Motors Ready Oakville. Battle Monday It is expected that a reeord crowd will be in attendance at Alexandra Park on Monday afternoon to see the opening home game between the General Motors and Oakville, of the Lakeshore Senior Baseball League. In all probability Andy Sommerville, who twirled so brilliantly in the game last Saturday with Goodyeags, will try his luek against the Cham- For or . Great pion Oakvillers, sational catcher of the bination that field, Oakville, Champions they are, over on them. bridge's arm is Cameron the sen- Motors will again perform and with the line-up behind the Somerville-Cameron com- Manager Jacobi can though are going to have their hands more than full to put anything Jimmy Brecken- gradually shaping around and it won't be long before NEW M ARTIN Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday DELIGHTFUL ROMANCE Right in Line "The Steeplechase' /--' ty of wonderful =the tense emotional crisis: of contest, GIGANTIC THRILLS 2 With the Woodbine The thrill of glorious conflict--the heau- hoses--magnificent leaps--spectaculir spills the world's most sensational FIRST EPISODE OF NEW SERIAL "FIGHTING HEARTS" The New ¢"Mazie" Picture in "ROLL 'EM GIRLS, ROLL 'EM" "KUNNIN KAPERS" KOMEDY » Our range of Spring and Summer Under- wear is now complete, Enjoy that spring feeling by supplying your needs while sizes are complete, Penman's Make Combinations, long or Balbriggan white or cream, short sleeves. "Silk Stripe Combinations, short sleeves and long legs. Just the thing for this weather, at No Button Combinations, Forsyth make Best quality Nainsook Two Piece Best quality Balbriggan, all sizes, in cream Pure Silk BV.D. style, Forsyth's best. The finest at any $3 00 PJ, PER .... vii sivas Forcord Foorsyth make. The dollar's worth in B.V.D. style big Don't forget you can get our Special Order Suits in Four Days at the Factory. L ] Mr. Parker, of Semi-Ready, Ltd., Montreal, will be at our store Tuesday, May 25th, with the newcst ranges of fabrics. You are cordially invited to inspect them. Special orders made in Four Days at the Factory. A.L. Rodgers The New Men's Store KING ST. EAST el ER -------- a ---------- THE OSHAWA DALY REFORMER, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1926 Midget Chur Secretary Ernie Anderson of the Church Baseball League has an- nounced the schedules for the first sections of junior and midget series. The juniors open on May 28 and the midgets on June 1. The dates and games are as follows: Junior Series, First Section May 28--St. George vs. Mets, Alex- andra Park. 31--Mets vs. Motors, view Park. June 2---Motors vs. St, Lakeview Park. 4--Mets vs. Motors, dra Park. 7--8t. George vs. Mets, Lake- view Park. 9--Motors vs. St, Lakeview Park. 11--Mets vs, St. George, Alex- andra Park. 14--Motors vs. Mets, Lakeview Park. St. George vs. Lakeview Park. 18--Motors vs, Mets, dra Park. ~Mets vs, St. George, Lake- view Park. 23--St. George Vs. Lakeview Park. Games to commence at 6.30 p.m. Daylight Saving time, All postponed games or tie games affecting the standing to be play- ed off before commending second half which will start the week fol- lowigg completion of first. section. Winner of each section to play off. Lake- George, Alexan- George, Motors, Alexan- 21- Motors, Midget Series, First Section (Played at Sunnyside Park) June 1--Christian vs. St. George A. 4--8t. George George B. 7---8t. George B vs, Christian 9 St, George A vs. Christian A St. Jimmy will be one of the most valu- able men on the crew. Several members of the infield, who from the«Church League last year and showed some real stuff last Satur- day, will be given another try out, and if anything can be judged from the way they look in practice, are Schedules For Junior And ch Ball League 11--8St. George George A. --Christian B B xg 8. 