- THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER; Io 4 HAT TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1926 a az wa and District | Osha Will Not Send Delegate Oshawa will not send an official delegate to the Cleveland-Canada Day on June 11. An invitation was ex- tended by those in charge of the af- fairs at Toronto, Fire Chiefs' Convention The annual convention of the Dominion Association of Fire Chiefs will be held at Windsor on August 24, 26, 26 and 27. Mayor Mitchell of Windsor wrote the city council last night asking that the city of Oshawa be represented by the Fire Chief. The council referred the matter to the Fire Protection Com- mittee. South Oshawa League : South Oshawa Young People's Lea- gue held its regular meeting last night with Miss M. Hurlbert occupying the chair for the evening in absence of the president. The program was ren- dered as follows: Scripture read by Miss G. Mitton, roll of leaguers were then read, all answered with a scrip- ture verse from the Bible; topic read by Miss A. Sampson. We were then favoured with a piano selection by Jes- sie Hurlbert, Miss Keith then gave a splendid address on out of door nature, a violin selection by Master Joe Sharp, piano accompanied by Miss E. Sharp, a vocal solo by r. C. Weyrich, which brought the meeting to a close. Albert St. L, A. S. The regular monthly business meeting of the Albert street Ladies' Aid Society was held last Thursday afternoon in the Classy Eirra Room of the church. A splendid represen- tation of the members were in at- tendance, with the President Mrs. D. Cameron in the chair, Many items of business were discussed among which were arrang ts for ORMER OPENS (Continued from page 1) Value , . $1170.00 One new five-passenger Chev- rolet Sedan, Value ew $1038.50 One $200 cash pr ... $200 One $200 cash prize .... $200 One $100 cash prize .... $100 One $100 cash prize .... $100 all subscriptions secured. Friends Help Candidates Persons who have magnitude are unable CIRCULATION DRIVE All other non-prize winners in each district will receive ten per ceni. on never taken part in a voting campaign of this to realize how rapidly their votes accumulate. Once the start is made they pile up like -magie. Subscriptions and coupons will secure fhousands of votes in The Reformer campaign. And it is not expected that the' candidates will depend wholly upon their own efforts--friends will help' them to gather the votes--and what' a merry pastime it will be--with| bountiful rewards at the end. ° There are plenty of prizes to go around among the hustlers--indeed, there is a prize, either cash, or a car, for every active participant. The plan is a competitive one, and will be conducted on a business basis. The bigger your effort, the bigger your prize, Rules and Regulations 1. Any reputable man, woman or child residing in Oshawa or sur- rounding territory is eligible for a prize. Nominations may be made at any time during the election. 2. No employee or near relative the annual picnic, and the report of Cleighton Lee gave a reading and Mrs. A. Clarke and Mrs. W. Coak- well delighted their audience with a vocal solo. Refreshments were ser- ved at the close of the meeting. Home Uses For Duco a, lady' demonstrator for Duco for 'Handy Home Uses" also for auto- mobiles will be at John Bailes & Son's store on Thursday, Friday and CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Ernest Legge wishes to thank her many friends for their kindness and flowers during her recent illness in the Oshawa General Hospital. * CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. L. Whattam and son wish to thank all those who by their many acts of kindness and sympathy help- ed to ease their trouble during the illness of husband and father and after. 57a JOHN BULL A GREAT SPORT Call it phlegm, philosophy, pep-- what you like. The Britain that has just been through the gravest in- dustrial crisis in its history turned up at the Derby 500,000 strong de- spite a pouring rain, and, with $10,- 000,000 on the favorite that ran third, watched Lord Woolaving- ton's 'three-year-old Coronach win against odds of 11 to 2. A great sport in all ways and weathers is John 'Bull. Felt Bros. The LEADING JEWELERS 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH "Where Satisfaction is a Certainty" A REMEDY THAT NEVER FAILS Beattie's Headache and Neuralgia Tablets PRICE 35 CENTS RAY BEATTIE'S Prescription Drug Store (Opposite Woolworth's) Oshawa - Ont. omelrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle anomolies eyesight and glasses. in Disney Block - Opposite Post Office 1516--Phone--1516 'D. J. BROWN JEWELER Victor Radio Sets Victor Orthophonic Victrolas 10 King St. W. - Oshawa Victor Radio Sets ~ HART Coal Company Special For June Coke 'It would be true economy to fill your bins with this 'fuel at our SPECIAL JUNE PRICE of $12.00 per ton, cash with order. : : Hamilton By Product At Local Theatres AT THE NEW MARTIN House Peters is at his best in "Com- bat," the Universal-Jewel which