"THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER. THURSDAY. MARCH 11, 1926 PAGE NINE RA * an x 3 : WW Reformer : Want Ad Does A Big Job At A Very Small Cost s Legal \ Tire Repairing Articles For Sale Real Estate For Sale Exchange CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Public, Ete, Con- veyancing and general practice of Aw, O i 7% Simeoe St. South, Oshawa, Phine 63, . G. D. Conant, B.A, LLB, A F, Annis, BA, he .W. B, N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building, 116-1 yr, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- pister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, ' Money to loan, Office «+4% King St, East, Oshawa. *Phone 445. Residence phone 837M, GNIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, 14 Church St, Tires for sale, Jamieson Bros. FURNITURE STORAGE--LOW IN- surance rate, A, F, McCulloch, 37 itson Rd, N, Phone 1002W and J. 77-18 0, G, REYNOLDS, 38 BLOOR ST. Hast. Phone 693, Auto painting and simonizing, Work guaranteed, Be- fore painting get our prices, ow FOR SALE--PAPER BALER, SUIT- able for merchant, gooa condition, Apply Mr. displaced by larger one. Mundy, 'Reformer. 150-tf 6-ROOMED COMMISSION HOUSE for sale; all conveniences; newly decorated; splendid location; ' easy cash payment. 124 Tylor Crescent. FOR SALE--HIGH ing desk, solid oak, 6 ft, long, three drawers, Cheap for quick sale, former Office, BOOKKEEP- Re- 143-1 (198tf) FOR SALE--10 ACRES ON PROV- incial Highway at Thornton's Cor- ners, 5 roomed house, new. barn, FOR SALE--MASON AND RISCH also Player Pianos, ,B high Terms arranged, Used C, Trull, Pianos, grade pisuce on hand. only, Phone good hen house, 1% acres' orchard. Price $4,000. No agents. D. A, O'- Donnell, Box 87, Oshawa, (2031) FOR SALE--ONE OR MORE ACRES good orchard and some bush. About GYPROC, THE FIREPROOF WALL- Use it from cellar to attic partitions and ceilings. board, for walls, one and one-half miles from Four Corners. W. J. Holland, Phone 372, : (210-1) WILL, EXCHANGE EQUITY IN seven room press brick house, with all modern conveniences, situated in Rossland Park, Simcoe St, north, for late model Chevrolev sedan in good condition. Phone 1832W. 213b WANTED TO BEXCHANGE--MOD- ern six roomed house for eight roomed house centrally located. Apply 122 Simcoe North. (214a) Notice TENDERS WANTED TENDERS ADDRESSED to J. A, McGibbon, Secretary of the Oshawa THINGS AND THE MAN "Things never yet created things". Kipling. Back of the Thing there stands always--the Man. Back of the Great pyramid, the Pharoah who planned, the toiling thousands who raised the masonry tier on tier: back of St. Paul's, Sir Christopher Wren and an army of artisans who wrought his concepts into towering pillar and vaulted dome; back of the Panama Canal, a group of engineers and the almost numberless workers who with them carved a waterway across the continent. Back of America's far-flung telephone system, ane of | the most complex mechanical Things in the world, are Men, inventors, executives and engineers; physicists, chemists, and mathematicians; Argus congregations in favor of Rev. A. R. Gibson, formerly of Brantford, The call was sustained. Earle, Ark.--The acreage of the La- redo soy bean crap has increased from 300 acres to more than 5000 acres in one year, as a result of efforts put forth during the last three years, according to E. 8S. Barrentine, county; agriculturist agent. - HAYTON & CO. Roofers, Lathers, Shinglers Peace Metal Weatherstrip. 185 Arthur 8t, Phone 1643W - Board of Education will be received up to 12 o'clock noon March 24th for the following school supplies. 