Oshawa Daily Reformer, 12 Mar 1926, p. 3

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Visit Children's Shelter A committee of seven girls [rom the Count On Me Class, of King St, Sunday School, visited the Child- ren's Shelter on Wednesday even- ing, Mrs, Clatworthy gave an in- teresting reading and Miss Van Valkanburg played and sang, after which every one joined in a joluy sing song, Yadies' Swimming Olass On Wednesday afternoon from the hours of two to six, o'ciock, al) ladies wishing to swim or learn this art Nay do so by applying at the Y.M.C,A, for particulars, Mrs, Hr- nest Warne has been secured as in- structress and those wishing to be- come mermaide will be in capable hands, Mrs, Warne was instruct- vess in the "Y' about five years ago and many capable swimmers have received instructions from her, X Awarded Medal : R. Hemstock, a well known Whitby horticulturist, has been awarded the Canadian Florists' and Gardeners' Association medal, for 1925, for his gladiolus "Miss Freida," The award was made by the Canadian Horticul- tural Council, Mr. Hemstock has made a hobby of growing gladioli for a number of years, specializing in the production of new-varieties. Last year he sent six of the latter to Ottawa, one of which took the medal now awarded to him, Mr. Hemstock was President of the Whitby Horticultural Society last year, : Bh li Nin Z or er I[E for an appointment with our optical specialist, JURY & LOVELL "1 Exclusive Optical Parlors HOHE TE EE S| [ITE HE THRE Victor Record Have you heard Jack Smith, the whispering baritone's new Victor Ile- cord. No, 19914, "Some other bird whistled a tune," It's appealing. Hear it at D, J, Brown's, 10 King St. West i a Arrested on Avson Charge W .O. Smyth, formerly of Manvers township, was arrested in Peterboro on Monday by Provincial Constable Cou- sans on a charge of arson and taken to Cobourg jail, He goes to Manvers Station on March 17 for his prelimin- ary trial, His arrest follows the burn- ing of his house at Manvers Station last December, following an investi- gation by the provincial fire marshal, Cobourg Rotary Officers At the annual election of officers of the Cobourg Rotary Club the follow- ing officers were elected: President, R. T. Mahon; Vice-President, H, Fuller- ton; Sceretary, A, W, Young; Trea- surer, J, W, Spragge; Directors, A. J, Gould, E. W, Hargraft, Dr. F. P Lloyd, T. J. Stenhouse, A, R, Willmott, I. H, Wilson, Victor Record "Unknown Soldier's Grave," Vigtor Record 19918, sung by Vernon Dal- hart, will interest you, Hear it at 1). J. Brown's, 10 King St, west, 215a Magistrate For Red Lake A law business at Red Lake is to be carried on by Earl Lawson of Godfrey, lawson and Corcoran and Arthur Prebilcock, a former Bowmanville boy, of Lennox and Trebileock, who have formed a new partnership. Mr, Lawson's name is now before the goy- crnment for appointment as magis- trate for the new mining district, It is expected that Mr. Trebileock will act as deputy magistrate until Mr, Lawson arrives in Red Lake. Fire on Roof A midnight fire broke out in the roof of Andrew Johnston's house on Athol street, Whitby,.'but before any great amount of damage was don2 neighbors and firemén had the bla extinguished, A spark from the chim- ney which was on fire earlier in the evening is believed to have ignited the shingles of the roof. The family had zone to bed after satisfying themselves that the chimney blaze had been ex- iinguished. Mr. Johnston made several trips outside to this end, but apparently a small fire, which he was unable to bserve was "smouldering, Mr. J. H. Lavin, who lives next door south, while yreparing to. retire, noticed the blaze m the roof and immediately telephoned the fire department. Breach of O.T.A. For some time spotters from the provincial license department have heen working in Cobourg and have laid a charge of selling liquor against Fred Omen," bartender at the Albion Hotel, while a similar charge has been laid wainst the proprietress of the hotel, Mrs. Wilkinson. Omen was arrested ALFALFA MEAL Heps laying and fertility. Try some steamed, it smells like Tresh mown hay. We make it fresh from the best second cutting alfalfa hay. Phone noon, ELMCROFT FARM or evening. 