Oshawa Daily Reformer, 26 Apr 1926, p. 6

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_-- A I HH I... THE OSHAWA DAILY eR rv Ig AY IE RPS REFORMER, WINE SEY MONDAY, APRIL 26, EE 1926 -- Ce on. -- "PAGE FIVE A Reformer Want Ad Does A Big Job At A Very Small Cost Legal Bicycle Repairing wONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS, Bollcitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Con- veyahncing and general practice of Jaw, Offices 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phine 63. G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B,, A. F. Annis, B.A, LL: Burtons Bicycle Shop, 21 Prince street, new C.CM, Ivanhoe Bicycles and second hand bicycles. Repair work of all kinds. Phone 1024. 220 lmo : Storage w, B. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building. 116-1 yr. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Soljcitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan, Office 44% king St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445, Residence phono 837M. WRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lle, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 18. J. F. Grieseon, B.A, T. K: Creighton, 1} SWANSON, GERMAN & MAC- kenzie, Barristers, Conveyancers, Wotary Public, ete. All Branches of Criminal and Civil Law. Money to loan. Office over Lamble's store, 2 King St. East. Phone 940, D, A 3. Swanson, H. N. German, ¥. G. Mackenzie. . H. BE. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Phones: Office, 210; residence 160. A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, SO- Mcitor;, Notary Public, Ceonveyancer, money to loan. 31 King street east, Oshawa. Phones, office 1614: residence, 731W, 62-tf 1,0UIS 8. HYMAN, Bolicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- lic. Mortgage loans. Offices 4-6, Bradley Block, 29% Simcoe South. Phone 67. Residence 1170. 156tL Medical DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, BSUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria 8t., Oshawa. Phone 94. BARRISTER, FURNITURE STORAGE--LOW IN- surance rate. A. F. McCulloch, 37 ftson Rd. N. Phone 1002W and J. 77-tt Articles For Sale For Rent FOR SALE--MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Pianos, high grade only. Terms arranged. Used pianos on hand. C. Trull. Phone 553J. 96-tt ROOFING, DOORS, HARDWOOD flooring, plaster, Gyproce, Rochoard sheathing. Waterous Supply Co. (t.r.) DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINES in good condition. $10.00 up. Sing- Auto Painting 0. G. REYNOLDS, 38 BLOOR ST. East. Phone 693. Auto painting and simonizing. Work guaranteed, Be- fore painting get our prices. tf Architects C. C., STENHOUSE, -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Arcade Bldg, Phone 1496. Res. Rhone 9027. Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ers--bouse cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and storm windows put on and removed. Phone 1302W. te Building Supplies = er Sewing Machine Co., 46 King St. west, Phone 696. 195-tf DANDY BABY CHICK MILK MASH and Scratch, Get a free book on Feeding Baby Chicks. John Bailes & Sons, King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 46. (21411) EGGS FOR HATCHING--BARRED Rock (Guild's Strain), White Log- horn (Barron's Strain), White Wyandotte (Fisher's Strain). All bred to lay. C. M. Larmer, Park Rd. North. Phone 455m, 223-6w FOR SALE--=TAYLOR SAFE 30x21x 24; 1 Gramophone, Purdy Cabinet Grand with records; 1 Dressmaker's model size 36. Phone Y08r24 22811 PHONE 1835 FOR ALL KINDS OF wood. Good body hardwood. Hard slabs. Soft slabs. Dry posts 25¢ while they last. Also a quantity of lumber. Cunningham & Son. 230-1mo WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Whitby Lumber and Woodyard. Osh- awa phone 324. 