WA DAILY REFORMER, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1926 -- -- linac 8 pee ---------- rn ---- Tired ? Run Down? Eat "contains all the Vitamins spread ST to many cats being destroyed, and 'BoWguille division of the Catholic Women's. League, the officers se- lected wer follows: President, Miss Anna ; 1st Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. P, ger; 2nd Vice- President, Mrs. J. Truaigch; Record- ing Secretary, Mrs. Che Wh responding Secretary C. | night several hundred of his co- | Meagher; Treasurer, Mrs. Db. workers entrained for Ottawa :0 Collins; Councillors, Foster Warlialprotest against the tariff cuts but Mrs. J. Enthier; Samson Ward, Mrs. hadi not go with them. Rather he T. Holland; Baldwin Ward, Miss M. | qro' 0 Toronto and paid a visit Barrett; Ketcheson Ward, Mrs. J. | 10 his . Yesterday when his Legault; Bleecker Ward, Mrs. J. | ¢rjends w demonstrating in the Fitzgerald; Coleman Ward, Mrs. H. | capital he pa visit to Fred wWil- Geary; Murney Ward, Miss Margaret | jjamgon at the ¢ all and secured Hayes. a license to marry. happy event Presbytery was very heavy and as this was the first year that the fund has 'been experimented" with, the demand is thought to have been {too heavy for the churches of the district. ONE MOTOR BUILDER SEES HAPPY FUTURE Toronto Star: There i8 at least one happy young motor car builder in Oshawa who does not think the reduced duties on automobiles means ruination of the industry. Thursday News of Eastern Ontario RE-ELECTED BENCHERS Mr, J. B. Walkem, R.C., of King- ston, has again been elec a Bencher of the Law Society of Up- per Canada, the election being one of the most keenly contested in years, Mr. W. N. Ponton of Belle- ville was another of the successful candidates. MAY SUE FOR BALANCE Some of the contractors who did work on the mew Public Library in Kingston and have money still com. | ing to them for their work are thinking seriously of taking legal action to recover the same unless pay is forthcoming. The ratepayers voted $25,000 for remodelling the building. The Library Board spent $30,000, It has no funds to meet the $5,000. The only remedy is for the city to issue a debenture. The contractors are getting tired of wait- ing for their ponsy. and there will he something doing next week if As penny postage will come into the money is not forthcomihg. effect July 1st, friends in Scotland Jose! thet cate Lnodia vo fesistored en, ; . need not worry in failing to hear (ing per cat, has been turned down that about $562,000 will be obtain- HOLD ANNUAL MEETING from Canadian relatives till after [hy the (ilasgow City Council. While [by cats, the Medical Officer said that | this would lead to an increase in ed. The allocation for the Kingston| , At the annual meeting of the | that date, asserting that there was a serious | compulsory regIstration would lea¢ | the number of rats and mice. TO RACE IN U, 8. «' Dr. D. R. Benson, the well-known orseman of Belleville has gone to remont, Ohio, where he will make 8 headquarters for the spring onths. Dr. Benson has entered two rses, Blani and Abbe Ellison in 'the Short-Ship circuit which oper- 4@tes in the State of Ohio. £5 = WAS WANTED LONG TIMR % William Baldwin, wanted since 924 for assault, was arrested at ¢#Marlbank by Provincial Oiffcer D, 'B. Wagar, Enterprise, and brought "fo Napanee, where he will appear wDefore Police Magistrate G, F. Rat. "tan to answer to sald charge, j takes place in June, tarife or ne = tariff, i I LETTER WRITING WILL BE POSTPONED (From the Dundaik Herald) WON'T TAG CATS (By Canadian Press) London, Eng, April 27.