Oshawa Daily Reformer, 6 Apr 1926, p. 3

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re HE OSH Oshawa and District Niaiomade Cooking Sale A very successful sale of homemade cooking was held in' St. Andrew's S. S. room Saturday afternoon by the mem- bers of Mrs. Cowan's group. Proceeds of about $32 were realized. Back to the Lowér Rates After being in effect for five months, a period which included the Christmas . rush of parcels, the parcel post rates went into effect on October 24th last "® have been cancelled and the lower raes which existed prior to that date will again prevail on and aftér Apnl 12th, Parcels up to fifteen pounds will be carried, gee All Canada Supplement "The Christian Science Monitor is publishing on April 16th a supplement 10 their regular daily edition, called the "All Canada Supplement." This sup- plement is to be published for the pur- pose of advertising Canada and will be devotéd entirely to Canadian News gleaned from the cities and towns throughout the entire Dominion, and will contain about fifty pages. This should be a valuable edition to send to your friends overseas who are in- terested in Canada. A copy may be obtained for 5 cents by placing your order at Robertshaw's Nido Store or phoningl1750, All orders should be placed by April 7th, 231-4 Rub your throbbing forehead with comforting, refreshing BAUME BENGUE, It removes the congestion and brings soothing relief at once, ' Rotuing like it for every ache and pain, Used for quick relief - by millions of sufferers for over rty years, Say "Ben Gay" to } Por Free Sample Bend 10c, to coved cost of packing and mailing :-- The Leeming Miles Co, » Montreal, New Address *" 67 King St. E. Same Phone No. 210; A. A. CROWLE ' _---- DO NOT FAIL TO HEAR PROFESSOR Paul Kanamori ON FRIDAY EVENING IN SIMCOE ST. CHURCH Ea Fined $10 and Costs Pleading guilty to a charge of being intoxicated, Fred Yuskow, was fined $10 and, costs by Police Magistrate Hind this morning.* New Tires for Truck . The ladder truck of the O%hawa Fire Department will be equipped with new tires, The Cit Council passed a motion of Alderman Hart's last night authoriz- in the expenditure. Case Adjourned The cases of Madeline Rokaruk, charged with using obscene language on a public, namely Olive avenue, was adjourned until April 20. Mr. Annis of Conant and Annis acted for the de- fence and Mr, German of Swanson and McKenzie for the prosecution, Still Have Bandits' Car The police are still holding the car found Saturday afterncon south of the C.P\R, tracks at Thornton's Corners, and which the bandits used who attempted to rob the Newton- ville postoffice and later speeded through this city, The car is believed to have been stolen but no definite Information concerning its disposal has been received by the local police, Enster Social Evening The A.Y.P.A, of St Ceorge's Church held an Easter Social last evening» To open the evening's en- tertainment Mrs (Dr.) Berry ren- dered two songs; and Mr. Phil Philips a violin solo, accompanied by Mys, Lee, The rest of the evening was spent dancing Mr. and Mrs. J, Lee kindly giving their services at violin and piano, The prize for the Novelty Dance was won by Mrs, (Dr.) Barry. Refreshments were served. and the meeting broke up about 11,30, Exam Dates Announeed The time table for the annual de- partmental examinations has been issued by the Ontario Department of Education and will run from Monday, June 21st, to Tuesday, July 1, inclusive, High School entrance examinations will he held on Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 28, 29 and 30, Lower School exam- inations will "be from Friday, June 25, to Wednesday, June 30, inclu- sive, Middle School papers will be {on all dates from June 21 to July | 6, with the exception of June 29 and 30 and July 1, on which no exam- inations of any form will he writ- ten, and Upper School examinations will be from June 21 to July 1, in- clusive, LAST NIGHT REFORMER BOWL- ~" "ING SCORES . ) | | Rorabeck Bond lLouks ... Wilson Alloway Morris OUGH! LUMBAGD! RUB BAGKAGHE AWAY Kidneys cause backache! * No! Your backache is caused by lum- bagg, rheumatism or a strain and the Sickest relief is soothing, penetrat- ing St, Jacobs on. Rub it ri on back, the your painful soreness, stiffness and 178 and nstantly ss dis- Don't sta; 181° Start Makin . . BY USI Good Ber Best imported Hops and Britannic