75 boxes, chalk (white); 30 bexes Economical. Hasy to apply. Saws and nails like lumber, Samples on request, Waterous Supply Co. (181-tf) lie, ete, Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 18, J, construction foreman, lineman and installers; men who have conceived master-strokes of management and FOR SALE--COSY THREE ROOM home, light and water. Lot 37 x 110. Close to Motors on paved EE -- F, Grierson, B.A, T. K, Creighton, LBA. ¥WANSON, GERMAN & MAC- engle, Barristers, Conveyancars, otary Public, ete, All Branches of Criminal and Civil Law, Money to Joan, Office over Lamble's store, 2 Wing St, East, Phone 940, D, A, , Swanson, H, N, German, F, G. ackenzie, H, B, MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER C, C, STENHOUSE, -- GENERAL architectural work, Second floor, Arcade Bldg, Phone 1496, Res, Phone 9027, ! Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ers--Dbouse cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and storm windows put on and removed, Phone street. Apply 204 Jarvis street. Hard Slabs, BODY HARDWOOD $15, per cord; $14.00 per cord; Soft Slabs $10.00 per cord. Sloan's, corn- er William and Ontario, phone 1920. (1941mo) 212-¢ 4 ROOMED FRAME HOUSE FOR sale on Burton road. Part conven- iences. $756 down. Balance to suit. This is the best bargain in west, DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINES in good condition, er Sewing Machine Co., 46 King St. 196-tf Phone 696. $10.00 up. Sing- Oshawa, Apply 621 Oxford street. 5 si 211-f BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE--FIVE chalk, coloured, (10 each of yellow red and green); 1 gPoss Blackboard erasers; 10,000 Exercise Books; 15,000 ruled work bodks; 200 Reams Foolscap; 9 (10 gal. kegs of ink); 50 gross Erasers; 20 gross Crayons; 30. gross penholders. Samples may he seen either at the Secretary's office or at the Super- visor's Office, at King St. School. Books to be delivered .in bundles of not more than 150, and samples men who have set poles, dug trench- es and spliced wires; builders who have given themselves unstintingly in order that this Thing might be. Back of America's nation-wide and universal telephone service are women too, who daily fashion at their switchboard looms an ever changing pattern 'of the nation's life, and who, in scores of other ways help to vitalize, the telephone by their intelligence and devotion. MERRITT . Paint & Aste Repair Co Special Low rrices on Paint Jobs during the quiet season, Ber and Washing. Repairin Phone 1640 20 Church St, nd Solicitor, Notary Public, ete, Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Fhones: Office, 210; resid 160, A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, S0- licitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan, 18 Simcoe street north, Oshawa, Phones, office 1614; residence, 731W. 62-tf LOUIS 8, HYMAN, BARRISTER, SoMeitor, Conveyanter, Notary Fab T lie. Mortgage loans, ffices 4- 3 Bradley Block, 29% Simeoe South. ransportation Phone 67, Residence 1170, 156tf | COLEMAN'S CARTAGE -- PHONE 4 82, 85 Bond West, Let us haul it; Medical for you, 3 trucks, 22-tf DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and .resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria Bt, Oshawa. Phone 94. ) Tr - Y rooms and hack kitchen. Bath room MIXED DaRD ARD SOIT dan and' all conveniences, $3,300. $1,300 Also bone dry bodywood., Water- | dW: Apply Box M, Reformer. ie ous Supply Co. 206-1 mo 212 BIG SALE OF FURNITURE--15 iron and brass beds, springs and new felt mattresses, all sizes, sliding couches, child's cribs, bahy carriages and go carts, hall racks, dressers, wash stands, side hoards, extension and parlor tables, rockers, easy chairs, couches, coal stoves, heaters, laundry stoves, one annex, carpets ty down balance easy terms. M. and rugs. 17 Prince St, 211f | 1. Gibson, Whitby. (2144) SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK--NO. 1|g ROOMED COMMISSION HOUSE plain oak floor laid and finished. 16 (go. sale; Brick Veneer; all con- cents per foot, lumber measurement. veniences., 196 Clarke St. Phone W. Farrell. Phone 1989W. 211-f| 14237. (214c) FOR SALE -- ONE C MELODY |pOR SALE--LOT AND MOVEABLE Conn Saxaphone, Ist class condition, |cottage. Apply 221 Dearborn Ave. with real good case. Easy payments.