-- tt Course of Action In Tragedy At Warkworth Not Divulged |r Dr. West Was SH Shell Shocked . While Overseas and is Said to Be Subject to Epileptic Attacks--An Investigation - Will Be Proceeded With Peterboro, March 11,--Dr, Stew- art West, the veterinary surgeon, whose wife and two-year-old child were burned to death early Tues- day morning when their two-storey frame house In the village of Wark- worth, Northumberland County, was destroyed by fire, has not yet ventured an opinion as to the cause of the fire, Seen today as he lay In USED CARS 1925 Chevrolet Coach, small mileage, fully equip- pad, in excellent condi- tion, to go quick, 1923 Superior Touring, a real buy. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, LTD. | | | | Jor Loomomicol! Bungportation bed in the house of a friend, a low moan was the only answer he gave to questions, "I cannot answer that," was the only thing he sald, this in answer Lo the question as to whether or not he had any idea as to how the fire originated, Mr, West was no more communi- cative to the four or five men who first roached the West home after the fire had been discovered, When George Wiggins, the bailiff, reached the front door, he found West lying on the verandah, rolling his body backwards and forwards and groan- lug, He emitted no intelligible un- swer to questions as to whether or not his wife and child were In the house, He wore a shirt, pants and socks, James Bone, when he arrived very shortly after, again questioned West repeatedly and it was not until Dr, West replied, *'I tried to get her out," that the villagers who had gathered were convinced that the young mother and child were still in the burning house, Tea) In room George Wiggins, being unable to get any information out of West, entered the house, There was no smoke or fire in any of the down- stair apartments," He shouted and received no answer. Then, he says, he ascended the stairs, but was met at the top with a dense cloud of smoke that effectually prevented him from exploring the upstairs rooms. The bedroom in which Mrs, West and her baby slept was by this time a mass of flames inside and from the statements made by eye wit- nesses it would seem that the fire had burned quite fiercely in this room before it broke outside or spread in any way w other parts of the house, This room was situated immediately over the dining room where Dr. West is said to have been in the habit of sleeping on a couch, Hunt For Remains Today, under the supervision of County Constable Phillips, the ashes of the ruins are being sifted with great care, but so far no human remains have been found, outside o the few bones of the woman which the coroner's jury viewed yesterday. Not the slightest trace of two-year- old Floyd West, who was being treated , periodically at the Hospital for Sick: Children at Toronto, has been found. The only things which the police laid aside today were a OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER. FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920 ------ -- charred plece of black cloth, an iron shoe tree and a pearl rosary. Mrs. Whst was a Belglan girl and a Roman Catholic in religion, while Dr, West is a Protestant. Mrs, West, however, had never attended mass in Father Ferguson's church in Warkworth during the two years she had resided there, Was Shell Shocked Dr, West's father resides at Camp- belltord, where he, too, practises as a veterinary, Dr, West is about 36 years of age, and wis wife, Eliza, was about ten years younger, He served overseas for three years with the veterinary corps and was shell shocked, It was there he met the girl who came out to Canada to marry him some years later, Mrs, West 18 sald to have been a very handsome woman, and in their gen- eral and social associations through- out the district, 'hoth Dr, and Mrs, West were well liked, They were always pleasant to outsiders, but there would seem to nave heen a decided lack of domestic felleity and for this state of affairs there are differences of opinion as to which of them was more to hlame, It may he the irony of fate, but it is said that domestic peace seemed to have reigned In the West household for about a month past, their attitude towards each other having greatly changed, .Bubjoct To Fits Since Dr, West / returned -from overseas