Oshawa Daily Reformer, 13 Jul 1926, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA' DALY REFORMER. TUESDAY, JULY 13 1926 3 Ee ------ ---- AAO AAA YA 2 FAME a0] PAGE SEVEN ol hese "Small + Ads" are i 0 and speedy Yorkers Read them! Use them! i § > If you don' t find what you' re 1 id sw ETRE for here F fda Fara any. _psk for it jn these columns - - - Lid k A] bud ud Then just watch the result! Biéjicle Rey boot CONANT & BARRISTES 8 Solicitors, Ni lig Big ir Jovancing Pog Jenteal cag St tice of Taw, Phy Ph Li 3 nan s.A, LLB, & 4 J i fe ~ 88- f-- Lhd oh T 'W. EB. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building. 116-1 yr. J P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- ir) paolisttor, Notary Public, Con- cer. Money to loan. Office 2 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone Residence phone 837 WRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Ife, et¢é. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance, Simcoe St.; Phone 1% J, i 'Griesgdn, B.A., T. K. Creighton, a, 2 SWANSON, GERMAN & MAC- kenzle, -. Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary Publie, etc. All Branches of Criminal and Civil Law. Money to loan. Office orer Lamble's store, 2 King St. Bast. - Phone 940. "D. A. J. Swanson, H. N. German, P, G. Mackenzie, H. BE. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 41% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Phones: Office, 210; residence 160. A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER 50. licitor, Notary Public, Conveya money to loan. Disney Bldg., 0 Post Office. Prones, office 1614; resi- dence, 1106]. Fiat: GR Lhe 62-tf LOUIS 8, = 1 BARRISTER, Solecitor, Conve r, Notary Pub- c. Mortgage Joans. 'Offides 4-6, radley Block, 2914 Simcoe South. Phone 67. Residence 1170. 156tf BURTON'S 'BICYCLE SHOP, 21 "rince street, New C.C.M. Ivanhoe Zieycles (ind second hand bicycles, | Repair work of all kinds. Phone 1624, 226 1mo BICYCL® REPAIRING -- ALL kinds of rebuilt and new bicycles, new 'and 'used accessories at half price. Workmanship guaranteed. Prompt service. illiams Bicycle Shop, Athol street. west. 28-tf Storage FURNITURR STORAGE--_LOW IN- surance rate A. F. McCulloch, 37 Ritson Rd. N. Phone 1002W aad T. 77-tf Architects .STENHOUSB, -- GENERAL CC architectural work. Arcade Bldg. Phone 1496, Phone 902J. Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ers--bouse cleaning, woodwork and floors polished; screens and storm windows put on snd removed. Phone 1302W. tf Res. Second floor, Aric For Sale as mh CRUSHED STONE, CHIPS FOR driveways $4.75.per load. Phone 660. Waterous Supply, Co. 81tf For Rerit TO RENT I" FORNISHED 'BED: 1" room, all conveniences, 36 Division St. Phone 151. (86-¢). FOR SALE--MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Pianos, high grade only. Terms arranged. llsed pianos on hand. C. Trull. Phone 6537. gett ROOFING, DOORS, * HARDWOOD flooring, plaster, Gyproe, Rocboard sheathing. Waterous Supply oe FOR SALE -- CEMENT BRICKS, grey and red, also cement blocks. R. Duizendstra, A465 Albany St. south, Oshawa. (7-t1) FOR SALE LADIES LONG spring coat, silk lined, nearly new, $5; also black satin dress, only been worn once, $6. 394 Mary St. : (86-a). MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD glabs, $3.75 per load, absolutely dry. Also bone dry bodywood. Wa- terous Supply Co. (str) AWNINGS, TENTS, WATERPROOF goods. H. & M. Trew, 232 Mary st. Phone 197. (6otf) SMALL "HOUSE FOR RENT--- Close to General Motors. $8 per month with conveniences. - Apply 250 Alice street. 86-¢ STORE TO RENT--NO:. 9 SIMCOE St, South. Previously occupied by Brass. Excellent location. Immediate possession, . Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa. 14tt STORE TO RENT--AT 15 PRINCE St. + $25 per month. Phone 188. i 40t TO LET -- SEMI FURNISHED Apartment. Apply Bradley Bros, Room 7, over Ward's Store. 75¢f TO RENT--SIX ROOMED BRICK house. All convenienées. Newly dec- orated. Garage. 206 Albert St. Ap- ply 131 Albert St. . 81f ROOM TO RENT.AT 74 KENNETH Ave., suitable for two men. All con- veniences. Phone 1395W, S4c TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, all conveniences, gas and phone, Apply 292 Haig St. 84c Building Supplies" WE HAVE ROUGH AND LRKSSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. ®. .L. Beecrof., Whitby, Lumber and Woodyard, ©sh- 'awa phe 824. 69-tt i: A SYKES #0 AFTON ST. WEST, umber, -lath, shingles, doors, sash, beaverboard, Gyproc Seamen Kent hardwood floorfhg. 6-1mo Medical Transportation DR. 'McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geéon, Accoucher.' Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria Bt., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Spécial references to diseases of infants and children. Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. COLEMAN'S CARTAGE -- PHONE 82. 85 Bond West. Let us haul it for you. 38 trucks. 22-tt P, SMITH TRANSPORTATION CO., Simcoe St. S. Phone 346W. 242 Front St. E. Toronto. Phone Mam 7637. Superior 'I'ransportation Ser- vice. . 42-tf DR. A. 'F. MACKAY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Office. and residence 268 King East... Office hours: 2-4 p.m., 7-9 % DR. | Physician 8 tention given to X-ray work and Blectro-Theopy. Office, ».D 3 Block. " Phone' 2050 Ie Ng eey Ofiopathy his OSTEOPATHY DR. AM. HEIST, Osteopathic Physician. Acute and eronic diseases treated in adults and ildren 1iFdatstrouhles corvecteds s; 4 Centre St. Phone 1693. (B3t£) Dental DR. S. ¥§ PHILLIPS, "PRNTIST, OF- fice over Royal Bank. Phone 959: Residence 306. hp ge 4-1 yr. DR. H. M. QOOKB, 8 'SIMCOE SF. Shonen | Stor | fmorth, over Phone 5% ~ Gas for extraction. DR. L. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice So Bank Bldg. Phone 948; 35-tf residence, 1378M. RE- DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE gent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780 Res. 669. 56-tf DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE Block, 107 Simcoe St. S. X-ray, gas extraction. Telephone 504. Res. 1114W, 124-tf DR. J. R. PORTER, DENTIST, 3 King East. Disney Block. Opposite 'Post Office. Phone 2065. 222tf Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 106 BLOOR Street 'West, Toronto, will he at 'his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till .4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose .and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. an-tf Insurance DAVIS & SON, King St. West, Oshawa. Fire Agency in Oshawa. able Fire Companies. a INSURANCE, 19 The oldest 30 Reput- 118-tf Tire Repairing - \ ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tiré Repair Shop, 14 Church . Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros: Signs H. R. COULDERY, ARTISTIC DE- corating. Signs on paper, wood cot- ton, brick; show cards, price tickets : every description, Disney Block, 'Oshawa. Phone 1550. | Veterinary Susgeon- 5s DICKENSON, V.§., DISEASES estic animald scientifically an «drinary, 195]. iB 84 Brock Sr. Phone' J. SHIRLEY, --+ VETBRINARY eon, specialist diseases dom- ec animals. Cat and dog hospital. |} 5 years experience. 74 King west. ne : (tt) Watch Repairing ¥. A. Von GUNTEN, BXPERT Swiss watchmaker, formerly repair- man for Joe Horwich, announces to his friends and the general public that he has opened 'a repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. 