| Phone 1988J (2141) Good value. Apply Box N, Reformer. - -- 212-¢ | FOR SALE--BUILDING LOT. 75 Xx 132 ft. in one or two lots. Albert St., CAR- |south of C.N.R. station. Apply 736 212-c | Albert St. or phone 1593] after 5.30 p.m. 214c GARAGE FOR SALE AT 191 SIM- coe South. To be sold at a bargain, Phone 434. 214c Back of the telephone and the men - and woman who have made it one of the most human of man-serving instrumentalities; who have endow- ed it with traditions; who have breathed into it the Spirit which makes it live. _ It is to such as thege, now living | or passed on, that on the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the Telephone, the thoughts of the hosts of telephone users turn. It is upon such as these, now living or to live, that we confidently rely for the continuation of a vitally important public service. 1302W. 1 Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, F. L. Beecroft, Whitby Lumber and Wooedyard, Osh- awa phone 824, 69-Lf to 'be furnished, Coloured to be solid colours. Erasers to run ahout 40 to the pound. The lowest or any necessarily accepted, J. A. McGIBBON, Secretary Oshawa Board of Education. Work Wanted STORM - DOORS, COMBINATION doors, storm windows made to cr- der, metal weather stripping put on. B. W. Haynes, woodworker, 161 King St. West, Phone 481, residence 180 r 2, , 0-tt DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE DO all kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install- ed on all makes of cars. Why shiver in a Chev.? Buy an Oliver Healer, 161 King"8t. W. Phone 519. 89-tf PLAIN SEWING DONE. PHONE 1052w, 213¢ OSHAWA WM. MERRITT, Proprietor {E---- pie NEE TO BUILDERS--LARGE CORNER lot 40x115, Ritson Rd. North of school, terms, or cheap for cash. Widow must sell, Phone 799w. (2131) FOR SALE----$2,700; COSY FIVE room bungalow; Whithy; Large Lot; Splendid Cellar; Furnace; Elec- tric Lights; Water, etc, Two fif- tender not a-- A a 45 at 4 Cd ata fi Room brick house, all conveniences, wired for stove. Only $3400 with $500 cash, Get our prices on brick, L. V. DISNEY Phone 1550 - Opp. go 213¢ P.O, OE Al A a $500 down will purchase a niece 6 room brick (mew) in North with all conveniences, Price $300. Insurance of all kinds written, J, C. YOUNG 4% Prince St. Phones~Office ' 708; Res. 0008, ECA Ol fe lM LL RAILWAY TIMETABLES (Revised to Muh) CNR. TIME TAB 4 4.44 am, daily, from Montreal to Toronto, 5.45 am, daily, from Ottawa to Toromto. 5.28 a.m. daily except Sunday, from Montreal to Hamilton and Detroit. 6.20 a.m. daily, from and Chicago. 10.26 a.m. daily except Sunday, from Kings- ton to Toronto. 2.22 pm. daily except Sunday, from Brock- ville to Toronto, 4.37 p.m. daily, irom Montreal to Detroit and Chicago. 7.24 pm. Sunday only, from Belleville to Toronto. a 7.27 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Ottawa Easy to Toronto. 8.45 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Momt- 3-32 i real to Toronto, 4 MAY HEAD COLLEGE At the reguiar meeting of Barrie Presbyterians held in St. Andrew's Church there, Rev. D. R, Drummond D.D., of Hamilton, was nominated for the principalship of Knox Col- lege. A very hearty call from Dale Church, Toronto, in favor of Rev. John Davey, B.D., of Creemore, was presented to the Preshytery and was supported in person hy Rev, J. A. Help Wanted--Male | Mustard and Messrs. W. D. Dougall and C. McAllister, elders of Dale WANTED -- ENERGETIC YOUNG | Church. The change was agreed to man to learn the shoe business--Op- | and Mr. Davey will start his new portunities for advancement--not un-|jutjes at Dale Church on Easter der 18 years unless well grown--Apply | Sunday. Another call was present- The Burns Co. Ltd. 208-tf | oq to the Presbytery by