FY ' WITH WHICH i8 INCORPORATED THE OSHAWA TELEGR ~~ AM . VOL. 55--NO. 87 Published af' Oshawa, Ont., Canada, Every Day Holidays Except Sundays and Legal H a OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY .14, 1926 Single Yearly Copies 3 Cents Subscription $5.07 » AT OTTAWA All Records of New Jersey Arsenals Have Been / Destroyed DEATH TOLL NOW 21 Property Loss $74,000,000--- Four Towns Practically Wived Out Paver, N.J., July 14.--Indications today were that the number of vic- tims of the explosion that destroyed Lake Denmark dtd Pleatr Arseén- als and worked lavoc in a dogen Now Jersey towns || wrpbably vill be known, The list of jtissing i "varied from hour to heur and a. Gen. Drum, in' charge of polleing:: the { area, has not at auy time been wil ling to make any positive statement! as to the numbers. All records at the Arsenals were destroved. The death toll stood at 21 today. Latest unofficia' statements placed property damage as high as $65. 000,000 for lake Lenmark Naval Ar- senal, $5,000,000 for Picatinny Ar- senal and $4,000,000 for civilians. Four towns were practically de- vastated. In Mount Hope, 107 cot- tages were wholly or partly destroy- ed. Wharton, Rockaway and Hi- bernia were three other towns that suffered the greatest damage. GENERAL MOTORS PIGNIC AUGUST 14 Drawing for Ch Chevrolet Car Will Be Open to All Employees General Motors annual picnic, to be held at 'Oshawa-on-the-Lake this year, "is to be the 'biggest cvent of the' kind ever 'ttaged at this popular summer- ing place." Thé date 'ims been set for August 14, and the attendance, 'it 1s expected, will run as high as 7.000 or 8000. A meeting was held yesterday _ for the purpose of making arrange- ments for the holding of the big event, and a strong' coinnuttee, with KR: Ster- ling, as chairman, was appointéd;, to "take charge of the details in connec- tion with the picnic. A feature of more than interest is the announcement of the drawing of a new Chevrolet sport touring car, open to all employees and members of their families. . The draw- ing is to be held, absolutely free, and no strings are to be attached, except- ting that the holders of tickets must be employees of General Motors or members of employe's families. The drawing will take place at the picnic grounds and keen interest will be tak- en in this event. The factory will be clesed all day on August 14. The committee in charge of ar- rangements is constituted as follows: Chairman--R. Sterling. Vice-Chairman---F.- Kemp. Sceretary--L. Connolly. Chairmen of, Committees :-- Sports~J. J. Kervin. Grounds--J. Hamilton. Transportation--Alex Bell, Softball--Norman Hall. Children A; - Stevens, ' Attendance Rid Publicity--C. Bx St: '11 George. £5 Prizes--I Bl Foster." "+ Spetial | Ktcactions- -N.' McLean." Refreshments--H. Edmondson. ordinary WESLEY SMALE 18 RELEASED ON BAIL Wesley Smale is at present out on bail having been charged in Police Court here, before Magistrate Willis with having received liquor illegally. Bail was fixed at $1000 and Smale will come up on Mohday next. When the police raided the home on Olive avenue where Smale and . some friends were, it is glleged that = a bottle sai' dto 'contain j liquor: was tipped over and the liquid allowed to run through a hole in the floer; As. the police searched in the cellar, one «of them felt liquid dropping on ,his head. A small qpantity was. caught an dstored in a bottle. MANY PERSONS PERISH IN FIRE Twelve Bodies Taken From Ruins of 'Kentucky Mountain Resort (By Canadian Press) Tannersville, N.Y. July 14.