14 vs. St. George St. Chris- tian. 18--St. George George A. 21--Christian 16 George A vs. B..vs St vs. St. George 23--Christian vs. St. George 25--St. George A vs. St. George B. 28--St. George B tian, Second section to start June 30th, All postponed games to be played off prior to opening of second sec- tion. Games start at 6.30. Winner of each section to play 0 vs. Chris- Juvenile schedule to be played at Lakeview Park each Thursday night after opening night. A ser- ies of eight games to be played, each team having four home games. The ahove is a copy of the minor league schedules which will be pre- sented to the executive for its ap- proval at the executive meeting next Tuesday night, DODD'S KIDNEY not going to let the team down any, However, it will be no walk away for either outfit, when one takes in- to consideration that Oakville as a team have chalked up to them for last year a battling average of .354; a fielding average of .948; and their individual batting average ran as fol- lows: Gurry .448; Langmaid .443; Galbraith .400; Johnson .384; Grice 382; Williams .333; Green .250; Harker .167 and Harslin .125. Prac- tically all these men are on the line- up fo rthis season. Mayor R. D. Preston will pitch ghe first ball to officially open the base- ball season in this eity, the game commencing ; at 3 o'clock, SALESLADIES STEEL'S Anniversary Sale SEE MR. MUTTER BASEBALL RES UL TS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. g L700 Baltimore ,. | Rochester | Newark | Syracuse 694 606 535 441 419 Buffalo Toronto | Jersey City .,. 371 Reading 242 Yesterday's Results Reading .... Jersey City 2 Baltimore , Buffalo 5 Rochester Syracuse at Toronto--Rain. Cames today--Buffalo at Roch- ester; Syracuse at Toronto (two games, 2 p.m. and 4p.m.); Reading | at Newark; Baltimore at Jersey City. | Games. tomorrow-- Buffalo at Syracuse; Toronto at Rochester; Reading at Baltimore, Jersey City at Newark (2). AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost .24 9 19 14 21 16 19 16 +19 17 WL LA | of 0 22 8 26 Yesterday's Results New York 7 8B Louis ,.,, Boston 8 Chicago ... Wiashington .13 Detroit Cleveland ..x4 Philadelphia ' x 13 innings. Games today: Chicago at Boston: St. Louis at New York; Detroit at Washington; Cleveland at Philadel- phia. Games tomorrow: Chicago at Cleveland; St. Louis at Detroit; Philadelphia at Washington; Boston at New York. NATIONAL LESGUE Won Lost P.C. 23 10 .697 11 633 13 .567 15 .516 18 18 20 23 New York ... Cleveland Washington Philadelphia Chicago Detroit Boston St. Cincinnati Chicago .... Brooklyn Pittsburg St. louis ,.... New York .... Philadelphia 7 New York 6 Boston 12 Philadelphia , 8 Brooklyn .. Boston at Chicago; New York at St. Pittsburg Chicage St. Louis ... Cincinnati ... [Games today: Brook'yn at Cincinnati; at Pittsburg; Philadelphia Louis. Too Late To Classify FOR REXNT--6 ROOM HOUSE ON William east. Possession at once. Ap- ply 24 Royal street.' Phone 185. 44-a MY EQUITY OF $750 IN 6 ROOM brick house for $500 or nearest offer. All conveniences, electric fixtures, im- mediate possession. Box "D" Reform- er. 44-c FOR SALE--OXNE TON CHEVRO- sD 4 ..» Beer) Twice as strong as 4.4 can be-- made at home. Ask your Grocer Malt Extract and Hops Package to make 25 Pints $1.00 Package to make 50 Pints $1.75 Uf your grocer can not supply you, write direct to E. B. Nettelfield & Co. Ontario Representatives 35 Colborne St. ~ Toronto { St. Lawrence Preserving Co. Reg' d Quebec, P. Q ) F you suffer from head- aches, backaches or any other symptom of Kid- ney trouble, take Gin Pills. They will cleanse the Kidneys and pro- mote sound health. GIN PILLS FORTHE KIDNEYS SAVE THE BANDS a INCREASE VALUE U5. MADE CARY! {Continued from page 1) was intended to be used only when the value declared by the American manufacturers worked unfairly against