. gouth, Oshawa. (7-tf) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.75 per load, absolutely dry. Also bone dry bodywood. Wa- terous Supply Co. (8tf) AWNINGS, TENTS, WATERPROOF goods.; H. & M. Trew, 232 Mary st. Phone 197. (60tf) ROOM. TO RENT, ALL CONVENI- ences. Phone 19094. (108) ROOMS TO LET--4 LARGE ROOMS Immediate possession. Apply 85 Nas- sau Sf. (101tf) ROOM TO RENT -- NICELY FUR- nished. Phone 274J or apply 13 Klgin st. E. : (107¢) : rooms for ligh please return to 232 Olive Ave. HOUSE TO RENT--18 PER MONTH will rent a six roomed house. Cen- tral. For particulars phone 1457W.. (108¢c) REE FURNISHED housekeeping. Every TWO OR T convenience. Reasonable, 221 Rit- son Rd. South, (108¢) FOR RENT--3 HOUSES, ONE 6 rooms, one 7 rooms, one 10 rooms, newly decorated. Possession at once. H. Salter, 24 Royal St. Phone 185. (108b) ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM, suitable for two gentlemen. Apply 101 Louisa st. (103¢) 4 ROOMED FRONT APARTMENT furnished or unfurnished. All con- veniences. Apply 39A Queens Apart- ments, Ooom 3. 106-¢ TO LET roomed house. young couple. former. FURNISHED Very suitable for Apply Box G, Re- (107¢) FIVE FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT, 47 Celina st. Apply at side donor. (107¢) FURNISHED COTTAGE TO RENT on Island opposite Port Perry. Fif- teen dollars weekly including hoat. Apply Archie Black, Port Perry, or phone 226 Oshawa. -(108-13-14-19) Lost and Found LOST--A LITTLE HOUND, WHITE and black ,vesterday afternoon. Finder 106-¢ Business For Sale -$2.500 | ------------ FOR SALE OR EXCHANG buys garage and C.T.C. Service Sta- | n tion, Locust Hill. Growing concern, 2 gas pumps, % acre, 5 roomed cot- ze, large hen house, ice cream par- ior, ete. Apply Maple Leaf Garage, Locust Hill. 93tf FOR SALE GROCERY AND | confectionery business doing a real live trade. Good reason for selling. Apply Box L, Reformer. (107b) 0. G. REYNOLDS, 38 BLOOR ST. East. Phone 693. Auto painting and simonizing. Work guaranteed, Be- fore painting get our »rices. tr Undertaking ' LUKE BURIAL CO., 67 KING ST. east, Ambulance. Residence 19 brick FOR SALE -- CONCRETE BLOCKS tile, sewer pipe. for culverts, a.d road crossings. Concrete plant, North Oshawa. J. W. McCutcheon, | 166 Athol street east, phone 516W., 74-tf | , Automobiles For Sale i Division St. 69 King St, east. Phone 210J. Music SAMUEL COLLIS, TEACHER OF violin. Studio, 34 Fairbanks street. | Appointments Phone 2127W. 124-tf | ARTHUR W, LYNDE (HAMBOURG Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of singing. Pupils prepared for all examinations, also church, concert, opera. Studio, 17 Simcoe south, Oshawa, Mondays. (72t1) sotzki, McLAUGHLIN TOURING CAR. | with glass enclosure in good condi- tion. Apply 65 Wilkinson Ave. Phone 814J. (108¢c) AUCTION SALE 5 acres of land,, building, crop, cows, chickens, pigs, s/wood, hay, housghold furniture, on Saturday, August 14 at 1 p.m. Peter Wy- Lakeview Garden, Block 2. Easy terms on property; stock, cash. Jas. Bishop, Auctioneer, (107b-110) 9 Wanted to Buy MR. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. T am pay- ing for scrap. batteries $1 and$1.50. Phone 764. 155tf Money Wanted WANTED--$1,000 FOR 3 OR 5 years at 7 per cent. on a ten room- ed brick house. Gilt edged security. H. Salter, Phone 185. (108hb) Help Wanted--Male DICK, (108¢) PLUMBER WANTED--]. 140 Burke St, S. by Wanted to Rent buying. ! roomed house. All conveniences with WANTED HOUSE 5 OR 6 rooms to rent Sept. 1, preferably north of King st. Would" consider Box A, Reformer. (107c¢) WANTED TO RENT--6 OR 7 1 Oshawa. Will exchange for cit prop- garage. Box "O" Reformer {108a) House and Lots for sale at reas- onable prices in all parts of the city. Satisfactory terms arranged. I have a special automobile blan- ket carrying in a strong reliable company which is a money saving. It will pay those secking automobile insurance to consult with me, When needing insurance on houses of Furniture consult with me. sMoney to loan at '63% class property. J. A. F.. LUKE Telephones: 871 and 687W. on first FOR EXCHANGE 100 Acres rolling, clay loam, first class eight Oshawa. Crob clear buildings, miles from churches may Will take Louse or house and cash, or 2 houses $5000 or what offer. close to school -and be purchased with equity of Phone 1550, Disney's Real Estate Te EC YOUNG MAN OF GOOD APPEAR- ance and some selling ability want- d as canvasser and collector 'hy old established Oshawa firm. Good proposition. ' Steady if satisfactory. | State age, previous positions and Insurance DAVIS & SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St, West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reput- able Fire Companies. 