-- Twelve bodies had been recov- ered early this afternoon from the ruins of Twilight Inn, Catskill Mountain summer resort, which was burned to the ground shortly after 1 a.m. today. ' The bodies were so badly burned that identifi was imp Sixteen : guests and seven em- ployees of the hotel have not been ;accounted for. LARGE NUMBER OF CITIZENS AT FUNERAL Body of Michael W. Finigan Laid to Rest in Roman Cath- olic Cemetery The funeral of the iate Micliac! W. Finigan, held this morning from St. Gregory's Roman Catholic church was largely attended by men prom- inent im.the civic life of Oshawa, by a great many. of the older resi- dents of the city Who knew him in- timately in the early days of the town, and by. a host of friends and aéquaintances' Raguiem! High Mass was, sald by Revi Father Bench, the Parish Priest, 'following which | the cortege ' procééded to the Roman Catholic cemetery. The casket was banked high with beautiful floral offerings, and these together with the great number of spiritual offerings received indicat- od the degree of respect in which the late Mr. Finigan was held by a wide circle of friends. The' pall bear- ors were all old friends of the de- ceased, John B. Cummins, John Ro- binson, Wm. Brasley, T. J. Sheridan, Frank Reddin and E. A. Ponald. Coming to Oshawa when still a young man, the late Michael Fini- gan resided here for half a century, taking' a prominent part in the life of the community all that time. He was a 'veteran of the American Ci- vil "war, 'and was. for many years proprietor of .the American "Hotgl; King street. - He'was a keen sports- man, and was widely knpwn among the travelling public of the province. He was one of the founders of St, Gregory's Roman Catholic church, and one of its most loyal supporters. TWO MEN HANGED AT VANGOUVER FOR THE MURDER OF TWO WOMEN Vancouver, B.C., July 14.--Benito Pasquale, aged 50, a Porto Rican, and Alexander D. Bortoli, an Italian, were executed on the gallows at Oak- alla prison here this morning. Last minute cfforts to get sentences communited failed. their The men were senteniced to death for the murder of two women. Pasquale paid 'the dea'h penalty for the murder of Miss Ann Roedd on December 2, 1925. The girl was «a 5 8.3 member of the General Hospital nurs ing staff, and it was while visiting a triend that he committed the crime. The murder was most brutal, Pasquale slashing the nurse's throat and almost severing her head from her body. He also slashed his own throat, but-re- covered. De Bortoli was found guilty of stab- bing Miss Pearl Traversey following a quarrel in a cabin near Hogan's Valley, Vancouver, on Novembe- 26, last. - A} Ee § the 'Privy Council," Right Hon. Arthur Meighen; 4) Minister | of Agriculture, Hon. Dr. S. FE. Tolmie | British Columbia; = (5) Secretary of] State, Sir George Perley, Quebec; (0 Minister of National Defence, Hon. | Hug Guthrie, Ontario; (7); Minister | without portfolio, Hon. Donald Suther- | Ontario; (8): Minister of Arthur Meighen, prime, president -of minister, ahnoungetd his new ministry last night. Shown above are twelve of the ministers who were sworn in: (1) Ministeg- @hJustze, Hon. E. L. Patenaude., Quebec: (2) Minister of Customs, Hon! H. H. Stevens, British Columbia: (3) Prime Minister, secre- tary of state for external affairs and i land, Right Hon. Trade i} wasn jared. "while *Loncks slipped aniilis vight foot was HURT WHILE PLAYING AROUND TURN TABLE Gerald Lgucks Victim of Ac- cicent When Returning from Lindsay Monday Night While plavitig around a turntable at 'Manilla Junction on Menday even- ing: Gerald - Loucks, the twelve-year- old 'son bf Geatdechoneks, of Oshawa, The ilttle fellow! trad: accompanied his: father' tothe Lindsay celebration the 120k and ear i1lé "return trip, the train >was sudectracked , at Manilla, several vouths égan to play faround © the « ralwals ard, Young on caught between: tire tiwdtable and the congrete Two nurses fron Fast Whitby ren- dered first aid an don 'the train's ar rival at Port Perry, Dr. 'Archer rend- ered surgical assistance. The muscles of the leg were badly "bruised. ONTARIO PROVIDES SEVEN: MEN FOR NEW CABINET Hon. ) and Commerce, James D. Chap-; lin, Ontario; Minister portfolio, Sir Henry Drayton, Ontario; (10) Hon. Bennett, Alberta: (11) Postmaster- Genggal, Hon, Dr. R. J. Manion, On- tario: (12) Minister of Public Works, Hon. E. B. Ryckman, Ontario. Minister of Finance, R. B. "At Ottawa By Premier Hon. Mr. Bennett is Minister of Finance -- Hon. Mr, Pater naude, Minister of Justice -- Railways and Canals Port- folio. Goes to Hon. W. A. Black of Halifax--Hon. Mr. Guthrie, Minister of Naticfnal Defence -- Sir Henry Drayton Out Ottawd, July 14.