the Canadian competitor. When the Minister of Customs re- turned to his seat tonight he was taken to task by Mr. Chaplin and Sir Henry Drayton for a passage in his speech this afternoon in which he said that "fake companies' were formed in Canada to distribute United States cars, and also for say- ing that Canadian-made cars took advantage of the higher tariff in the past to boost the price of their own cars in Canada. Mr. Boivin, in defence named two cars, One was made in Canada as well as the United States. In the lat- ter country it sold at $3,500 ,in Can- ada it sold a $5,400, plus freight, which was exactly the same price ttl ll Ctl fe Stop and Think What is in Store for You at Age 65? No condition in life is more pleasant to contemplate than happy old age. We picture an old age free from anxiety; we think of re- tirement which will afford rest undisturbed after the heat and burden of the It pleasant picture, day. is a You can yourself make your own pension by the simple ex- pedient of dedicating your sav- ings to the purpose of secur- ing your independence in lat- er years, You can command as -- ---- --- ' a guarantee of your pension the vast resources which stand the back of The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. M. E. HARTLEY, Local Manager SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Dominion Bank Chambers, 6 King St. W. at OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone: Residence 956 W Office--1834 as an exclusively United States-made ear sold in the United States at $3,- 300, cost in this country, Mr. Chaplin retorted that the so- called Canadian-made car named by the Minister was not in any sense a companies he had referred to were formed only to act as distributing agents for United States cars, and that they served to prevent the Can- adian dealer from getting the dis- count which they would otherwise be entitled to demand at the fac- tory. If this resulted in any loss of revenue to the Canadian treasury, the Minister did not see how the blame could be laid upon the Can- adian Customs Department. Sir Henry Drayton, expressed the opin- jon that patent rights may neutralize the tariff reductions. Canadian car. Mr. Boivin said it was called a Canadian-made- car, or was supposed to be assembled in Canada. Mr. Chaplin said that in any case it was a "rich man's car. and the rich man could afford to pay the price." Continuing, Br. Boivin said that he was no doubt that the subsidiary SS A Barrage of Laughter Features Our Gala Holiday 4s Bill Starting Monday Matinee! SMASHING GOOD HUMAN INTEREST JOMEDY WITH A COUPLE OF ROUGH- NECK SOLDIER BOYS, ENEMIES IN REAL LIFE, BUDDIES IN THE ARMY, WHO MAKE LIFE BEHIND THE FRONT JUST ONE BIG LAUGH FROM START, TO FINISH. . Hard Teckrsiuris at Night Inspection Bully Beef----Rum--- Mud----Fun Fun----Fun A Comed y Bombshell! Pretty French Girls ADDED Jimmie Adams Comedy SCENIO ORCHESTRA NEWS IN iis p> ks let truck, 1925 model, in Al condition. | Owner leaving towa. Will sacrifice. { Apply 137 Verdun Rd 44 | New to be 61° Strength Rugged Frame with J] pug ge Yive Cross M ] Strength and stamina are important factors in determining the value of a car. Long life, economy, freedom from costly and inconvenient repairs depend upon them. : Every part of the NEW STAR Car possesses an, abund. ance of strength to meet the greatest stress and strain to it might be subjected For example--when other cars at or near NEW STAR prices employ THREE cross members in the chassis, the NEW STAR Car has FIVE. I you are looking for lasting automobile satisfaction, see the NEW STAR Cars--Fours and Sixes, «The NEW STAR is Supreme in the Low Cost Field." Durant Motors of Canada, Limited Toronto (Leaside) Ontario THICKSON MOTOR SALES 9 Bond Street West, Oshawa Exclusive Dealers for Whitby and Darlington Townships