Kingston 6, North Bay 5, In 30 Minutes Ty rR [WASTE iii Tn ----p-- Overtime -::- Bowling Kingston Wins Brilliant Game From 1 North Bay 'Thirty Minutes' Overtime Needed to Give Kingston a 6-5 Verdict Toronto, Mar. 11.--In the most thrilling, gripping thirty-minute- overtime battle of this or any other geason the Kingston juniors last night defeated the powerful North Bay team by 6 to 5, and won the Memerial Cup round by 10 to 9. It was anybody's game, The northern- ers had it 'won starting the third period, when they led by 3 to 0, but they fell back on the defensive, and the plucky sextet from the Lime- stone City ran in three goals in a row and sent the teams into extra play. Reid got the equalizer with two minutes to go. In the first overtime period, North Bay took the lead, and the second five minutes were almost over when Voss tied the score at 4 to 4. Kingston did the pace-setting in the next period, but with only fif- teen seconds left to play Vail, the great North Bay defense man, plowed his way through the King- ston team and put his team in the running again, The first five min- utes of the next session drew a blank, but Patterson counted the winning marker in the last five minutes, and sent the Kingston fans into one of the - wildest demostra- tions of joy ever witnessed at the historic arena. Play was fairly strenuous and there were twenty penalties, King- ston leading with twelve, They were costly for hoth sides, too, and each team took advantage of a weakened opponent to score, Barclay, the player who was reinstated just prior to the series, roughed it all the way, and he, more than any other man, was responsible for the defeat of the North Bay team. He lost his head completely near the end of the second overtime period and crashed into Goalkeeper Taugher. "Gib." McKelvey, the husky Queen's Uni- versity senior football player, then rapped Barclay a terrific clout on the jaw, and both were banished for the rest of the game, Kingston--Goal, Taugher; de- fense, McKelvey and Voss; centre, Reid; wing Hartley and Patter- son; subs., McPherson and Molson, North Bay--Goal, Clark; defense, Vail and Barclay; centre, Arter; wings, Kelby and P. Palangio; subs. Hayman and Palangio, Referee--M., J. Rodden, ALARM CAUSED BY | MARRIAGE DECLINE New York Pastor Finds Un- married Class Increasing-- Serious Problem York, March 9.--The in- postponement of the mar- is a dangerous sign, ac- cording to the Rev. Dr. John Haynes Holmes, who preached on "Problems of the Unmarried" at the Community church, Park avenue and 34th Street. "Biologically," he said, 'a girl should be married between the ages of 18 and 20, while a man should not postpone entering the marriage state long after his 21st year. Yet it is rare nowadays for me to marry young folks. "In speaking of the unmarried as a class, one must distinguish bhe- tween those persons who are single voluntarily and those who are de- nied the happiness of marriage by reasons over which they have no control. It is the voluntarily unmar- ried class that constitutes the more serious problem. This class is con- stantly increasing, and it is re- cruited generally from two main sources--those who, are financially unable to meet the demands of mar- ried life and those who are engaged in intellectual pursuits. Toronto. New creasing riage age TO HOLD SOCIAL EVENING On Friday evening at eight o'clock the Maroons Ladies' Auxiliary will hold a social evening at the fire hail. - Refreshments will be served and all are welcome. Quick Relief for Rheumatics Local Druggiets Sell. Rhoums Money-Back Plan - If you suffer from torturing rheu- matic pains, swollen, twisted joints, and suffer intensely because your system is full of that dangerous poison that makes thousands helpless and kills thousands years before their time, thea vou need Rheuma, and need it now. Start taking it today. Rheuma acts at once on kidneys, liver, stomach and blood, and you cam sincerely exclaim: "Good riddance to bad rubbish." + Many people. the most skeptical of skeptics right in this city and in the country hereabouts, bless the day when Jury & Lovell, Limited, and other druggists offered Rheuma to the af- flicted at a small price and guaranteed money refunded if not satisfied. vou have rheumatism get a bottle of Rheuma today. If BOWLING SCORES HOCKEY RESULTS MOTOR CITY BOWLING CLUB The number of Ladder tourna- ment games are increasing daily. Several games being played on on Wednesday, but no change re- sulted. Jim O'Rieley challenges L, Hyman in the 5 pin section, Mr. Harper challenges H. Morrison in the 10 pins. The games still to be played in the Ladies' Major League are as follows: Caranomes vs, Pacemakers Caranomes vs. Knockouts Knockouts vs, Pacemakers Nondescripts vs, Brownies Nondescripts