1544 Ray McLaughlin 1655 r 21 W. 8. Scott { Remember The Drug Stores Close On Sunday Purchase your Drug Store needs »| The meeting took health? {If so, use ROYAL YEAST CAKES =the of quality for over 50 years, t Soak a cake of Royal Yeast, with a little sugar, in tepid water over night, Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Flaver is im- proved by adding the juice of an orange, ROYAL YEAST CAKES by Chief Ruse, and coming up in police court was remanded until Tues- day, March 16, when the proprietress will also appear on a similar charge, Mrs. Wilkinson was away from home, and could not be served, Simcoe St, LAS, On Tuesday afternoon the regular monthly meeting of the Simcoe Street Ladies' Aid Society was held. the form of a short business session during which last year's officers were all re-elect- ed by acclamation. Lunch was served at the close, Ladies' Auxiliary G.W.V.A, The meeting of the Ladies' Aux- iliary G.W.V.A. which is to be held next Tuesday night will take place at the home of Mrs. William Cul- ling, Sr., 247 Bruce street, instead of in the G,W.V.A. hall owing to the Sons of Scotland holding a social event there with a number of mem- bers from 'Toronto lodges being present, 93rd Birthday Whitby's oldest resident, and one who is highly respected, in the person of Mrs. Lugton, celcbrated her 93rd birthday recently at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Johnston, when a large number of friends and neighbors call- ed to extend congratulations and best wishes. Mrs. Lugton receiving them -- in her usual cheerful manner. She was the recipient of gifts of fruit and flowers, and other dainties, which she} thoroughly enjoyed, while messages of | good will were received from a num- ber of friends at a distance. | ENACT MOB SCENE AT DWYER TRIAL (Continued from page 1) of the Criminal Code, charging "neg- lect." This was assented to, despite protests of I. F. Strickland and B. E. Parks, Dwyer's counsel, that the Magistrate exceeded his authority in committing Dwyer for trial on a charge that had already 'been laid and withdrawn to make way for the mur- der charge. Mrs. Dwyer was arraigned on a charge of manslaughter and the pra- liminary hearing will continue tomo:- row morning. There is also a charge of neglect pending against Mrs. Dwy- er. She is represented by F. D. Kerr, K.C. Hundreds Pack Court When court opened at 245 this ai- ternoon the room was already crowded. Hundreds of persons, half of them women, packed the aisles and the open spaces behind the barrier. They stood up on the seats reserved for the pub- fic, hung over the back of the jury boxes, and lined up on the stairs. Scores were turned away, unable to gain admission. During a thrilling moment the crowd surged forward, pushing over the rail that separates the public section from the court floor. Then, leaning over the prisoners' box to look at the accused the crowd pushed the box off its base, so that there was difficulty in opening the door. A city policeman was posted be- hind Mrs. Dwyer to prevent the crowd {irom jostling her. | The evidence presented today was l{much the same' as that given at the | inquest on Wednesday night. Dr. 1. H. Erb of Toronto, who conducted the post-mortem examination, asked | whether the emaciated condition of | the boy was sufficient in itself to cause [| death, said: "I adwit it was getting | close to the point of endangering life." At Local Theatres AT THR REGENT Something new in the way of mo- 'thon picture entertainment made its appearance at the Regent theatre last night when "The Mid- shipman"" featuring Ramon Novar- ro flashed out roars of unsuppress- ed laughter, moments of boy and girl romance, touching seenes of mother love, and last but not least, Ramon Novarro's sincere perform- ance as the clean-cut, adventurous youth at the Naval Academy at An- napolis, From the beginning of the story, when Novarro enters the hig gates of the Academy with an alarm clock in his suitcase to make cer- tain of him rising in time for the day's activities, laughs are profuse- ly scattered through the following scenes, which take the "plebe" on through the joyous pranks of his fellow students into romance, fights, villianous opposition finally ending in