118-tf Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, 14 Church St, Tirés for sale. Jamieson Bros. Veterinary Surgeon ho 5 pL. 8 D I ot all d x treated. minio] srinary, 74 Broc! 106). B. J. SHIRLEY, -- VETERINARY surgeon, specialist diseases dom- estic animals. Cat. and. dog. hospital. 25 years experience. 74 King west. Pi a" ts : (tr) ¢ animals scientifically 'Government Vet« 8. Phone 131-tf / {* Watch Repairing F . GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, formerly repair- i for Joe Horwich, announces to his. friends and the 'general public that he has opened a repair shop at iA. Vou, ON, V.S., DISEASES || refer Apply in confidence to Box "H" "Reformer. CHIROPRACTIC Steckley, Chiropractor and Drugless ist, will be in the office, 8 Sim- t, north every afternoon and Mon- day, Wednesday amt Friday evenings, Forenoons by appointment. Residential calls made in town and surro dis- Money to Loan BRADLEY BROS. 6% PER CENT on First Mortgages. © Building Loans a Specialty. Plan of repayment to suit the borrower. Our services are free. Do not hesitate to consult. Room 7, Bradley Block. Phone 169. 76t{ MONEY TO LOAN ON RESIDENT- ial property. No commission charged. Louis S. Hyman, Barrister, phone 67. Evenings 1170. 89tf 6% PER CENT. ON.FIRST MORT- gages on residential and farm prop- erty. L. V. Disney, Disney Building, Phones 1550 and 1619j (71tH) MONEY TO LOAN--G%% ON RE- «idential and farm property. A. J. Parkhill, Disney Bldg, opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. 73tt trict. Consultation is free office.. Phone 224, at REFORMER WANT ADS PAY 6 ROOMED FRAME HOUSE FOR AR conveniences, $3,500. $500 down. Payments arranged. Apply 87 Queen St. (107-1 mo.) FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED BRICK veneer house. All modern conveni- ence. Nice ground and fruit trees. Apply 52 Division st. (107-3w) FOR SALLE BRICK VENEER Commission House on paved street, good locahty., Ter particulars write Box "K" Reformer. 105-f SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE ON lot 30 x 113. Apply 112 Buckingham avenue. (77-mo) « HOME | sale, FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL on King St. East, Terms reasonable. Apply 161 King E., Oshawa. (107e) 40 x 100 FEET. near new Pon- Burk St. (108e) LOT FOR SALE On Division Street, tiac plant. Apply 150 LOTS FOR SALE---THREE GOOD huilding lots on french streer. Size 30 x 120. Will Heb sold cheap. Cash or terms as desircd Apply to 67 Bond street east. (105-1) GENUINE SACRIFICE -- MUST have six hundred cash. 7 room brick hese, electrig light, good lot. Price $2,500. Apply Box F, Reformer. 106-c « Work Wanted PAINTING, Phone 67-1m ROBT. GUTSOLE, paperhanging, graining, ete, 289r12 or 2067w. SCOTSMAN EMIGRATING IN August, desires situation. 12 years' experience in retail grocery provision trade. Go any place, well recommen- ded. Box "J" Reformer. 106-n DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE DO all kinds of. machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install- ed. connecting rods re-babbited, crown gears or pinions supplied for all makes of cars. 161 King St., W. Satisfaction ~ guaranteed. Factory Office, 161 King St. West. e 481, residence 180r2, Osh- wa, Ont, tf BENJAMIN W_ HAYNES, CON- tractor, General wood worker, Cab- inets, machine floor sanding, hard- ane Phon wood floors, verandah screens, door and window screens, verandah box- | es, window boxes, flower stands, | Anything in the wood working line.) | For Exchange | FARM--100 ACRES, GOOD BUILD- | ings, well equapned, 2. miles from | | agents. Phone W,'B. erty, no 723 r Jox 308, E. ! 12 or e. a. yi | ; Help Wanted--Female | 1 GOOD LAUNDRESS. 8. 