-------- Church Leag ue Games Are Providing Fine Hockey South Oshawa Midgets won the right to enter the finals with St. George's by defeating the Christian Midgets last night 3-2. The score 'indicates how hard the Christian lads fought to capture victory, However, with Mc- Inally in goal it was practically an impossibility to score and the Southern- ers ran away from the Christians in the first session by popping in three counters, before they got started. Spencer and Reeves figured in the scor- ing but were never far ahead of Auth ors, who worked hard, Chapman and Northey came through many times for sure goals only to be fooled by Me- Inally. Leyden on right wing was the lucky boy in the first while Robinson came across with the second counter in the last session. Jt four min- utes after play started the speedy Spencer tore through for the opening counter. © Reeves followeds this when he hammered in a pass from Russell who rushed prettily from the defence. Shortly after Reeves again counted on a fluke, passing under Gray's stick when he thought it was on the ice, This made things look bad for the Christ- ians, so just to take a little of the sting out of it, Leyden grabbed the rubber to slip it by Meclnally., In the final period the Christians worked thei heads off in an effort to collar two goals, One of the two seemed to be their allotment, and this is accredited to Robinson. From this to the gong, the Southerners checked hard to hold the Christians down, and they man- aged to do it, although narrow es- capes from scoring were right in vogue. This defeat drops the Christ- ian boys from the running and entitles South Oshawa to go against St, George's, who have already won the right to enter the finals. Line-up--Christians--Goal, Gray ; de- fence, Waddell, Tyrrell; centre, North- ey; wings, Chapman and Leyden; subs, Anderson, Robinson. South Oshawa -- Goal, MacLinally; defence, Russell, Vickery; centre, Auth- ors; wings, Reeves, Spencer; subs, Her- cia, Bennett, Referee--Les. Atkinson, Simcoe Juniors Win In the semi-final Junior match be- tween the Sinicoe and Christians, the former came out victorious with a score of 5-4. This puts the 'Simcoe Juniors up against the Cedardale Jun- iors in the finals. The Christian crew pushed things hard at the fir: with McMullen going strong. Sim- coe seemed to have difficulty in get- ting started and had a hard job to keep up to the fast travelling Christ- tians, Hard checking was a large fac- or in the failure of the Somcoes to get away. Wes Little as usual put up his good brand of game and his brother Bill was right with him all the time, Both goalies were not up to par during the first session and only heroic work on Balsam and Pet- erson's parts on the Simcoe defence, kept the slippery Christians away from the nets. Elliott and Stacey had their hands full at all times trying to sift the rabber from the Burr-Rom- boug!:-Black trio. Little tried hard to open the score, but shot wide, so McMullen did the deed himself, scor- ing on Elliott on a shot outside the defence, between Peterson's legs. Pet- erson came back with a rush from his own territory and scored. the ev- ening counter. Burr rushed, passed to Rombough who slipped by the second tally and a few minutes later Bal- sam beat Elliott for the third on a lone rush. In a scramble, Little somehow sorted the disc out and be- fore 'Prior knew it, had slid it be- hind him into the mesh. Seemingly having the night on for scoring Me- Mullen, after a pretty piece of stick work, once more beat Prior to tie the score in the first 3-3. To open the second period, Black was carved down and carried off. - In return for this, after considerable play had gone on, Burr managed to squeeze a shot by Elliott to make the score 4-3 in the second for Simcoe. Play in this period was hotly contested and not much difference discernable be- tween the two outfits. Some time elapsed in. the last. ses- sion before anyone of either crew could get far enough away from an opponent to score. Wes Little did the trick, scoring on a shot after he had collared the rubber from a little juggling around the nets. The pace increased to the fast and furious class, with the Christian 'outfit playing four men up in an endeavour to break the tie. In this manner the victory hung balanced up till the time said, "onc minute to go." Here's how it. happen- ed. Black tore through to the de- fence; who shunted him to the corner, but he nothing daunted slid it out to Rombough who was parked in front of the mesh ready to heave it in--and he did. The Christian boys battled to the last notch and then some but the bell called them off and left the team out of the race by one goal. Line-up--Chrisians--Goal, C. Elliott; defgnce, T. Elliott, Stacey ; centre, Wes. Little; wings, Bill Little, MaMullen; subs,' Leyden, Chapman. Simcoe--Goal, Prior; defence, Bal- sam, Peterson; centre, Black; wings, Rombough, Burr; subs, Hubbell, Mor- rison, Richards. . Referee--Les. Atkinson. Oshawa St. George's Seniors shunted the South Seniors from the running by a score of 5-0. The Southerners tried hard but were outclassed by their op- position. Maclnally put up a wonder- ful game and the credit is largely due to him that the score wasn't more. On the 'other hand McWilliams and Fair took the brunt of the work off Good- all's hands, Les, Atkinson and Smith were the bright boys for the Saints, while the Southerners hung their lan- tern on Maclnally in the nets. The same was no walk-away, for the South- erners fought gallantly to the last, al- though the score increased steadily by periods,--1-0, 3-0, 5-.0. Les Atkinson opened the score sheet on a rush, rifling the rubber by Mac- Inally from ay close range. This closed the scoring also for the first. Fair and Atkinson combined nicely at times, and gave Maclnally lots of stiff work. Ladd was by no means a slouch and his mates, Spencer and Gibson were right there with the goods The defensive work put up y the McWilliams-Fair combination