Allison and Auction Sales AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, March 13th, Auction Sale of House- hold furniture at 294 Vimy Ave. Sale to commence at 1.30 p.m. Also the same day the above house and lot will be sold at 3 p.m. Jas, Bishop, auctioneer. (210-12-14) BY Ki LA IS SATURDAY, MARCH 27--avcTioy | 33% King ES Alger Bldg. £1,300 sale of registered and .grade Hol- |} for lovely little cottage 18 x 18, steins, registered Yorkshire hogs, on splendid lot in north, Oxford sheep, the property of Twin Stream Farms, 1% miles north of Whitby. Sale at. one o'clock sharp. See' large bills. Wm. Maw, auc- tioneer, : P, SMITH TRANSPORTATION CO., Simcoe St. S. Phone 346W. 242 Front St, E., Toronto. Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation Ser- vice, 42-tt Watch Repairing F, A, Von OGUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, formerly repair man for Joe Horwich, announces to his friends and the general public that he has opened a repair shop at 44% Kipg Street West, Your pat- ronage is solicited, 29-tt Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST CLASS residential property. 6% per cent.. Apply A, J. Parkhill, Barrister, 18 Simcoe St. North, Phone 1614, 92tf PR, C. ORR MILLER, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, gynaecologist, obstetrician, 89 Simcoe South, Phone 37. Hours 2-4, 7-8 p.m, and by appointment, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon, Special references to diseases of infants and children. Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. Phone 1155, Office hours 2 tp 4, 6 to 8, or by appointment, 4-tf DR, A, P, MACKAY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon, Office and residence 258 King East, Office hours; 2-4 p.m, 7-9 p.m, Phone 1710. Dental DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Royal Bank, Phone 0956; Residence 3086. 4-1 yr. DR. H, M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. porth, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction, Phone 54. DR. L. B. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948; residence, 1378M. 35-t1 DR. W. H, GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- gent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. tes. 669. 56-tt DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE wlock, 107 Simcoe St. S. X-ray, gas extraction, Telephone 504. Res, 1114W. 134-tf Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS, Of 106 BLOOR Bio Wout, Toronto, will be.at his 0 over Jury & Lovell's Dru anted Rent NINE PIC Store each Saturday. from 1 till 5 W, to FOR BALE RINK bas p.m. for consultation and treatment room . suite. Famed Blige 3 of diseases of ear, nose and throat new. Apply 121 Eigin St. E. only. Appointments may be made at Phone 10464. drug store. Phone 97. 49-tf FOR SALE general work Eye Specialist Sloan's wood yard, Bg. . DR. L. J. SEBERT, 86 BLOOR ST. West, Toronto, will be at Jury and Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.n. for consul- tation in diseases of the eye. 12-1 yr. Veterinary Surgeon C. 8. DICKENSON, V.S., DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Deminior Zovernment Vet- grinary, 34 Brock St. E. Phone 21057. ' 131-4f E. J. SHIRLEY, -- YETERINARY purgeon, specialist diseases dom- animals. Cat and dog hospital. £5 years experience. 74 King west. Phone 629. (tf) Ah itEHL Insurance AVIS & SON, INSURANCE, 19 Eile Ets Alou 1s Daten. 20 baer | [TREAT 2 Tu pono tae sea Sil Fie Being 116.48 . |! air NO MORE! Hor 11 A'M : GOING INLAND TO WHERE SSS Undertakers & Embalmers ITS SO DRY THAT THE WATER CRACKLES IN THE LUKE BURIAL COMPANY, FUN- PUMP no Directors and Embalmers, Mo- tor Ambulance. Office 11 Simcoe St. South, Telephone No. 210; Resi- dence, 19 Division St. Telephone No. 210W. 15041 Collection Agency GENERAL COLLECTION AGENCY, prompt nition given collection of all i og ice 10% Athol west. Public Stenography dene at reason- able mates. Phone 1297 for par- giculaxs. Manager, R. . 