' Ee --_-- PAGE SEVEN l---- nt | A Refo » 4 rmer Want Ad Does A Big Job At A: Very Small Cost Legal Tire Repairing CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Con- veyamciug and general practice of law, Offices 7% Simcoe hy South, Oshawa, Phine 63. G. D, Conant, R.A, B., A, F, Annis, B.A, Wh. ® \ 8- K.C,, BANK W. E. N. SINCLAIR, ¢t Commerce Building. 116-1 yr. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A --BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, Con- veyancer. Money to loan, Office wil King St. Kast, Oshawa, Phone "5, Residence phone 837M. @RIERSON & CREIGHTON --BAR- risters, Cenveyancers, Notaries Pub- lig, ete. Office over Standard Bank, Entrance Simcoe St,; 'hone 18. J, QGriesson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, SWANSON, GERMAN & MAC- kenzie, Barristers, Conveyancars, Wotary Public, ete, All Branches of Criminal and Civil Law. Money to loan, Office over Lamble's store, 2 King St. East; Phone 940. D, A, J. Swanson, H, N. German, IF. G. Mackenzie, H. B, MORPHY, B.A --BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Ofice 11% 8imcoe St. South, Oshawa, hones: Office, 210; residence 160. A. J, PARKHILI, BARRISTER, 80- Meitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, oney to loan, 18 Simcoe street north, Oshawa. Phones, office 1614; residence, T31W, 62-1 LOUIS 8, HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary PPub- lle, Mortgage loans, Offices 4-6, Bradley Block, 29%, Simcoe South, Phone 67. Residence 1170, 156L Medical DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St, East, sorner Victoria St.,, Oshawa, Phone | 04. DR, GRANT BERRY, "PHYSICIAN and surgeon, Special references to diseases of infants and children, Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. Phone 1155. ONice hours 2 to 4, 6 to 8, or by appointment, 4-tf DR, A, PF, MACKAY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon, Office and residence 268 King Kast. Office hours: 2-4 p.m., 7-9 p.m, Phone 1710. nn. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, Physician and Surgeon, special at- tention given to X-Ray work and Electro-Therapy. Office Disney Block, Phone 2050, t Lh DI J. PANLLIPS, DENT) T, OF- fic, 'over Royal Bank. Phone 954; Residence 306, 4-1 yr. DR. H, M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction, Phone 54. DR, L. BE. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948; residence, 1378M. 35-18 DR. W. H, GIFFORD, OFFICE RI- gent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1750. Res. 669, b6-Lf DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE olock, 107 Simcoe St. 8. X- ~ray, gas extraction. Telephone H04. Res, 1114W, 134-tf Dit. J. R. PORTER, DENTIST, Disney Block, Opposite Phone 2065. ie Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist 31 it Office, DR. ¥, T. BRY ANS, OF 196 BLOOR Slregt West, Toronto, will be at his office over "Jury & Jlovell's Dyug Btore each Saturday. from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. - Eve Specialist DR. 1.7 J. SEBERT, | 56 BLOOR ST. ST. West, Toronto, will be at Jury and Lovell's Drug Store cach Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consul- tation in diseases of the eye, 12-1 yr. ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Je 1 Tire. Repair Shop, 14 Chareh 'ires for sale, Jamieson Bros. Articles For Sale FOR SALE--MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Pianos, high grade only, Terms arranged. Used pianos on hand, C. Tryll, "one 503d, 96-1f Storage AURNITURE §TORAGE--LOW IN- surance rate, A, F, McCulloch, 87 Itson Rd. N. Phone 1002W and J. 77-1 Auto Painting. 0. G, REYNOLDS, 38 BLOOR ST.! simonizing., Work guaranteed, Be- fore painting get our prices, tt Architects | C. C. STENHOUSE, -- GENERAL architectural work, . Second 1tloor, Arcade Bldg, Phone 1496, Res. Phone 902J, Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEA ers--bouse cleaning, woodwork ah I floors polished, screens and storm " windows put on and removed, Phone 1302W, tu t Building Supplies J for walls, last, Phone 693, Auto painting and back, voll rim, 16 x 24, Apply west, | Also { ous Supply Cop -| Feeding & Sons, King St, W., Oshawa. GYPROC, THE FIREPROOF WALL- Use it from cellar to attic partitions and ceilings, Economical, Kasy, to apply. Saws and nails-like lumber, Samples on request, Waterous Supply Co, (181-tr) hoard, FOR SALE KITCHEN SINK, HIGH sood-as new. with mattress. Phone 2046W, Also steel camp. eot 17 Greta St, > DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINES in good condition, $10.00 up, Sing wr Sewing Machine Co., 46 King St. hone 694. 196-11 MIXED HARD AND SOIT WOOD ilnhs, $3.70 per load, absolutely dry. hong dry bhodywood, Waler- 206-1 mo JANDY Tanv HICK MILK MASH ind Scerateh, ri a free hook on Baby Clicks, John Bailes "hone (21411) 16. WE HAVE"ROUGII AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, F. L. Beeerofy, Whithy Lumber and Woodyard. Osh- awa phone 3 2, G69-1r Transportation COLEMAN'S CARTAGE ~-- THONE 82, "85 Bond West, Let ng haul it for you, 3 trucks, 22-10 I, SMITH TRANSPORTATION CO, Simcoe S8t.- 85. Phone 346W, 242 Front St, B., Toronto, Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation Ser- vice, 42-1 Watch Repairing I. A, Von OUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss walchmaker, formerly repair man for Joe Horwich, announces to his friends and the general public that he has opened a repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pal- ronage is solicited. 29-1 Money to Loan MONE Y TO LOAN oN PIRST C LL ASS residential property, 6% per cent. Apply A. J. Parkhill, Barrister, 18 Simgoe St. North, Phone 1614, 92tf BRADLEY BROS. -- MONEY TO loan, an modern city dwellings and dmproved farms, 6% %.\irst mort- gages bought and sold, one 169, 4120, 103 1. 141- Af nigh ts, 4 Electrical TOWNSEND, CONTRACT Ave, Phone 1017W, motor installations Radio 7Tepairs, Bat (th) GEO, A, or, 174 Coll~ge Houses wired, and repairs. teries dharged. = Wanted to Rent BY WINE 1st good location Sic Reformer TO RENT wd honse in all WANTED 9 roon have and Sow Must drive com enienees Lara; bo D, a TO RENT-SIX ROOM Preferably ¢ 10:4; WANTED J "house by May with Apply phe "Help 'Wanted--Male WANTED -- BREAD SALESMAN ian preferred, Stat ly in own handwrit married 1 exper wnce any Wanted © to Pay. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of meials, I am pay- ing for scrap batleries, $1 to #1 H4 Buying old cars, Phone 761 1501s" WANTED -50 Bags Parsnips, ¥ Dag ty pounds to the pac. ana. Phone 1507. I MR. 8. i April Apply ut BAG Ss hi RNS, 5) arrots. Seven odie Osh . ih ( I Veterinary Surgeon L. 8. DICKENSON, V.S., DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Deminion ernment Vet- erinary, 34' Brock St. EK. Phone 1053. 