is the current attraction at the New Martin Theatre. The big, rugged star of oflt- doors dramas has in this another of the roles that has made him popular. Blessed with an 'exceedingly strong personality that few stars posscss, 'eters transfers this personality to his screen character, which gives an unusually strong interpretation of the rowdy lumber-jack which the star portrays. The action of the picture is cyclonic, Action starts in the opening reel and grows more and more intense until the climax, which is the trapping of he principals in a forest fire. The various sequences which com- bine to make the photoplay are each little photoplays that work up to their own climax. Wanda Hawley, as leading lady and ncidentally, the only woman in the victure, gives a fetching interpretation of the eternal feminine, and the havoc she can bring to the heart of even the hardest backwoodsmen. _ Although his part is not sympathe- tic, praise amust he given Walter Mc- Grail for his playing of the weakling. C. E. Anderson as the tough antagon- ist also stands out for his work. The picture as a whole is well done due to the work of Lynn Reynolds, director, and is one of those rarities that does not drag dreadfully in spots. Others in the excellent supportiag cast are Charles Mailes, Steve Cle- mento and Howard Truesdell FINE MISSIONARY TALK TO LEAGUES King, Simcoe, St. Andrew's Young People Held Union Meeting Considerably over one hundred young people connected with Simcoe Street United, St. Andrew's and King Street Young People's organizations gathered at King Street Sunday School last evening, and spent a very enjoy- able time together. r Rev. D. G. Cook of India was the speaker and presented in a very in- teresting manner the conditions with which the missionaries have to cope. "The Canadian mission field is in Central. India--'the heart of India," Mr. Cook said. "In India we have in Central India there is the worst kind of autocracy." Conditions in this part of India are different from those existing in any other part of the coun- try and present vital problems which are not et with in any of the other mission fields. In Central India alone there are over 50 separate kingdoms, each with very distinct boundaries and fighting seems to have gone on for centuries over these boundaries. Now that fighting is forbidden the different chiefs are taking their troubles to the courts with the result that the principal pastime there is liti- gation. There is a rule in these king- doms that a- missionary may go through and preach the Gospel, dis- tribute literature, etc. but if they set- tle in that kingdom they cannot go outside doing Gospel work. Hence in India there cannot be a sort of centre to the work which missianaries go out in all directions to preach. They must preach only in the little kingdom in which their headquarters are located. The problems which Mr. Cook pre- sented are of vital interest to Cana- dians and in order to realize our re- sponsibility as British subjects, it is well that we can hear of them direct from the lips of one who is working there. British rule in India is an accomp- lishment of which we all are proud, but even the continued success of that administration will depend largely on the work which the missionaries are doing. : Mr. Orme Moffatt, President of King St. Young People's League was in charge of the meeting and led the Worship Service. During the evening a duet was very nicely rendered by Misses Hazel Van Valkenburg . and Beulah Walker. At the close of the address every- one adjourned to the basement where games were enjoyed after which re- freshments were served. The meeting closed with God Save the King. The best cure for a man who be- lieves in dreams is for him to marry, one of them.--Kincardine Review, When everything else fails, a man generally learns that good advertis- terford Star. the different bazaar committees. Mrs. | the very best kind of democracy, but || Times change. complain that they had nothing wear. Stratford Beacon-Herald. fordville Review. Women used to to Now they boast about fit.-- Driving a car, in the opinion of too many, means sitting back behind a wheel and trusting to luck.--Craw- A state of emergency, proclaimed by the King, continues in Britain, but it is just an auxiliary to native common sense.-- Hamilton Spectator, of any employee in the newspaper office is eligible to enter this distri- bution. The management reserves the right to reject any nomination. 3. The winners of the prizes will be decided by their accredited votes, sald votes being represented by ballots issued on subscriptions by coupons clipped from the papers and by opportunity coupons. 