69-11 J. A. SYKES, 80 ATHOL ST. WEST, lumber, lath, shingles, doors, beaverboard, Gyproc Scamen hardwood flooring, Kent 0-lmo Transportation Beecrofy, sash, :. FOR SALE AT PORT WHITBY -- Timbers up to 50 feet long, all sizes, Lumber, Shafting, Belting, Grain Carts, Scales; Platform Scales, Railway Rails. Apply John Wat- son, Port Whitby, Phone No, 3. (231-1m) FOR SALE -- CEMENT BRICKS, grey and red, excellent quality, R. Duizendstra, 15 Albany St. south, Oshawa. (7-tf) COLEMAN'S CARTAGE -- PHONE 82. 85 Bond West. Let us haul it for you. 3 trucks. 22-tt DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and sturgeon. Special references to diseases of infants and children. Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. Phone 1155. Office hours 2 to 4, 6 to 8, or by appointment. 4-tr DR. A. F. MACKAY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Office and residence 258 King East. Office hours: 2-4 p.m., 7-9 p.m, Phone 1710. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, Physician and Surgeon, special at- tention given to X-Ray work and Electro-Therapy. Office Disney Block, Phone 2050, tf P, SMITH TRANSPORTATION CO., Simcoe St. S. Phone 346W. 242 Front St. E.,, Toronto. Phone Main 7637, Buperfor Transportation Ser- vice. 42-tf Watch Repairing F. A. Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, formerly repair man for Joe Horwich, announces to his friends and the general public that he has opened a repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. 29-tt Dental DR. 8. J, PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice. over Royal Bank. Phone 959; Residence 306. 4-1 yr. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST CLASS residential property. 6% per cent., Apply A. J. Parkhill, Barrister, 31 King street cast, Phone 1614 D21F DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. L. B. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948; resi lence, 1378M. 35-tt DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- gent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. Res. 669 B6-tt DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE Block, 107 Simcoe St. S. X-ray, gas extraction. Telephone Hu4. Res, 1114W, 134-1 DR. J. R. PORTER, DENTIST, 31 King Kast, Disney Block, Opposite Post Office. Phone 2065. 222t1 rrr Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F, T. BRYANS, Of 106 BLOOR Blreet West, Toronto, will be at his oftice over Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose aud throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. 49-1 WANTED season only, 5 to 10 acres lang with- in short distance of Oshawa, stating particulars to Box P, Refor- n Wanted to Rent TO RENT--FOR ONE write er. 11tf SAMUEL COLLIS, TEACHER OF violin, Studio, Engel's Hall, Appoint- ments. Music Phone 1207W. 124-21 For Sale or Rent ROOM waler 121Ar- 2le 'OR RENT OR SALE alow, ciectric No sewer, ington Ave. Phone 1339) SIX lights, Apply Work Wanted DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE DO all kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install- od on all makes of cars, Why shiver 161 King St. W. hone 519 n a Chev.? Buy an Oliver leater, S§-u Eye Specialist DR. L. J. SEBERT, 86 BLOOR ST. West, Toronto, will be at Jury and Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consul- tation in diseases of the eye. 12-1 yr. Veterinary Surgeon C. 8. DICKENSON, V.S., DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically -tréated. Deminiom Government Vet- erinary, 34 Brock St. E. Phone 1053 131-11 E. J. SHIRLEY, -- VETERINARY surgeon, specialist diseases dom- estic animals. Cat and dog hospital. 25 years expericnce. 74 King west. Phone 629. (tr) Insurance DAVIS & SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 reput- able Fire Companies. 118-tf Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shep, 14 Church St. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. H. R. COULDERY, ARTISTIC DE- corating. Signs on paper, wood cot- ton, brick; show cards, price tickets of every description. Disney Block, Oshawa. Phone 1550.. 