14 FOSTER LN NE BSR Lr. rod Official Schedule Lake Shore Senior Ball League The revised schedule of the Lake Shore Senior Baseball League with umpires has been officially announ- ced as follows: May 15---Oshawa Motors at Good years, Kirkwood; Anacondas at Oak- ville, Nicholson. May 22--Goodytars Nicholson. May 24--Oakville at Oshawa Mo- tors, Kirkwood and Nicholson. May 29--Mimico at Anacondas, Nicholson; Goodyears at Oakville, ville, Kirkwood. June 5---Goodyears at Anacondas, Nicholson; Oshawa Motors at Mim- June 12--Goodyears at Oshawa ico, Kirkwood. Motors, Nicholson; Oakville at Ana- condas, Kirkwood. June 16--O0akville at Goodyears, Kirkwood. : June 19--Oshawa Motors at Oak- ville, Kirkwood; Anacondas at Mim- ico, Nicholson, | June 23--Oshawa Motors at Ana- condas, Nicholson. at Mimico, Frequent sailings from' Quebec France Cabin Class steamship to Cherbourr, Southampton, Li Hamburg, Ant- June 26--Mimico at Gopdyear, Nicholson; 'Anacondas at Oshawa Mo- tors, Kirkwood. v * June 30--Anacondas Good- vears, Kirkwood. July 1--Mimico at Oshawa Motors, Nicholson. July 3--Oakville at Mimico, Nich- olson, Oshawa Motors at Anacondas, Kirkwood. July 7--Goodyears Nicholson. July 10--Oshawa Motors at Oak- ville, Nicholson; Mimico at Anacon- das, Kirkwood. July 14--Anacondas at Oakville, Kirkwood; Oshawa Motors at Mim- ico, Nicholson. July 17--Anacondas at Oshawa Motors, Nicholson; Mimico at Good- years, Kirkwood. July 24--Oakville at Mimico, Kirkwood; Oshawa Motors at Good- years, Nicholson. July 28--Goodyears Kirkwood, July 31+--Anacondas at Goodyears, Kirkwood; Oakville at Oshawa Mo- tors," Nicholson. Aug. 2--Goodyears at Oshawa Mo- tors, Kirkwood; Mimico at Oakville, Nicholson. August 7--Oakville at Goodyears, Nicholson; Anacondas at Mimico, Kirkwood. : Aug 14---Mimico at Oshawa Mo- tors, Kirkwood; Oakville at Anacon- das, Nicholson, Aug 21--Goodyears at Anacondas, Nicllgison; Mimico at Oakville, Kirk- wood. at at Oakville, at Mimico, LOOT IS FOUND, TWO MEN ARRESTED Bridgeburg, May 12.--The recov- ery of $2,000 worth of stolen goods and the arrest of Ted Lucy, aged 22, of Bartonville, and Albert Page, aged 20, of Hamilton, was announced by Thomas Wilkinson, in charge of the Bridgeburg area of the Ontario Po- lice tonight, Page and Lucy are being held on charges of housebreaking. CC, K. Bassett, a Buffalo summer resident of the lake shore district, identified a .23-calibre revolver in Page's pos- session as belonging to him. It is alleged to have been stolen from a residence at Bay Beach, on the Lake Erie shore. There are still ahout $800 worth of unclaimed goods held at police headquarters here tonight. but nearly $1,200 worth was identi- werp, Belfast and G we. Further information from local steamship agents, or J. E. PARKER General Agent Ocean Traffic C.P.R. Building, Toronto Men's Sui Special 75 MEN'S SUITS Made in this season's cloths and models, two or three button S.B. and D.B. mod- els. They are odds and ends from the, season's sell- ing and are regularly priced at from $25.00 to $32.50. Sizes 33 to 42. J VERY SPECIAL $25.90 JORNSION'S fied by summer residents today, aia QUEEN IS PLEASED STRIKE IS SETTLED London, May 12.--Queen Mary was as happy as any of the King's subjects when word came that the long-feared general strike had end- ed. Despite the crowded condition of the streets, the Queen insisted upon taking her customary drive, and, in the language of the Court ecir- cular, "noted with satisfaction the obvious relief of the public." The Prince of Wales, too, was delighted at the news, and hurried to Buckingham Palace to congratu- late his father on the happy out- come of the trouble, PRINTERS ADOPT NAME OF "TYPOS" IN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE At 5.30 o'clock last evening rep- resentatives of the Alger Press and The Reformer staff met in the news department of The Jteformer to or- ganize a team to enter in the In- dustrial Softball League for this season. Mr. Jack Morris was