4. Candidates are not confined to this community in which to secure votes and subscriptions, but may take orders anywhere in this sec- tion of the country. Purelosl OdiumBicarbonate USP PURETEST Drugs an& Chemicals You owe yourself all the protection offered by mod- ern science, Puretest Drugs are all scien- tifically tested for purity and efficiency and then packed in clean, airtight containers. ) For Sale only at-- Rexall Service Stores JURY & LOVELL King E. - Simcoe S. Phone 28 5. Cash must accompany all or- ders where votes are desired. There will be no exception to this ruse. Candidates will he allowed to col- lect subscriptions and renewals as well as entirely new subscriptions and votes will be issued on both. - 6. Votes are free, It costs the subscriber nothing to vote for their favorite. Subscribers should ask for votes when paying their subserip- tions. 7. Votes are not transferable. Candidates cannot withdraw in favor of another candidate. Should ja candidate withdraw from the race his or her votes will be cancelled. Neither will it be permissible to glve |or transfer subscriptions to another | candidate, Votes on such transfer- red subscriptions will be subject to {disqualification at the discretion of the management. | 8. Any collusion on the part of |ecandidates to nullify competition, or any other cmbination arrange- ment or effort to the detriment of candidates of 'this newspaper will not be tolerated. Any candidate or candidates entering or taking part in such an agreement, arrangement 'or effort, will forfeit all rights to a prize or commission. 9. Any ballot issued on subscrip- tions may be held in reserve and voted at the discretion of the can- |didate. "The printed coupons appear- ing from week to week in this paper must be voted before the expiration date appearing thereon. 10. In event of a tie for any one of the prizes, a prize identical in value will be given each tyipg con- testant, 11. No statement or promise made by any solicitor, agent or candidate, either written or verbal, varying from the rules and statements pub- lished through the columns of this Before You go to the Circus Paint your floors or fur- niture with-- a0 Minute | Laquer Enamel Fo- glaze Are you getting your share of this popular enamel? Come in and Let Us Show You How It Can Be Done. W.1L.0. Paltee Phone 125 85 Simcoe St. N. newspaper will be recognized by the publishers or the campaign manage- ment, 12. In cases of typographical or other error, it is understood that neither the publishers nor the ecam- paign manager shall be held respon- sible, except for the necessary cor- rection upon the same.' 13, Every candidate is an au- thorized agent of "The Reformer" and as such may collect subserip- tion payments from present as well as from new subscribers. ; 14. It is distinctly understood and agreed that candidates will be re- sponsible for all moneys collected, and that they will remit such amounts in full at frequent intervals or on demand to the campaign de- partment. 15. There will be several large prizes awarded, besides a 10 per cent. cash commission to all ACTIVE non-prize winners; but it is dis- tinctly understood that in eve of any candidate becoming INACTIVE. failing to make a weekly ca re- port, he or she will at the a&cision of the management, become dis- qualified and thereby forfeit all right to Pp .. or a commission. No commission, morever, will he awarded to a prize winner, 16. To insure absolute fairness in the awarding of prizes, the race will be brought to a close under a a 5 Filled With Loose Powder NS UT CANNOT SPILL Now can safely carry favorite loose poi er A ped yourself, ever you go. Refill it Karns Drug Store Next P.O. Phone 378 Phone your drug needs to THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE : -- Phones 22-268 WARD'S DURO DYE ENGLISH CANADIAN. mostly in plaid Duro Dye Ginghams, 36 inches wide, patterns, --GINGHAMS guaranteed fast colors, English and Canadian Ginghams, 32 inches wide, fast colors, in small and medium check patterns. Don't Miss This Big Wednesday Morning Special 19¢ yard Pn ww de > Striped Rayons and yd. On Sale Tomorrow Morning, yd. . Broadcloths, 32" and 36" wide Many new colorings and new stripe patterns that are startlingly smart in appearance, all in fast colors. Selling in the regular way for 59¢ Cotton suit all. On Sale 39¢ You Will Want a Silk Rayon Frock And here are yards and yards of the most delightful fabrics to choose from. Wonderful color- ings, tasty and artistic patterns to Tomorrow Morning, yd. For Summer Wear 36 to 38 inches wide. $1.39 Circular Pillow Cotton 40" and 42". An exceptionally good quality at a price that means quick selling. Tomorrow, yd. ......... 39¢ --m------------ a] "sealed ballot-box" system and will be under the personal supervision of two or more judges selected from the advisory board. During the last 'week of the election the pox--Ilock- ed and sealed--will repose in the vault of a local bank, where candi- dates and their friends will deposit their final collections and reserve votes. And not until the race has been declared closed will the seals be broken, the box unlocked and the judges begin the final count. In this way no one, not even the cam- paign manager, can possibly know the voting strength of the respective candidates, which precludes any pos- sibility of favoritism, and insures fairness -to the minutest degree. 