131-14 E. J. SHIRLEY, -- VETERINARY surgeon, specialist -discases dom- eslic animals. Cat and dog hospital. 25 years expericuce. 74 King west. Phone 629. nn Insurance. DAVIS & SON; INSURANCE, Kiss st. West, Oshawa Fire Agency in Oshawa able Fire Companies. Collection Agency GENERAL COLLECTION AGENCY, prompt attention given collection of all debts. Office 105 Athol west. Public Stenozraphy done at rcasom- able rates. Phope 1297 for par- ticulars. Manager, R. Andrew. 101-48" Sh Repairing Burtons Bicycle Shop, 21 Prince street, new CCM. hanhoe Bicycles and | second hand bicycles. Repair work of | all kinds. Phone 1624. 226 lmo 19 The olcest 30 reput- 118-11 | H. R. COULDERY, ARTISTIC DE- corating. Sicus on paper, wood cot- SAMUEL COLLIS, TEACHER OF violin, Studio, Engel's Hall, Appoint- ments. Phone 1207W. 124-41 \ stock, bred to lay. fen FOR hicvele 82k Timber Grain Cart 2.0.8 FOR stered FOGGS FOR se J Singer s 919). MAMMOTH about Leghot KGS FOR HATCHING, WHITE Leghorng, White Wyandotte, Rhode Island Reds, all bred-to-lay prize C, BE, Horn, Hampton, Ont, 22%-1mo FOR HATCHING BARRED Rock (Guild's Strain), White log. horn (Barron's Strain), White Wyandotte (Fisher's Strain). Al C, M. Larmer, Park Rd. I'hone 223-6w IHL North, AP P I I S FOR SALE ABOUT ONT: hundred and twenty bbls, of Starks, Baldwins, Russetts and Spys, at from me to two dollars per bbl in lots of barrels more Parsons, Bowmanville, No Phone Bow manyille, 170 x r 0. 224-40 SAFE 30x21x Cabinet stakoer's 22811 or ) +R. i \W Ic OR Purdy I Dire QORr2 | FOR SALI 2F; 1 Gramophone, Grand with records; model size 36. Phone VELAND Phime 22-) SALE Best CLE of condition, PHONE 1835 FOR KINDS OFF Hard 25¢ AL hardwood. Dry posts a gqhantity olf 230-1mo GRAMO- Call al- 230 i hody Soit slabs they last Also Cunningham & Son. wood, slabs while lumber, | FOR SALE-- SYMPHONY unused, Bargain $15, 5 pan 11 Mary street. SALE AT up to Lumber, one, [18] PORT WHITBY 50 feet long, all Shafting, Deltin , Seales, Ulatform Scales 12ail Appiy John Wat Whithy. Phone No (221-1m) ron Sizes, Bailway on, Port ) YOUNG sale, pare tracks, ROCK } houses south. HENS south Bp Uri, 118 BARRED bred Park wad « SALE--TAPESTRY Divanctte, Apply evenings 17 for Stacey Ave kT HATCHING Island Red RC, baying strain § tting, Phone 202 r 24, RIOD 1 per Oshawa 3h KITCHEN Apply 20 i OR SALK 'ahinet in toxal Str coo ol CHER BABY cabinet, N69) ih OR SALE--BLtU! , classic ewing machine St. kitchen hon: n2 Arthur COAL hot water 246 Court AND GAS front. Cyll st. or 'phone 4c OK SALE om bination venings al PEKIN Fatehing $1 fon 20st (Mon. |} to Win. Richardson, DUCKS seit, unt! Martin: Strain) Colunbas, 1-0 Cs C Hic KS 200, 0 BARRED ROCKS, Tom Barron White ns, setting 15 31.50, 20 for $ Phone Whithy inverlynn Poultry Farm Box Whitby. 3 3A BY also for Tor 2.15. CgRs YDGAR VANDE WALKER TEACH er of pi wny, theory. Special . Also» pianist gements--concert and hone 1904w. i Ojai dacs FOR SALE- Washing plate, and tub stand. Apply 181 Monk 3c | Qi ONE WATER POWER Machine, after six, or phone 431M. | pk Help Wanted--Female WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK, highest wages, must have Apply. Mrs, Eric i. 30-1 Park Rd, North. MIDDLE AGED WOR AN hia G2 of. 223 i WANTED for general housewor k Simcoe South. Phony MAID Ww ANTE nD AD PLY Dry Cods Store, 71 Simeoc LEADER St. N. bh AN EXPERIENCED wanan or girl for geacral housework ni family of two Apply