"Suburban ard District News 0 Gathered By Rerormer Staff Reportsrs and Correspondents nville, July 8--Mr. 8. Nob- Mn Ady Miss Inez Hurlbert of Osh : awa, were holiday visitors with Mrs. F. C. Palmer. . , Miss Evelyne Arkwright is home 0 or the summer vacation with her rents, Mr, and Mrs. Arkwright, Waverly Farm, +. Mr. and" Mrs. John Wood of Pres- i cot ,were holiday visitors with their . daughter, Mrs. S. G. Chartran. '.. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Heighton spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Veneer, at Burnt River. Mr. Harold McClellan of Buffalo, was a Saturday visitor with his par- 'ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McClellan. Book Room, Toronto, and formerly Pearl Cale of the Belleville Hospita BURIED AT BOWMANYVILLE Bowmanville, July 9. -- The remai.s of Cornelius Osborne, who passed away in Toronto on Sat brought here Monday for interment in the family plot in wmanville Cemetery. Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Trinity Church, of which deceased was for many years a member and faithful attendant, conducted the ser- vice at the grave. Among those who accompanied the remains here were: Miss Eva Osborne, New York; and Mr. Edgar J, Osborne, Misses Violet and 'Bertha Osborne," Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Wright, son Kenneth ang daugh-| 5 ter Marjory, Mrs. Wright, sr, Mr. Mr. James Gale of the armen ie : of Bowmanville, was renewing old acquaintances week-end. Mr .and Mrs R. M. Cale, Miss Hall and Mrs. Clarence Hall motored to rig EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ' What is more important to happiness and success than effi- éiént vision. Don't neglect your oes. %s 1516--Phone--1516 MMeney Block - Opposite Post Office in town over the Chester, Scarboro, and Mr. of Brooklin on Thursday afternoon of last week. ed his mother, over Sunday. awa, and Mrs. Albert Barnes, of Mon- Kenneth W. Wright, Sorento} Miss C. Miller, Toronto. RAGLAN Several from here went to Colum- bus Monday evening to witness the ball game between Brooklin and Col- umbus, the score being in favour of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson are visiting their daughter at Los Angeles, California. A number from here attended the funeral of the late 'Mrs. Thos. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sqvelch and Mrs. George Squelch, of Buffalo; visit- g Togo hi Mrs. Wd Squelch, Milton Hodgson and family, of Osh- a -_-- Transmission Line. POWER OFF There will be an interruption to Power service Sunday, July 11th, 1926, from 6.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m., Daylight' Saving Time, for the purpose of replacing defective insulators on Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontafio . Local Manager. Se ------ yw GENERAL MOTORS WOOD =m COAL 2 DIXON'S u5.. Belleville. on Tuesday to visit Miss of the late Mrs. Jane Worden, widow ay: were treal, .yisited relatives i the vicinity this week. The Foresters are holding their an- nual picnic a Pine Point on Satur- | day, Jul Harold. Jo on. wife and daugh- ter, of Detroit, visited at W. Hodg- son's one day last week At time of writing Jonathan Bray is under the doctor's care. We wish him a speedy recovery. Messrs. Emmerson Platter and Earl Wallace, of Port Perry, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. J. H. Platters. Mrs. Russell Davidson went under an operation for appendicitis in the Oshawa Hospital on Monday evenin Jack Stanton of Toronto visited his mother here this week. Mr. Gordon Hodgson, of Toronto, spent Sunday at Wm. Brent's. We extend a hearty welcome to our flew pastor, Rev. Mr, Swayne, in our community. PRESENTATION AT WHITBY . Whitby, July 9 -- Mr. John Hislop, who for thirty-six years has' been a trusted * employee of the Ontario Ladies' Col- his daughter for China, was made the recipient of a presentation re- cently just before relinquishing his duties. A number of the students the College, to- staff who were still at gether with members of th and the faculty, met for a social hour with Mr. Hislop, and after ex- pressing their appreciation of his long years of service to the College, presented him with a real leather club bag as a tangible expression of their esteem and goodwill. Mr. His- lop and his daughter, Miss Amy, will be in town for a couple of months before leaving for China. L O. O. F, OFFICERS ARE INSTAL- LED AT WHITBY Whitby, July 9--On Tuesday even- ing Br. G. Bunker and staff of offi- cers visited Eastern Lodge 1.0.0.F., and installed the officers for the en- suing year. Good reports of district lodges were presented, and speeches wers made by P.D.D.G. Masters Boddy, of Oshawa, and Noble of Whitby. OM- cers installed were: 1.P.G.