Oshawa Daily Reformer, 3 Jun 1926, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA D ALY REFFOR MER. THURSDAY, | JUNE 2, 1024 voy PAGE THREE rey Port H {ghd of The on returns for the month of May in Port Hope were $6,589.86, as, compared with $5,959.45 for the corresponding month last year. Last year's receipts includes income tax returns for the month as well as.cus- toms, but as this year's returns do not, a considerable increase in re- ceipts is registered. _Customs in Cobourg The customs, returns of the port of. Cobourg, May 1826, were $30,- 255.10, being. an increase over the same month Gast year of $11,934.80. Vandals, At Work : One of the meanest pieces of, van- dalism enacted in Port Hope for a; number of years, occurred there over; the week-end when John Kerr, gar- dener, , had 182 caylifiower: plants, which had heen transplanted to his garden, remoyed. The plants had been in, the ,garden for about two weeks and, the thieves went to con- siderable trouble to remove the, plants as each one had to be dug up separately. Cu bay Only One Conviction Only one conviction was registered in. Port (Hope Police Court during the month of May by Magistrate W. A. F. Campbell. , Two, cases were heard,; a, young man. being found guilty, and given suspended sentence for vagrancy ,in the first, and an action for assault, which wag dismis- ped, as the second. In the previous' month, April, six cases, were heard, and in February, Magistrate Camp-' bell heard five cases. There were no sittings in Police Court during January and March, leaving a total a Haka ob Tor ran "in VE TAPURES I {program was given after which busi-. {OSHAWA INVITED To of thirteen cases for the first four months of 1926. $ yahr vd 1 nia Cedardale Y. P. League Las evening at Cedardale Young People's League was a night of en- Joyment when Mr. Sampson of Col- lege Hill . gave a most interesting talk on the fourfold life. -A short Mess was transacted when one new member 'was enrolled. It was de- cided to hold a Yfmmage sale and a sale of home-made cooking to 'raise funds for the new ¢byrch. : fis, cowhands under €8. ---- v i|At Local Theatres rATEST ' STAR IS OF SORT THAT MADE HIM POPULAR "The Desert's Price," the William Fox production' starring Buck Jones which opens at the New Martin The- 'tatre tonight is a thrilling Western picture, full .of action, and surpris- ing situations that hold one tense from the first flash to the last. Buck is east as the handsome young owner of a large cattle ranch. He returns from the East to find suspicion of killing sheep belonging on a neigh- boring ranch,, Then through some clever detective work on his part-the real culprits are discovered and peace is restored between the ranch- The scenic effects are without a doubt some of the most wonderful that have ever been shbwn in a Western drama, One breath-taking situation follows amother with light- ning rapidity, There are also some EFFORT ' ON, WESTERN | OTTAWA CENTENARY 'Mayor Balharrie Calls on «Mayor Preston on Return rt ry Trav er 'MOREY TO LOAN FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY on ; good residential - Property or improved Farms. If you have a Mortgage falling due we cap renew it for you. BRADLEY, BROS Phone 169, Nights D. J. BROWN JEWELER Victor Radio Sets Victor Orthophonic Victrolas 10 Ring St. W, Oshawa v '420 West re Trip to Capital His Worship, Mayor J .D. Balhar- rie of Ottawa, was in Oshawa this week and made a frafernal call on Mayor R. R. Preston, . Mayor Bal- harrie was on his way 'back to Ot- tawa after having visited several cities making preliminary arrange- ments in connection with the big celebration of the Ottawa City Cen- tenary which takes place there August®16. A formal invitation to the City of Oshawa to participate in this celébration will be forwarded in due course. On the occasion of the visit of the big delegation to Ottawa in connec- tion with the tariff on moor cars, Mayor Balharrie very kindly wel- comed the visitors to the city and jin- troduced the speakers to the Cabinet, "THREE FACES EAST" OPENS AT REGENT THIS EVENING One of the most thrilling photo- plays to be seen here .in a long while is "Three Faces Bast", a mystery story of the Secret Service which opens at the Regent this evening, remaining for the remain- der of the week. The scenes of this captivating photoplay are located on the fighting line in France, London and Berlin, But this is no sense a war picture. It has a background of war, and this vests the production with tremendous interest. The scenes Edna Marion, Arthur Houseman and Mo Love, .o- thrilling exhibitions of