Dr. Bruce was the author of the VY TRAFFIC C DURING "In the period from Saturday noon, : report on geology of. the basin of 17, until Sunday night, the jockville & Morristown Transpor- fon Co. boat, Blmer W. Jones, car- d 1,378 automobiles and 10,861 ers, according to the records t- compan, t: Vy the pany. SHY. GRAND TEw ARDS Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada Pro of Ontario has ap- inted the following graced stew- ards, V.W. Bro. F. B. Bolton, New- ro; J. Buffam, Perth; John Howe, velock; 8. K. Milligan, Eganville. CIANS 8 GET MORE PAY © An increase 'of fifteen cents an "hour : for electricians ' in Kingston was announced on Monday, the new scale of seventy-five cents an hour, instead of sixty cents an hour, going into effect on that date. on Maser J, A. Rowlands, of 4 MARKED IMPROVEMENT "The friends of Miss Vera Gorman, Belleville, who underwent an oper- atfon at the Hojel Dieu, last week, is making favorable progress to- dwards recovery. She was able to sit up on Tuesday for' the first time d is expected to return to her Be towards the latter part of the is, kK. PROF. BRUCE AT RED LAKE ¥Dr. BE. L. Bruce, .' Professor . of pol of Queen's University," who or some years now has spent the mer investigating mining areas the Ontario Department of yg passed through Pine Ridge Tuspday enroute for Red Lake. Bruion's Big SHOE SALE Ends Sat. Night 10 p.m. Only 2 days left to get ed grouped for Final Selling. MEN'S SHOES 20 $498 ce 89 WOMEN'S SHOES Me ¢1.19 S18 0 $8940 89 _ JUVENILE SHSOES Be 49 $1 69 $1.98 $2.69 BOYS' SHOES 18239 $3.98 $4.89 Free Ice Cream Cones for Kiddies | just coming back from Red Lake published in the 1024 an- nual report of the _ department, and 'his operations of this summer will be followed with 8 good deal of in- 'terest. oF : DROPPED DEAD B. R. Wright dropped dead at the C.N.R. station, Stirling, while load- ing freight. Mr. Wright had been a carter in the village for 25 years. He was 66 years old and lived all his life in Stirling. He leaves a wite and two sons. . TO ENTER BIBLE COLLEGE Miss Irene Cowan will enter the Toronto Bible College this Septem ber for further studies in the Eng- lish Bible. Miss Cowan attended the evening classes in this college for three years, and obtainéd her certi- ficate in April, 1925. She was born in Napanee and is a granddaughter of George W. Shibley. To DIVE FOR FOR BODY George Brawley, diver, will go tc the bottom of the Kingston harbor today in an endeavor to locate the body of the late.. Wm, H. Smith drowned on Sunday night. A hat scow, used to bring hay from Wolfs Island, Kingston, was brought over to the Collingwood Ship Buildnr Company's dock and fitted out pre paratory to the trip to the stene o' the Ifatality. TO OPEN. HIGHWAY The Municipal Council of the Vil lage of Beaverton purpese opening their new street pavement Thursday afternoon. The pavement will be formally opened by the Hon. George S. Henry, Provincial Minister of Highways. The Orillia Kiltie Band will be in attendance afternoon and evening. The dance at night will be held on the pavement in front of the Town Hall on Simcoe street, and will be led by a ten-piece orchestra ANNUAL REGATTA The seventeenth annual Sturgeor Lake Regatta will be held on Monda, next, August 2nd, at Sturgeon Point A full day's sport for old and young has been arranged. Land sports for the juniors at 10 a.m. the aquatic events commence at 1300 'clock. The prizes offered this year for the event: are better than ever, and the cottager: of both Sturgeon and Pléasant Poin! are co-operating in orddt to make thi: the greatest regatta that has been. BOY KNOCKED DOWN A young lad on 4 bicycle had » very narrow escape from being seriously injured at the: corner of Brock and Clergy, streets, Kingston The boy attempted to turn. around in the centre of the intersection, and an automobile coming along Clerg) from Princess street collided - wit! him. Fortunately the car was going very slowly, apd the driver.had the presence of mind to turn the ca sharply to the right, thus preventing the boy from being run over. GASOLINE TANK THREATENED Children playing with fire and ex celsfor in the backyard of a clean ing and pressing establishment in Kingston set a fire that might have caused consideable damage. The flames spread from the yard to a small outbuilding, used for storing gasoline and containing various cleaning materials.' The shed was considerably damaged, but the good work of the firemen prevented the spread of the flames to the main building. TWO BUILDINGS BURNED Fire broke out, about 7.30 on Sunday evening, in the stabe on Mr. Mati Todd's premises, Tupper street, Mill brook, destroying that building and the adjoining garage, gv fortunately the house was saved. Mr. Todd was hom all day but the Mb had been a Cobourg and had scarcely 'returnec half an hour when the alarm was rais ed and flames were seen bursting fron the stable. The origin of the fire is unknown. Mrs. Todd had been' in the building not fifteen 'minutes previously feeding her fowl, and