Malt, guaranteed 1007 pure. We carry a full line of Home Brew supplies, including Croks, Boilers, Syphons, Capping Machines, etc. We specialize in Ltd., Foods and Dog, Bird and Poultry Supplies, Spratt's Remedies. Singing Canaries and Hens, Cages and Stands. PET STOCK Phone 2075 SUPPLY CO. 33 King St. East, Oshawa. | Try the Drug Store First : 'When You Think of Drugs or Drug Store Requirements In addition to We Want You to Think of Our Store. Drugs, Proprietary Remedies and other things that one maturally expects to find in a drug store you will be surprised what a great variety of other articles we carry. Prescriptions Filled Prom Accurately -- y I: We regard the filli y-- y of Prescriptions as the most important part of our business' * We use 'only pure, fresh drugs of full strength and potency, compounded just as your phys- ician wants them to be. KARN'S DRUG STORE 0, PHONE 378 "Next to the P.O. STACEY ATTACKS RELIEF METHODS ~+ (Continued from page 1) families are stealing and tearing build- ings down and it is caused through the fines. - Spotters don't go to a house where there is a little money because they would mighty soon be kicked out, but they impose on the foreigner with a large family. The fines are not being paid by those fined but by friends and they are under a heavy obligation to pay it back while the families must suffer, and the children are jibed at school ahowt their father being in jail. 1 would say jail them all, but the relief officer should go and investigate the conditions under which they are living. Although Mr. Brown has heen a faithful officer he has been too severe and saved the town money, when the town should not be shield- ed," stated Mr. Stacey. Mayor Preston said it was a vexious question and if they attempted to care for those who got into jail there would be 200 get into jail so they could be cared for. He believed there should be propaganda issued that the city would give no relief next winter. "There is no use telling them that we won't provide for them as we have got to provide for them according to the statutes,' stated Alderman Hart, Alderman McLeese moved, seconde! by Alderman Whattam that the mat- ter be referred to the Finance Com- mittee for some consideration. In seconding the motion, Alderman Whattam said that the matter should have the deepest consideration of the Council, The town is not suffering irom the amount of relief it is giv- ing, he said. HEAVY DAMAGE IS CAUSED BY FIRE (Continued from page 1) burning films madé the task a difficult one, Police Constalle Arthur Jubb turn- ed in the alarm, Standing at King and Simcoe streets the officer heard the report and saw glass flying across the street and crash on the pavement The windows in the third storey were completly blown out. The firemen responded in the brief space of a few seconds and had it not been for their promptness the flames would have gained greater headway and it is like- ly that the adjoining buildings would have suffered. While the origin of the fire is un- certain, Fire Chief A. C, Cameron is of the opinion that it was caused from the chimney. In the room in which the explosion occurred a stove pipe hole was uncovered and a spark may have ignited the films. The studio was badly burned while the cameras and other equipment are ruined bhe- yond repair. The fire centered in this part of the building and eat its way into the partitions. The gas from the films also aided the flames and at one moment they would disappear and then flare out furiously. Four lines of hose only two were used. satisfactory, enabling the firemen to do good work. Ladders were used for scaling the building and one line of hose was taken to the top of the Tod building from which point the fire- were laid but The pressure was Phone your drug needs to THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE Phones 22--265 ALDSWORTH OSHAWA TELEPHONE S49 C.F. D. J. BROWN 4 JEWELLER 0 King St. W. . Oshawa Victor Radio Sets Victor Orthophonic Victrolas aS HHI il IHN THI || gn TT ALTER PRR RA IEEE R A NRO LD Keep An Eye OnYour Eyes DEERE ECR RARE CEPR TEE FRENTE ERE AWA DAILY REFORMER, TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1926 | MADE IN CANADA | SOLD AND RECOMMENDED | BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE | men were able to get directly at the flames. On first entering, the ordin- ary lanterns were of no use, the