--J. Wilson. 'N.G.--H. Burdge. V. G.--J. Anderson. Rec. Sec.--Geo. Mowat, Fin. S8ec.--J. Rowe. Treas.--R. McMillan, Warden--R. B. Finlay. Con.--R. Pryce, I. G.--G. Kerr. . G.--J. Noble. .G--R. Hoar, .G.--R. Mowat. .G.--B. O'Dell. .G.--J. W. Wilson. Sg. Toms, Sr, L.8.S. ~--D. McLean. After the installation a banquet was held and a most enjoyable even- ing spent by all, SUCCESSFUL IN- HIGH SCHOOL EXAMS List of Those Who Made Highest Marks in Bowmanville Bowmanville, July 9. -- The follow- ing are the results of the High School lege, and who is leaving shortly with |. ryn Eber, George Gaiites, Robert/Hen- | Da: dry, Roy Jones, Maretts Law, Heélen Lycett, Audrey McGuire, Chatles Pdr. nell, Evelyn. Rickard, Margaret Simp- son, Geftrude Walkey, Kenpeth Wil- son, Douglas Wright. , Howard Abbot, Annie Bell, Joé Brad Sum, Lloyd Beacock, Murra Bryce, Marwood Dickey, * Donald ero; Pauline Ferguson, Genevieve Fergu- son, honors; Mary Henry, Alice John- ston, Della . Lathangue, Thomas' Ma- haffy, Ross McKnight, George McCut- cheon, honors; Xone McLaughlin, Lela Mountjoy, vigle: et Pacey, Ross Philp, honors; Oliv Suit, Dorothy Stephens. . Margaret Allen, Bessie Bairstow, Norman Brutton,. Vivian Butler, Hub- ert Cobbledick, Hazel Cowan, Helen on, honors ;. Hii: Elliott, erald iske, Ria Haw, Eva Hughe honors; Luli Ly- cett, Marguerite Millson, Dorothy. Mc- Mullen, honors; Lula Bayne, Victor | Pahsey, Hazel Reid, Charles Robbins, Eric' Russell, Lulu Samons, Grace Sav- ery, Wilfrid Sherwin, Dorothy Souch, 'Helen Stone, Pearl Stone, Westol Stringer, John Swarbrick, Annie Yeo. Janetyille Annie Bernstein, Gladys Barnstable, 'Royden Henry, Bessie' Howe, 'Isabel McKenzie, honors; Laura McGill, Grace _ McMahon, Howard Stinson, honors: Ivy Shaw, Beryl Stacey, Nor- ma Stacey, honors. To secure pass standing, a candidate was required to obtain 40'per cent. nn each'paper and 60 per cent. on the ag- gregate marks, while for honor stand- Darlington, Hazel' Darlington; William' ing 75 per cent. was¢ necessary. Marks of those whe failed, and certificates, will be forwarded by mail in a few days. ------------ WHITBY TEAM WINS Pickering, July 9--A snappy game of baseball took place on Mon- day: evening in the park between the town . team and the Whitby Tuxis' Boys, in which the visitors wefe the victors. A good deal of good-natured badinage passed be- tween the teams much to the de- Hght.of the spectators. The resulting score 'was 10-5. De. Cartwright ably filled the position of umpire. | "The second half of the year has begun, .buy. recollpotions of the chilliness. of the first-half makes us hope for a long and warm summer and winter, ~--Galt - Reporter. Samuel Schwartz Saturday and onday JULY 10=-12.f) To t Vici dhe ie Ladies of Oshawa and. nity. . COME AND SEE OUR BIG STOCK of DRESSES Fugi silks, cotton crepes, Jersey dresses, silk dresses and can- ton crepe dresses, large and small. Every dress in this store goes al half price. We have a very large stock of felt hats, just' receiv- ed this morning. Price $3.95 Ladies Underwear, Vests or Bloomers each garment 35c¢ Schwartz Barcain Store 152 Simcoe St. South BAIRD BLOCK ood "eat Clark's Pork & Beans with their on Sou Satice are really goed. Yours, und old alikerelish this nourishing, strengthening dish CLARK'S Pork.Beans Y neat and serve; and money, Sold everywhere W. CLARK Limited, Montreal 006 4 ns Shur-on Glasses A VIRTUE OF NECESSITY Waesan eye strain obliges you to wear glasses for the protection of your eyes-- let us help you obtain all the gratifications possible from the necessity by fitting you with glasses which are becoming. § We prepare the lenses and then design, the glasses so that they conform to your style and express rather then obscure your personality, [J The present stock of hats consists. of sev- éral real values, one of them is the white hats which we are going to clear ad $3.95 We will also place on sale another line of hats at $2.95 Ladies Silk Stockings all colors and sizes, are regular 79c, to go at we >" 45c JURY & LOVELL Eyesight Specialists Phone 28 or 29 GOOD GLASSES PAY THE New Location 302 Simeoe St. 8. Phone 1082 Day or Night BALE'S SHOE STORE SIMCOE STREET SOUTH - MID - SUMMER SALE Verandah Chairs and Rockers, Refrigerators, Garden Seats, Camp Chairs and Hammo Couches, at greatly reduced prices. Garden Bench This is an all hardwood bench, well finished and of strong = con- struction. i Regular $2.15 Midsummer Sale Price .. » » » Miduunmer Sale of Refrigerators Our regular. $22.50 leader, a perfect working réftigerator made of selected hardwogd and properly insulated, lined . ! . ith galvanized steel, white enamelled. Mid-summer Sale Prices on" Wg Midvamner Sale Price .. $19.95 ~~ Golf Clubs. Reduced prices on every, refrigerator in All imported heads. 