Oshawa and District To Erect Omamental Gates A proposal by Whithy branch of the Women's Institute to erect or- namental gates -at the entrance to the Town Park was discussed brief- ly by the Town Council, Whitby, when Mayor Bateman and Coun. Pringle intimated that the President' of the Institute had spoken to them about the matter, Hears Fifteen Appeals Although fifteen appeals against decisions made by 'the Court of Re- vision on the 1926 Whitby assess- ment roll were. heard by His Honor Judge J. E. Thompson on Monday afternoen, only two were allowed, and: the total reduction made was only $484.00, His Honor expressed himself as being strongly opposed to making alterations in the assess- ment roll after it had ben returned unless it could be shown that the mo M =i aS | 4 IHU JPR ELE II Business Me depend a great deal on their Eyes, and should make sure that they are func- tioning normally. Our Examination will tell, JURY & LOVELL Exclusive Optical Parlors Eyesight specialist in attendance, Phone 28 = ETT ELT OnYour Eyes assessor in any particular case brought before the ision or appeal court was very bad- ly mistaken, or arrived at his fig- ures in a fraudulent manner, Under usual circumstances, 'he thought, changes were not advisable, Five In Whithy Factory Whitby firemen were called to the buckle factory there where it was found that a fire was raging in what is known as the tumbling department, a separate building in about the ceritre of the yard. When the alarm was given the firemen made a quick response and in a very few minutes two lines of hose were playing on the flames. How- ever, before the fire was under con- trol an hour or se later, consider- able damage was done to the build- ing and contents, meluding a large number' of pulleys and quantity of belting. The wooden tumblers were: also damaged. The origin of the fire has not been ascertained, but the loss is covered by insurance The building will be put into shape again as soon as possible, Whitby H. S, Alumni The Whitby High School Alumni Assaciation will hold 1ts annual Re- , union in Whitby Music Hall on Fri- day evening, April 9, and invitations will shortly be set forward to all former pupils with whom the As- sociation can get in touch, A uplen- did programme is being prepared for this event, and officers of the Association are looking forward to a D. J. BROWN JEWELLER 10 King St. W.: ., Oshawa Victor Radio Sets Victor Orthophonic Victrolas New Address 67 King St. E. Same Phone No. ly LUKE BURIAL CO. A. A. CROWLE & Your hat is ne color with 16 Colors is a hat new? when it is new-look- ing. You can make your old straw look like new by giving it a fresh HAT FINISH 25c Bottle w itis easy to apply comes with bottle. It dries quickly. Costs a Q PHONE 378 Karns Drug Store Court orf Re-. THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1926 Estimates Dentists' Salaries Investigation Expenses Advertising Freight & Cartage \... School Rinks Sundry Items 1924 Deficit Total on Maintenance ,.e,.... Debenture Requirements Grand Total Receipts Total General Grant Auxiliary Class Grant Health Dep't Crant . Proceeds of Health Play .. Rebates on Insurance 1 Superannuation Fund on hand Sale of School Supplies . Sale cf Slate Blackboard . City of Oshawa Money received from other sources, t Surplus available for 1926 N. B.--The foregoing figures ar HIGH § Teachers' Salaries Possible Increases Vocational Classes Officers and Janitors Fuel ; Light and Power Repairs and Additions Whter Telephones & Telegraphs Buildings and Grounds Janitors' Supplies Furniture & Equipment Printing & Stationery Postage & Revenue Stamps Library Athletic Equipment Departmental Exams Chemicals Typewriters Insurance Sundry Items Night Matriculation Pupils' Supplies Advertising Freight & Cartage Investigation Expenses 1924 Deficit Receipts Entrance Fees Vocational Class Grants Ontario County Grant Provincial Grant Sale of Stove Superannuation Fund Industrial Class Crant Industrial Class Fees City of Oshawa Durham County Grant Due from Durham County Due from City, Bal. on 1925 Total Am't expended on Maintenance: Surplus available for 1926 ances are shown, Public School Surplus High School Surplus Due from City, Balance on 1925 Est. . Total amount expended on Maintenance , Education Board Strikes | Eor Year 1926; (Continued from page 1) 2,000.00 101.14 135.41 70.13 121,192.97 125,300.00 5,758.71 126,951.68 4,850.87 5,000.00 131,802.65 130,300.00 1926 Est. 2,000.00 235.00 1925 1,975.98 235.00 207.45 1.66 38.23 1,626.77 925.12 34.80 115,000.00 120,046.40 2,235.00 14,228.87 otal 120,046.40 134,269.77 vere 01260,951.68 7,318.09 e not meant to be a financial state- ment but only a statement of Receipts and Expenditures as they affect the Estimates, No bank balances are shown, CHOOL 1926 Estimates 45,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,400.00 4,000.00 1,200.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 500.00 200.00 1926 Expenditures 44,148.40 3,607.65 3,080.42 4,003.83 1,066.65 77.24 23.93 87.93 83,63 286.68 128.51 51.64 269.73 68.15 7656.12 576.23 500.00 1,315.18 52.00 452.00 585.19 90.02 57.41 1,109.17 300.00 100.00 800.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 2,600.00 62,310.59 65,800.00 4,158.84 64,350.00 4,158.84 68,508.84 66,469.43 1925 142.00 2,176.94 3,610.62 852.37 20.00 1,099.97 145.83 874.00 59,000.00 140.00 3,000.00 3,600.00 1,900.00 ,020,00 67,921.63 ,200.00 ,760.00 Cstimates Money received from other sources, total 6 71,069.48 e 66,469.43 4,600.05 N. B.--The above is not a financial statement, but merely a statement of Receipts and Disbursements as they affect the estimates, No Bank bal- $7,318.09 4,600.00 $11,918.09 seeing a large crowd. - The patron- esses are Mrs. W. J. H. Richardson, Mrs. Edmund Starr, Mrs. R. T. MacLaren , and Mrs. John Moore. This year's officers are: Honorary President, Mrs. W.E.N. Sinclair, K. C., M.P.P.; President, Mr. W. J. H. Richardson; Vice-President, Miss Margaret Kennedy; Secretary, Miss Helen Hudson; Treasurer, Mr. Ed- gar Roulston. CHRONIC The pessimist is a chap in whom This fault is to be found; The winter of his discontent Extends the whole year round. Everything has to creep before it walks. Except, perhaps, butter and it runs right away. To Hydro Electric -° Gas Consumers and Property Owners supply of electric and gas service by the hat a customer 15 days in arrears for two The Hydro Electric Power Commission provide t months service, shall be disconnected from further service, which will not be restored GENERAL NOTICE Rules and Regulations governing the until payment is made in full, including a charge of $1.00 for reconnecting. The Power Commission Act, R.S.0. 1914, chap. 39, revised, empowers the Hydro Electric Power Commission to collect arrears against the owner of property in which electric service is supplied. An electric light or power consumer vacating the premises in which current was supplied, leaving the account unpaid, and the Commission unable to collect same, the amount involved is collectible from the property owner, and if not paid by the property owner on demand, will be placed on the Tax Roll for collection. This notice is published for the purpose of acquainting property owners with the Act. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO CHAS. T. BARNES, Local Manager. 1,200.00 2,600.00 | 100.00 | I Your Spring Costume # Whether it be a Coat, a Frock a Chick Chapeau or an Accessorie of any kind. YOU will find it awaiting your ----- <cecccccc pleasure at SEE OUR SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAYS | | | NE B-------------- At Local Theatres | IRPGENT HAS SNAPPY WEBRK-END PROGRAMME Plenty of action and thrills are contained in the round-up of var- jed entertainment provided on the Regent last-half programme which opened last evening, Manager Leon Osier has gone out of his way to present an out-of-the- ordinary bill, Starting the show with a unique Travelogue, "Wild Beasts of Borneo," which, by the way, is one of the finest bits of close-up photography depicting the {haunts of wild animals we have seen in a long time, the entertain- ment runs into a smash- ing, dashing, crashing comedy creation, "A Flaming Affair," which