lights heing extinguished but electric flash lights + were pressed into service. Smoke helmets were of little use Quick action was nceesasry and the helmets would have been a handicap rather than a help Hundreds of spectators stood wateh- ing the brigade fight the fire and could also see the water pouring down in the Woolworth store, Little of the tire could he from. King street but from the rear where the expldsion occurred the flames could be seen cating their way along the walls, How ever when the hose were directed at this pomt the flames were short lived, It was at first feared that the fire would spread to. Welsh's parlors but it was checked quickly and the heavy brick partition between the buildings prevented disaster in this regard, Some water penetrated the ball roo.n of Welsh's but only along the wall and did practically no damage. The Woolworth stock carried in- surance while the equipment and sup- plies of Mr. Runnal lwere partially covered. Loss to Mrs. Thompson will be small due to the fact that the fire- men were able to salvage the piano and furniture. seen The building which was owned by | Mr. Ed. Henry was also covered by | msurance. The daniage to the struc ture is great, the walls and partitions to the rear being badly burned. The firemen were obliged to cut into the partition at the north-west corner where the flames chiefly centred. As soon as an. opening had been made the fire was finally extinguished. This the third fire in the last several months in this block and the second in exactly the same building | and on the last occasion Police Con-! stable Jubb also turned in the alarm. | Fire Chief Cameron speaking to The Reformer | last night said that the | building was a hard one in which to fight a firc and that they were for- tunate in preventing further damage. He also declared that he would en- is force the law that all open chim: evs in the. city such as in this building must be plastered up and thus afford a greater protection against loss. Mrs. Thompson who the apartments there since early in December was loathe to leave her home but was persuaded to do so by the firemen. She had been gone just a few minutes when the rooms were completely filled with a dense smoke. has occupied The Fire Chief states that handling this fire was the 'most difficul} with which they have had to Sitienn in a long tie and gives great credit to the firemen for their seryices. Hg also is appreciative for the co-opera- tion of the police. Mx. _Runnalls had been in the studio up 0 a half an hour before the ex- plosion and was in the barber shop across the street when it occurred. He could not account ior the occur- rence but said that either a short cir- cuit in wiring or wire had ignited the films which he uses instead of glass plates. SOCIAL EVENING social evening was held last evea by the Brothers of Victoria Lodge LTB. . 55. It was a great success and enjoyed by a large gathering. COUNGIL ABOLISHES CITY COMMISSIONER (Continued ~ from page 1) the recommendation of his committee said they felt the action they had taken was quite in accord with what they should do. Oshawa's assessment has been more or less neglected, remarked Mayor Preston, in charging that 100 much time had been used in the spending de- partments and not enough in the producing department. "I do- hope the Council will do something to strengthen up the de- partment. We all know of rank dis- crepancies which have not been prop- erly explained," stated his worship. If Oshawa is to grow industrially the. small taxpayer must be taken care oi. Alderman Clark stated that if the recommendation was passed by the Council that he wished to go-on record as being opposed to abolishing the position of Assessment Commissioner and cutting the salary of Mr. James 200, Alderman Johnston said he .did not altogether agree with the motion be- cause when you reduce a man's sal- ary it is evidence that there is inef- ficiency and it was also a question whether you would get the same re- sults from the assessment department. There were reasons, however, he said for eriticism. "The motion leaves no head in the department and suggests that Mr. Luke assist Mr. James in his work, but how do you define his work, Per- onally I would be rather loathe to vote for that motion, remarked Alder- man' Johnston, Aldgrman Hart was of the opinion that it was a move in the right