horsemanship, one in particular where Buck rides an unbroken cow-pony and wing a wager from the two Martin brothers, who have bullied the neighborhood for so long. ; Jones has a particularly well chos- en supporting cast which includes Florence Gilbert, in the leading role, Ernest Butterworth, ntague BUCK JONES At New Martin Theatre, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. cil, was defeated, with the result that the County wiH he a co-defend- ant in an action. brought by East Whitby Couneil against the City of Oshawa to collect an amount of over $2000, part of the County levy for 1924, alleged by East Whitby to Itave been collected twice by the County when a®portion of the town- ship, namely, the village of Cedar Dale, was annexed to the City of Oshawa. Dr. Farewell explained that the sole object of having this conference' was to avoid law costs in the event of an action now before the Courts, proceeding to trial, He contended that the County had not dealt fairly with the Township and that the legal solicitors was that the County could be made repay the amount unlaw- fully retained. Dr. Farewell characterized the ar- bitration proceedings between the opinion of Oshawa and East Whitby | | Just Arrived city of Oshawa and the County and Township as a bungling mess that had cost the Township of East Whit- by thousands of dollars that it never should have had to pay. Reeve Ross, Thorah, statee¢ that he noted first in the press that East Whitby had entered an action in the courts against Oshawa to recover the amount alleged .to be due to them, while later he noted that the County of Ontario had been enjoin- ed in the issue as a co-defendant. This seemed to him to be a strange proceeding. : I Dr. Farewell explained that it was found that the action must be enter- ed in this way, as the County had ceivad the money after the Village of Cedar Dale had been incérporated within the limits of Oshawa. Was Assessment Accepted? In a general discussion the gen- eral opinion of Council was that in- asmuch as the County Solicitor, A. BE, Christian, had given it as his opinion; after looking up the law that the County was not liable as claimed by East Whitby, the ques- tion should go to the Coutts for a decision. It was further contended that inasmuch as the representatives of East Whitby, without protest, had accepted the Township assessmen for 1924 as contained in a report | adopted by the Council, they could !not now claim money back from the { County which had been collected and| have paid a much larger sum than |thority gone on and advertised the 40 per cent. of the cost. It was un- Dr, Farewell and Reeve Warren| fortunate, also, that the government ; sold it had they obtained the right Dearborn, on the other hand, con- haq refused to assume responsibility price. He did not question the com- tended that the 1924 assessment was, gor the centre pivot of the bridge, illegal, as the government had set | assuming only the swing portion and | simply wanted to see the Council's the assessment for a period of five the cost of operation, the power to vears. The question to be decided, |e supplied by the two counties. Mr. they held, was whether or not {he | Coleman spent. County got the money twice, and i 80, had they a right to retain it. Both township representatives expressed themselves as confident of a victory for their cause in the courts. Re Atherley Bridge On the dais with the Warden was anteed fast. be very moderate at 11 soon solved. Shipment of Spunolis Summer Silk Summer Hats Arrived Just in Time FOR A SPECIAL WEEK-END SELLING Dresses All colors absolutely guar- Plain colors and striped broadcloth ef- They fer. Large and medium shapes are prov- ing very popular for summer wear. Due to a special purchase we are enabled to make this splendid of- fects. When you have seén these your problems in re- gard Summer Frocks will Priced 95 A mings. horns and Crochet Straws, em- broidery, ribbon and floral trim- $7.95 Quality. On Sale for-- $4.95 are hand mdde Leg- $6.95 and' regular full range of sizes, LADIES' BROADCLOTH BLOOMERS White, Natural, Peach and Pale Blue, $1.00 Special... thought that if proper represefitations were made by both counties, this matter could be satis- factorily adjusted. On the bridge to date there 695.62. fact Deputy-Minister of Highways, had been spent $72, Reference was made to the that Mr. Squire, the Ontario had sale of the bridge and would have mittee's ability and integrity, but business transacted in a prcper manger. After a few sharp exchanges be- tween 'Reeves Jackson and Ross, the Council passd a motion, submitted