no sign of firc was then seen. FIFTY YEARS MARRIED On Saturday last, July 17th, Mr and Mrs. Jas. Connolly, of Wolfe Is land, near Kingston, celebrated thei golden anniversiry. The event wa: quietly commemorated by' members o: the family, owing to the ill health of Mr. Connolly. Two sons, Raymond and Frank, reside onthe. Istand, and one daughter, Mrs. Macomb Bates, in Cape Vincent; another daughter, Mrs Edward House, Brownville, N.Y., hav ing died about six years ago. During the day many messages. of congratula- tion were received from friends at a distance and Mr. and Mrs. Connolly received many beautiful gifts from friends_and relatives. Their legion of friends wish Mr. and Mrs." Connolly many more 7 Yeats of good health and happiness.. INDIAN CONVICTED "Dr." Law Redwing appeared in court in Cobourg yesterday after- noon on a charge brought by the Ontario Medical Association, whose representative was there in con- nection with the case. 'He was charged with practicing and profes- sing to practice medicihe here for gain or hope of reward, not being registered according to the Ontario Medicine Act. He was fined $76 and costs. W. F.~Kerr, K:C., rep- resented the Crown. No evidence was taken in the other charge brought against the accused, of ob- taining money under false preten- ses, and in connection with the Prentice case at Grafton. This was put over for' another week. ANIMATED HAZARD A friend encountered a Scotchman, tHe Florida golf courses, leading an alligator along. "What are you doing with the al- ligator?" he asked. "The son of a gun has got my ball," , Seed the Scotchman. -- New York RECOVERING Miss Agnes Gallagher of the On- tario Editorial Staff who underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Belleville General Hospital five weeks ago will be able to leave that institution the first of next week. ODDFELLOWS® ING INSTALLATION The following are the officers of Durham Lodge, No. 78, 1. O, O. F., Port Hope, for the current term in- stalled into their respective chairs last (Tuesday) evening by Past Dis- trict Deputy 'Grand Master, J. F. Flood and staff: J.P.G.--Chas. Ham; N.G.--W. R. McTaggart; V.G.--C. J Bate; R.S.--T. H. Wilkinson; F, S --C. A. McElroy; Treas.--W, J. Crowhurst; R.S.N.G.--F. Curran; S. 8.N.G.--F. Comley; War.--W. Bruce; Con.--H. V. Fox; L.8.V.G.--J. Ham; RS.V.G.--J. Burtch; R.8.8.--F. Lit- tle; L.S.8.--1J. Rowcliffe; I.G.--E. Freeman; 0.G.--Wm. Trawin; Chap. --W. T. Greenaway. Light refresh- ments were served at the close and a social hour enjoyed, TOMBSTONE TOPPLED ON BOY While climbing up the tombstone of his grandfather, at the Belleville cemetery, while his mother placed flowers upon the grave, Ralph, the 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Clapp, Belleville, was the =vic- tim of a most unusual accident. The stone toppled, threw the boy to the ground and fell on him, fracturing his right leg and ankle. The little fellow was taken to Dr. J. J. Rob- ertson's office «where the injured limb was' X-rayed and the fractures set. He is doing well. BUILDING IN BELLEVILLE Residences and stores are includ- ed in the building permits issued at the City Hall, Belleville, during the past two months. The largest permit issued was to the Belleville Agricul- tural building estimated at $5000. Mr. Mark Sprague secured the sec- ond largest permit for alterations to a dwelling, 173 William street, estimated at $4000. bail 3 Made throughout in Canada, and sold everywhere on a fair one- price basis--$450 ' THE JOHNS PIANO STORE 80 Simcoe St. N. Phone 251 STRUCK SILENT POLICEMAN Au acclasnt pelell the shient po- liceman who stands at the' inter- section of W. Bridge and Coleman streets, Belleville. Silent he stood last night at midnight when a car driven by someone who had no re- gard for a silent policeman's life, crashed into him, hurling him over and utterly destroying him, so ut- terly that no attempt was made to reduce the many fractures. The re- mains were taken to a local cabinet maker's, who despairs of "its" fut- ure usefulness as guar@ian of the traffic. REBEKAH NO. 3 INSTALL OFFICERS D. D. P. Prout and Staff, of Bowmanville, Conduct Ceremony Quebec, July 28.--Hon. Ernest Lapointe former Minister - of Jus- tice, has sent the following message to Premier Meighen: "Re my telegram to the Prime Minister, dated July 24, concerning statements by A J. Doucet: "Canadian Press reports Mr. Dou- cet as stating now in the presence of the Prime Minister at his meetings that log-book of 8.8. Margaret indl- cates that one Mr. Lapointe and par- ty boarded ship at Quebec on that famous alleged trip. I went, there- fore, to Customs Deparfment. apd re- quested Acting Minister to secure his book so that I could see basis on which such calumny was sub- stantiated. He told me that log- book is on the ship. I state again that I never travelled on the S.S. Margaret. As an act of elementary fairness, 1 ask you to inetruct that sald log-book be sent to Quebec im- mediately, and that 1 should be au- thorized to ree it in the presenca of Customs upeuts or any other offi- cer. I am gendine this wire to Prime Minister and Acting Minisier of Customs. BOWMANVILLE GIRL™ PRESENTED AT COURT Bowmanville, July 29.