vs, Bluebells Top Notch vs. Brownies OO, M. I, LADIEN' LEAGUE Only one game was played in this league last night, Orioles won two points from Greybirds. This ties ap for the leadership of the second half. Greybirds vs, Orioles Greybirds Mansfield Donald P, Mansfield J. Morgan Dummy Team Total--1,194 Orioles M, O'Connell I. McDonald M. O'Connell C, Kell J. McDonald Team Total--1,358 The Motor City Bowling Club was crowded to the doors last night when over sixty visitors from Tor- onto invaded the alleys as the guests of the Young Men's Club of King St, Church, 'After, several games of bowling the hoys repaired to the church for a splendid supper and further entertainment, While at the alleys the boys had a real fine time and some excellent scores were turned in. Teams were gelected and played off in tourna- ment style, The Oshawa men were able to demonstrate that they were no mean bowlers. I, P, 81 139 144 100 147 184 176 114 142 FRATERNAL LEAGUR 0. E. and Oddfellows a postponed game, resulting point victory for Oddfellows. 8, 0, E, vs, Oddfellows S. 0. E Beevor S. off 2 4 played in 143 166: 149 163 125 Rendell Dummy Team Total--2,351 Oddfellows Barker Marshall Yeo Plinders Harding Keel Hall Team 172 244 | 144 146 264 Total--2, 649 Ho, IRE ONTARIO PREMIER MEMORIAL CUP 'Kingston ,...6 North Bay Kingston wins round, 10-9, ALLAN CUP SERIES Regina ....,.2 Winnipeg Ottawa Gns. .8 Pembroke Gunners win round, 8-4. STRATFORD LEAGUE Senior Final Kroehlers veld Cv Ne Re W. O, 8, 5. A, SERIES Senior Cuelph CI. ,.6 London Centl. HAMILTON CITY LEAGUE C. Ni. R. ...+:2 Tucketts .,. HAMILTON OOMMEBEROIAL LEAGUE Harvesters 4 T.H & B. Westinghouse .3 City ICorptn, U. 8, H, A, Winnipeg ..,.0 Eveleth-Hibb WESTERN CANADA LEAGUE Edmonton ,...56 Vancouver ,,,,0 BURLINGTON DISTRIOT LEAGUE Beach Burlington +1 KNIGHT Up Smith Pr, Mill 2 Mille Roches HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE Senior 2 Harbord Junior Humberside EXHIBITION ABI ois DRL oe 1 ee | wes i | 0 +1 Oakwood Malvern Milton juv, vel PRISONER KIDNAPPED AT WOODVILLE JAIL N.S., March 10.-- ed men yesterday broke into the local jail and forced James Andrews, aged 28 years, despite his struggles, to accompany them to the outskirts of the town, where they ordered him to "beat it." Andrews, who had been lodged in jail on a charge of vagrancy, did not "beat it," but entered a private dwell- ing, the owners of which telephoned for the police, who arrived in the per- son of the Chief. "The latter con- sidering the Wolfville jail no longer a safe place for the prisoner, took him to Kentville, Later an anonymous Andrews sufficient money to his home in Silver Springs, ana. Ww olfville, A gang of six ma person sent to take him Mon- . In Memoriam [GRAHAM --In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Sam- uel Graham, who departed this life March 11th, 1924. Often my thoughts do wander To a grave not far away Where 1 laid my dear husband Two years ago today. think of you, dear, We always No eyes may see us weep But many silent tears we shed When others are asleep. Sadly missed by Wife and Daugh- Card of Thanks Wilfred West Mrs. J. FF. West and convey their thanks Mr, and wish 10 many and family to the Mrs STANDS IN WAY Only Obstacle to $9 Freight | Rate on Coal from | Alberta (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Mar. 11--Premier Fer- guson anaounced today in the Leg- islature that Ontario would not go into the scheme to bring coal from Alb>rta on basis of $9 freight rate unless railway board ruled that coal could not be hauled for less. 10.--Premier 0. Howard Ferguson of Ontario is the only obstacle remaining to a plan, agreed upon at a two-hour conference here this afternoon, for the movement of Alberta coal to Ontario in a larger quantity than the 75000 tons already transported since last fall. The proposed agreement resulting from this afternoon's mecting is that the Canadian National Railways com- mence at once the movement of coal to Omario at a freight rate of $9 per ton, the difference of $2 per ton be- tween the $7 which the Ontario dealers and consignees pay and the $9 which the Canadian mands to be shared equally by the Dominion, the Ontario and the Alberta Governments. This $9 rate is to be conditional upon the finding of the Dominion Railway Board concerning the actual cost of carrying Alberta coal to Ontario, also of Maritime coal to Central Canada. Should the board find that it actually costs less than $9 a ton to move the Alberta coal, then the Canadian Nat- ional agrees to refund the difference between the actual cost and the pro- posed $9 rate, and should it cost more than $9, then the Governments are to pay the cxtra cost to the Canadian National. This proposed additional movement of Alberta coal is to be limited