29-tf mT i :EWO00D, |} Hib spectal' at- 229-1m | smition 36vernthent Vet: |! 131-tf 44 BORROWDALE'S CARTAGE, LO- cal and Long Distance. "When thinking of moving think of us." i241 Ritson Rd. South. Phone 1618, : '. 841m Work Wanted ROBT. "GUTSOLE, ' PAINTING, paperhangifig, graining, etc. . Phone 289112 or 2067w. 67-1m DURRANT MACHINE CO.--~WE DO all kinds of machinery repairing. Bicelgtor starter 'Ping: gears' install ed. connecting rods. ,re- "babbited, down geftrs (6r piniong supplied for all makes of cars, PHohd 519! 2s "89-1. PAINTING AND DECORATING AND all kinds of repairs done, 68 Church J one 1064M. °° 30-1 mo BENJAMIN "W. { HAYNES, CON- tracioy, General woed worker, Cab- inets,. chine floor sanding, hard- wood floors," verandah screens, door and window screens, verandah box- es, ' window boxes, flower stands, Anything in the wood working line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Factory and Office, 161 King West. Phone 481, residence Osh- awa, Ont, tf Lost and Found FOUND--FOUNTAIN PEN, OWN- er may have same by proving prop- erty and paying for this advertise- ment, Enquire Reformer Office. 84c St. 180r2, Auto Painting 0. G. REYNOLDS, 38 BLOOR ST. East. Phone £98. Auto painting and simonizing. Work guaranteed. Be- fore painting get our prices. Wanted to Buy WANTED TO PURGHASE-- SEC- ond hand hay rack; mugt be cheap And in good condition, Phone 416r13. 83¢c MR, S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals, I am pay- ing for scrap batteries $1 and$1.50. Buying old cars. Phone 764. 155tf, Live Stock for Sale | bieycle, 161 King St., W.| "* FOR SALE -- CONCRETE BLOCKS brick tile, sewer pipe for culverts, a.d road crossings. Concrete plant, North Oshawa. J. W. McCutcheon, 166 Atholxstreet cast, phone Siew, : ews Wry Lg it REFRIGERATOR FOR SALF---AP- ply 18% Simcoe south, or phone 1236W. Sic 2 NICELY FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping roomS, gas range. on separate meter; very central; im- mediate possession. 22 Bruce St. 84c AT 144 water an HOUSE Church St., 6 lights, $2& per Apply 6 Ritson Ra." N. (86-c). RENT rcoms, month. FOR cisco Bay. L.the BOY 'AND DOG' pA sTee: San, Wranchop, '3 July: 33.~A 15 year old boy dnd his pet dog fought for their Hves when attacked by a shark while swimming én San Lean- dro Bay, a tributary of San Fran- The lad suffered serious lacerations of the legs and right hand and the dog was severely bit- ten. : It was the first recorded instance of a shark attacking a person in this coastal or bay region. From the hay's description of the fish, it was believed to have been a shark of ""tger" variety. The boy, Norman Peixotto, and the Cog had not been in the water long when the eshark, estimated to have been five feet in length, hurl- cd itsgif at the dog. The animal, badly bitten, started for shqre and the shark then attacked the boy. His screams , attracted other lads on the beach and they put out in a boat. Young Peixotto twice was pulled beneath the surface befare he fought his way go shallow water and was pulled into the boat. Sur- geons said he will recover, The Attorney-General added, that dancing on Sundays, just like play- ing a piano, was perfectly legitimate and could not be interpreted as a nuisanee, If jazz was really born in New Orleans, as Paul Whiteman is cre- dited with saying, let's all blush at once for our baby. -- New Orleans Times Picayupe, FOR SALE--QUANTITY OF MIXED hey standing. Apply Murray Green- tree, Phone 1404W or 1649 r 23. BOY'S VIOLIN AND CASE IN Al condition for sale. Phone 53J or.ap- ply 193 Verdun Rd. 84c ed FOR SALE--9 PIECE WALNUT Dining Room Suite, almost new $75. Two in one kitchen stove with water front $15. Brass bed * spring and mattress $8. Fumed oak drop head sewing machine $20. Apply Tues- day or Wednesday 45 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 85¢ HEY DONSHORE PARK --WHIT- by. CR cottage to rent. Dr. Chas. McGillivray. 