101-4f Electrical ~GEO. A. TOWNSEND, CONTRACT- or, 174 College Ave. Phone 1017W. Houses wire, motor installations] and repairs. Radio repairs. Bat- series charged. (Feb. 21-1 wm) WICKER BABY Phone 1033M. CREAM riage for sale. FOURTEEN RACING PIGEONS $7.50 takes the lot. Apply J. W. Saunders, Harmony. 212-¢ USED SINGER SEWING MA- chine for sale. Apply 221 Ritson Road south. 212-c For Rent AND DWEL- Apply to A. 195-tf . ------ |FOR RENT--STORE FOR SALE--SIX HOLE GURNEY |ling, 15 Prince street. Quechee cooking stove, high warming |G. Storie. Phone 138. oven, hot water front nearly new. Ap-| = ---- P------------ ply Mrs. R. H. Weddel, "Spruce Villa | FOR LENT pOONS FURNISRED , nz . TH rie 212-0 [5] ousékceping ; 4 al; 0 Inn", Whithy, Kingston Road. 212-c hone. 108 Aloe St. (2107) TO RENT--4 ROOM APARTMENT, completely furnished. Queen's Block, Simcoe north. Box P, Refor- mer, 212-c 7] Montreal to Detroit BRADLEY BROS. -- MONEY TO loan, on modern city dwellings and improved farms. 6% %. First mort- gages bought and sold, Phone 169, nights, 420, 1037. 141-tf A SNAP FOR SOME ONE--GOOD drop head sewing machine in good running order, complete with all at- tachments. Apply 23 William street east. Phone 1920. (212-¢) I HAVE CLIENTS WITH MONEY TO loan on first mortgages from $300 up. Harry Salter, 24 Royal street. Phone 185. 2081 SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE on William street all conven- iences. Possession at once. Harry | Salter, 24 Royal street. Phone 185. 4 212-c TO LET BICYCLE IN 165 Verdun 212¢ FOR SALE--MAN'S good condition. Apply Rd. . FOR SALE--A SOLID OAK DRESS- Music er with large bevelled mirror $16.00 east, A terms. East a.m. daily, from Toronto to Ottawa. daily except Sunday, from Torom- Monytal. ; .m. Sunday onl Belleville. yoo, 9.59 a.m, daily, from Chi 2.32 pum. daily except S y to 0 Ottawa. . 1. .m. dail t S Be B vd except Sunday, from Toros. 6.54 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Toromto to Kingston, 9.42 p.m. daily, from Toronto to Montreal 11.07 p.m. daily except Saturday, from To- ronto to Montreal. from Toronto to to Montreal. from Torom- : : ¢ FOR RENT--STEAM HEATED also nice brass bed $1200 both in All; 50 iment 6 rooms. Hardwood floors. condition. No dealers. Apply 216 All conveniences. Apply R. N. Bas- Clarke St. | sett, phone 260, Whitby. 212e | PHONE 1535 FOR ALL KIKDS OF 7g RENT LARGE FRONT BED- wood. Good body hardwooc A Hard room, furnished, suitable for light- slabs. Soft Slabs, Tog posts 2D housekeeping, heated. Also a nice- » i Shey Jas Po 50 : Juap gi ly furnished apartment to let. Ap- umber. Cunningham Son. 315ly 32 Elgin street east, or ring } COCKERELS | 442. 212e in. $2.50 170 LET--SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE Shawa.l,, William street east. Conveni- ences. Possession at once. Harry Salter, 24 Royal street. Phone 185. 212¢ TO RENT--NEW 5 ROOM electric and water; Apply 283 St. Eloi (214¢) AP- (214c¢) MONDAY, MARCH 22--AUCTION sale of valuable town property, being the property of Fred Landon, Whitby. Sale to be held at Black- smith shop, Brock Street north. (1) | 50 feet frontage on Brock Street north with blacksmith shop 22x30 feet, garage 15x18 feet and frame building 12x30 feet. This is an ideal location for a garage or ser- vice station, just 300 feet off the Kingston Road on the main high- way north. (2) Lot No. 14 Wiest Brock Street, about three blocks north of Kingston Road on main highway north. Size 65 ft. frontage on Brock St. by 166 ft. deep. For terms and full particulars apply to Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. Sale at 2 o'clock sharp. 