direc- tion. The weak spot has heen in the income assessment and he believed Mr, Luke could bring it up to where it should be Alderman Whagtam said it was easy to raise objection hut if you had noth- ing constructive to say there was no use of saving anything, He believed the move was in the interests of the rate payers, To this Alderman Clarke replied, "You must think the Assessor weak in some point or you wouldn't be in favor of cutting the man's salary." Alderman Hart moved, seconded hy Alderman Whattam that the report he adopted, Alderman Johnston said he believed the matter required more discussion. He moved that hte matter he referred back to the Committee for further discussion. We have had it under consideration since January, stated Alderman Brad- ley City Clerk Hare asked who was to be responsible for the rolls, and this prompted the change making Mr. James assessor, in order that he would be responsible for the return of the rolls " A GAME BIRD FARM California has a new game farm, where Chinese pheasants and other fine game birds will be bred and 'ater released into forests and fields | for hunting. SHINGLED IN 1840 Mrs. Jane Anne Jewell, who re- cently celebrated her 100th birthday at Emsworth, Hampshire, says that she shingled her hair in 1840, the fashion then being to cut off the hair at the back of the neck, leaving a long curl at the side of the head. ------ THE Di y F I Servi New Lodation 302 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 1082 Day or Night 75 Umbrellas go on Sale TO-MORROW MORNING for $1.75 each ALL READY FOR APRIL SHOWERS Black and Colored Parasols. Novelty handles of various descriptions to choose from. Strong tubular frames. Extra good coverings. A serviceable and smart appearing Um- brella that will give every satisfaction, especially so when compared with the price : $1 1.95 each JUST ARRIVED--15 SILK DRESSES And every one vies with the rest for style supremacy. Sizes 16, 18 and 20. Finest qualities Flat Crepes in all of Spring's favorite colors. Price is only $1.75 each This store will be open All Day Tomorrow. WATCH THE WINDOWS And see what's new, also the many vaiues that are "worth while, With an expression of profound re-| eret, the House of Bishops of the Ee- clesiastical + Prévince, in an informal ; butter and cggs, and cool. pote, have informed Right Rev. E. J. | balls and fry until browned. Bidwell of their concurrence in his de- | ------------ee Reoesit Deaths sire to retire as Bishop of the Anglican FLORENCE LOUGHLEEN Form Diocese of Ontario, Formal acceptance of his resignation, take effect on May 1, will, it dh t day, | announced in the 1 future, | to was cre be Codfish Balis One cup codfish cut in small pieces | Loughleen, and soaked in warm twenty | 48the yc minutes, two cups hot mashed potatoes, | Cargill yes Loughleen, wife of 90 Church street, ciace ater Jeat the potatoes and fish together un- til codfish is well blended, add pepper, no On Monday in the Oshawa General Hospital, the death occurrel of Flore Richard in her r. The remains were taken to terday where the funeral will ) { ; one egg, one-half tablespooniul butter, | take place on Wednesday afternoon, internal and ern a are CECLE relieved pe THomAs' EC ECTRIC It a BAS SER FORA p BEFORE I8 A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS NUMEROUS CU IVE QUALITIES, ™N $170 ROUND TRIP N "These Cunard, Anchor- . Donaldson Third Cabin Vac- ations are a veritable boon to people with moderate incomes." From Montreal to Plymouth, Cherboura, Liverpool, July 2 and 30~ Belfast and Glasgow, June 25 July 9. ANCHOR- LINE Particulars from The ROBERT REFORD CO., Limited, comer Bay and Wel- lington Sts., TORONTO, or any STEAMSHIP AGENT Made in Canada 7 C NGOLEUM GOLD SEAL RT-RUGS Big Value-- Big Variety Big Economy-- Big Satisfaction T'S what makes Congoleum Gold Seal Ast- Rugs so popular with Canadian housewives. That--and the fact that they are unquestionably the bandsomest popular-pri Canada. They have a smooth, sanitary surface and are easily cleaned-- just go over them with a damp mop and dirt will disappear like magic. The Gold Scal shown below is on every genuine, g=arenteed Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rug. " floor-covering in all JURY &LOVELL| King E. and Simcoe 8. |' KING ST. E. FOR SALE AT LUKE FURNITURE CO. a OSHAWA -- it wi

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