85e Music SAMUEL COLLIS, TEACHER OF violin. Studio, 34 Fairbanks street. Appointments Phone 2127W 124-tf ARTHUR W. LYNDE (HAMBOJYRG Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of singing. Pupils prepared for "all examinations, also church, concert, opera. Studio, 17 Simcoe south, Oshawa, Mondays. 23: (72tf) FOR SALE -- HOUSEHOLD FUR- niture, alse "saxaphone, $75; boy's $25; 1922 special Chevro- looks and runs like new, leaving for States. (86-¢). let sedan, $450. Owner Apply 66 First Ave. Real Estate For Sale SIX ROOMS AND electric range, 5 Small cash pay- Apply owner, Box 86e RU G BRICK -- complete" bathroom, minutes from. G.M.C. mbt wil lseture. "8S", Reformer, OR RENT--7 ROOMED house, all conveniences Westmoreland Ave, brick vencer 70 Albert street. (84-1) and gary 50 Apply J. Bowe ell, BUILT 2 aD | HOUSE. years. ree piece bath, furnace, doublé cellar, square plan. Cheap. Phone 450M. 212 Gibbs St. 851 SALE ON Buckingham (77-mo) ROOMED COM- FOR SALE SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR Apply 112 SMALL lot 30 x 113. avenue. $4,200 TAKES SIX mission house. $900 cash. (Less than equity). Newly decorated. Act quick- ly. Leaving city. 331 Arthur street. 72-ti FOR SALE -- ONE and orchard. of city. Colborne (58-1. mo) REAL ESTATE or more acres, good soil About 1% miles from centre Apply W. J. Holland, 15 east. Phone 372. FOR SALE--THREE ROOM HOME. Light and water. Close to Motors. Lot 37 x 110. Price right for quick sale. Apply 294 Jarvis street 75-tf :" Undertaking LUKE ey CO., 67 KING ST. east, ,Agfbulance;" ™ Resgdence ) 19 Division; St) 69 Kg St. east. Phone 210055 3 | Money, 'to Lot: B RADEEY B RE on Figs Mortgagbs. Building Loans a Spe ity. Pigg of repayment to suit thé! Borrow Our services are free. Do fét hesitate to consult. Room 7, Bradley. Black, Phone 169. 76tf MONEY T0 LOAN ON CENTRAL residential' firoperty. No commission charged. uis §. Hyman, Barrister, 29% Simede. South. 72-tf 6% PER GENT. ON | FIKST MORT- gages on. residential and farm prop- erty. ~ L. of hance, Disney Building, Phones {15 and goin (71th) ON RE- MONEY TO LOAN--6 1%; sidential and farm property. A. J. Parkhill, Disney Bldg., opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. 73tf Help Wanted PERMANENT POSITION OFFER- ed to responsible person capable of taking complete charge of hoisery and lingerie store in Oshawa. Must have thorough knowledge of above lines. Applications strictly confidential. Ap- ply Sah Specialty Shops, 514 Dundas St. «. Jaronto. ' § 84-¢ 6% PER CENT situate Wanted to Rent WANTED--BY YOUNG COUPLE, two or three unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. Ap: ply Box "D" Reformer, 5h id WANTED TO RENT BY SEPT. 1ST, Be six or seven roomed house, north of Kingston Rd. Apply Box "W" Re former. Avtomobiles F For Sale | FOR SALE CHEVROLET TOUR- | ing car, $100. Apply 173 Monk St. | any evening after six o'clock. 84c ----- 1 MOTOR- | sale, or will | at any time to (86-¢) | | HARLEY DAVIDSON cycle with side car for sell separate. Apply 131 Huron St. FOR SALE--McLAUGHLIN 1917, D-45 model, winter top in, good condition, in good running or- | der. Good tires. Apply Box "X" Ie, former. 