'McLaughlin, N.» (105t0) | WANTED Apply Mrs. Simcoe st. R. GENERAL Athol St. E, (104-i1) GIRL WANTED FOR housework. Apply 296 ~~ CAPABLE GIRL WANTED FOR light housework and work in store part time. References required. Phone 1588W. (106c) WAIT- Good (107h) WANTED -- EXPERIENCED ross at once. Steady work. wages. Superior Lunch. rrr PICKERS WANTED CHERRY Meet at Loblaw's stora, 8 a.m., Mon- day morning. Bring lunch. (107¢) When we see a man carryin a grip these days we can't help thinking it must contain something valuable, -Hamilton Spectator. "They're Building a City at Oshawa." FRESH LISTINGS DAILY J. C. YOUNG 41, Prince St. Phones 793, Res. 909J. We sell the Earth and Insure its contents, A. E. Murdoch with J. C. Young on | of villages which had to be abandon- CANNIBALS FEAST ON THER ENEMIES When Supply of Dead Foes Fails, Villages Exchatige Bodies . London, Aug. 7.--Adventure--ands plenty of it apparently-=can he had for the asking in Nigeria, if one may judge from the "experience of J. O. Armstrong, who has just returned from the strange country. Cannibalism is still practised there, he declares, and many tribes of na- tives have never seen a white man. He was offered a bride for the usual price of six goats. "Until a very few vears avo head- hunting raids and cannibalism - were common practices," says Armstrong. "Both have begn officially prohibitea, but many tribes still eat human flesh in connection with religious rites or indulge their inherited taste furtively. Villages Exchgnge Corpses "Nowadays, when inter-tribal fight- ing may be stopped by the arrival of a native force led by British officers, the supply of enemies killed in a bat- tle has stopped, but in some places those who have died natural deaths only approach is through a very nar- row lane. 'Familie; live in mud hufs. The innermost room, which can be approached only by passing through between inhabitants of neighboring villages. "Pagan villages are an impenetrable hedge of cactus. The there *is frequent interchange of the quarters of the married women, is reserved for the maidens. "Having hunted with the help of Sura pagan huntsmen I found them very likable. Most of them go about in the garb of Adam. "Not long ago when cannibal- ism was openly practised, the tribal chiefs were in the habit of acquiring slaves for fattening. By tribal law a murderer was given to the, family of the dead 'man as a life slave. "A thief was punished by forced to compensate the man he had robbed, unless the robbery was com- mitted at night, when the man who had been robbed was entitled to take the robbers life, Twins Always Killed "If a wife deserted her husband ior another man, the new husband had to compensate the old by giving him not only the usual tharriage portion, but a horse as well. Twins are in- variably killed. "Hyenas 'and leopards are plentiful the Banchi plateau. Lions are numercus in some parts and I knew surrounded by a 50 being ed because of their attentions. Herds of elephants come in from Bornu. "While I was traversing a remote valley in the Leri'n Kano plateau, I was followed by a band of large ba- boons. These animals are said to at- tack in mass at times, but in spite of their obvious curiosity about us, I never found them too trqublesome. "While I was on the Banchi plateau ; 1 came across a party making a series of film pictures representing the ad- venture and romance of empire mak- ing. "To do this they had services of the pagan tribes, It was nerve racking work, for there 'was always the danger that the fully arm- ed nhtives in the panoply of war might turn play-acting into reality. "This film being taken over ground containing valuable buried treasure. It is rich in deposits of al- luvial tin and may soon share in the prosperity which has been brought to other districts of the plateau by en- terprising prospectors." to use the 1s The travel bug which bites thou- sands of Americans is the mosquito. Many considered poor. fish turn out to be good swimmers. Live Stock for Sale FOR SALE--HOUND PUPS, 11 SIM- coe North, s4tf : . THE Disney Funeral Service New Location 302 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 1082 Day or Night : t %h age meni gisnd REFORMER + SUTHERLAND ,-- FINANCE "WIZARD" JAILED New York, Aug. 8--Charles. H. Greenhaus, called "the boy wizard of Wall street," was