229-1m A bootlegger tells us that what's sauce for the goose is easy pickings for a smart duck. ' Children are a great handicap when one wishes to be unhappy. W. DAVIES, PAINTER ANI) PA 254. erhanger, 204 Athol St. East. 1'hone 225 limo I t i \ v L f I I and window screens, verandah boxes. BENJAMIN W. HAYNES, CON- ractor, General wood worker. Cab- nets, machine floor sanding, hard- vood floors, verandah screens, door vindow boxes, flower stands, Any- hing mn the wood working line. Satis- on guaranteed. Factory and Oi 161 King St. West. Phone 481. Lesidence 180r2, Oshawa, Ont. u ice or phone 1341]. MIXED slabs, hn dry. Also bone dry bodywood. terous Supply Co. HARD AND SOFT $3.75 per load, wooD absolutely Wa- (Str) FOR SALE--HATCHING EGGS; Trapnested record 200 to 25 Rhode Island Reds, Guild's str White Leghorn's, Barron's strain, T. Anderson, Park Rd North. Phone 1 (10-1 mo.) ann ouid. FOR SALE--USED C.C.M. BICYCLE in. Al condition. Reasonable prices, Satisfaction guarantee, Apply Wil- liams Cycle Repair Shop, 1002 Athol St. West, I8f -- WHITE WICKER Cheap for quick Jarvis St. Phone 1735). (19¢) FOR baby sale, 3504 SALE Cheap. TWO NEW Phone 1493F. FOR 33x5. TIRES, (19¢) FOR SALE --COW DUE diately. Apply 481 Ritson Rd. S INME 191 ONE THREE-RINGED MOFFAT Gas Stove with oven, Cheap. 103 Bond East (side door) 20h FOR SALE BABY CARRIAGE, practically new, first class condition, houeht last fall. Apply 38 Jackson St 20 FOR SALE--GENUINE MASON & Risch Piano, Chestgrfickd Suite, Floor Lamp, Rug, two-burncr Moffat Elec- tric Range and other household goods. Must be sold , Apply 138% Alma St. FOR SALLE 1925 HENDERSON Motorcycle and side em \pply Apt L., King St. Chagabers, Jack Net ley. 2lc FOR SALE HORSES, Mi. | heavydraft, general purpose and dri- vers, These horses will be sold with full guarantee. Apply 539 King St. F. 21h FOR SALE---MANURE AND BLACK loam. Delivered anywhere in city. Photie 1252W, 211 Collection Agency GENERAL COLLECTION AGENCY, prompt attention given collection of all debts. Office, 25% Bond east. Public Stenography done at reason- able rates. Phone 1297 for particu- lars. Manager, RR. Andrew. (101tf) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING. ST, cast. Ambulance. Residence 19 Division St., 69 King St, east. Phone 210J. (18t-f) STORE TO RENT--NO. 9 SINCOL St, South. Previously occupied by Bri Excellent location. hnmediate possession. Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa. 14u TO RENT--NEW BRICK HOUSE, 17 John St, facing Central Park. Kight rooms and three piece bath. Two open fireplaces, choice electric fixtures, electric range, electric washer. Hot water heating throughout, oak floors and trim. Apply Dr. Belt, 13 John St. 16-1 Tenders Wanted ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH-- Tenders will be received by the under- signed up until six o'clock in the after- noon of May 10th, 1926, for all works ih connection with the alterations to Parish Hall. Plans and Specifications may be scen"at the office of the Arch- itect, John T. Hornsby, 10 William Street, South, Lindsay, Ont. lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Residence Alfred Johnson, 125q.. 96 Wellington St., Lindsay, Ont. Secretary Building Committee 19c¢ TWO ROOMS FURNISHED EVERY convenience for light housckeeping,. 211 Clarke St. Phone 1473). 17f TO RENT---SIX ROOMED HOUSE. All conveniences, in good locality. Apply 131 Albert St. 171 TO RENT--SIX ROOMED HOUSE with all conveniences, Apply Mrs. Cordon, 564 Oxford St. 1711 FOR RENT -- FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent. $zv per month, 22 Bruce St. Phone 1207W. (1v¢) "Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR DREDGING EALED tenders, addressed to the signed and endorsed "Tender for ing, Port Arthur and Fort William, will be received until 12 o'clock noon, day, April 27, 1926. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the Department and according to the conditions set forth therein. Coml under- dredy- Ont." Tues- I specification and form of tender FOR RENT UNFURNISHED bathroom flat, 214 Dearborn Ave. New- ly decorated. Phone 1004). 19-¢ FOR RENT---APARTMENT, SEMI- furnished. Apply Bradley Bros, Room 7, 24% Simcoe St. South. 19-i THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with private entrance, 103 Bond East, Telephone 284 2) Real Estate For Sale OR EXCHANGE-2 and 50 acres for Box E. Reformer. 20¢ FOR SALE OR RENT NICK three roomed house with back Kit- chen and shed, also electric light, water and gas. Phone 1594F. 20¢ FOR SALE--TWO ROOM SHACK wired for lights. Apply 46 Elgin west, 219tr FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED BRICK vencer house, all conveniences, double garage, free from all encimnbrances $1800. No agents, 152 Colborne cast 2251 FOR SALE farms, 100 acres houses in Oshawa, CHOICE BUILDING LOT FOR SALE on Alice St, Phone 491W. (231tf) NEW RUG HOUSE FOR SALE -- Brick, all conveniences, hot water heating, paved street, Located at 48 Burke st. For terms apply 145 Burke St. Phone 854 1h FOR SALE---WELL BUILT COT- tage at Brooklin, close to station, nicely decorated, good cellar, fur- nace, electric light, garage and large lot. Price $2,800, Terms arranged, Write Davison, 1207 ndwicn street east, Windsor, Ontario. 17-1 FOR SALE--FARM OF 25 ACRES with good buildings, near Bowmanville and paved road, Hydro, Just the place for a wan tired of working in the city, to. grow fruit, vegetables and poultry and make a good livin Price right Write for particulars to A.W. Pinch, | Newcistle, No. 2, Out, S Mu $4300 BUYS FIFTY ACRE FARM, Lot 30, Con. 1, Darlington, four an a half mules from Oshawa. Immediate possession. Five acres fall wheat, seventeen acres meadow, ploughing all done, Good seven roomed fram house, frame barn, cement stables, Deblaval silo, school and station at door. Must be sold at once Apply on premises to Harold Bennett, owner, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, 21h LR Business Chances A MAN OF EXECUTIVE AND sales ability who can invest $3,000.00 to join an established industry. This is an exceptional opportunity. Apply in first in- stance to Box A. No Agents. ' 21a GOOD OPENING FOR A MAN who can invest $2,000.00 in a reliable company. One who is bandy with tools and can do rough carpentry work preferred. Box C, Reformer. 21a A GOOD OPENING FOR A man with a knowledge of Horti- culture to joinr a Nursery, adjoin- ing one of the best cities in West- ern Ontario. Must be able to in- vest $2,500.00. Box F, Re: in can be obtained on application to the under- signed, also at the offices of the District Engineers, Custom House Building, Fort Wil. ham, Ont, and Equity Building, 'Toronto, Ont. Tenders must include the towing of plant to and from the work, 4 The dredges and other plant which are in- tended to be used on the work shall have heen duly registered in Canada at the time of the filing of the tender with the Depart ment, or shall have been built in Canada after the filing of the tender, Each tender. must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, pay. able to the order of the Minister of Pub- lic works for 5 per cemt. of the contract price, but no cheque to be for less than fif- teen hundred dollars. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada and Bonds of the Canadian Na tional Railway Company will also be accep ted as seeurity, or bonds and a cheque if required to make up an odd amount, Jy order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. the Department of "ublic Works, Ottawa, April 13, 1920. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OFF HOUSEHOLD Furniture, Wednesday, April 28th, 1920. The complete furnishings in the house of the late Mary Ellen McLean, at the Corner of Golf and Alexandra Streets, will be sold by Auction on the above date. They include valuable wal- antique furniture and houschold dec orations, chairs, tables, bads, ete. at 1.30 pan. Corner Golf and Alexan- dra, opposite Alexandra Park, Bishop, Auctioneer. Wanted to Buy Ra-2(k MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. I am pay- ing for scrap batteries, $1 to $1.50. Buying old cars. Phone 764 1556¢t1 STUDENTS PLAN 16 INVADE EUROPE To Use a Combination of Choral and Athletic Groups Evanston, 111, April 24 A com- bination choral and athletic invas- ion of Europe this summer is plan ned by Northwestern University. Three hundred students and pro- fessors have been mobilized for the tour leaving New York July 3, re- turning seventy-eizght days later. Dick Howell, Olympic swimming star, will double in bass. Charies Hoff, sensational Norwegian pole vaulter, will take his bride on the trip and probably enter some Am- erican university on his return, The university's world-record swimming relay team will enter the 14-mile River Seine swim. The group is' being organized into a chorus iin- der the director of the Glee Club. A violin and piano soloist will go along. "Now, children," said the teacher, trying to give a mental picture of a barrel, "the object I have in mind is large and round, and, if laid on its side at the top of a hill, it would roll clear to the bottom. Now, what is "All right, Bessie," said the teacher when a small hand shot up, "what was I describing? former. 2la The | BUSINESS FOR ART'S | SAKE, SAY STARS Many of Them "Are Engaged in Other Lines of That's different Accidents" will why there. are kinds of salads. lapHen. S50 many See S. M. JONES 86 Simcoe St. N. Phone 224 Over 16 years' practice in the most advanced drugless methods of Chiprastie Osteopathy and Electro - Therapeutic treatments. Culver City, Cal, Apr. 23 --Tempera: | many of the theatrical branches, but m the movie studios here the impres-! sion is that stars rapidly are becoming reconciled to the theory of business for art's sake. Grocery stores and temperament, for example, do not mix well. Neither is the same true in regard to barber shops, chicken ranches, financial ex- changes and haberdasheries, a few vid the other enterprises in which the act- ors are engaged, Throw out temperament, use business judgment and shining dollars added to funds received for appearance before the camera bring financial in dependence and opportunity for greater artistic development So argue players in the Metro-Gold- wyn yer studio and they offer as | exhibits the businesses in which they | are interested. | With Al Reeves, business manager for Charles Chaplin, George Ko Arthur | owns a grocery store which is patron- | ized by many of the movie folk, ie] also is interested in a tonsorial parlor, | where Renee Adoree, onc of the stars | of "The Big Parade"; Lew Cody and! Jack Conway, director, have shares, One of the shop's service features is a "boot car" which calls cach morning for the shoes of patrons and returns then shined, Antonio Moreno owns a subdivision near Los Angeles, John Gilbert like- wise dabbles in dirt and has enriched his bank account. Ramon Navarro finds he has to give | much attention to a financial exchange | in Mexico City, Karl Dane, who was | an aviator during the war, operates chicken ranch and an agency for air. plane parts, Lon Chaney owns a haberdashery op- crated by "his son. Roy 1DArey is! one of the "heirs to a large cstate and | this requires much of his spare time. | bert Roach, not to be left behind the | ood nut, mahogany and other articles, sonie | Sale | James | ENGLISH GOLFERS | WANT MORE DRINK others, raises fine bull pups, | | London, April , 24. --Some 350 | golf. clubs with 100,000 member | who work up a thirst while toiling | | reund the course have sent a res- | | olution to the Cabinet through the | Golf Clubs' Protection Society pro- | testing against the restrictions im- | posed on clubs and a king for a re- | peal of such wartime restrictions, | which they declare constitute a | breach of