214-20 H ] Wa ted Female from Montreal to Hamilton." mrrmr-- T _-- " stairs. Includes electric fixtures and 7.35 a.m. Sunda: i WANTED-A M IDDLE-AGE] 3 RE- linoleum, pith electric stove price $40. resto Shamir, morning only, from Momt- sctable an, z sekeepe n s is Cc ri as house must 8.40 a.m. daily except Sunday, from - home with two adults. No children. od, Joey to loan on first mortgages. § ton to Toronto. " #4 io 200 Kine Q id . H. R. Luke, ing east. -4/ p.m. daily from i Apply 380 King St. East. (213-tf) or 687W. 6 #3 7.27 p.m. daily from Jo to a 7 WANTED--IMMEDIATELY, COOK, lle EE general. Fond of children. Phone South End Fish Market MAILS CLOSE 1652 r 2. 213c We handle the choicest of*fresh 7.45 2. Sioing east by C.N.R. HELP WANTED -- WOMEN FOR washing and cleaning by the day. Em- All 9.15 a.m.--F; Columbus, Cedardale a Fic 4 > Taunton, ployment Service of Canada. Phone 347. 214a 1.45 p.m.-- Toronto i west, Black. water Jct., Part re aol sweet, } 4.00 p.m.--Toronto and west, New York City and the Eastern States. 7.30 pon.--All going west. 9.00 p.m.--Going east and west. SAMUEL COLLIS, TEACHER OF violin, Studio, Engel's Hall, Appoint- ments. Phone 1207W. 124-tf ALFRED HEATHER, LATE TENOR Soloist, Westminster Abbey, Eng, voice production and singing visits Oshawa, Wednesdays. Appointments for voice tests at St. Andrew's United Church school room 10.30 to 7.30. Write 12 Lowther avenue, Toronto. tr. Enjoy Living Buy In "11.59 p.m. daily, from Detroit to Montseal. VICTORIA |= lum 2 PARK ~ | 2m 1.40 a.m. Saturday might only, from Ham- ilton to Montreal. 1209 m.m. daily, from Chicago to Montreal. 9.59 a.m. daily from Ch to Montreal. 2.25 p.m. daily except Sundey, from Torom- to_to Ottawa. 7.27 p.m. daily, except Sunday, from To- ronto to Trenton. 11.10 p.m. daily except Saturday - day, from Hamilton to Montreal, "nd Am. and Monday, 5.45 a.m. daily Dent 6.20 am. daily from Montreal to Chicago. WHITE WYANDO for sale. 240-266 Ig ire each. Wim. Edgel!,. North Office 38 Simcoe St. N. h. Good as or 213c GOOD RENT -- 5 OR 6 roomed house, all conveniences, cen- tral. Possession April 1st. Will sign vear lease. Apply 330 Simcoe south. 12-c WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WITH all conveniences. Central. Phone = - 1826W. 2135 {2 TONS 2 IN 1 LIME STONE GRIT; $1.25 per 100 or 1%ec per pound. 1 1b. 1 to try. John Bailes & Wanted to Buy 1. fe v0 jos King St. W. Oshawa. Phone MR. §. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS | (21d) and all kinds of metals. J am pay- i DANDY BABY CHICK MILK MASH ing for scrap batteries. $1 to $1.50. and Scratch. Cet a free book om old cars. Phone 764. 1554 Feeding Baby Chicks. John Bailes & Sons, King St. W., Oshawa. Phone HORN'S "SELECT-KNIT® HOS- 16. (21411) . Lost and Found surrounding same. iery, direct from mill to wearer. For The lowest or any demonstration phone 412M. 'al- | LOST--BLACK PURSE CONTAIN] necessarily accepted. ter Vass, Oshawa Representative. {ing ten dollar bill. Reward. Phone J. A. McGIBBON, (214d; 1447w. 213¢ 21 dec Secretary. WANTED TO pos brick veneer; $18 per month. St. TO RENT--SMALL ply 150 Alexandra. Tenders Wanted TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and including Wednesday noon, March 17, for the sale of the following properties. (1) The Portable School at Al- bert St. » (2) The Old Cedardale School Property upon which is erected a School Building, and the grounds TEAM OF horses. Apply 23 William St. (214¢c) FOR Six room modern brick veneer house, Arthur St., hardwood floors downstairs, woodwork white enamel wup- HOUSE. Phone #1 x tender not A pessimist is a person who thinks that a man with a sense of humor should pay an amusement tax.--Mani- toba Free Press. , TE Tg. BEEN AROUND Tif wot: 0 FI 1 NTIL IM DIZZY IVE BEEN SHOWRECKED ON CANNIBAL ISLANDS WHERE THE NATIVE: WERE SO TOUGH THEY WOULON'T EAT EACH OTHER - IVE HAD SUCH A NOISY TI AnD TM RICH, TOO, Mote ~ 1 Dont TT if TELL YOU THAT - BUT IVE Jor CHEST FULL OF POLYNESIAN PEARLS BIG AS HORSE CHESTNUTS! ELLA THE MONEY YOU GOT