sentenced to serve two years in Atlanta penitentiary for using the mails to defraud. in the sale of Florida land. Harry Griffin, a coun- federate, was sentenced tq serve a year and a day. Both were fined $1,000. Greenhaus and Griffin were both charged with using the mails in the sale of Putnam county, Florida, lofs, for the Grifin Development and Construction corporation. The cor- poration also was found guilty. Ivan Franklin Israel and William Price, other members of the corporation who pleaded guilty, were instructed by Fed- eral Judge Burns to appear for sen- tence. MIND AND MEDICINE (The Referee) It is a strange comment on a fas- cinating theory that Emile Coue, the man who most vigorousiy asserted the power of mind over disease and decay, should himself have been defeated by death at a comparatively early age. What he did was to impress upon the sick and ailing the simple fact that to gain a belief in increasing health is more than half the battle. It is the secret of every great doctor, and the explanation of the curious fact that the same treatment has different results in different hands. . RAILWAY TIME TABLES C.N.R. TIME TABLE Going West 4.44 a.m. daily, from Montreal to Toronto, 5.09 a.m. daily, from Ottawa to Toronto. 5.28 am. daily, from Montreal to Hamil- ton and Detroit. 6.20 a.m. daily, and Chicago. ry 8.58 a.m. daily except Sunday, from Belle- ville to Toronto. p.m. daily except Sunday, from Brock- ville to Toronto. 4.37 p.m. daily, and Chicago. 7.24 p.m, toronto. . 7.27 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Ottawa to Toronto, g : 9.01 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Mont real to Toronto, 11.41 p.m. daily, from Toronto to Ottawa. 823 a.m. daily except Sunday, from Tor- to Montreal. , Sunday only, from Montreal to Detroit from Montreal to Detroit Sunday only, from Belleville to from Toronto to ville. 9.59 a.m daily, from Chicago to Montreal 2.32 p.m., daily except Sunday from Toron- to to Ottawa. 1.28 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Toron- to to Brockville, Going East 5.54 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Toronto to Belleville. 9.42 p.m. daily from Toronto to Montreal. 11.07 p.m. daily, from Toronto to Montreal. *11.59 p.m..daily, from Detroit to Montreal. *11.59 train stops only for Montreal pas- sengers and beyond. CFR Going . 12.09 a.m. daily, from Chicago to Montreal. 10.07 a.m. daily from Chicago to. Montreal. 2.07 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Toronto to Ottawa, . 7.30 p.m. daily, except Sunday, from Toronto to Trenton. 11.10 p.m. daily from Hamilton to Montreal. 'est 5.45 a.m. daily from Montreal to Hamilton, 6.23 a.m. dailv from Montreal to Chicago. 8.40 a.m. daily except Sunday, fram Trenton to Toranto. 4.47 p.m. daily from Montreal 0 Chicago. 7.05 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Ottawa to, Toronto. MAILS CLOSE 7.45 a.m.--Going . East, i 9.15, a.m.--For Raglan, Columbus, Taunton, Cedardale and vicinity. ' 8.30 'a.m.--Whitby, "Toronto and points west. 12.45 p.m.~Port Hope to Blackwater Junc- tion; Port Hope and Bowmanviile, 4.00 p.m.--Toronto and West; New York and Eastern. States. 8.35 p.m.--All going east and west. CPA NER Ahan ht ' 2 er Ww j Wl FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For Sale or Exchange Wonderful yalue .at $4500--New six room bungalow with all city conveni- ences, oak floors, wired for stove-- Will take lot on exchange. L273. $2800 for 5 'acre chicken farm with new house. KA. 650 Hive Apiary with all necessary equipment for same, will exchange for farm. V216. . $3200 tor new brick home, all converi- ences--Will consider exchange. S184. Best rug brick for sale at low prices. {7 : Sih L,Y LEZ, Oshawa FIRE & AUTO INSURANCE LOANS By Bill Coriselinan and Chid¥lés Plam YZ Z Zz ; 10g: West. Your pat- A obea is Solloited. 3-is & frigrdly wave. side-swiped.t 0 in. the nick of time.serking Ji@ney ana Alackie clear of the Shark ---- : TALK ABOUT LUCK! WITH THOUSANDS OF BY THE GUY, g ISTER, BUT Tea LIFE-SAV YANG THE SreEets Ya 0 HAVE J RED Nt Iv WHO'S HONEY TO M : ASAFETIDA TO ME! \GRT. NOW TM. LIKE A DENTIST-- iby T FEEL IN BP re BOTA! QUT sy eat, 193 SW CBR (EDS TSN'T THAT eer P ; HERD AGAIN! Vas Flare' -- 8-7