fully merits a position on the well- balanced bill. Then comes the ace of Western stars, Tom Mix, in the feature attraction "The Best Bad Man," and we might go on record here, as saying it is the finest thing we have seen - this famous horseman in during our time of watching him in his past screen productions, As usual, Tony, his almost hu- 'Iman horse plays a prominent part in the picture which opens in New Orleans at the annual Mardi Gras, but quickly shifts to the rugged country of Colorado where thrill after thrill, mingled with warm ro- mance bring the picture to an ex- citing finish. Plenty of comedy is injected by Tom Wilson, famous for his blackface roles, Mix has chosen vivacious Clara Bow for his leading lady and she lends plenty of en- chantment in her scenes through- out the story. Cyril Chadwick plays the heavy to good advatage. The entire programme is all 10 be desired, and should draw packed houses the remainder of the week. At all performances Itomorrow, the second chapter of "Wild West" depicting life in the cow coun'ry and 'neath the big tops of the cir- cus will be an added attraction 10 the regular bill. ------ AT THE NEW MARTIN Practically every member of the cast in "The Storm Breaker," Universal- Jewel production in starring House Peters and which is now showing at the New Martin Theatre, had stage experience before entermg pictures. And many of them were as great a favorite on the speaking stage as they are today on the screen. House Peters, the star of this great production, had a most varied and in- teresting stage carcer. After being mustered out of the army at the end took to acting. One of his big success- es was in "The Squaw Man," but he has played everything from "East Lynne" and "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" to William Shakespeare's im- mortal dramas. : Ray Hallor, who has a prominent role in "The Storm Breaker," gained much valuable experience during the two seasons he spent with Maude Adams. He was also in vaudeville. Nina Romano, who, with Ruth Clif - ford, is cast in one of the two leading feminine roles, also made a stage name for herself before going into pic- tures, acting mostly in society plays. Gertrude Claire had an extensive stage career in repertoire and at one time managed her own stock company. Emmett King played with such old- time stage stars as James O'Neil, Frank Mayo, Mrs. Patrick Campbell and many others, while Jere Austin 'also looks back with pleasure to the time he spent behind the footlights. Mark Fenton, another veteran of the stage, played Shakespeare drama with the great Booth and Barrctt. He also appeared with Otis Skinner and the famous Madame Modjeska. Lon Pofi spent several years on the stage before going into pictures. Among the stars with whom he played was the famous Nat Goodwin. Lionel Belmore's stage career em- braced engagements in England and in this country during which he played | of the Boer War, the young veteran ~ NO SIGHT UNSEEN "Sir, will you give me your daughter for my wife?" Couldn't say, son, wife." with many popular stars. Edward-Slo- man, who directed "The Storm Break- er," also had an cxtensive stage career playing for some time in London and theatres throughout the country, I never saw your -_ -_-- BOYS' SUITS They Sing a Song of Spring--for they are in perfect har- mony with the season. Suits and Top-Coats for the Bigger Boys in the new cloths, colorings, patterns and models. Fancy Norfolk, Plain Norfolk and the new D.B. Styles. Every Suit--2 Pant-- $5.95 + $18 Clothes for the Little Chap Everything you might desire for the little fellow of 2 to 8 years. Styles and models too numerous to mention--but all ready for the Spring rush-- J -»> $2.° © $10.90 JOHNSTON'S SIMCOE ST. N. ° 2 ) SANDERSON'S BRONCHITIS CONQUEROR Conquers Bronchitis, irritat- ing Coughs, Colds in the head and Influenza. It stimulates the secretions of the air pass- ages, membranes, making breathing easier. Never fails to give in- stant relief. Every bottle guar- anteed. Remember The Drug Stores Close On Sunday, Purchase your Drug Store needs on Saturday dn --