to 200000 tons, and to terminate before July 15 next, at which date the rail- ways begin to mobilize their rolling stock to move the Western crop. WAS A VETERAN OF THE FENIAN RAID afternoon, from the home A. Tomlinson, 121 Ar- lington avenue, the funeral took place of Francis B. Tondinson. Mr. Tomlin- son was a veteran of the Fenian Raid of 1860, joining the Victoria regiment as a cavalyman under Colonel W. Butto: tow Ottawa, March Yesicrday of his son ch giving his services in the 3 peninsula during the uprising. per from Nelson's ship "Victory," Phone your drug needs to THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE Phones 22--265 | whicli was highly prized by him. The past three years have been spent with his son, E. A. Tomlinson of this city. Aiter the funeral service, made. W. Milne, H Ness National Railways de- | while a resident in Markham For his services he was presented with a watch chain in which was some cop- and conducted at his son's home at 1 o'clock, the funeral | left for Green River Baptist cemetery The pall for their kind- also Mrs. Bun- friends and neighbors a and floral tributes, ker Emsley, Dr. Berry's special care ad kindness, The Chevrola Body Ri om and Carpenter Shop of the General Motors for floral tributes and the Ontario Motor Sales for cars dur- ing the illness and death of Mr. Wil- [7% West, Nurse Mr. and M Geo. Montgomery and family wish to convey their thanks to the kind friends for sym- pathy and kindness shown to them during their recent bereavement. 214a Ww aren rescued his sister Fleta when she broke Nine-ycar-old Jckierson, N.J. from drowning through the ice. Buidens, of URGE. ABOLISHING. STATUTE LABOR Darlington Township Council Hold Special Meeting Monday A special meeting of the Darlington Township Council was held Monday for further consideration of the aboli- tion of statute labor in the township. Members were all present except Coun, Annis, Reeve Baker presiding. H. Jardine, District Engineer of Municipal Roads, Toronto, was present and addressed the meeting, explaining the working of the system in townships were statute labor had been abolished, Many questions were asked by the many ratepayers present and a general discussion followed, after which by a vote of nearly 3 to 1 the meeting re- commended council to abolish statute labor in this township, Council structed clerk to ask for applications for position of Road Superintendent, Mecting then adjourned to Saturday March 27, 1926, at the hour of 1 o'clock pa, OTTAWA CANINES ESCAPE COMPULSORY VACCINATION Ottawa, March 10--Canines in Ott- awa would indeed have a dog's life of it if all proposals for their regulation were adopted, Owing to the rabies scare, dogs already are forbidden on the streets except in leash, and any strays found are impounded and many of them put to death by the * 'painless killer," The Board of Health today considered a proposal that all dogs be inoculated, but decided that man's sup- posed friend, the dog, was already sub- jected to enough terrors in Ottawa and decided against any compulsory, vac- cination order INTERSWITCHING STARTS Owen Sound, March 10.--Inter- switching between the CNR, and C.P.R., which has been mooted here great many years, will be an accomplished fact Monday next, when the new bridge Syden- ham River will be completed, and ti first cars sent from the cast side of the river 10 the where the C11, will load eighty-five cars of wheat at | the new elevator for West St. John, | N.B., for export | BROOKLIN Hilda Dorman who has been with Mr. and Mrs, W. Draper past few years left this week parents in London. to Miss Helen Miss Kate Wright, honors her first year's Conservatory, piano examina- tion, also Miss Evelyn Elliott, a pupil of Miss Inez Savage. Fine skating was enjoyed | day night with band music, [large crowd indulged. Miss V. Mackey of Oshawa, the week end at her home here. Severgl from here attended Durham Shorthorn Sale last at Bowmanville The Home and School Club held their monthly meeting last Tuesday with a good attendance. Interesting and delightful features of the pro- gram were a lecture on dietetics Miss A. Moore. A reading by Mrs. Gregg and a talk on Township School Boards. across the west, | Miss | living for the [to live with her | Congratulations | Love, a pupil of fin passing with Satur- and a spent the week ud J PA FpNav ; - ZA A NS "RANGE BUZZARDS" 3rd Episode of | | The Scarlet Streak | | Special Comedy | Hold Your Hat | where interment was I Dearers werc, Messrs A R ( Wilson Canter arte i i! valeoln, ton and ( Plax | NEW MARTIN THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY Only me WL "A Mi Mi 1d, Blended Cigarette" -- Mr, Jas, Routley, Toronto, arent | the week-end here, Messrs, Chas., Robert and Ken- |neth Wilson