---A pro- TO RAISE $52,000 The Kingston Presbytery of the United Church was this year asked to raise $54,000 as their share of the Maintenance and Extension Fund of the United Church, and it was learned today that it is expected You Can Thank The Weather For This Big 4 Days Selling Event Wedn'day, Thursday, Friday aki Saturday APRIL 28th APRIL 29th APRIL 30th MAY 1st WE WILL BE CANDID WITH YOU AND TELL YOU THAT MAY 4TH IS A HEAVY DAY AT THE BANK WITH US. WE HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS TO MEET AND MUST HAVE EXTRA BUSINESS BEFORE THIS DATE. The Lowest Prices You Have Been Offered For 12 Years Silks and Dress Goods 1S ouse-N eeds BLACK SATINS ALWAYS POPULAR Hem-stitched Pillow Cases of nice fine cotton. Four lines, all of exceptional value, Regular $1.00 pair. Half price, pair 36" width, Reg. $1.39--Sale Price $ .98 yd.' 36" width, Reg. 1.50--Sale Price 1.19 yd. 36" width, Reg, 1.79--Sale Price 1.29 yd. 36" width, Reg. 1.98--Sale Price 1.49 yd. ALL SILK BROADCLOTHS, 79¢ YARD Dozens of pretty shades to choose from, The width is 31", just right for dresses, etc. BALANCE OF SPRING FLANNELS Stripes, Checks, Silk and Wools all at one "price. Per yd. ALL BILK CREPE de CHENE A Ir ; B JT iT SOTO 0 0 20" Hemmed Table Napkins, pretty patterns in good quality Cotton Damask. Reg. 30c each. Sale Price, each It's many a long day since you have bought beautiful Coats and Dresses at these prices. They are all new. Qil Cloth Squares in a pretty brown design. Nice soft quality. Reg. $1.19 for, each Big Flannelette Blankets, good big size and No. | qual- ity. Blue or Pink borders. 79¢ Sale Price 36" IVORY RROADOLOTH Extra heavy quality. Reg. Jub $1.19 Sale Price, per yd, Factorys weight. 36" Factory, Reg. 25c¢c. Per yd. 19¢ ~ ig Joe. perl, Liat 40" Factory. Medium weight. 40" Factory, Reg, 22c¢, Per yl, iu... 000 17¢ White Per yd. 40" Pillow Cotton, best quality, All colors. Reg. $1.98 and $2.50 per yd. Sale Price, per yd. $1.59 Wash 29" Figured Lingerie Crepe. Reg. 42¢, Per yd. 32" Silk Gingham, pretty stripes. Beg. 69¢, Peryd., ................. bi'rwsra 32" Fine Gingham, new patterns. Reg. 38c. Por yl. .........0000010:00000ii STRIPE "DURO" BROAD. PLAIN WHITE VOILE CLOTH A dandy quality, fine yet firm. An extra good bar- gain. Reg. 40c per yard for weight. 25¢ weight. heavy Clearing 36" Factory, good heavy Cottons 8/4 best White Sheeting. Reg. 89c. All our best Coats, made of Charmene, Poire Twills, ete. All Silk Crepe linings Either fur or Silk Braid trimmed. Some with fine pleating, all the new shades. Northway : 36" Heavy and other makes. Reg. prices to $45.00 $32 50 Extra good. each. Sale Price 39¢ vd. for # Houses Dresses made of Chambray and Ginghams. Some slightly mussed. Good quality, fast colors. Sizes 36 to 42. Reg. to $2.95. Sale Price nice, fine ver yard, Madapolam, Reg. 3c Cotton. 