elected manager, and it was decided to let the team pick their own captain. On a vote, the name "Typos" was selected for the team, Some discus- sion arose as to whether sweaters or sport shirts would be worn, but finally the latter carried off the de- cision by a good majority. A practice is called for tonight at Alexandra Park at 7 o'clock, after which some business is to be dis- cussed, All players turn out. JUNIOR O.H.A. PLAYERS Any new Junior O.H.A. players who have arrived in Oshawa this year and are - contemplating playing hockey in this city next winter are requested to leave their names and addresses at the sporting department of The Reformer or with Harold Luke at the General Motors. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE MEETS TONIGHT : A special meeting of the Industrial Softball i_eague is being called for to- night in the YM.CA. at 8 o'clock and representatives from each team are requested to be present to discuss ar- rangements for the tournament which is te be held on Saturday. will' disappear. Ben Gay does mot burn or blister. Wonderful for Chest HE. USHAWA Al x REFORMER HURST) ; ---- A E-------- a -- EE ae er IE IE -- BASEBALL RESULTS Motors Seniors INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE % ,. Won Lost ww 18 4 MA by 9 P.C. .818 054 .643 500 462 "458 294 .200 Baltimore ... TORONTO .. . Buffalo ... Rochester Néwark Syrdcuse Jersey City .. 19 Reading' ... ... .'bs '20 Yesterday's Results Toronto .... 5-1 Jersey City .3-0 Buffalo 12 Baltimore ... 7 Newark 10 Rochester .. .2 Syracuse ....9-11 Reading . .5-4 Games today: Jersey City at Tor- onto; Baltimore at Buffalo; Read- ing at Syracuse; Newark at Roches- ter. '18 Sint 12 10 11 14 13 AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost .16 9 .18 11 .15 10 16 12 .15 12 14 New York ... Washington Cleveland Chicago . .. Philadelphia Detroit Boston aii 17 St.-Touis ... .... 21 Yesterday's Results 4 Detroit... ... . X66 Cleveland ... x10 innings. Philadelphia . x4 x10 innings. Washington ,. 7 St, Lonis . .. 4 Games today: Chicago at Phila- delphia; St, Louis at Washinglon; Detroit at Boston; Cleveland at New York. : Chicago .. NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost 13 8 val 0 9 10 13 13 16 P.C G80 G40 O83 L480 480 429 L400 320 Brooklyn Cincinnati Chicago Pittsburg New York St. ould... ....12 Philadelphia «10 15 Boston .... .. v.'8 17 Yesterday's Results New York ... 2 St louis .... 1 Pittsburg .... 14 Philadelphia . 2 Cincinnati ,... 9 Boston 1 Brooklyn .... 2 Chicago Games today:--Boston at Cincin- nati; Brooklyn at Chicago: New York a tSt. Louis; Philadelphia at Pittsburg. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Milwaukee 15 Columbus Kansas City ... 5 Toledo Louisvile ,, .. 5 Minneapolis . St. Paul 14 Indianapolis . 4 Ottawa, May 12.--"The basis of settlement between the British Gov- ernment and the British Trade Union Congress Council is hoth an honorable and common-sense one," stated P, M. Draper, Secretary- Treasurer of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, today, In com- menting on the announcemet that the general British strike had ceased, "We are all glad that the general strike has heen called off," continued Mr. Draper, 'Canadian Labor, as well as Labor throughout the world, is solidly behind the British miners in securing a living wage, and a de- cent standard of living. It is hoped that a settlement in respect to the British miners will also be announced shortly." MUST GET A MOVE ON the Kingston Whig) Flowers that bloom in the s»ring will have to start soon if they ex- pect to do with ( From to have the case. anything New Martin Theatre TO-NIGHT Friday and Saturday Gn HC ---- NOW PLAYING iP » IRENE'S HERE! ----Arrived in her Alice Blue gown with sixty glorified Hollywood beauties HER GREATEST COM- EDY ACHIEVEMENT COLLEEN MOORE Jronp A0v0 Hucnes @EIRIER-TIL CHARLIE MURRAY ; - GEORGE K. AeTug ps In Exhibition In a four inning practice game last evening at