THE OSHAWADAILY REFORMER: SATURDAY, JULY 31, 153650 3h" Sh Mu a . PORT PERRY Abi _ Er -- some time with Mrs. Jas Swain |. The members of the Sunday School | ents, Leo and Mrs. White. i Mr. and Ms. Ward Allison, of New | of St. johi's ~ Predbyteran Church Frauk and Mrs. -Dates- and family. Orleans, are visiting Mr. Allison's | went to Oshawa on Wednesday after- |and Mrs. Geddes were guests of Dr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Allison. | noon for their =uifual picnic, 5 and Mrs. Dales last week. vhen his team 1: ay. He was Mrs. A Williams, and his! Dr. S. B. Graham and Mr. Will. Ash, Miss Sine, of Belleville, has been ap- | - James and Mrs. Mitchell and family rls BR his farm with his team and Bs rs F Moore . | are camping at Lakeside Beach. | pointed on the staff of the Port Perry | spent Sunday in Utica. Miss Elva ses whey tank and a couple of bags HR Michael, of Clifton, NJ., is vis- | - Rev. Wm. Higgs and family have re- High School in place oi Miss Apple-| mained with friends there. tir rested Irwin Domenfield, 269 Jarvis INJURED IN RUNAWAY \ K street, on a warrant charging fraud. Mr. Wm. Thompson, of the Wark- || i ON FRAUD CHARGE J. Stradus is named as the complain- | worth Road, had four ribs broken and Mr. Robert: Dodd, of San Francisco, ant. . one of his legs badly 1. .:2d recently, was in town last week visiting his mo- Toronto, July 31.--Clifford Mc- SRS ER Saal: Ny Ashdale avenue, cl.rk in GIRL DISPLAYED COURAGE e Bank of Montreal branch oftice Ser for ithe tank hich 1 : As oh th yard, who resigned. at Main street and Danforth avenue, | After the motor boat of Gorden C.|"0P JLI0™ (0 (AE out of miy | WRF with Mrs, Aaron Williams, | | Lees (ome (Com BHT, ies 'wil | © Mr. TJ. Spinks has resigned from {, lsasc, and, Mrs Nobes, who have Was arrested last night by. Detective | Edwards, of Ottawa, burst into flames ', ,¢ '0. Yas rolied oii the front of | ¢ +e vi Mody with pol nds. | take the service in the United church | the staff of the Port Perry High | sy 0 Ve 0 etn og tome this Clarke on a charge or fraud. <Mec- | when the engine backfired, Miss (ira. .» wahan walsins hah with' them; "The TL gen Sp ofl are | next Sunday. School and acceptsd a position at Ath- Ro, "2 ; J i ire hare, A iy En 5) [iis caused the liorses to run away. | visiting "their father. Mr. F. Moore. Mr. R. Tiffin, son and daughter, of | cS Ont. Rev. Mr. Fraser and Miss Margaret e § she w A . 1 ~ : HA oa pi . . 2 , Ee te Messrs. Jos, Baird, Thos. Blight and | Uptergrove, Mrs. J. Gray, of Orillia, . holiday at their sam- Jn alleged to have forged the signa- clothing, Sails ion: WAS BORN IN KINGSTON PR are oi aYhne in Midland. Y y ¥ Taylor, of Beaverton, Mr. and DUNBARTON ae go oo service vil be' conduct- ture of Alfred Empringham, 251 ES Swan hy Re yuo Mr. John Wickens, who died at Mrs. Wm. Parker, of Burk's Falls, | Mrs. A. Crandell and daughter, of Dunbarton, July 31.--Miss Anna Al- {ed in the United Church as iebeholme Boulevard, to a cheque | Bowman. 6 Ofer vr X Crookston, on July 17th, was born at |; ent a, few days with Mrs. W. T.| Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and | ison has returned home having spent A. J. Courtice and daughter, Miss for $1,500. When Mr. Empringham lamnen; Miss Edna ; had : d the Kingston, 14th October, 1844. His | Reader. Mrs. Robert Town. the winter in Holland. ; Emma of Holmesville, who have been presented his pass book at the bank | of the cw Tr. reccucd by canoes be- | parents, William Wickens and Mary | "yy "0 4 Mrs Eber Wright of De-| On Wednesday morning while paint-| W. H. Moore had the misfortune 0 | touring through the West this sume tv be balanced he could not under- | engincer, were rescued by Ann Whiteman had come from Kent | 0" C0 visiting the former's parents, | ing at"the Standard Garage Mr. Thos. | have his hens all stolen one night last | mer, spent a week in our midst, call- Mr. and. Mrs. J. F. Wright. Beare happened with a painful acci- | week. : ing on old friends and relatives. They Sand the $1,500 withdrawal. In- fore the ciatt was butued 19 Hie wa. County," England, about three years i B Iotlowed resulting is He Rodeos Serry at the conclusion of the | Previous to this. John was a mere Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cormack and fam- | dent. He fell from a step ladder and Kenneth and Leslie White of To- | will visit Ottawa before returning eowan. z V child when the family removed to, "pave returned home after spending [hit his head. ronto are holidaying with their par- {home. Detective Sullivan 'last night ar- 'regatta there. Er ---- ----- Huntingdon. EVER BUILT An Engine Vibrationless Beyond Belief : The McLaughlin Motor Car Company, Limited, today = Never in all the twenty-two years of McLaughlin-Buick presents the 1927 McLaughlin-Buick, with an engine guccess has there been offered such convincing proof vibrestionless beyond belief. ; of engineering and manufacturing leadership. Ts Sachievumen, we garnet believe, Wi rank as one McLaughlin-Buick offers you today a brilliant le of the most important in all motor car history. of the quality of MeLapghtinBrick coat Vi Confident that acquaintance with its performance and value will fix in mind the conviction that money can buy nothing finer-- Certain that you will discover, in this great new car, further evidence of the deep meaning in the long- standing pledge: "When Better Automobiles are built, McLaughlin-Buick Will Build Them." Our engineers, working in conjunction with the a Ry engineering staffs of General Motors Research Labor- re i atories and General Motors Proving Ground have ® ® divorced the annoyance of vibration to a point never - Four Vital Engine tines Improvements "To produce the silent power-flow in the 1927 McLaughlin -Buick, McLaughlin -Buick engineers have made four fundamental im- provements in the structure of the famous McLaughlin-Buick Valve-in-Head engine, in- cluding a Counter-Poised Crankshaft and a Torsion Balancer; new light-weight pistons; and then a Completely Cushioned Engine, They have given McLaughlin-Buick motor cars a new luxury of quietness at every speed, exceptional among all cars, no matter what their price. Other Vital Improvements Another revolutionary improvement in the 1927 McLaughlin. Buick is the vacuum-cleaned crankcase. Crankcase moisture, the vicious foe of engine efficiency, is now drawn out of the crankcase before it has an opportunity to do harm.' The crank- the cooling system. Water circulation is prevented and the heat held in the engine, until the proper operating temperature is reached. 7 Gear noise is removed by McLaughlin-Buick's new giant-tooth insulated and isolated by rubber mountings, fore and aft, from all metallic contact with + the chassis. case is cleaned and kept free of dilution by the McLaughlin Buick Vacuum Ventilator, a new device, operated by the air flow ; positive and certain in action, and without a single moo- ing part... The oil in the crankcase of the 1927 McLaughlin- Buick need be changed only four times @ year! McLaughlin-Buick performance is now made more certain, more pleasant and more economical by thermostatic control in transmission, which is quiet in all of its speeds. Further quiet- ness has been obtained by a new muffler design. And in this remarkable new car McLaughlin-Buick introduces balanced wheels, another contribution to better driving. The princely beauty of the new Fisher bodies is in thorough keeping with the unusual and incomparable performance standards now attained. ; i oo The Most Remarkable Fact of All-Value . This Greatest of all McLaughfin-Buicks is the Greatest of all McLaughlin-Buick values. McLaughlin-Buick volume has permitted engineering research and develop- ment:-on a scale far beyond the reach of most manufacturers. ; Constant improvement has leveled one price barrier after another, until now you are offered, in this new McLaughlin-Buick, a car as fine as money can buy, at the price of care of very ordinary quality. A This car will convince you, as no other car can, that money can buy nothing finer-- - no matter how much ybu may be able to spend ! McLaughlin Motor Car Company, Limited : Subsidiary of General Motors of Canada, Limited ONTARIO OSHAWA " : : i BEN, ZA 2 Branch and Dealer Showrooms WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILTH LAUGHIIN BUICK will "Bump TueM™,