36" 29¢ quality. English Reg. Many beautiful patterns, 40" wide, can't fade. Reg. to $1.19, ~ 79¢ Sale Price, per ne Flannelettes Horrocks White Flannelette, 34". Beg. 390, Per yl, ..............00000000ss White Canadian Flannelette, 34", Reg. 30c. Per yd, White Canadian Flannelette, 27", Reg. 25c. Per yd. Stripe Canadian Flannelette, 31". Reg. 25¢. Per yd, Nets and Draperies FINE FILET NETS 50" Silk Madras, some in Very pretty designs. three colors. Values to $1.95. to, 59e per yd. Sale Hee, $1.48 DRAPERIBS 36" Chintz, Doseps of pret- ty patterns. 23¢ 29¢ per yd. Bou, sas 50" Sunfast Merc. Bopp. Rose and blues. Reg. 3 .69 per yd. for hy 39 " Tapestry chines, 4 pret- 30 patterns, 59 c Ei 79¢ per yd. Mis ys . 50" Colored Madras in Rose 36" American Chintz, dozens of patterns. Values 42 c and Gold colors. Reg. 19¢ to 89¢ per yd. for . Sale Price Towels and Towelings 16" all Linen Roller, red border, good weight. Reg. 25¢. Yard Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Navy Blue Coats with Velvet Coiiars in Tricotine. Full lined. All new goods. Sale Price One Rack of good serviceable Dresses for Turkish Roller, stripe, good quality, easily office or everday wear. These include washed. Reg. 25c. Yard both one or two piece Dresses in Flannel, Velvet, Knit Jersey Cloth, Tricotines and a few Canton Black Satin Crepes. The regular prices run to $20.00 each. Sale Price Ladies' new Suites, this season's style in Tweeds and Navy Tricotines with Pin Stripe. Reg price $35.00, NN « Sale Price ... 21" all Linen Tea Towelling, all white, a real good one. Reg. 30c. Yard All Linen Huck Towels, 18" x 34", Reg. 50c. Each Gloves Fancy Silk Gloves, many styles and colors. Values to $1.95. To clear, pair "Kayser" Chamoisette Gloves, fancy cuffs, a dandy. 98c quality for, pair - $1.59 Odd lines. of Corsets, including Nemo- Crompton and D & A Corsets. All sizes £| in the lot but not all sizes in every line. |= The prices run up to $5.50 a 'y 98 | # pair. Sale Price, per pair .. ® 2 a Broacloth Slips in Sand, Grey and Black. Extra quality English cloth, Reg. $2.25. Sale Price Reg. Ti [HAT SCALE Aw TITIT Il NO CI i Pure Linen Cloths of extra quality, size, 66" x 66" all ready hemmed, Reg. $2.75. Better Quali Reg. to 69c per por 3d. for , 59¢ High Grade Satin Damask Cloths and Napkins Cloths 2 x 2% yds. Napkins, 22" Xx 22". Reg. $12.50. $ Per Set 9.75 Cloths 2 x 3 yds, Napkins 22" x 22". Reg. $15.00. $11.50 Par Set ... .. ... Pure Linen Cloths 66" x 84" Six beautiful pat- terns to choose from. Extra value at $3.75 reg. $2 69 4 . Sale Price Reg. to 79¢ per yd. 3 Doz. Printed Silk Scarfs, 18" wide by 2 yards long, H.S. ends, very pretty. Each Hosiery BOYS' WORSTED SOX Reg. to 89¢ per yd. WOMEN'S BLACK LISLE HOSE 98e per yd. for .. Underwear Women's Vests and Bloomers White and Colors. Silk stripe. Sizes 36 to 44. Per garment Summer Vests--No sleeves and Opera Top styles. Sizes 36 to 40. Each Children's Bloomers--Black, White, Flesh and 6 to 12 years. Reg. 35¢ value, Pacen, Millers' Arcade Phone 1000 Penman's make, odd lines that sold for $1.00 a pair. Just the thing for house wear or the cottage. 25¢ Sale Price, per pair ODDS OF SILK HOSE In Black and colors, plain and Stripe effects. All sizes. Exceptional value. Reg. $1.00 pr. Sale 69c¢ Price, per pair .... With fancy cuffs--the boys like them. Colors are: Grey, Sand and Brown mixtures. Reg. 79c¢ per pair. Sale Price HARVEY'S PURE SILK HOSE With point heels, Black on- ly. Welt or Garter tops. All sizes 8% to 10. Reg. $2.00 value. Sale Price, $1.48 per pair