he has heen subject to fits of epilepsy, according ro Dr, Height, who gave medical attention to the bereaved man yesterday, It is sug- gested that the condition West was found in hy those first on the scene at the fire might have heen due to an epileptic attack. The fact 'that he was running down the road in his stocking feet cannot he taken as an indication that West had not suffer- ed an epileptic seizure, according to Dr, Height, He points out that the body is laid prostrate in some cases, hut in other attacks a person might he able to move about, In the West home there was a dining room, a parlor, kitchen and an office on the ground floor, There was a wood stove in the kitchen and a smaller stove in the dining room, from which a pipe led up to Mrs, West's hedroom directly above, This pipe entered the room through the floor and was then carried through the wall into another bedroom, When James Bone, who lives a short dis- tance away, was awakened by the barking of his big Newfoundland dog, both he and his wife saw Mrs. West's bedroom filled with fire. The 'Top.Coats 75 new Spring Coats. . They are in the new Fawn, Salmon, Grey, Tan, Lovat and Navy Blue Shades in the slip-on style. Specially priced-- $18.50, $20.00 Men's Spring Men's Odd Pants $3.50 Values .. $2.85 $4.00 Values .. $3.20 $5.00 Values .. $4.45 $6.00 Values .. $4.80 Special Work Pant $2.35 a ---- wind was from hehind the house with the result that the fire did not eat its way back to the rear portion very rapidly, but when the flames once broke through Mrs; West's bed- room the whole lower part of the house was soon a raging inferno, Provincial Constable Cousins, of Cobourg, visited Warkworth yester- day and as a result of his report to headquarters Inspector EK, C, Gur- nett, of Belleville, is proceeding with Constable Cousins to Warkworth to investigate the circumstances attend- ing the fire from which the death of Mrs, West and her bahy resulted. The inspector would not say what the information is that has heen conveyed to him that has induced him to personally investigate the origin of the five, ST, PETER'S COBOURG'S BEST Cobourg, March 0.--8t, Peter's hockey team defeated St, Andrew's m the Interchurch League last night, and also won the junior cup, Mr, R, S. Chilton presented the cup to the win» ners, J In two previous games St, Andrew's juniors defeated St, Michael's, thus qualifying for the payoff, A WHIST DRIVE A laborer bought a couple of tickets for a whist drive at two shillings cach and showed them to his wife, "What a waste, George," "We can't play whist." "I. know that," replied her husband, she said, HOLD SHIPMENT OF DRESSES PENDING PROBE BY ('UNTOMS Ottawa, March 10,--A shipment of 100 ladies' dresses is held at Brandon, Man,, pending an. investi- gation by the Customs Department, Hon, 0. H. Boivin, Minister of Cus- toms, stated this evening, The shipment, it is understood, was brought into Canada hy a Mon treal firm under proper customs entry, Later some - questions arose us to the market value of the goods This is the subject of investigation by the Customs authorities, CRISIS ARISES IN BELGIUM OVER RUMOR ABOUT CONGO Brussels, March 10. Excitement was caused in political and fipane- inl circles today by a report that a loan of $100,000,000 to Belgium had been made by American bank ers on the essential condition that their agents take over control of the finances of the Belgian Congo The incident has necessitated post- ponement of Finance Minister Jans- sen's trip to London, England Boys' and Girls' Navy Reefers We have fine showing of Boys' Navy Reefers, with plain velvet and sail- or collars, suitable for either Boys o: Girls--3 to 10 years. $7.50 Values . $5.75 $6.00 Values Boy's 2-PantSuits ' Never have we had such an assortment New wear and Twoeds real fancy Serge-- $6.95, $9.85 $12.50 "Bring in Your Boy for His Easter Suit" of Boys Pant Suits as at this Scason Styles--New and New Pauterns and Color- ings--Every Sait Two- first lomg sui Cloths first long suit der form and v his youthful we offer real © built for service, an and Blue "Prep" or First Long Suits For the boy going into his or for any boy who as yet an his slen- NOt outgrown proportions alues am Blac oF Serge and Fancy Togs § piece Suits a B. Styles, $1545, We are ofieing our complete stock of