17. Two hundred thousand extra votes will be allowed for every three one-year subscriptions or thefy, equivalent during the' candidate's first week in the campaign; one hundred and fifty thousand extra votes will be allowed for every three one-year subscriptions or their equivalent during a candidates sec- ond week in the campaign. right to amend or add to the rules of this election if necessary for the protection eof the interests of both the candidates and this newspaper. The right is also reserved to in- crease and add to the list of prizes. 19. Twenty-five thousand votes will be given on each new yearly subscription during the first period; 165,000 extra votes will be given on each yearly subscription during tne second period; 10,000 extra votes will be given on each new yearly subscription during the third period, and no extra votes will be given during the last week ofe the cam- paign, Votes on continued subscrip- tions will be allowed as per sched- uled periods in which first given to determine the amount. paign will be known as opporrunity week. During this week there will be five hundred thousand. extra votes given on one five-year -sub- scription; two hundred thousand votes on every three new suhscrip- tions for one year or longer, and ne hundred thousand .extra votes with every three renewal subscrip- tions for one year or longer by mail or carrier. Only one of the five hun- dred thousand coupons will be al- lowed each candidate, but as many of the two hundred and one hundred thousand coupons may be used as a candidate secures subscriptions to cover. 21. The management guarantees fair and impartial treatment to all candidates, but should any question arise, the decision of the manage- ment will be absolute and final. 22, Campaign opens today, clos- ing August 7th. 28. All extra vote certificates will be issued at the close or the periods. In accepting nominations candi- dates agree to abide by the above conditions. To the Public The Reformer is giving this mam- moth agement of this newspaper positive- ly guarantees absolute fair and im- partial treatment to all who partici- pate. This is easily the most worthy and most liberal prize offering ever made the newspaper-reading public of this section, and it now rests with the enterprising hustlers to get busy and get théir share of the good things offered. This is YOUR oppor- tunity to secure, without.one penny cost, prizes that would ordinarily take months, even years of self- denial and saving to acquire--and here they are offered to you In ex- change for just your spare time and effort the next few weeks. It will behoove prospective participants to enter their names NOW and be among the first in the field. Re- member, EVERYBODY WINS in this great distribution apd your prize will be just ag great as you wish to make it. 24 1a cruly the best spare- moment business proposition aver . our, i : 18. The management reserves the| 20. The third week of the cam-| rize election and the man-| EE It is the sincere aim of this news- paper to conduct this eleceton from start to finish in a fair, honorable and impartial manner. Every pre- caution has been taken to safeguard the interests of participants, and absolute honesty im all dealings is guaranteed. However, not all wisdom lies with any one man or institution, and for that reason an advisory board is béing recided upon, whose functions shall be to decide any question of sufficient moment that might hap- pen to arise during the competition, and from which a committee shall be selected to act as judges and count the votes the last night of the election. The members of the advisory board are being selected at this time and their names will be pub- lished just as soon as possible, It's Fair and Square The Reformer plan for this great gift distribution is absolutely fair and square. Friends and readers of this paper are to determine to whom the gifts are to go. Free votes are the deciding factors. All over this section this news- paper has hundreds of friends--real friends. They stand ready to help. Every reader who would share In this great gift giving will find the' ground well broken for him, and for her. The way is made easy. You will readily understand the whole plan once you read The Reformer "Everybody Wins Something' auto- mobile and gold gift distribution an- nouncement elsewhere in this is- sue. Costs You Nothing This newspaper bears the expense. There is not one cent for youn to spend. Your time 'is your own, You can win by simply devoting a part of your spare time. It will be easy, (Continued on page 8) a -- Hogg & Lytl Limited -- Now is the time to get your supply of seed corn. Our stock is fresh, all No. I, of high germination and complete in all the leading varieties. IMPROVED LEAMING - WHITE CAP YELLOW DENT SOUTHERN SWEET N WISCONSIN NO. 7 PRIDE OF NISHNA GOLDEN GLOW 7 | Ad LONGFELLOW COMPTON'S EARLY SILO KING EUREKA All are of choice quality and our prices are right. Le 54 Church St. - Hogg & Lytle Limited