--With five portfolios left vacant, : Premier Arthur 'Meighen' at 8 o'clock last night announced the Minidey with which he proposes to appeal to the Dominion electorate in Septem her . The following Ministers were sworn in at Government House at 7.30 last night by His Excellency the. Governor-General:. Prime Minister, Secretary of State for External Affairs, and President of the 'Privy Council--Right Hong Arthur Meighsn. ui A of State--Sir George Perley, Quebicg Minister of Finance--Hon. R. B. Bennett, Alberta. Minister of Justice--Hon. E. L. Patenaude; Quebec, , Minister ' of - National '#Defense~<Hon. 'Hugh Guthrie, Ontario, ; Minister of Customs--H. H. Stevens, British Columbia, Minister 'of Agriculture~--~Hon. Dr. S. F. Tolmie,: British Columbia. Minister of Railways and Canals--Hon. W. A. Black, Nova Scotia. Postmaster-General--Hon, Dr. R. J.' Manion, Ontario. Minister of Trade and Commerce' Hon. James D. Chaplin; Ontario. Minister 'of Public Works---Hon. E. B. Ryckman, Ontario. * Minister of Labor--Hon. George B. Jones, New Bruns- wick. Without portfolio -- Sir Henry Drayton, Hon. Donald Sutherland (South Oxford), Hon. Dr. Raymond Morand (East Essex), and Hon, John A. MacDonald (King's, P.E.l.). New Cabinet Is Announced: Mei ghen; ~~ ~oiFive "Portfolios Are Vacant Portfolios Left Vacant The portfolios left vacant for the present are: Interior; Mines and Indian Affairs; Marine and Fish- eries; Immigration and Colonization; Health and Soldiers' Civil Re-esta blishment, and the post of Solicitor Genegal. Three of these," according to official statement last night will be allotted to Quebec, and tw: are expected to be filled shortly. The portfolio of Interior, the statemen! says, will go to- Saskatchewan, Pending the filling "of the othe' portfolios, the follcwing have beer famed as Acting Ministers in charge' of those unfilled: Acting Minister o Marine and Fisheries, Hon. E. L Patehaude; Acting Minister of the Interior, Hon. R. B. Bennett; Healt! and Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment ] Acting Minister Hon. Dr. Morand Acting Minister of Immigration anc Colonization, Sir Henry Drayton, , Dr. J. L. Chabot, former Conser vative member for Ottawa, will he sworn to the Privy Council. During the absence of, Premie Meighen on the campaign, Sir. Hénry Drayton will be Acting Leader o' the Government. f Election Date No Given There was no announcement las' night of the date of the election, hn! the statement said that this would be made in a few days. If the date is to be in the second week of Sep- \tember, the date would have to be announced this week. Hon. Mr, Stevens, who is confined to the civic hospital. suffering rrom' the strain of the last six months, (Continued on page 3) 1 perate in. the The little fellow is now at his home | 123 Ritson Redd, and is under the | {care of Dr. Miller, of Oshawa. REDUCTIONS IN TIRE PRICES without | 14. Reductions in car and truck maximum of a- in a few cases. vesterday hy July motor to a dent. upon Toronto, the prices of tires, varying out 20 per were decided manufactuers. WEATHER Light to moderate winds, fine and warm today and Thursday. Toronto?" , there but I think he did. | WLn VED T0 ME RELATIVES WE Oshawa and | Uxbridge People Say Kenneth Ormiston May Be Cousin FAMILY MOVED TO US. Late Rev. Dr. Ormiston For- " merly Taught School Near Whitby : Some credence' is given the. report' here that 'Kenneth Ormiston, former radio operator at the Angelus Temple in Los Angeles, who isi wanted. in' con- nection with. the Aimee Seutple Mc- Pherson case. i¢ related to 'a promi- I Lneiit farilyy which' formerly resided i mn HifhyL i a mberseof that family now, | resid: wig in Oshawa and Uxbridge,' sthile met positive of thes fact, ate inclined i" helieve that Kenneth Ormiston is | a second cousin. They are of the | opinion that the man in all probabil itv 'is a grandson of their father's brothe?. Rev. Dr. William 'Ormiston, who