ee -- ----_---- Oshawa and District lice President Batty, of Brooklin, one of the 1g horse-breeders in the { Qntagio and in the Province 0, was this week elected vice of the Clydesdale Horse As- of Canada. » Sale Proceeds $34.00, a Lodge L.T.B,, No. 55, held uecessful rummage sale at e street south yesterday s hose in charge of the sh to thank all who don- fea. The proceeds amount- fezzdlwood, of Toronto, form- shawl, and chairman of the ranch of the League of Na- mittee, delivered an address lave you tried the at Trinity. United Church, Toronto, Wednesday night on the aims and ac- complishments of the league, Charged With Provincial Officer Cousans of Co- bourg, went to Bowmanville this week and placed a young woman, Mrs, Colton of Colborne, under ar- rest, She is charged with deserting her two little children and her hus- band. She was remanded for trial at Colborne, Fractures Leg W. W. Kennedy, a well-known breeder, met with an accident at the C.N.R, cattle-yards at Millbrook, He was preparing to ship one of his pure-bred Polled Angus cattle, and was adjusting the halter that tied the animal, when it broke. The animal suddenly freed overturned (the rack, and Mr, Kennedy had one of the small bones fractured in his leg below the knee. Westmount School Club The Westmount Home and School Club, held its regular meeting at the home of the President, Mrs, Leo- nard Weeks, last Tuesday evening, IT ASH WA DAILY REFORMER, FRIDAY, ARCH 5, 1926 PAGE THREE ---- ---- _-- ---- _- -- --~ Newcastle; R. G. Gill, D. J. Gibson, Bowmanville; W. E. Hare, Cobourg; D. McDonald, Trenton; P. C. Demp- sey, Trenton; A. A. Colwill, Newcas- tle; R. K. Squair, Bowmanville. | Arrested For Burglary - Provincial Constable Cousans of Co- bourg went to Teronto on Wednesday and returned to Cobourg jail four prisoners who are wanted in connection with the burglary of the store of Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, of Bowman- ville, on February 4. The prisoners are Fred Williams, Geo. - Wilson, John Kemp and Jack Martin, and they are at present doing a two-year term for robberies in Toronto, All were impii- cated in a series of burglaries and motor thefts, About $1,000 worth of goods was stolen from the Bowmanville store, and a considerable portion of the plunder was recovered when the men were arrested a short time after the burglary in Toronto. Albert St, L. A .S. The Ladies' Aid Society of Albert Street United Church held its regular monthly business meeting yesterday ai- ternoon. Mrs. B. Cameron, president, occupied the chair. Election of officers for the following year ensued: presi- dent, Mrs, B. Cameron; first vice president, Mrs. Ayers; secretary, Mrs, M. Sharpe; treasurer, Mrs, I". WVil- liams; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. T. Gallogley ; convener of the flower committee, Mrs. A. Walker: organist, ects little dreaming would see him with his hands full of adventure in foreign lands. that's just just what happens when he wins a newspaper popularity con- test and goes to Ireland. foot on 'the old sod," the Brighton; Directors, W. H. Gordon, |Heerman, was adapted by Tom Ger- aghty from Norman Veriner's Sat- urday Evening Post sarial, "An Imperfect Imposter." Lois Wilson is featured at the head of the cast. as Tom Donahue, dir- traffic on Fifth Avenue at Fifty-ninth Street, New York City, that a few weeks Meighan, But From the moment he puts his action conspirators, starts--a band of who plan to do a pretty girl and her brother, a young nobleman, out of their lawful inheritance are involv- ed. rounded up in jail where they he- And when the plotters are all long, Tom sails for home again, Instead of an armful of shamrocks to convince cinet that he has really been to Ire- the boys of his pre- land, Tom Donahue takes back--a bride--which makes him. the bro- ther-in-law of an Earl, Meighan is Irish. The title of this picture is Irish, Tom has never before been seen in an Irish story, but it's a sure bet that, after seeing "Irish Luck," you'll be holler- ing for more like this one. It's the finest thing Tom Meighan's ever done. And that's something! Particular mention of the beauti- ful settings should be made, for the spectator while watching an absoro- ing and entertaining story is carried away to the lakes and dells of auld Ireland, amid all her beauteous- ness. The programme is well rounded out by the addition of Arthur Stone, a funny comedian in a rip-roarious, rib-tickler, "Sherlock' Sleuth," then for good measure Manager Osier has provided one of Grantland Rice's famous Sportlights 'Call of the Game," a novel offering of the sport of Cod's great out-of-dobrs. Some splendid 'shots are dontain- ed in the presentation. The Regent shouldn't have any trouble in playing to packed houses during the remainder of the week, Remember The Drug Stores Close On Sunday Purchase your Drug Store needs on Saturday Reformer Want Ads. Are Busy Salesmen $50,000 Jewelry Release Sale Positively Closes SATURDAY NIGHT Seslislaalualoeivaderierteadestrairoivaiesioatopterionivoirodreboedy 92 dastesteslestestastastastestostestostestests ER a a a a Mrs. L. Vann; assistant organist, Miss G. Pankhurst. Refreshments were served and "the meeting closed. Pro- ceeds of over $07 were received from the various committees. During the business 'session: Mrs, Rodgers moved that $200 be paid on the morgage of | the parsonage, this was seconded by | Mrs. L. Vann and Mrs. Hornby. At Local Theatres where there was much business' transacted, There was a fair atten- dance and Miss Beatrice Badgley was elected Recording Secretary. A few remarks were made from some of the members, and the meeting closed in the usual way. EW-MTIX oth Paste ? idouble tube of real | juice and alkaline osition, Durham Fruit Growers On Tuesday the Northumberland and Durham Fruit Growers in ses- sion here elected the following offi- cers to carry on their work for an- . ly Mixes on the other year: President, J, G, Waite, Brush Wicklow; Vice-Pres.,, E. H. Martin. it C Port Hope; Secretary, H. Sirett. play GOOD TIMEKEEPING Is one of the most essential things in our present day life of haste and hurry, If your watch is not keeping good time bring it in to us. We can re- pair it and make it tell the cor- rect time. D. J. BROWN Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa Railways. Phone 189 10 King St. W. tube * THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE $76. NEXT THE POST OFFIC» Felt BEBBxros. Oshawa's Leading Jewellers 12 SIMCOE ST. S. | | OSHAWA "WHERE SATISFACTION IS A CERTAINTY" Saturday Specials Quantities are Limited----= Come Early REGINALD DENNY AND GERT- RUDE OLMSTEAD In "California Straight Ahead," to he shown at The New Martin Theatre beginning Monday, March 8th. TR STUPENDOUS ATTRACTION COMING HERE NEXT WEEK Cecil B. De Mille has reached the height of perfection in his latest superdramatic cinema 'The Road To Yesterday," which opens a lim- ited engagement of three nights only at the Regent Theatre next Monday evening at no advance in prices. It has scenes of lavish splendor never before equalled, even by this same De Mille. It has thrilling highlights; a burning at the stake in medieval England; a breath-tak- ing train wreck; a race agarast time in a high-powered car. The story starts out in the Grand Canyon of Arizona. The time is the present day. There is a young and not too happily married couple; an engaged couple; a dowager aunt and a handsome young minister. Through the medium of a train wreck they are suddenly carried back over the years and find them- selves living in the early seventeenth century in medieval England. In this. past life they assume vastly different stations, and their relations towards one another are decidedly varied from their modern existence. The characters are represented by Joseph Schildkraut, Jetta sGouda,, Vera Reynolds, William Boyd, and Julia Faye in featured roles. The story is an adaptation from a fam- ous stage success by Jeanie Mac- pherson and Beulah Marie Dix. Pair of CURTAINS To Be Sold Tomorrow at $1.00 pair IFFLED Curtains are again proving popular. Aver- age window length 21/4 yards. Plain scrim with Rose or Blue edging on Frills, also Curtains hem- td in Rose or Blue. And for those that like plain we offer a cross bar Marguisette frilled curtain, All , /mplete with tie backs and the price is only $1.00 pair. PEARL NECKLACES Values up to $5.00 98c BROOCHES Lot No. |--Values up to $3.50. Choice-- 49c Lot No. 2--Values up to $6.00. Choice-- Delivery made upon arrival. 