by the former, giving the committee authority to dispose of the Atherley bridge at the highest figure, a report of the sale to be made to the Coun- cil. An amendment submitted by tion from Ontario and Simcoe Coun- ties that they would pay 40 per cent. of the total cost of the Atherley bridge and maintain and operate the structure. Reeve Jackson, Whitby, pointed out that in view of the government's intimation not to assume responsi- bility for the under portion of the Atherley bridge the two counties were faced with a serious situation. While he had no doubt that prom- ises made by the government would be kept, he thought that the com- mittee should have asked that the promises made be put in writing, so that the government would have something definite to go by. Zutoo Tablets Do Three Things --stop Headache in 20 minutes ~--break up a Cold over night --stop Monthly of women. There is one thing they will not do--they won't hurt you. are thrilling and thé climax unusu- a'ly effective and A appealing. The work of the featured players, Jetta Goudall, Robert Ames, Henry Walt- hall and Clive Brook is exceptionally fine. The picture has every quality of rare screen entertainment and is well worth seeing. Other added units comprising {a snappy comedy creation, scenic and orchestral music will complete | the bill. the treasurer of Simcoe County, Mr. R. H. Coleman, who was invited to address the Council, and who refer- red to a number of matters in con- nection with the new Atherley bridge over the Narrows, between the Coun- ties of Simcoe and Ontario, to be formally opened ofi June 16th, and which, when completed, will cost about $115,000 or about $10,000 more than originally estimated. Mr. Coleman first referred to his pleas- ant association with Ontario County officials daring the erection of the bridge, and. conveyed on behalf of his county expressions of good will and good feeling such as should al- ways exist between municipalities, In noting the discussion to which he had listened during the afternoon, Mr. Co'eman stated that it 'was the duty of every municipality repre- sentative to express his opinion, no matter if he was alone on any one question, because after all, such an effort was not always lost. With regard to the new bridge, he stated that it was a monument to the commjttee in charge, and he hoped that every member of Ontario Coun- ty Council would endeavor to be pres- lent at the official opening. He ex- 'pressed the opinion that the two annties should not have had lo pay i for jon of the cost o e amount was to go directly to the oa portion as it spanned 8 Society at Oshawa, The letter stated! wavieable stream controlled by the that the latter was enquiring about' ph oon Department of Railways this bequest, but before taking any|..4 Camals, At any rate, he thought ction the execniors wished to hearl'i;, pominion government shduld A second letter was read from the Farewell executors, pointing out that certain names were unfortunately left off the Memorial tablet erected in the Council Chamber, and inti- mating that it was understood that some person' was now °' collecting these mantes. La Clerk A. E. Christian pointed out that action in this matter should be immediate, as the executors were apparently willing to , add these names in this way, but that sooner or later the estate would be wound up after which it would be too late to get any money from this source. Both letters were referred to com- mittees for consideration. Registry Office Crowded The County Registrdr of Deeds and Titles, George W. Dryden. wrote with respect to the crowded condition of the offices in his build- ing, pointing out that the inspector had stated that a new addition would F e 1t Bros. had suggested that this move contd [The LEADING JEWELERS 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH be avoided. for a number of years if a modern filing system was in- s A ih "Where Satisfaction is a Certainty Victor Rae Sete Reeve Ross that the words '"'to the highest bidder," be eliminated; on the ground that it showed a lack of confidence in the committee, was lost. intimated that the department would only pay fifty per cent on the lowest tender received on a portion of the bridge, the contract for which was awarded at $7,000 more than the lowest tender received. Mr. Cole- man thought that this matter could be adjusted with Mr. Squire when al! the facts were placed before him, also that the committee felt justi- fied in its action, which, he be- lieved, would be approved of by Council when the committee's re- port was tabled. Mr. Coleman also stated that