faith. The golfers de-| sire alcoholic drinks served all day long. Four hundred million pounds of ii rubber 1s being salvaged in the United States this year. The lowly flivier tire still has a chance to do some balloon ing on a Rolls-Royce. INSURANCE Fire, Accident, Automobile V.A. HENRY 11}; wimcoe St. 8, OFFICE: -- PHONE -- RES: 1198-W 1858-J ment for art's sake may prevail in | 5 OBINSON' Yellow Garage R S Spring F pring Fever Will make you think of new tires for your car. We carry Good- rich and Dominion Tires and Tubes. « ' 3 Fill your Gas Tanks here. Gas, Dils, Repairs, Ford Parts. House to Let Six roomed house, all modern conveniences, possession im- mediately. Apply PHONE 230 W. J. Trick Co. LIMITED INSURANCE AND REAL " ESTATE All kinds of insurance written in this office, Do not drive your car without protection, J. C. YOUNG Prince St, Phone 793; Res. D090) 43% RAILWAY TIMETABLES (Revised to March 1) C.N.R. TIME TABLE, Going West from Montreal to 4.44 a.m. daily, Toromto, 5.45 a.m, daily, from Ottawa to 'Torcato. 5.28 a.m, daly except Sunday, from Montreal to Hamilton and Detroit. 6.20 a.m. daily, from Moutreal to Detroit and Chicago. 10.26 a.m. daily except Sunday, from Kings- ton to Toronto, 3 2.22 p.m, daly except Sunday, from Brock. ville_to Toronto, 1.37 p.m. daly, from Montreal to Detroit and Clucago, Sunday only, from Belleville to 7.24 p.m, Toronto, 7.27 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Ottews to 'Toronto, 8.45 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Momt- real to Toronto, Going East 12.20 a.m, daily, from Toronto to Ottawa. 8.23 a.m, daily except Sunday, lrom Torom- to to Montreal, » 8.58 a.m. Sunday only, from Toronto #0 Belleville. 9.59 a.m. daily, from Chicago to Montreal, 2.32 pom. daily except Sunday fra: Torome to to Ottawa, 1.28 p.m, daily except Sunday, from .orom. to to Brockville, 6.54 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Toromto o Kingston, 9.42 p.m, daily, from Toronto to Montreal. 11.07 p.m. daily except Saturday, from To- ronto to Montreal, *11.59 p.m. daily, from Detroit to Montreal, *11.59 train stops only for Montreal pas- sengers and beyond. 2 C.PR. Going East 1.40 a.m. Saturday might ouly, from Hasse ilton to Montreal. 120 a.m, daly, from Chicago to Montreal, 9.59 a.m. diily from Chicago to Montreal, 2.25 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Torome to_to Ottawa, 7.27 p.m. daily, except Sunday, from Te. gin yy Saturday aud Ses 10 pom, dail except Saturdi jo day, from Hamilton to Munityeal,. 7 oot 5.15 aim, daily' except Sunday and Moodey, frome M real to Hamil South End Fish Market We handle the choicest of fresh sca and lake fish daily. All kinds of smoked fish, oysters. Fish and Chips our Specialty. We deliver. T. WATERHOUSE, Prop. 140 Simcoe S. Phone 1964W 0.20 a.m. daily from Montteal to Chicago, 7.35 a.m, Sunddy meruing only, from Momt- real to Hamilton, 8.40 am. daly except Sunday, from Trem- ton to Toronto, . 47 p.m, dil .27 p.m. did to Toronto, MAILS CLOSE from Montreal to Chicago. except Sunday, from Ottawa - anit Office: 24 King Street East Residence: 222 Kendall Avenue Phones: Office 871: Res., 687TW J. H. R. LUKE INSURANCE Automobile Insurance "The principal!" a Specia OSHAWA, ONTARIO y _ Mails Close oing east by CNR, « 15 am.--For Raglan, Colwnbus, Tauntom, Cedardale and vicinity, | 9.30 a.m--Whitby, Toronto and points west, 12.45 p.m.~Port Hope and Blackwater Jet., Bowmanville. oronto and wees, New York and Ss. £00 pn. All going west. 9.00 p.a--Going east and west, ---- ---- re, ESS m------ Ella Cinders 5 Wirce WAITE QUIT, ELLA ADVERTISED By Bill Conselman and Charles Plumb Nos CANT RECALL AN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDEAT 2 AND MY NURSING YOU? AND THE STORY YOU MENT AGENT ON A SECRET MISSION 2 5 O. LLG IT 2 | | 18] 1 Zreey "Smoothie, Just a Cle rook ? DOESN'T IT Loos i | i > £-19 J

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