Oshawa Daily Reformer, 11 Mar 1926, p. 4

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' THE OSHAWA. DAILY REFORMER, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1926 a-- --_-- BY NO MEANS CERTAIN er -------- -- rT TT ee ---- ee is sulficiently interested to go to |" ---- -- B. Courtice's Class. It was thor- |of the Women's Missionary Society, oughly enjoyed and appreciated by |will be held on Thursday afternoon [the trouble of writing a critic or an Following a dinner of savants, a E---- -- -------- I » [all and much 'credit is due to Mrs. [of this week. The ladies hope for |auther." News of Nearb Places Courtice and the girls in the splend- [a good turnout at this meeting, as Fiction leads in popularity with Sn, tem o Jeriney ¢ id preparation and presentation. [it is of great importance to the |readers on the sunset side of the |cloak-room attendant sp My Thai finch exercises Npre@s pe § 3 hts Chen fa yon | Fs, 1 he work tha the Socety | commen rom Mika a Menlo, (ory. Rhona the sient "oe COLUMBUS son's hig truck from Toronto broke [Jennie 30th, buyer, T. J. T. Cole & | and are - very helpful whenever | Sorrow again spread swiftly over [year wr bag Mig 4 Jol le place jedied ta have Misia his ticket, the the track through on Tuesday of | Son, Bethesda, price $90.00. given. the community Monday when death |cal navel, particularly that d oi Hing nt out hesitation handed him last week .and the cars have been J. Baker, Julia Fashion, A, Miss Verna Found and Mr, Sid-|entered into another home of our |witp iors FUER ¢ ry that dealing A ght hat. We are glad to report that Mr. [running every day since. The road (Thompson, Brooklin, $170.00, ney Found recently visited with neighbourhood when Mr. Robt. Ad- J ¥. ' i ow do you know this one was L. Guy who underwent an opera-|is quite rough in some places but| J. Baker, Browndale Mysie, W. [friends in Pickering. ams passed away very suddenly. | . Yekion thinks that the popularity ne Jaked the learned man. tion at the Oshawa Hospital last [is passable. Summerville, Orono, $130.00. The 'Women's Missionary Society, |Mr. Adams was drawing wood when | 20 POSES In this section can he * AN don; Kuo. Jat Sh. Wednesday is deing nicely. Miss Annie Wright, of Black-| J. Baker, Mina Beauty 2nd, M. §. [held its annual quilting on Thurs- [his sleigh skidded tipping over the [FARANC 4% to classification about as | 'Then 'why did you give it te Mr, R. Murison of Brooklin, stock is visiting with relatives here. Staples, Orono, $100.00. : day last. The ladies quilted about [10ad. He had started to re-load and Nya: etien, aval, Asm, We auc You #ive- It 10 ne. when - - 8 yr ny, ] 0) spent the week-end with his par he ountjoy families held a| J. Baker, Mina Beauty, calf, A. [eight quilts which will be sent to Vag Jouid Bend beside Na sleigh humor, Humor doubtless Would be [YOu come in, suh."--Royal Maga -- Dr. T. W. G. McKay gave a lec- ture on Friday evening at the Home and School Club meeting. There was a good attendance and all pres- Pastor J. R. Bick gave a splendid address on Sunday and many turned out even if the weather wasn't favorable. * alB will celebr: their fifteenth anni- versary Tage 1h form Senth Jnl ent certainly heard something to evening at the home of the Presi- |their benefit. The program was as 3 follows: Instrumental by Miss Mur- t, Mrs. yi . 2, S git, Mrs, F. Wo Lee, on Saterday iel Phillips, who plays well for her WESTERN LITERARY | SPECIAL SALE OF FOLDING GARD TABLES Strong, light weight, folding tables, top cov- ered with green felt, and is 30 in. square. Regular Value $4.00. Special Price $2.95 Spread Baume Bengué over the afflicted 'parts, rub well, and cover with flannel or muslin. Baume Bengué draws the stiff- ness and soreness right out. Does not burn or its here, : family gathering at the home of (Crago, Darlington, $65.00. some needy Canadian mission fiel BL ae from here attended the [Mr, J. Mountjoy on Friday evening, | J. Baker, Bgton. $58 Lass, Square | where