8dr Farm For Sele SALESLADY TO SECURE OR- ders for the popular Pointed Heol Hosiery. Free sample stocki agents who make good. No need "apply. We want only women who will appreciate steady cin- ployment paving highest commission and monthly bonus. Porter-Hosiery, | One Bloor St. East. Toronto. Roa | FARM OF ABOUT (formerly the property of Joseph Greentree) situated one mile and a half east of Oshawa, con- sisting of about 25 agres of first class soil, suitable for gardening, balance first class pasture land with running water and shade; plum and cherry or- | chard, also currants, gooseberries and raspberries of good quality. There is don this place a large frame house and a medium size barn with | first class cement stables underneath, also large pig pen and hen house. This place is well fenced, in firsi class condition and practically clean. Apply on premises. 86-¢ sineere 33 SMALL : the acre late and one which this season. | Robinlood | 1y eed be { who is from St. CAR, |, KINDS OF GARMENTS "BUYERS ARE SEEKING New York, July 12.--In his gpecial market report, covering the buying activities of retailers recent ly, Aiufred Fantl, resident buyer, said: "With the advent of warmer weather, the cost of white flannel, lined or unlined, is enjoying much popularity. Tailored coatings of novelty weaves in white sunni and June rose are wanted to retail for $25. Very few calls for the george- gette coat have been received, How- ¢ver, a demand for this item is an- ticipated later. "Anoutstanding feature promises to enjoy considerable popularity, is the re- versible fur-lined coat, which is smartly tailored in effect and free from the bulkiness which sometime: characterizes garments of this type. Buyers who have thu: far come to the market to secure a few advance numbers for early shbwing are ver enthusiastic in their endsrsement of these models andspredict an increas- ed vogue for the fur-lined coat as the season advances. Particularly effective a reversible chat of chamois-colored duvanna, lined with sea dog in the brown and beige tones. The same i carried out in a coat of ina a lining of sea dog in black and gr. shades. "The suede-like are much exploited in the ™ dressy coats. Broadcloth is mentioned as a promising medium in the higher- priced models, and the favor ac- corded velvet in millinery and dres- for Fall, is with ay finish fabrics a wi gi Plan ood Used Car - det you farther -quicker. Ask SALES ABOUT THE y As You ONTARIO MOTOR Cood cars priced so low that $25 will pay the cash pay- ment and cover it with in- surance. ges finds expression in coats as well, The straight-line slightly wrapped types hold the centre of interest Both the flat and 1ong | furs are lavishly used on coats for Fall, tmong which are | noted korova (pony), pointed fox, | squirrel in dyed and natural shades, ringtail and krimmer. Fall models | tre "noted in the fashionable Indian Summer shades, emphasizing par- ticularly the browns with a ruddy ast. The darker greens Werme and the flattering ! haired Over GL year under way. Oshawa. DOES THIS LOOK ? half million dollars con- struction to date in Oshawa this Invest now in J. C. YOUNG 42 Prince 'St. Phones, 793; Res., 909J. Insurance of all Kinds. )K LIKE | tones are expected to registers trong- i for the ¢dming setson. CANADIAN DOCTOR WINS HONOR Stratiord, July 13.--An who, received diplomas of Felloy the Council of the Royal Coll ong tho p from | ot | RAILWAY TIME TABLES Surgeons. of England recently, was a Canadian," D. W. G. Murray, M.B Toront cand London Dr. Murray, Paul's Station, Perth! was grad 'd from the | Toronto in 192 County, Ont., University of BARGAINS north end, down, bal- - 3 room house in $1,200. Only $100 ance to suit. New brick house, ali evnven- iences, only $2,70v. Terms very easy, brick house, conven- fences, very central. Only $3.- 600. Small cash payment will secure this money. Money to Loan and Bricks for sale. L. V. DISNEY Assoc. 