Tharsd ay afternoon or evening, Maes, DM, Tad, 130 Simcoe Ste NL ib WANTED Real Estate For Salo LARGE corner Phone 0 large $100 [tHE th. FOR SALE convenieae $1,700, HOUSE rooins, lot, Price 1 pRTW, SAL Io COSY ror ROOM light and water on a paved Cheap for quick sale. "hone (216-1 mo) OR home, Kireet, J0TW. HOUSE FOR SALE brick House for sale Well located on Elgin St, $50, MO. Box 497, 7 ROOMED with garage, KE. Phone (21I8L0) SALE TWO Lor lights, ROOM Apply SHACK 16 Elgin 210101 ron wired west, SIX ROOME®R BRICK veneer house, all conveniences, doubl pavage, free from al encumbrances $1800. No agents, 152 Colborne 22 11) FOR SALL FOR SALE TOUITY roomed boarding house ished in two lovely, rool New Iv decorated, good locality, filled with boarders, Central to Fittings, Gen- eral Motors and business section, Fur- hout if desired, Leaving 25 Drew street, Phone 230-1 IN Si: \ I: N with attic fin hig Apply BULL DING LOT For SALI Phone nw, 123111) | Chole on Alice St, NEW RUG hot water Located al apply HOt "1 FoR brick, all conve ating, paved Burk st For. terms st I'hone 554 SALE and SALE nicnces, | street h 8 Burke ron cebric down. 214 Gibbs A310 How SE, Kn 1. Small payment $10 per month A381) SMALL wiler, tanee St, FIVE ROOMED BRICK sale, hot water heating, [fire wired for electric ur- Apply Box ye Reformer. HOUSE lor place stove NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW hereby given that passed by the wation ol the Ci 20h dav oi il Notice | 0, 1784 'wa ol the Corn wa on he wovidmg fof to the amon he School purposes, 1] Mir S310) of in) and the a £ oni March, wis registered i at Whithy, in the arto, on the 30th day of HES hee 1920 the motion to qu 1 elo sid ame or part there nade month any thre publication of thi thercalter S0th da ! within Dated the (230 4-10) Work Wanted ATION fo cr» STORM Hoonrs, COMBI doors, storm windows ma Jo dey, metal weather IB. W. Haynes, woodworker, King St. West, Paone 451, residence iso r 2 DURRANT MACHINE CO. all kinds of machinery ed on all makes of cars. in a Chev.? Buy 161 King St. W. Phone 519. NOKMAN LAMB , LADIES AND | Gents' clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired, reasonably and promptly. All goods called for and delivered. Phone 523 - 66 Bagot St. 223 Imo W. DAVIES; PAINTER poerhanger, 204 Athol St. E 254. AND PA ast. 225 1m thiee-burner gasp jobsedone, ALL KINDS OF ARPENTE RING floors, stairs veneered, also shingling and repairs. Phone 1989W. ot 90-11 | "WE DO | repairing, | Excelsior starter ring gears install- | Why shiver | an Oliver Heater, | 59-41 | | BK | P ra | references. | | { | | 145 | | TO | Apply tripping put on. | 161 | { A microphgne, } siream of wher. {in England, espeeially on ot Tenders Wanted OSHAWA PARKS COMMISSION Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 o'clock, IM M., Monday, April 12th, 1926, for all trades required in the erection and completion of Public Lavatory Building at Lake View Park. A marked cheque for 59% of the ten der is required with each tender, Plans, specifications and all a forihation may be obtained from the undersigned. WwW. C. SMITH, City Engineer, Oshawa, Ont, Auction Sale: Thursday, April 8th, of the estate of the date joseph \\ Holman, lot 16, con. 7, Last \Whithy day welding rising seven years, heavy draught; bay gelding rising three years: bay gelding, driver, rising nine vears red and white cow, seven years, due at