nd Caladia » -- fon _tield the deepest sympathy of all in their |¢loser to te top except that there |%Ine. party at Oliver McCullough's last [it being the occasion of the thir- Bros, Bowmanville, $75.00. The ladies are certainly doing good [sudden bereavement, Are Comparatively $0 few humorous igi J Friday night and all report 'a good [teenth wedding anniversary of Mr. Fred Parker, Lady Grove, M, J. |work in this way. The sale of sew- We are glad to report that Mr. ed. FLUID KILLARNEY time, and Mrs, Everitt Mountjoy. Elliot, Bowmanville, $100.00. ing and reed work onsthat day net- |G. F. Annis is recovering nicely in| In the last year, besides those | Thomas Meighan, motion picture Mrs, L. L. Guy spent a few days Mrs. C. W. Hoskin was in Bow- J. F. Osborne, May Blossom 2nd, [ted the Mission Circle about ten [Bowmanville Hospital and Mr. W. that he read for published criticism, (actor, says that the city of Killar- with friends in Oshawa last week. manville on Friday visiting her sis- [Frank Batty, Brooklin, $90.00, dollars to help swell their funds. 1. Courtice is improved very slight- [Jackson read and reviewed 534 [ney s boasts one saloon for every Don't forget the drama, "Valley [ter, Miss Cann, at the home of Rev. Russell Osborne, Golden Gem,| League last week was in charge [ly though he is still quite serious- books by radio. He was among the [fifty inhabitants, Farm," to be given at the Columbus | Mr. Tonkin. Frank Batty, Brooklin, $100.00. of Mr. Charles Osborne, Consecra- [ly ill. We wish them both a speedy | first book-reviewers to go on the United Church (Pres.) on Friday,| Mr, and Mrs, R. J. Luke and| Samuel Richard, Lavender Daisy, [tion Vice President. The topic was [recovery to health. air. Now there are seventy-two or March 26th by the Young People | Miss "Wright were guests of A. L. $110.00. taken by Rev. Washington and the rrrr---- more broadcast book chats maintain- of the Sunday School. Everybody Pascoe's at Solina on Friday. IC. H, Mumford, Beatrice Quar- [Bible study by Miss Marie Rundle. ZION ed, come, Miss Allie Wood, of Orono, is |terstaff, T. Jones, Port Granby, |A profitable evening was spent hy The life of the average book re- Mrs. A. E. Grass is spending this [visiting her sisters, Mrs, W. N. Hos- [§100.00, all who were present. This week viewer is one hook after anoth week with relatives in Toronto, kin and' Mrs. George Armour here.| C. H, Mumford, Clunny Blossom | meeting will be in charge of the| A concert and box social Will be | wpie ne does not hope t a her. A large number attended the Hard nd, Mr. Sov Newtonville, $90.00. | Missionary Committee, held, in Ro Sunday Seino) Jooms (41) the hundreds of Yorrig {oluas Time Social in the United Church . H. Mumford, Countess 6th, J. Early on Tuesday morning, fire |9n Marc under the auspices of 1,4 yea yy h i (Meth,) last Friday evening 'and all NORTH OSHAWA T. Hardy, Hampton, $150.00. of a an Uesuay consumed the [the Sunday School. Local talent. A 117, Jyckaoy £3) ihe profes report a wonderful time, \C, H. Mumford, Prince McGregor, |barn of Mr. Roy Trull. The barn | Every lady is asked to prepare & (coir with the contents of a vast num. We are glad to report Mrs. Ar-| Master Leo Moffatt entertained [Neil Carruthers, Cobourg, $95.00. [contained cows, horses and poultry, | PoX. Particulars will be given next fyo, "yuo eon reads from fifteen to thur Ross much improved. after her (a number of little people to a par- Fred Parker, White Dale, Mr. [practically all of which perished in week in the coming events. eighteen a week, the year around operation, ty on Tuesday on the occasion of |Lane, Newtonville, $86.00, the flames. The fire was well under Mr. Chas. Snowden, Maple Grove "An hour is shough to devote to Sorry to report Mr. Paul Purves |his seventh birthday. Fred Parker, Roan Fairlawn, P.