Alexandra Park be- tween the Teneral Motors Seniors and the Christian Church Intermedi- ates, the Motors came out on top by a one run margin in a 5-4 score. Score by innings was as follows, and always with the Motors just a couple of notches in the lead, 1-0, 3-1, 5-2, 5-4. Unfavorable weather to date has made practicing diffi- cult and this is the first real work- out either team has had. The Motors started with Brecken- ridge on the mound, who held the Christians scoreless. Gower .com- menced for the Christians and Pet- rie, the snappy short of the Motors, managed to squeeze In a counter before Gower had retired the Motor- ites. Mathews took his turn and Crouse counted for the Christians, This session Gowgr allowed both Morrison and W. Fair to tally, and again in the third Webster and El- liott pounded over the pan for two more to bring the tally up to five, while Frink taking a whirl, held the Christiang down to ome more, In the last frame Kelly hurled for the Christians and blanked the Motors. C. Elliott, twirling for the Jacobi crew allowed the Church Leaguers two tallies, both Crouse and El- liott making the round. Line ups: Christians--e, Crouse; p, Gower | and Kelly; '1b, Cornish; 2b, 'Mc- Dougall; 3b, E. Anderson; ss, C. Elliott; If, Adams; ef, Little; rf, J. Wilson. General Motors--ec, Cameron and Kohen; p, Breckenridge, Mathews, Frink, Elliott; 1b, Webster; 2b, Morrison; 3b, Elliott and Jacobi; 'ss, Petrie; If, Roddick; cf, R. Fair; If, W. Fair, Umpire--P, Davies. BOWLING SCORES MOTOR CITY BOWLING CLUB Mr. Reg. Norris winner of the 5 pin Ladder contest was presented with a pair of gold cuff links bv the Motor City Bowling Club. Mr. Guiltinan was also the recipient of a set of cuff links in honour of his winning the Ten pin section of the Ladder. Mr. Cliff. Ren- dell was presented with a handsome leather cigarette case. The special | prize in the 5 pin section to go to the | player playing the largest number of games in the Ladder. Bowmanville Submit- Results to-date of the Recreation Club tournament. ted by Mr. F. Martyn, Oshawa Diamonds Oshawa Recreation Cook's, Bowmanville Ramblers, Toronto .. Gutta Percha, Toronto Richards, Bowmanville Crossey, Bowmanville Oshawa High School Bonnycastle, Bowmanville General Motors, Oshawa oubles Cowle & Guiltinan M.C.B.C. .... Stevens & Flesher, Toronto .... Arthur & Fair, Toronto Richie & Good, Toronto Marshall & Mothersill, GM.C... Singles F. W. Williams, Bowmanville.. Sinkler, Toronto Goodman, Oshawa Guiltinan, Oshawa ... 1397 1347 1274 1253 | 1217 769 CORNWALL LACROSSE CLUB ELECTS SEASON'S OFFICERS Cornwall, May 12.--The annual meeting of the Cornwall Lacrosse Club was held this evening with a good attendance of enthusiasts. Prospects for this season wer edis- cussed, and it was the opinion that Lacrosse was due for a strong come- back in this section. The following officers were elec- ted: Hon. Presidents, Dr. C. J. Ham- ilton, M.P., Arch. J. Macdonald, M. P., (Glengarry), J. C. Milligan, M. P.r.; Hon. Vice-Presidents, Dr. W. B. Cavanagh (Mayor of Corn- 'wall), George I. Gogo, K.C., and James M. McLeod; President, W. C. Burns; Vice-President, L. H. Clark; Secretary-Treasurer, James RE Simp- son; committee, J. Leonard *#ohn- son, John M. Tobin, Carson Haggart, , G. H. Phillips, Dr. J. A. Hurteau, Ambrose Dextras; Manager, John Deaney; Trainer, Clarence Crites. SIDNEY, THURLOW LOOPS OR- GANIZE FOR SEASON Belleville, May 12. Sidney Township Baseball League has or- ganized, Bayside, Sidney, Wall bridge and Rosedale being the teams in the league, Officers for the season are: F. R. Mallory, Presi- dent; B. A. Thrasher, First Vice- President; F. Nicholson, Second Vice-President," and 8. Nicholson, Secretary-Treasurer. H. Thrasher and E. Hubbell were chosen as audi- tors. The members of the executive are: Roy Hunt, Selburn Westover, A. and L. Mulvihill. The annual meeting of the Thur- low Township Baseball League was held and it was decided to carry on and at present these are four teams who have signified their intention of playing. Coleman, the winners of the league last year, will be stronger than ever, Christ Church, Morney Ward and Point Anne are the other teams in the league. ACCOMMODATING "Sir, I'm a bill cellector." ""That's fine; just a minute and I'll get you a nice big stock of them." , FRIENDSHIP'S BOND Sheik: "Do you an' Gladys have anything in common?" Sheba: "I'll say we have. both are mad at the same girl!" erst - We Game Win 5-4| ST. GREGORY'S TENNIS EXPECT FINE SEASON Ld . 