6 room Salesmen: Prudence R. M, Kelly Post Office, Phone 1550 WW. G. Opp. Bring Your Films, to THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE To be Develofed and Printed Films "it by#0 a.m. finished by od ...@HON 6 p.m. ES: 22-265 "Help Wanted--Female ALSO Cordon, 63-tf SALE 45 x 120. LOT FOR Apply Mr. Li§ shazk '13 .'x 13. 554 Oxford St. VALLEY FARM--65 ACRES---FOR sale. 'Good stock and poultry farm. ft has a never failing spring creek. A stone house and bank barn. Imple- ment shed, hen house, hog pens and feed room combined. School ep- posite farm. 1% miles east of Osh- 'awa on base line road. Apply Miss Mary E. Farewell, R. R, No. 4, Osh- awa. 81h a FOR SALE--HOUND PUPS, 11 SIM- ~oe North. REFORMER WANT ADS PAY WOMAN WANTED 'NOT UNDER 25, for nursemaid and light house duties, Apply 627 Simcoe sofith. Phone 425F, sat CAPABLE WOMAN OR GARY, FOR housework. Apply 24 Caffinsugin St. 86-a DR. L. J. 8 ERT, 86 BLOOR ST. West, Toropato, will be at Jury and Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11/ a.m, to 4 p.m. for consul- tation i/n diseases of the eve. 12-1 vr. $3,500--7 room bungalogv, "a bargain for quick sale. conveniences, hardy; oo floors, Eon Rent-mNew J# ik store and fixtures suitable for grocery and butcher business, splendid loca- tion, going concern. Splendid rug brick for sale. See our samples and get our prices before buying. 35) King E. LYLE i FIRE & AUTO INSURANCE Alger Block LOANS - ee & Son fe an. onto, . daily, (Revised to May 2) C.N.R. TIME TABLE Going West m aily, I ly, from ad LDetrojt. trom : Montrexl to, "Poronto, from Ottawa to Montreal to 'Foronto. Hamil- Montreal to ABetroit daily except Sunday, ronto. daily except Sunday, 'Sunday only, from from *Delle- "Brock- from from Montreal to Détroit Belleville 10 n. daily except Sunday, from Ottawa 7.2; fo1 Ton to, pan. 141 p.m S. a.m, daily except Sunday, from Mont- Na. real to Totonto, Going East . daily, daily » Montreal. am ds ily, 2 po Sunday 'only, » Brockville. 4 p.m. 9.42 p.m. 1.07 'p.m, daily, 1.59 p.m. daily, from Detroit tc 11.59 train engers daily except Sunday, to Delleville. daily' from Toronto to from Toronto to Montreal. except stops only and beyond. from Toronto Sunday, from from Chicago to Moi daily except' Sunday from to to Ottawa. 1.28 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Toron- for C.P.R. Going ' East laily, frc 1. daily except 11:10 p. m. daily from Ha 5.45 am. daily 'except Sunday, Sunday, to. Ottawa. from Tor- Toronto to eal. 'oron- from Torouto Montreal. > Montreal. Montreal pas- om Chicago to Montreal. . daily from Chicago to Montreal. from Toronto ay, from Toronto milton to Montreal. Going West daily from Montreal to Hamilton, 6.23 wm. daily from Montreal to Chicago. from Trenton p.m. daily from Montreal to Chic ago. 05 pm, to Toronto, daily except Sunday, from Ottawa General leather goods, trunks, bags and valises. '19 BOND ST.WEST MAILS CLOSE THE Disney Funeral Service New Location 302 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 1082 Day or Night ~--For Mails Close --Going east by C.N.R. e and vicinity, 9.0 pom.- Whitby, Raglan, Columbus, Taunton, Toronto and points west. Ports#ope and Blackwater Jet., and Bowmanville. Toronto and west, New York and tes, All going west. ' Going cast and west, BUT hte 4 BiMourE © - Lid as FT GE ELLA, PON! X8, CAN ss o Siror het To SNORT TCR ff ol Dont GET T° SMART QO Tut ! MepE FURTHER MORE: ~-- -- ca VAR, IMGOING TO B BROTLER TO NCL WE JUST HEAPS! Salley sion Rau : ago fone EA ny a ~~ | Se Td ee dp EEE LEAT Nate Dena FEROS i FS U--~ AnD FURTHER AMOR, YOU BEAR LATLE FELLOW, | EA BiG = RE GOING TO WAVE REAPS CF FUN TOGETHER ~~ | WE LL 3 WETHER! |

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