was al one time a prominent New York Cleric and who for a 'time preached in St. James Sqware Church, on Gerrard street in Torowto and who prior to going to New York had a charge in Hamilton. Went To Passadena : Dr. Ormiston, owing to ill health was forced to abandon his New York - pulpit and go to Passadena." He, had two sons, oné of whom went With him This man, whose name was Willan Ormiston had three sons and 18 thouglit nrobable that Kenneth Oris: ton is 'one of these. i" For many vears Ontario Or tons have wot" heard of correspond dd' with" their American cousins! They suspect that the Ormiston mentioned iin" the Los Angeles affair is, a second cousin. Dr. Ormiston in Whitby . . Rev. Dr. Ormiston; 'whose grandson is thought to be Kenneth Ormiston, is remembered by the older sesidénté of Whithy where he visited, accoti- panied by his isons. when his beats, the late David Ormiston, was fiving. As a-voung man Dr. Ormiston, whosé death. occurred aver twenty: vears ago, taught school near. Whitby. Mrs. A. B. Ford, of Oshawa, datigh- ter of the late. David Ormiston, whén interviewed vesterday. thought it quite possible that Kenneth Orniiston was a second. cousin. ; k F - / "Rev. Dr. Ormiston. my. tincle, went to California accompanied by his son about whom we 'have never heard' very much," stated Mrs. Ford. "Did Dr. Ormiston ever preach in Mrs, Ford was asked. "I do not know that he had a charge He spoke seval times at the St. Jame's Square Church on Gerrard Street." 45 Years Ago Mrs. Ford pointed out that this was | abour 45 years ago. prior to Dr. Orm- 1 iston's leaving for New York where he was pastor of the Presbyterian church at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 29th street. f Dr. Ormiston's son, William, who is thought to be Kenneth Ormiston's father. was a frequent visitor at his Uncle David's home in Whitby, Since his marriage nothing much has been heard of him. save the 'fact that he was living in California and had thrée sons. > ¥ OF DYSART, SASK. (By Canadian Press) Calgary, Alta., July 14.-- Trapped in an automobile on fire-ringed section of the Banff --Windermere road, east of Kootenay crossing, two women and two children from Dysart, Sask,, were burned. to death late yesterday when their car burst into flames. The husbands of the two women were seriously burned in an attempted. rescue. The dead are: Mrs. Watt and' two children. Dvsart. . "Murs. Nesbit, Dysart. 'Injured: Mr. Watt, Mr Nesbitt, Dysart. ' Tt was reported at Take Win- dermere, where the injured were taken that Mes, Nesbitt: was a bride on her honeymoon tour with her hwshand. An ingiiest will be held, Taka : Windermere Aishivteubs said ! Wadnesday morning, ©. Witt and Nesbitt wore in ha hosnital and their, condition' was serious. Dysart, = HAUTAUQUA COMMITTEE MAKE ANNOUNCEMENT «Those interested in elean sport anc 300d entertainment will be glad tc know, that Chautanqua opens here mn' Friday at three o'clock in Alex inder Park with a fine musical pro~ gram. The committee is sure the antire program will he well receiv ad and requests all interested tt co sale of tickets. TWO WOMEN AND TWO CHILDREN PERISH IN FLAMES; WERE TRAPPED IN AN AUTOMOBILE TO EXAMINE WOMAN WHO. ATTACKED MUSSOLINI - (By Canadian Press) Rome, July 14.--Two phychiat- rists have been apointed committee to determine whether . Hon. Violet Gibson, who shot and woun ad Premier Mussolini on April 7,. was responsible for her act. It is thought defence counsel will plead insanity at her trial and ask confinement' for life in an asylum. Coming Events RR. RATES 8 Cents per word each indér. tion, Minimum charge for éach insertion, 35¢ each insertion. LAWN SOCIAL AT ST. GEORGE'S Church grounds, Athol St, Thurs- day, July 15, at 3 o'clock, 82a-8d LAWN PARTY AT THE home of Mrs. O. Bennett, .373 King St, west, Wednesday, July 14th, at 3 p.m., auspices Sun- shine Rebekah Lodge. Held in house if weather is unfavorable. S4c CHAUTAUQUA --BIGGEST EVENT of season. Best talent obtainable. Coming Friday. Season ticket: pay. Get yours and boost, EUCHRE