5 St. Gregory's Tennis Club held a very enthusiastic meeting in the Parish Hall Tuesday evening when planis for the coming season were made. The treasurer's report showed a credit balance at the close of the past season of $54. During the busi- ness, Mr, CS. Lee was elected presi- dent, and Mr. Lee Connoly, secre- tary-treasurer. The Grounds Committee already have men at work on the courts and expect to have them ready for play in the course of a few days. Practically all the old members have signified their intention of re- maining with the Club this season and a number of new members are coming in. The date of the official opening has been set for Saturday, May 29. St. Gregory's hope to arrangd®'® series of return games this year with the clubs of Toronto parishes, many of whom have visited Oshawa in the past and are also contemplat- ing entering the city league should it again be organized. LADIES' SOFTBALL: MEETING TONIGHT The Ladies' City Softball League meets tonight in the YM.CA, at § o'clock to organize for the season and discuss various matters of busi- ness. All those interested in the ladies' softball activities are asked TO ANALYSE REMAINS WARKWORTH VICTIMS Cobourg, May 12.--It is stated here that the body of thé late Mrs, Stewart West of Warkworth, who with her young son is alleged to have perished in the burning of their home in that village some weeks ago, will tomorrow be taken to To- ronto for examination and analysis. Provincial Officer Cousans of this town has been at Warkworths frequently in connection tragedy, and with Inspector Carnett | of Belleville has made extensive in- vestigations. ' HUGE TUNA FISH Tuna fish caught in Japan weigh as much as 750 pounds. 1S Po BR DF 24 SANSA -N) #0) PIPE LESS | 30 OF 33, PN OF OR LARGE RADIATOR, INCREASES THE HEATING CAPACITY AND REDUCES THE COAL LARGE QUTSIDE with the, | to attend this meeting. BUNKER--In loving memory our dear mother, Sarah G Fursey, beloved wife of the late William H. Bunker, who depart- ed this life on Mother's Day, May 13th, 1923, The Bunker Family. of LJ Ask us for Booklets about other points of superiority in Banner Furnaces, The GALT STOVE & FURNACE CO., LTD.~GALT, Ont. WESLEY LAMBERT 66 Bagot St. Smoked and enjoyed from Pacific Coast to Atlantic Seaboard. Order this : delicious dozen for the home THE Delicious Dozen! Twelve bottles of "Canada Dry" in a small but substantial carton. Twelve bottles waiting for you to call the sparkling bubbles forth to add a bit of health and cheer to luncheon and dinner. To pour into thc thin-edge glasses when entertaining! To serve to the children! To take with you on motor trips! To sip at the "zero hour" in mid-afternoon. To drink at bedtime when you feel the need of a refreshing little snack! 'CANA I Just to have this Delicious | Dozen in the pantry is an assurance that you will always have some- thing distinctive to serve them when good friends drop in unex- pectedly or to vary the monotony of "just another meal" in your own immediate family. Keep it in mind when you make up your next grocery order and include it in the list of week-end necessities, All "Canada Dry" dealers sell this Special Hostess Package or will get it for you. A DRY" Made in Canada by J. J. McLaughlin Limited, Toronto and Edmonton. Est, 1890. In U. 8. 4. , Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Lucorporated, Ness York By Appointment to their Excellencies, The Lord and Lady Byng of Vimy