received the sad news | that thelr father had passed away | {in England Tast Saturday. The whole | community extends sympathy, Congratulations to Miss Inez Sav- | {age In passing her pipe organ ex- | tamination with honors. | Mrs, Reid of Parry Sound visited {her mother, Mrs. A. Kitchen last | week, Mrs. A. Boyce and last week in Toronto, Rev, Turkington, of Whitby, is | conducting the Prayer Service in the East United Church next Thurs- day evening. The Senior Third Class with their teacher, Mr. Ego, were entertained on Saturday evening by Richard and Ruth Bickle, The evening was spent playing games, sleigh riding and | music, followed by lunch. . Miss KE. Moore, of Oshawa, the week-end at her uncle's, John Moore, League meets on March 12th, with program, Mr. H. Howden of Philad:lphia, | spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Howden. Mr. Quinn, of Bowmanville, the week-end at the home 9 Mr. C. {T. Mackey, " 4 | | | family spent spent Dr. night, Friday i and good topic Eye Care a Eye Strain | MENTAL © APAC ITY OF VISION PART "1" By C. H. Tuck, Opt. D. | Radient energy vibrating in cer- | tain frequencies, will stimulate cer- tain nerve endings in the retina, and these disturbances are transmit- ted through certain relays to certain portions of the brain, bringing fosth sensations which that highly com- plex organ translates as certain manifestations and this specific ac- tion constitutes vision. An imperfect image leads to im- perfect mental interpretation and a long uncorrected habit when ment- ally considered as perfect may be very hard to change. The easy cor- rections have been very fully con- sidered by me in different series of articles appearing for some time past. [I comsider them the easier cases because their comtrol was in- strumental through the correction of the patient's vision. There ar e existing certain cases whose controlling fea- ture exists in the mental interpretation more deeply and after this capacity is measured and its error noted, we have taken the first step in establishing the ha- bit of seeing correctly. When we more fully exercise this capacity the brain will retain what it has inter- preted and a desire is created. Un- der the control of this desire, the brain will assist the eyes in retain- ing the newly acquired condition because of several features, which if any are absent, are very anxiously retained even if momentarily through artificial means brought in- to play. HE MET HIS MATCH He was a smart young commercial traveler, and he rather resented the fact that the hotel porter had directed him to the room reserved for members of his profession. "You're a traveler, | | the porter. "Yes; but what's that got to do with vou 2" "1 was only wondering what line was--what you carried" Seeing an opening for smartness, the voung man said: "Oh, it wouldnt in- terest you. 1 travel in brains™ "You ought to carry samples." | the porter.- --Fdinburgh Scotsman. manager he Hud- aren't you?" said your said Fair, of C..H- at Saskatoon since son's Bay Store agh J Otic, 1923 died sudaenly at the of 82 Mr Fair was born an Toronto SANG FOR RADIO CONCERT | Miss Edythe W. L. Law, included of 'M was put night. | bers. Simcoe Club held its semi-monthly home at th r on Miss Si e Cooner, to, ing Mr. LONDONDERRY'S Marquis Th the f being lor--of Great and of the newly Nortl DEMAND FOR CLASSY PIGS More than 250 pedigree pigs were sian and last night. | guests with all Oshawa members bhe- present. M. for the euchre I. e irst th ern | bought in Creat Britain by gov the export British | spent led a boom. HE -- -- TE NA ~ - NO WONDER "That woman night looked to be your mother." Harry: "Yes; isn't it queer. She's my grandmother." cousin | street,, the radio pmogram Toronto Star last sang three num- soloist, Albert Law, Jerry: with last you were in old enough the Law by imi MCOE POINT CLUB | Point Euchre and Dance meeting of Mr. and Mrs. R. Polton avenue, Toron- There were a number Too Late To Classify WANTED TO RENT--TWO mere acres, with house, ¢lose to Oshawa, Will consider buying if suitable, Apply Box "X" Reformer. 214¢ OR 348 Mrs. C. Powell and Law brought the prizes back to Oshawa. DISTINCTION of Londonderry is man to hold the honor of ree times a privy council- Britain, of [Ireland formed council of Ireland. the Rus- alone last year, trade generally im the year enjoy- ernment ; RAMON NOVARRD In A Film Cruise of Fun And Thrills rigs during For Your Aching Head Take one ZUTOO TABLET and in 20 minutes, the pein is' gone end you fesl ZUTOO will top Headache, Sick , Dyspagtio or Monthip--ia 26 ow . . > A JOHNSTON'S| ee 2a RATE 3 oR IJ J 0 0 0 J 0 SS SESE SRE SE ER x. DAYS SALE ENDS ATURDAY Ca aad Save on Your Spring Clothes viii dk oi JOHNST ON'S a aa A a a A A I a a A a A a a a a)