--Miss Gwen Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Williams, Queen street, Bow- manville, was presented at Their Ma- jesties First Court of the Season, held at Buckingham Palace, London, Eng., on June 9th, 1926. Miss Williams has Mrs. Clarence Graff, Toronto), in London. Miss Williams is to be congrtulated upon attaining the highest social hon- our possible, not only for herself, but the town of Bowmanville. To be epresented at their Majesties Court "is the dream of debutants of the world. It is the "open sessame" into the highest social circles and to receive the introduction to Their Ma- jesties demands that one bas passed stringently the scruitny of Equerries and social secretaries of Their Ma jesties, assuring admission for only the elite. Bowmanville friends are glad that Gwen is becoming as popn- lar in far away England as she was cs is in her gld home town. been visiting (formerly Miss Paul Smihs, N.Y. July 28.--Ed- sel Ford, who had a long conference with President Coolidge on aviation, predicted today that there would be a "flying flivver" in the not far distant future, when production costs were reduced as fhe demand for air machines increased in the commercial air department of the United States. The plan of the Fords is to dominate the air as they have the automobile business, Mr, Ford told the President. J ----------------, FAST ANSWER, ANYWAY Irate Passenger (to bus driver) -- I say there, can't' you go any faster? Bus Driver--Of course I can, but you see I've got to stay with my bus. --Answers, London. Children Dimity Re biratione Ideal for the warm weather, V neck, drop seat, sizes 2 to 10 yrs. Prices 79¢ » * ¥ Children's : Fine Cotton Gowns Come in White or Pink, neck and sleeves neatly trimmed with lace. 2 to 10 yrs, 79 - 85¢c - $1.00 Children's Cotton Vests Strap or Short Sleeves. 2 to 14 yrs, 19¢ to 25¢ » Sizes : * =» Child's Fine Lisle Vests Strap over shoulder, a very fine quality vest, sizes 2 to 14 yrs. 35c to 55¢ ¥ .¥% =» Griffin Locknit Guaranteed Non-Ravel Rayon Bloomers These are the newest in bloom- ers and are beautifully made and are ravel proof. Come -in Nile Green, Peach, June Rose, and Pink. All sizes. Priced $2.25 F. T.Lamble OpporiunitylA is knocking b COATS 25 only Spring Coats, to clear, less than Has been a splendid success but and more days, Friday, July 30 and Saturday, July 31st To Take Advantage of This Sale Summer Dresses in Cotton Taffeta, Ryon Silk Voiles, Polka Dot Fugi Silk, to clear ........... erie dni esate Dur July Clearance SALE it cannot last forever there are only two "Is it hot enough. foryoul "Its hot, bitnot too hot for me to qo shopping for snportwear The Fair! The style shop of Distinction at $1.79 ~ . SUITS 12 Tweed Suits in sizes from 16 to 44, to clear less than HALF PRICE Our entire stock is specially priced. Come in and look around. "PRICE HALF "THE FAIR" 7 SOL S. DrkiiLED TRAPPER ToTND |» Peace River, Alta., July 28.--Un- able to travel after being injured hy a fall Herbert Porter, missing trap- per, crawled to his cabin in the wil- derness to rest and wait for his in- juries to heal. With only two days' a =. supplies oF Toot, "fie "was fortunate anough to kill a caribou as if pas- sed his cabin, aud lived on this or three weeks until help arrived. He is now being brought back to Fort Vermilion. I" REFORMER WANT ADS PAY JEDDO SCRANTON TEL. 262 For Quality and Service GENERAL MOTORS WOOD COAL DIXON'S _u.von to Loblaw's / Wi 22 living room a S YOUR I haven of comfort and charm? Does it make you prefer to stay in many even- ings to enjoy the comforts of your own home rather than those of vcr friends. Thi is a pret, ,ood test of ability as a home maker. A home in which kind of a home you want. here. shade mohair. 63 King St. E. \ = | LL His, | ar rr mse am Half Yearly Sale of Furniture T ake this Luxurious Suite into your Home the younger family are proud to entertain their friends, that is the In arranging a living room of exquisite taste you could Ind nothing better to start with tha nthis three piece (only two pieces illustrated) suite we show It is priced at only $159.00 The construction is of the best, deep spring construc- tion throughout, upholstered in fine quality walnut We invite you to come in and see this suite. LUKE FURNITURE. members of your Phone 79 July Friday's ARCADE Sale Specials patterns only made in one \d * 10 dozen of Red Border. Size 22 'x across centre. The regular price is 39¢. 11 x 11, yard square Table Oil Cloth, Pattern Cloth, Green, Tan, Blue, Grey or Red, rpund centre glazed. Reg. price $1.09. 20 dozen Real Pure Linen Hemmed Tea Towels, 10 dozen of heavy Twilled Linen, Blue lettered Linen and guaranteed fast color. Friday Limit of not more than 6 to one person. Phone 1000 Thos. Miller & Sons size, pebbled or Friday Size 21 x 30 inch, and 27 inch, absolutely Pure FOL TRE