|lway hefore the owners knew of it |district, Superintendent of Temper- | po" anion tyne of novel." he de. on the sick list, Miss Francis Barrett wds hostess |W. Rixon, Vernonville, $75.00. and so little could be done to save |ance, for Darlington Sunday Schools (ho 0 =m accomplish tiie Shits Mr. A Murison has returned for a skating party on Wednesday 2 Fred Parker, Fulriewe Royalist, |any of the animals, implements or Maited ous schaol ou. Sunday and paragraphs, almost a page at a time ome after visiting in Goodwood [evening to celebrate her birthday. R. , Newcastle, 5.00, eed whic ere the barn. e |8 elle - | ' and attending the funeral of his | About twenty young 'peoplg left Fred Parker, Fairlawne Messen- feed li Eh ver Lh | and aru. i perance, It was well worth going ube be Sonaumed pir, glaves. This brother, Mr. Charlie Murison, Ross' Corners on a bus and went to |ger, John Miller, Ashburn, $100.00: |and family have the sincere sym-|S0me distance to hear. ice ity for the profs icy Jracts Whitby to skate, returning to Miss | Stanley J. Gray, Leader, Arthur |pathy of the neighbourhood. Ladies' Ald Society held its regu- | oReili] or i na v 3 80 KEDRON Barrett's home where her mother [Robbins, Lescard, $95.00, The annual election of officers |/2F meeting at the home of Mrs, } result as one might served supper, The young people J. F. Oshorne, Buriach's Pride, 8 2 ' Garnet Beckell with eighteen mem- |think."" The Ked Ladies' Aid held their | Were not slow to show how good it |John Miller, Ashburn, $100.00. a ms mews | bers present, Three members were It is his opinion that the system The Kedron Ladies' Aid held their | 0. " "a1 hod a good sing song and 8. C. "Allin, Broadhooks Star, J ud added to the list. A number of |of teaching pupils to read by "word regular 'monthly meeting a the | Cin games made a jolly good even-!L. Parsons, Darlington, $185.00, \ children, "the future Ladies' Aid [recognition," a method which dis- home of Mrs. Wm. Mountjoy, "Wil- |p W. F. Rickard, Roan King, John AY) perhaps', were also there, In the [cards the alphabet completely, will lowdale parm, i Wednesday af- | orn--To Mr. and Mrs. Albert | Miller, Ashburn, $115.00, ' I; absence of the President, Mrs. A. T. upon development enable the ternoon, March 3rd, here Wore Beckett on Thursday, March 4, a| J. E. Allin, Gloster Lovelace, DODD S Stainton through illness, Mrs. J. W. [coming generation to read with twenty-two in attendance, Mrs. 8. daughter, Congratulations. Sam Snowden, Bowmanville, $85.00 , Balson conducted the meeting, Roll [thoroughness almost as rapidly as Jove) ron lsred ved "oh which Mr. Archie Hopkins is progress-| M. S. Staples, Lavender Challen- ; Call was responded to by a verse or |the professional reader does now. SY onjoye to ig ails ing nicely and will soon he able to ae, Russell Richardson, ¢Ashhurn, K | D) N = { geleetion ol "Rindneas The top The radio reviewer, if he would Tie leave the Hospital, 95.00. was read by Mrs. Balson on * Ee * ne yicloy Home 1B TOTONLY ihe to Mr-| Mr. Peter Gallagher spent Sun- EE Fashioned Kindness', Mrs. Glaspel be \hcounetul, Wud nigyratively wk SL AIR tD Bove W. F. Batty, of Brooklin, who holds [98Y With W. Barrett. EBENFZER od i BY favored also with a reading, both | oo 00 (FEERCH BY Wd fo one den's Eagle Brand a 'prominent position in' the horse- On Sonday, when playing in a ! selected and sent hy Mrs. Stainton. side of the curb--just as he w ) sed Milk if ft neighbor's yard, Percy Taylor had w-- DBA Sang two hymns and Rev. J. R. Bick nak st as he would OU cannot hreeding world, having been elected his arm broken between the elhow Three services were held as usual \ SE led in prayer. Mrs. Bick read the alt a friend on the street to dis- oy 8 Fo nurse the new Vice-President of * the | "0 jer Mr. Stanley Provost, [on Sunday last, and although the Fy ) Scripture Lesson. cuss the merits of a movie," Jack- aby, For three Clydesdale Horse Association of [286 SERREIE, Ey iY sok the [Weather was not the best the ser- KIDNEY y Mr. and Mrs. A. Langmaid and [50 believes. He warns the review- ensrations the Canada, He is a former Kedron child 'and Tis father to