almost disgrace, but with the aid of a whole destroyer flo- tilla, Novarro finally saves the girl he loves after a thrilling chase at sea, and as they say in the story hooks, "they lived happily ever af- ter," Sam Collis and his Regent or- chestra was again on hand with splendidly cued music which added greatly to the enjoyment of the feature presentation, "Home Cured," an added comedy, drew many laughs and rounded out a programme that the Regent or any other theatre on the North American continent should feel proud of, Local theatre-goers should see this show, BETTY GOODWIN NOW REAL WESTERN GIRL Betty Goodwin, who plays the lead in Pete Morrison's "Ranga Bug- zards," which comes to New Martin Theatre tonight, has become a real Western girl. A native of Kentue- ky, she was always an expert Lorse- woman, but she has added to (hat many other accomplishments, She now is an accomplished swimmer, a dead shot with rifle or revolver and is no mean hand with a lariat. Miss Goodwin says she wouldn't go to playing parts in society pictures for anything. It will be remembered that Betty played sev- eral important roles with Harold Lloyd, Betty Compson, Pola Negri and others before casting her lot with Pete Morrison, The third episode of "The Scarlet Streak' and a special comedy, "Hold Your Hat" will be the attraction at The New Martin tonight and Sat- urday only, with a special matinee Saturday afternoon, zat2.30 p.m. for the school children. Mes ecent Deaths MARY ELIZABETH OWENS The funeral took place on Thurs- day afternoon of ome of Oshawa's most esteemed resiednts in the per- son of Mary Elizabeth Owens, be-| loved wife of Wni. L. Anderson, 114 Athol street east. The late Mrs. Anderson was born in Oakwood, Mariposa,. Her girl- hood was spent in Lindsay coming to Oshawa in 1887. She was of a retiring disposition, devoted to her home and family and a life long member of St. George's (Anglican) Church. The great love and respect in which she was held was shown by the numerous and beautiful floral tributes. Besides her sorrowing husband, she leaves a daughter, Mrs. Clayton Downey and two sons, Chas. M. and Bruce, all of Oshawa, also a sister, Miss P. A. Owens, Los Angeles, Cal. and three brothers, Mr. George Qwens, Cambray; Mr. P. J. Owens, Toronto (at present in Honolulu); Mr. C. W. Owens, St. Petersburg, Florida. The services Canon C. R. dePencier. took place in the Union Cemetery, Oshawa. were conducted by Webster, Geo. Puckett, H. A. Ross, and S. Bale. Out of town relatives Geo. Owens, Cambray; Mrs. W. E. Wells, Cambray; Mr. Kenneth Owens, Toronto; Mr. Oscar Downey, Myrtle; Mr. Elme Patterson, Ham- ilton. FUNERAL, OLA MONBGOMERY The funeral of Ola Marjorip Montgomery, Jarvis street, was Tuesday afternoon at the residence, with Rev. C. W. conducting the service at 1 0" Master Barclay. . Among the floral tributes were: The Primary Dept. of the King Church, Miss Garpow and Hezzlewood, Form 2B of High School, a 5 Leyden, Miss adys and tha McBrien, Mrs. Lee Mrs. W. Gigfon, Mrs. Mrs. Graham," Mrs. Manning, Mgs. Jacobs, Mrs. Love, Mrs. Gim Qstle, Mrs. Oobney., Mrs. Friends, Mir. and Mrs. Nolam, and Mi Schoenan, Mr. ; Hi J. 5 FOUND GUILTY OF Interment | The pall bearers were: Messrs. L.| Powers, Robert Pye, T. Gale, W. ~ RECKLESS DRIVING (Continued from page 1) right rear fender, swerved off and crashed to the ditch where it toppled on its side, Under questioning Dal- ton explained that he was on his own side of the road and proceeding about twenty miles an hour when he saw Read approaching down Gib- bons street at around 12 miles an hour, At that time Dalton, who was about fifty feet west of Gibbon street gave his whistle a couple of toots, applied his brakes, then let them off again, as he thought Read knew he had the right of way, He claimed he could stop the bus, going at 20 miles per hour, in its own length, and thought he was about 20 feet east of Gibbon street when he went into the ditch, breaking a guy wire on a telephone pole as he did so, Charles Hayes, John Henry, Wm. Middleton, and Wesley Herd, all of whom reside in Whitby and were In the bus at the time of the accident gave evidence, Although their state- ments on distances did not agree, they all agreed that Read