time of sale; white cow renew ed: roan cow, three vears, due July; one heifer, two years; two steers, two years, two heifers, yearlings, Jour calves under one year; young York shir with litter born March 9; four shoats; brown leghorn hens; set heavy breeching harness; set light team harness; set single hight harness; orld harness and collars; hinder, Mel 5 11. mower; horse Hoi. Met; cultivator, 13 teeth, Met seed ds ih, | 13 dise: land roller, 9 it. corn cultivi tor, two row, M.H.; vith plongh, 21 fleury; double hin perial Junior; harrow stick, ee. loging chains; binding chain; whitlletrees ; forks; shovels: hydrated lime; some ensilage; timothy hay mixed gram; barley ; 2 corn stalks, ot husked ; buggy; democrat ; posts; sleigh; wagon; trucks; coal box; complete rack; corn rack: hay rick; manure spreader, ML; seal 2500 1 mower; clover table; ladder hing kitchen heater; and other Auction Sale, SOW rake hatrow plough four chains ; oil cutter; stock stove numerou pole; ceretary desk, irticles Perms furni | r ca pig feed of $15 and un amonnt cattle, all sum h, over that credit on approved joint not cent. discount for titled to notes Lad ure and seven onths' per } cash on am i W. Maw, an ) Honeer [} AUCTION SALI, April Sth, the undersigned ceived instructions from K I hy Public Auction at Lot 66, Wilson Rd Harmony, the following drivin rit horse plow, cultivator. dem ockat, two chicken houses, also quantity of furniture, bedding, pre serves, ete)" James Bishop, Auction 1 THURSDAY, has re MeKay, Lo at 1.20 o'clock out one ce Automobiles For Sale MLE plendid ) OLDSMOJ r, in Lockwood, EDAN, 4 cYLIND condition Rn Arthur 'hon X si. 'For Rent RENT house on Mrs AT ONCE ROOMED Kingston Rd. with Jand Reid, Courtice, 1 LY MODI I N equipped wilh kitchen cabinet and Suitable for two to Apply Bradley Bro PERFEC apartment, range, hed. adults, I'O RENT ated electric foldin lou ONE OR Furnished 0 Front TWO 0) ~M ROOMS TO unfurnished RENT Appl or phoue 1853) 4 THREE BRICHT UNFURNISHED rooms, newly decorated trance, ('¢ ne NY Burke Separs ts Adult on only mvenie St 16) KENT--3 Privat conv enien ROGMED On ground Apply 204 Kendal APPAR pent oop Avi MM ACKE FARM ON Good proposition fon startfue out. Apply r May, RR 3. Os IRIN 10 Casy fern onpla Joli DLE rast letter L (RL WH FURNSHED ROOMS Also gar 1241w. WO NICELY Al comvenienccs, Tyler Crese. Phone WATCH TICK MAGNIFIED operated by a thin has been invented which so magnifies the ticking of a watch that it sounds like an explosion of a gasoline en- gine. To det HIN as | i | | tl anil | south, a | ae | al ill ror' mn YEARS IN NTORAGHE To gan their delicate flavor, Italian four best for cheese must be years to season. the stored Look! Look! $02 Seven rooms, rug | ol | Jhedl fa 4515 King BE, rt 2% Oshawa FIRE & AUTO INSURANOH LOANS 100 aéres splendid clay loam with ten roomed stone house, good hank barn 40x]100 ft. Good stabling, implement shed, orchard, splendid | bathing beach, near school and. sta- ion. Cood well and spring. Will i Wisk good Mouse in Oshawa on ex- brick house, oak change, Price. $11,000, floors, large living room, and sun-room. doors. Living real snap, Small Cash) Payment. Possession immediately. Room. for Electric Stove. Easy te French Large mantel in| Wired Al rms. | | IT WILL PAY YOU TO INSPECT THIS | Em J. TRICK C0. Limited St, Phone | 2130 | | ® | a PHONE 1643-W TON & C0. Roofers, Lathers, Shinglers