98¢ $1.45 CASH WITH ORDER. Ee 3 Datta Ivory, all Real Ebony, all 54.00 Pattern 24 Leather Goods--a whole 45.00 table full of Fancy China-- 46.50 All at '; Price Saturday. 3.00 CUFF LINKS Lot No. | -- Values up to $3.00. Choice-- 49c Lot No. 2 -- Values up to $4.50. Choice-- DELTAH PEARLS At Half Price and Less $10.00 Pearls $4.75 15.00 Pearls .. 7.45 20.00 Pearls .......... 9.75 25.00 Pearls .......... 12.45 S00 Pearly 13,78 TT Extia Spechl REE CARVING SETS si High grade, genuine stag ENGLISH LP AIN handles, sterling silver mounts, stainless steel Open stock decorations. Sample sets on display. 97-piece Dinner and Tea Sets. Specially priced for Saturday Sale. , blades. Regular price was don't Forget Our Spring Openings to-day $15.00. Sale Price-- n Ready-to-wear, Millinery, and Dress- goods, buy a couple pair of Supersilk Hose to-day. "he greatest value in Canada $1 48 pr the money, per pair . ... id WALDEMAR WATCH CHAINS Green and white gold filled, latest designs.. Value up to $3.50. Sale Frice-- $1 Extra Special TEA SETS 3-Piece Silver . Tea Sets, guaranteed. Wonderful values at $12.50. Sale Price-- 97 PIECE CHINA DINNER SETS $62.00 Pattern No. 2991 97 PIECE FINEST LIMOGES CHINA DINNER AND TEA SET 3205-00 Pattern No. 4826 RAZORS Ever Ready Safety Razors, complete with stropping de- vice. Regular price $4.00. Sale Price-- $1.95 $5.00 Straight Razors $2.45 4.00 Straight Razors 1.95 2.85 Straight Razors 1.40 45¢c stick of soap with each Razor. MANTEL CLOCKS $10 Mahogany Clock $5.95 $18 Mahogany Clock 9.75 AT THE NEW MARTIN. The finest race horses of both Eu- rope and America are seen in the new William Fox production, "Kentucky Pride," which will close its engage- ment at the New Martin theatre to- morrow night. Negofol, noted winner of the French Derby, and Man o War, champion of all on the turf, play prominent parts in the picture, as do Fair Play, The Finn and Morvich. The human stars in the story of the Blue Grass State include Henry B. Walthall, the "Little Colonel" of "Birth of a Nation" fame; J. Farrell Mac- Donald, the "Corporal Casey" of "The Iron Horse," and Gertrude Astor, not- ed screen vampire. It is quite generally conceded among local photoplay fans that "Kentucky Pride" is the best comedy drama of the | American turf shown on the screen in several seasons. Two different horse races are shown and both are said 10 be most thrilling and realistic. tch Your mplexion! his changeable early spring weather and smooth special care must be ys havoc with your skin. To keep it n. The nightly use of fELODERMA will retain your radiant complexion. LADIES' WRIST WATCHES 20.00 Grade ... 25.00 Grade MEN'S WATCHES $15.00 Grade 20.00 Grade DIAMOND RINGS $25.00 Grade 65.00 Grade 90.00 Grade ... 100.00 Grade 200.00 Grade ... TOM MEIGHAN IN "IRISH LUCK" OPENS AT REGENT "Irish Luck," the picture Thomas Meighan went to Ireland to make, came to the Regent theatre last night where it will remain for the 335.00 Grade ... balance of the week. 385.00 Grade The story directgl, by Victor - : SILHOUETTES B L ACKHEADS Reg. $3.00 value going at face briskly. Every blackhead will be dis- » Get two ounces of peroxine pow- $1.45 der from your druggist. Sprinkle solved. The one safe, sure and simple wav to vemove blackheads 1520 For Sale Only At Rexall SERVICE Stores = Jury & Lovell -- $2.50. Choice-- 49¢ Lot No. 2, values $5.00. Choice-- 98¢ $28 Onyx Clock $25 Mahogany Clock 14.75 $85 Mahogany Chime $7.50 Sr Fountain Pens.