cut across in front of them and that the hus was in the ditch either beside the guy wire or ahout 10 feet from the pole. Fredrick McDonald, who brought the bus in to Oshawa stated that the bus was heside a hroken guy wire hanging from a telephone pole, and the bus had enterea the ditch at an angle about the length of itself, Read, when giving his story of the accident, imed that he ap- proached the Kingston road in a Star touring car at about 15 miles an hour, slackened down, looked both ways and seeing no one pnt his car in second and proceeded onto -the highway at an angle, tlc had gone about 40 feet around tn: corner and was not straightened out on the road when he felt a crash which drove his car about thirty feet ahead before he could stop. |. Tomorrow's Selling NEW 850 spring Coats 50 srring Hats Ready For Now is the time to buy. Variety of style and variety of sizes are here to choose from, Our Spring showing is now at its best, later on certain styles and sizes will be low, Let us have the pleasure of showing you our new garments, Your particular choice will be put away for you on the pay- ment of a small deposit, then you will be sure of having just what you want when Easter arrives. Every satisfac- tion is guaranteed as to-Qualities, Comfort and Workman- ship. Very exceptional qualities, in comparison to the price asked. CLI SREY Li $1.48 Supersilk Hosiery--Canada's ' Greatest Hosiery Valge, per pair Pe gen Fred Donevan, a civil engineer, a produced a plan of the road at the scene of the accident which showed that the broken guy wire was ex- actly 76 feet from the centre line of (ibbons street, where Dalton claim- ed he had put on his brakes, On this point, that Dalton had gone 75 feet after applying his brakes, J. P, Mangan pleading for Read, sought to have the case dis- missed, and that Dalton, not Read should have been charged with reck- less driving. Col. Grierson acting tor the crown, stated that Dalton had the right of way by the law and that 'Read should have stopped. In rupning up the evidence, Magistrate Hind convicted Read on his. own evidence, that he had ap- proached the corner at about 1% miles an hour, was 30 feet around a w---- -- IEE NE the corner and not straightened out, all of which crown witnesses had said. "You took chance," fined Réad $10 and costs or thirty days besides having his car put in pound" jn his own garage for three days. supposed to be numerous and cheap- Ty obtainable The Municipal Employment has announced that the supply the capital is less than a tenth of the demand. shortage principally on employers and say that the domestic of todey has learned that she has certain rights and prerogatives, Instead of housework she has come to prefer laboring in the fields on a daylight schedule, corroborated all the take a as he chance, and too many said the Magistrate, BERVANT GIRLS SCARCE Tokyo.--Servant girls, generally are not. Bureau in in Japan, Officials blame tne "Christies Sultana Different from ] r) Ad Biscuit 0» for every girl and boy « + » after school + + » Christie's Sultanss and a glass of milk. Such energizing nutriment--such splendid sustenance lies within these flaky, brown sandwiches filled with fruity, tender, Sultana raisins. all other Sultana Biscuits in flavour and goodness--because of the quality of Christie ingredients, the infinite care and exactness in baking. Sold by the pound Sultanas . Ask your grocer for Christie's each genuine biscuit. CHRISTIE'S FIG BARS ARE SOLD BY 4. W. Holdsworth MC. Victor Puckett Bros. & Scilley F. W. White Too Late To Classify det: { WILL THE PERSON WHO PICKED {and Mrs. Scisson, Mrs. C. Powell, {up the purse in Steel's on Thursday (Mrs. D. Ferguson, Mr. H. Ripley. | kindly return to 15 Hall St. Reward: | Mr. W. Jordan, Mr. G. Smith, Mrs. { poultry-house windows, hotbed frames? It is and healthier than glass and only half the price. PHONES - - ! Just South of Post Office. : | Mcintage St. School, North Bay; the teachers of Mcintage St. School, North Bay; g girls, North Bay. Gerald Montgomery especially wishes to thank the boys eof the _|Closed Body Trimming Dehartment AGMC., for the beautiful floral pil- low. ------ a ----

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