tenders were invited for the old bridge, but that the highest tender was $1050, which the commit- tee did not think was enough, There was a possibility of disposing of the bridge to the Provincial Government. while the Village of Cannington had asked for one span. Committee's Rights Questioned: Reeve Jackson (Whitby) ques- tioned the right of the Roads and Bridges Committee to advertise and sell old bridges without the consent of the Council, Byron Stiver (Scott) stated that he understood that such consent was given at the Januhry session. Warden Sweetman expressed the opinion that the committee nad such power. Reeve Ross (Thorah) stated that when the Council authorized a com- mittee to build a bridge it was un- derstood that they were to dispose of the old structure. This had always been done in the past, If the Coun- cil did not have confidence in ihe committee then they should take from them the work. Reeve Jackson, Whitby, contended that the committee had without au- "Cw : 3 ? pe . W..C. BRITTON. Groceries. & Provisions CASH AND DELIVERY Phone 555. Simcoe St. Sonth, , Psd . Was There An Agreement There was considerable discussion regarding the promise made by the Dominion Government to a deputa- When Type begins to Lr > ign FRIDAY JETTA GOUDAL One of the featured players "Three Faces East" the massive mystery drama opening at the Regent theatre this evening. COUNTY GOUNLIL NOW IN SESsiaw AContinued from page 1) direction the sum of $1,000 was to be paid over, and if not, then this in BAR OUR ICE CREAM SERVICE IS NOW READY NEILSON'S ICECREAM Brick " Bulk Let use deliver your requirements. KARN'S Drug Store Phone 378 Next the P.O. When your eyes being to trou- ble you, take heed--it's a warning. LAWN SWINGS Hours of rest may . be enjoyed in this garden swing. It seats four pedple. Special Bargain Prite .. .. iii sais terri 3995 / Hammockson Sale "Make the porch a pleasant iplace: with a woven Indian Hammock. Just the thing for your daily warm weather rest hour! "Ruffled Curtains New designs in Ruffled Cur- tains that are very dainty 'They come in_spot and con- ventional patterns, 2% yds. long x 28" wide, finished with ruffle on one side and bottom. Complete with tie back. $2.50 Value for-- $2.15 Buy on our Luke Furniture C lke ¥ He' Wo gs King St\E. LR You may need glasses. Don't delay. Tt costs you npthing for a thorough eye examina- N_ lion and advice. W. A. HARE Optometrist 3 King St. W. Phone 838 'Just around the corner" Oshawa-Wed.- June 9} NN CONSTANTLY IMPROVED "SINCE '1824 JOH 7) CIRCUS EVERLASTING GOOD Headache and POSITIVELY ~ Neuralgia Tablets | - NO PARADE~ PRICE 35 CENTS 2 SHOWS DAILY 248 RM] ut DOORS QPEN 1PM.& 7PM. City Ticket Office Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store. ~ Uptown Store, King E. Prices same as at the Circus. AE A EI On Public Noti The Oshawa Retail Coal Dealers wish to in- form the public that starting Saturday, June 5th, and continuing for JUNE, JULY and AUGUST, their places of business will CLOSE at 12.30 o'clock noon, when all deliveries and general business will cease for the week-end. The public are invited to place their fuel re- quirements to facilitate this arrangement. (Signed) H. M. FOWLDS & SON ARGUE McLAUGHLIN COAL CO. HART COAL CO. hi 2. q $1.25 Tuscan Curtain .." Nets for 95¢ This curtain material will give you years of wear, and always that good appear- ance expected from high class goods. $1.25 Value for-- 95¢ stalled, and minor changes made. The letter was referred . to the Property Committee. Letters were read from the On- tario Department of Public High- ways, advising that agreements be- tween -the villages of Beaverton .and Cannington and the County with respect to paving connecting links with the County roads system, and whereby Beaverton received a grant of $26,000 and Cannington $25,000 for 'the centre twenty feet of pave- ment, had been approved by the Minister. A REMEDY THAT NEVER FAILS Beattie's = | ousehiold . lan. First Rift in Tate Council's first. contentious motion was one presented Dr. Farewell, Deputy-Reeve of East Whitby, re- | commending that in the matter of the County levy paid by the town- ship in 1924 that Council instruct| the Finance Committee to confer with the Finance Committees of Osh- awa and Fast Whitby and see if || some amicable settlement can be arrived at. ! ' , The motion dealing with the sub- ject, which, incidentally - has been discussed several times by.the Coun: 'm= i rh hd BEATTE'S Prescription Drug Store (Opposite Woolworths) R. W. DIXON & SONS ¢ WATEROUS SUPPLY CO. ' '}°

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