the hospital vices were fairly attended. [ 8 MLTINT VY GAL > 3 ¢ Evelyn were on their way to the er of "too much of a muchness" re- eading ant food, hoy, and a brother of Mrs. H. F. hic cai where Nis arm was et The pastor was with his congre- Svs pi i Ladies' Afd Wednesday when the |B8rding familiarity "for the kind of Write The Borden Werry of this vicinity. uff of oh evening the service was |8ation both morning and evening Mia 2BETES Nall cutter was overturned and all three |P€OPle who listen to radio book re- Ca L. ited, Mont~ Miss Marguerite Conlin spent a conducted by Rev. Mr Whattam, of | 8iving inspiring messages in both : 1 thrown out, Miss Evelyn falling on |Yi€Ws are the kind who freeze up ful Baby few days with her sister, Mis. P. Albert Street and was much en-|8ervices. A special feature of the ". her face, For two days the little |4uickly and resent attempted famil- Love in Oshawa last week joyed by all present. Next Sun-|S. S. session was a missionary girl was in a stupor and Dr. Slemon [18rity if it is even the tiniest bit | Severs) zon dete 2iiehded he day' evening Mr. Patten, of Tor- exercise given by the girls of Mrs, was called. She is better at the time | ff tone (ance given y of ah rs. oli. onto, will preach, of writing. Mrs. Langmaid received yor Fry Ioush hear Totes Lake RN AR RY bruises to her left arm. time, The Kedron Adult Bible Class e¥ening, March 13th. h ES END S E | L "The cars are getting through now |age; we are glad to have such a on the mew" highway between iho | clever Jule Distt J peg) Breakfast B y - C n y a . 4 ' A Five Points and Taunton. Neil and Jim." which was much enjoy- rea ast acon TASTES CLASSIFIED ed. Duet on piano, Minnie and ' Alma Fice; two humorous recita- I ---- tions by Miss Eastwood, of Osh- 10 to 12 Ibs. each | Nothi Indi Trash "@ awa, which were much enjoyed. It half or whole C | ing to icate 1rashy was decided to have an orchestra | Novels in Writings of ints for the Home and School Club. in Wiltine: Mrs. Gerry and Mr. Henning were Jo elected to take charge of it. Mrs. RINELESS and SLICED 35¢ bial Henning played the opening and pT closing songs. A lunch was served San 57 Canagian of td the with Mrs. Frank Brock as Sonvens:: LARD trashy cowhoy novel has any ad- cal Rltemic of mumps is preva. mirers in the mountain or prairie " . states, there is nothing to indicate Miss Ruth Huggins, of Courtice, it in the corespondence of Joseph 50c Henry Jackson, literary editor of Sunset Magazine. Contrary to what is sometimes spent Thursday with her sister, ; Mrs. Thomas Scott. . 3 Ibs. FOR . believed, "westerns" are popular in blister. Say "Ben Gay" to I : your druggist, SOLINA 6 Ibs. FOR » . . ® the West, just as they are in the East, he finds, but it is the better written western story that makes FINE OLD CHEESE srsssnnrs 35¢ Ib friends. GATES \ikker thousand letters yearly concerning PHONE 396 The fifth annual sale of Short- horn cattle at Waverley Stables, Bowmanville, under the auspices of Durham County Club, witnessed a fair crowd despite severe weather conditions. Bidding was copserva- tive throughout for the class of cattle presented, there being few inferior ones. R. T. Amos, of Mof- fatt handled the sale. Selling for $75 up listed. W. J. Leask consigned Crimson J Yes! We're Going to Move! Greatly Reduced Prices on Our Entire Stock of ) ELECTRIC FIXTURES, Etc. Fixtures For Any Room In The House The Stock Includes a Wonderful Variety In Latest Finishes and Designs 1,0nly 8 Floor Lamps Hot Point Range : SERS $100 | | ssid on $12.45 THE ELECTRIC SHOP Luke Furniture Co. PHONE 79 books and from them he forms his conclusions as to the literary pre- ferences of western readers. There |is a noteworthy absence of appeal [= the colored sketch of "wild and wooly" western life. "Of course,"" he concedes, "it is only 'the reader of good books who 52 Simcoe St. N. 52 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1075 Phone 1075

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