H Agents for Peace AN Metal Weather Strip Re-roof with Bird's As- phalt Twin Shingles, Easy terms, 10 months to pay. ISG ARTHUR ST, OSHAWA, ONT, 185 Arthur St, HAYTON & CO. Roofers, Pence Metal Weatherstrip, Lathers, Shinglers Phone 1643W 1 fon hi fot ish We thre ~ STOP! ' hia js You wi New pect wired for electric all fon payin can su ol 1 L: 1 Opposite Post Office. what vou ar I find it SIX FOO! hath \ very re 53.400 nt will ppv vou urance V. DISNEY, Block C( want and loai Phone ociated Salesmien W. G. Prudence, R. M. Kelly 1550 _ | i. Vv Prices and everything ing. perous, Real Estate always to ad- ance, cost = Look Ahead |: of advanc- Country pros- last But it will, and soon. Buy Now In Victoria Park Easy Payments 3 aa 3 -------- Office: Residence: Phones: Office 871; 24 King Street Cast 222 Kendall Avenue Res., 68 J. H. R. LUKE INSURANCE Awlomabile $8300.) Tos wm i and well $1500 and gro Longue moreland eX built Ry Wx Ave. Agnes Insurance Roomed Brick \ eneer wcludi back Nicely « 1 Condition, msde I: with street. ! Frame House Gyprock finish vomed 180. wed outside sheeting. a Spee OSHAWA, ONTARIO lecorated Ww dally House two suns on lot inside West £300 Down will Purchase a 6 Room, Modern Dwelling in Nice Location for Quick Sale. Owners are Leaving City, J. C. YOUNG Prince St, Phone 703 RAILWAY TIMETABLES | | (Revised to March 1) | C.N.R. TIME TABLE, | Going West {aan daily, from Montreal to Toronto, vam, daly, from Ottawa to Toronto. am. duly except Sunday, fiom Montreal Hamilton and Detroit, 6.20 am. daly, from Montreal to Detroit and Clacago {10.30 am y Tor ) | bos LETH | ] laily except Sunday, from Kings- ally except Sunday, from Brock- He to Toronto, 37 p.m, daily, from Montreal to Detroit and "locagn. n Sunday only, from Belleville to daily except Sunday, from Otiaws daily except Sunday, bom Mest 51 ical to Onto, Going East Toronto to I1aws. from Torom- 12.20 am, daily, from 8.23 aa. daly except Sunday, Montieal , Sunday only, from. Toromte fo 9.59 a.m, daily, from Chicago to Montreal. 2.32 pom. daily except Sunday from Toros fro to Ottawa. 28 h wm alt except Sunday, rom Torem- to Brockville, 2.51 pon. dandy except Sunday, from Topesto o Kugston, 9.4 iy m. daily, from Toronto to Montreal HAZ pam, daly except Datusday, irom Teo- onto to Montreal, ) pan, daly, fiom Detroit to Montreal, *11.59 train stops ouly for Montreal pas seugers and beyond. C.PR, Going East 149 am. Saturday might omy, {alton to Montieal, | 124m am. daly, 15% am. daly daly trom Ham- from Chicago to Montreal. from Chicago to Montreal. 5 pam except Sunday, from Torom- except Sunday, fom Te- Saturday aud Sem miical, except y bow Hamdton to Me Going West 45 aan. daily exept Sunday. aud Monday, om Montreal to Haunlton, 0.20 am, day fsom Montieal to Chicago. 7.85 a.m. Sunday morning only, from Momt- real to Hanlon, ® oh am. daly except Sunday, from Trem- nm on, "i pon. daly from Siti to Chica A pan Sly except duuday, low Oltaws © Toromo Sat MAILS CLOSE Mails Close Going east by CN R. : For Raglan, Columbus, Cedardale and wvicmuary, 12.45 p.m. Port Hope and Blackwater Jet., Port Hope and Bowmanville. 1.45 pan, Toronto and poiats west, 400 p.m. Toronto and west, New York and Eastern States. B00 pan.--All going west. 90 "pan-~Going east and west. 745 am 915 am Taunton, ton, brick; show cards, price tickets of every deseription. Disney ©Oshawa, Phone 1550, 229-1m Block, |