Men's Negligee Shirts of $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 values at » $1.65 and $2.35 SE Ss Bah LE " i $18.50 $22.50 A ---- A AAAI Be, EIGHT CLUBS IN INTER-COUNTY LOOP Galt, March 11 The Intercounty Baseball League will be an elght- team clrenit this summer, all of last year's clubs being back, with Kitch ener in addition, With M, O, ball out of Kitchener the amateurs are evidently going to do a comeback, a8 they have filed a list of 30 play- ers with the Secretary, Although there has been some doubt about Brantford and Stratford remaining in the loop this year, the delegates of both cities sald at the moeting held here that they would have teams. Owing to the London club not being sure nhout the dates on which it could secure the park it was impossible to draw up the schedule, The league is composed of St, Thomas, London, Stratford, Guelph, Kitchener, Preston, alt and Brantford, The Brantford Cordage Co, noti- fled the league that they would not operate a team this year, but it ap- poars a movement fathered by the City Council there has resulted in the decision of another organization to take the Brantford franchise, Joint Meeting Girl Guide Companies A Joint meeting of Girl Guide Com- panics No, 5 and No, B was held at their quarters in *the old City Hall Wednesday, General work was carried out and. the companies inspected by leaders Miss Gladys McLaughlin and Miss M, lHaines of No, B company. Games and relay races were enjoyed I'he miceting closed with "T° aps." The Guides have arranged to hold a St, Patrick's dance next Wednesday night, INVESTIGATION OF STOCK YARDS ALLEGED BY CHICAGO JOURNAL Chicago, March 10, with a Coroner's inquiry death of Dr. Wesley N. charge of the Federal field inspection of the Bureau of Animal Indugtry, The Chicago Journal today said that it had been learned that Investigation is under way in the stockyards Two De- partment of Justice operatives have been working in the guise of lahor- ers in the yards, The Journal said, but the exact. nature of the inquiry Coincident into the Neal, in meat and had not been learned ---------- ve ---- | --" p------ PACE FIVE ee a------ TT that it will be possible to hold the un- veiling ceremony on Victoria" Day. While the site has not definitely been UNVEILED IN MAY The statue ot the late Sir James Whitney, which is now nearing com- pletion inde the chic ul Me Me | teenie, i in eared that the men unveiled in May, according to Hon, | 0rial will probably be placed on tne George 5. Henry, Mr, Henry hopes | cast lawn near the flag pole, au MARTIN'S sere Phone 90 for Week-End Specials BEEF SPECIALS Choice Win» Roasts 22¢ Prime Rib Roast Rolled 26¢ 1b. Rolled Veal Roasts 28¢ Loin Veal Roasts 28¢ Legs Veal, whole or half 30¢c Pure Orange Marmalade 16 oz. jar 2 for 35¢ 3 Ib. glass jar ! Harvest Raspberry Jam 25c¢ Have you tried owr Black Ceylon Tea? Extra Value . 65¢c Ib. California Seedless Or- anges .... 39¢ & 49¢ doz. Choice Spy Apples, 30c pk. Messina Lemons .... 20c doz. Iceberg Head Lettuce 2 for 15¢ Choice New Cabbage, Ib. 10c Fresh Tomatoes .... |b, 20c Cooking Onions 6 lbs for 26¢ Spanish Onions 5 lbs. for 26¢ Ib. Fresh Shoulder Pork ..., 20¢ Fresh Butts Pork Fresh Legs Pork, whole Corn Tomatoes 2 for 25¢ Peas Davis Pure Lard Peerless Shortening Ib. Smoked Breakfast Bacon Green Back Bacon sliced 42¢ Meadowvale Creamery Swen Pickled Picnic New Laid Eggs .... 42¢ doz. A Martin Limited 16 Simcoe St. South Prompt Delivery Lm RE ------ ars Ie The Lo 'wn ps INSTI NTRODIETORY " Boys' Bloomers and Knickers In Grey, Brown and Lov- at Tweeds--and Fox Blue Serge. $1.25 Values .. $1.75 Values .. $2.00 Values . . $2.50 Values . . $3.00 Values .. ..95¢ $1.35 $1.45 $1.75 $2.40 Men's TweedSuits In plain and fancy tweeds, S.B. and D.B. Models. $22.50 to $25.00 Serge." $38.50 to $40, 00 Junior {anc N non oulors-- $2.00, $250, 3.00, $4.00, $4.50 Sailor-- Middy --Jumior and Oliver Twist For the lite follows from 2 10 O years we offer a wonder- inl showing of Sadlor-- Maddy and Tawoods, Navy Serces as well as the Wool-Knit Suits in combina- Oliver Twast Flanncls and OHNSTON'S SIMCOE STREET NORTH SESSSSSSESSSSSEESSNES SEES ESS SESE EEEEEEEEEENENEENEN Men's G. B. Borsalino Hats 5 dozen Men's Borsalino Hats in Grey, Brown and Beaver shades with the snap and roll brims, regular $7.50 $5.75