'Mid Irons, Jiggers, | stock. Mashie, Putters, Mashie-niblick ahd : Gooseneck Putter. Regular Price $5.50 Mid-summer Sale Price ... $3.59 Golf Bags .. .. $3.50 and $4.50 ° : i entrance examinations: Allin, Beatrice; Allin, Ruth, honors; Ashton, John; Bell, Jean, honors; Bellman, Bernice : Bennett, Florence, . honors; Bente, Lawrence; Bickle, Gorden, honors; Brough, John; Buttery, Annie; Can- ning, Dorothy, honors; Caverly, Stan- ton; Clemens, Norman ; Conners, Reta, honors ; Corbett, Robert, honors; Cra- go, Ferne; Curran, Mabel ; Darch, \ Phyllis, honors ; Dudley, Kathleen, ' y oo : honors; Elcombe, Sidney; Farrell, You'd know it if you could see how busy we are Ruth; Foley, Edward: Fowler, tod cutting off Summer goods. Gay, Harry; Gay, Lena; Gardiner, An- nie; Gould, Rhea; Hamley, Marion; Thousands of Yards of Pretty Voiles have gone out + this week and thousands more are here to go out. Jebson, Lilian, honors; Jamieson, Do- Never so Busy in Y ears ris; Jamigson, Gladys; Jamieson, Os- car; Joint. Harvey, honors; Jones, . 'We have the right merchandise at the right prices that's what makes us so busy. Olive, honors; Jury, John, honors; Saturday Morning Kent, Arthur, honors; Lancaster, Win- We will have another 5 Dozen White Felt Hats lors; Luxon, Ruth, honors; Martin, Marjorie; Matheson, Norman; Medd, : Prudently Priced, but not those common styles you see in some places--You' ll like 'em. Alice, honors; Miller, Leola, honors; PHONE 1000 THOS. MILLER & SONS Mitchell, Kenneth; Mollon, Beatrice, comin See Simmons Hammeo Couches Reduced AOSHI A Cy Ad To iA we ks Invictus "Liberty" Model Make your porch more inviting with' one of these com- fortable couches. All strong kha- ki duck cov- ered. Reg. $1488 Mid-summer Sale Price .. $11.95 ® 0» hénors; Montgomery, Myrtle; Morris, Kenneth, honors; Oliver, Margaret; Osborne, Nelson; Pearn, Evelyn, hon- ors; Quinn, Everett; Reynard, Mabel; Samis, Corsina; Slemon, Harold, houn- ors; Smith, Ivan, honors; Smith, Har- vey;- Snowden, Marion; Simpson, Florencé; Stainton, James; Stephens, Ethel; Taylor, Norman, honors; Thick- son, Duaine ; Tordiff, David; Vanstone, Morley, honors; Virtue, Helen; West- nutt, Margaret; Yeo, Irvin, honors; Osborne, Kenneth, Aegrotat. Highest total in Bowmanville Public School--John Jury, whe is also the highest in the three cemtres. Highest marks in Bowmanville Pub- lic School in Rithmetic~Evelyn Pearn and Morley "Vanstone, equal, Solina They need no "Breaking.in" Most men detest buying new shoes because they dread » » » the "breaking-in" All Maple Porch Chairs and t= stage entirely. It fits the normal foot perfectly as soon as it is . drawn on and holds that fit throughout its service. . And the Invictus is durable! Made of the best leathers only; strongly stitched with silk that does not rot or fray--every Invictus can be di upon to retain its smart appearance months longer than the ordinary shoe. 1 Avery, Roy; Baker, Muriel, honors; | Baker, Helen, honors; Balson, Ileen, "| honors; Carr, Reta, honors; Dewell, Ruby; Greer, Harold; Harris, Donald; « | Harris, Dorothy ; Kerslake, George, honors; Martin, Luella; Millson, George, honors; Martin, Clarence; Moore, Muriel, honors; Pascoe, Bes- sie; Scott, Marge aret, honors; Smith, Frank; Stinson, Evelyn; Tink, Evelyn; Trull, Madeline ; Van Nest, Arnot, hon- ors; Westlake, Thomas, honors ; West- lake, Frank, honors; Wright, Edgar. Newcastle y Driver and Brassie, Reg. .. $6.00 $ % » Folding Camp or Steamer Chair With stripe duck seat and back, all maple frame. This chair has a foot 'rest attached, Regular ; $4.50 Mid-szmmer Sale Prics . $398 63 KING ST. E. wer Stay 5 Govt Th I ARN a ; -- it Good for 50 Votes : In The Reformer "Everybody Wins" Grand Prize Campaign I hereby cast 50 FREE VOTES to the credit of Miss (large size with double woven cane seats . $5.00 Murray Butler, Ruby Cowan, Kath- Felt Bros. nea aA oe Do not roll or fold. Deliver in flat NOTE--This coupon must be voted om or 10th. : Exclusive Invictus 'Agents DAVIDSON & SAMELLS B. VIDSON & SAMBLLY = i LF CET TR Sos D2] a TERI TT 0.1) CA AR