together with the hard checking of the Atkinson Brothers and Rorabeck held the Southerners well in hand, Smith opened out in the second and turned-in some great stickwork. After missing an open net, and hitting the post, Les Atkinson finally in the sec- ond period managed to whollop in a ass from Smith after a mix-up in of the mesh, One minute later THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 426 Rorabeck captured the disc from Ladd on the defence and slid in the third. This evidently started a scoring streak for Rorabeck as in the third session, he counted on a lone rush and then again on a rchound off Maclnally on his own shot. Spencer tried exception- ally hard and his whole crew of team- mates followed his example, but could do very little on the heavy checking barrage they were subjected to and the rushes by the peppy Saints. Line-up-- South Oshawa--Goal, Mac- Inally; deience, Connors, Pollock; centre, O. Gibson, wings, Spencer, Ladd; subs, Russell, Reeves, Spencer. St. George's--Goal, Goodall; defence, McWilliams, Fair; centre, Rorabeck; wings, F. Atkinson, Les Atkinson; subs, Huxtable, Livesay, Smith, Referce--Dick Smith. Simcoes Advance Simcoe Seniors slid up a notch -to- wards the finals again when they de- feated King Street Seniors 4-0 and put them out of the running. Hard checking by the Simcoes was the main factor in the King Streeters elimin- ation, they simply couldn't get away from the forwards, and when they did, it was only to end up disastrously on Sprague and Mounce, or Barrage. In the nets, Barrage was certainly shunt- ing pucks to the corners like hail, and without question put up a great game. The King defence Braund and Irwin worked hard but the Burr-Black-An- nis combination was a hard thing to stop, consequently they worked in on Luke for three shots that were a tough proposition to save. Jamieson worked his head off and so did Flintoff, but neither they nor any of their mates could get together well. enough to m-- MEN! A. L. RODGERS The New Clothing Store ~DISNEY BLOCK-- Invites YOU to his opening on Saturday Mar. 6th a i King St. East Oshawa § F. T. spection. known, Announce An Advance Display of SPRING FASHIONS ITH its ever recognized leadership as the "Store which is first to have the New Things" --we now announce to our appreciative clientele, that- our display of Advance Spring Merchandise is ready for your in- To its selection, every thought and care has been given so that variety, correct style and perfect quality will be up to the high standard for which this store has become so well You Are Cordially Invited Lamble rv -y score, with the checking handed then. Burr commenced the scoring by bat- ting in after a scramble. Luke saved nicely on a wicked rush by Sprague, and Burr tallied again on a long shot from near center that Luke failed to sce. Irwin rushed desperately, so did Flintoff, and the whole crew tried val- iantly to even up the 2-0 score in the first. Their efforts availede them nanght however. In the second O'- Regan ran in hard luck when he wig- gled through the defence to shoot dead on Barrage. Braund rushed in for the rebound but was a fraction of a second too late. Sinith and Flintoif worked some very nice combination and Black and Burr began their old style of combining. Black seemed to be in for punishment somehow, and the wonder is how he managed to drag himself up off the ice, when time and time again he was swept off his feet. No score resulted in this period. Sim- coe continued their checking war in the last period with disastrous re- sults to the King Street crew. Red Annis, to make things worse for the King Streeters, scored the third goal by a fluke, shooting from a corner, the puck striking Luke's stick and bounc- ing in, King Street shoved all their men up to no avail, Mounce tore through to hit the post and Black swooped in to count number four to win and close the match. One of the features of the match was the valuable assistance given the Simcoe crew by Rorabeck on the sidelines. Line-up--King street--Goal, Luke; defence, Braund, Irwin; centre, A. Flintoff ; wings, O'Regan, Jamieson; subs, Smith, Drew, Cox. Simcoe; goal, Barrage; defence, Sprague, Mounce; centre, Annis; wings, Burr, Black; subs, Rombough, Westron, Balsam. Referee--Dick Smith. BOWLING SCORES MOTOR CITY BOWLING CLUB The Bowmanville girls played their return games with the Cocoa Cola girls at the Motor City Bowl- ing Club last night, The Bowmanville girls games, the Colas won one game, {but the Oshawa girls won out on total pins making the final score 2 points each, Miss F. Flintoff for the Oshawa team of 215. | Miss L. Stevens {for the Bowmanville score of 179. Bowmanville vs. Cocca Colas Bowmanville Reader Allin Caldwell Curtis Oshorne Varcoe Stevens an Team Total--1,950 Cocoa Colas Truax Flintoff Goold Flintoff Hambly Goold McKay Team Total Today---0O.M.1. ville girls , alleys ternal won two took the prize with a score took girls the prize with | | |L. |v. v. H. [H, |W. 8. 163 110 160 104 179 148 162 149 1. |P. I D. M. A. ey Y; AI 105 2,009 league; Bowman- 13-14; Fra- ague, In the Ladder challenge contest George Elliott challenged CC. O'- Regan, but O'Regan was successful in repulsing the attack. The scores were: Elliott--139, 196, 94--429, G. O'Regan--187, 219, 210 In the 10 pin section M (challenged I. -Karnath and {successful and is now in 5th Jacobi--183, 181, 225--599 Karnath----186, 166, 626 Jacobi was place 177--529 HUSBAND IS5 A REAL SCOTSMAN Redwood City, Cal., March 4.-- Miss Constance Talmadge, motion picture actress, and Captain Alas- tair William Mackintosh, of London, England, took out a marriage lic- ense here on Friday. The marriage took place Saturday at the home of Jean de St. Cyr, in Burlingame, near here. Miss Talmadge gave her age as 25, her occupation as an artist, her birthplace as New York, and her full maiden name as Constance Alice Talmadge. Captain Mackintosh wrote in the register that he has no occupation and that he was 36 years old. Mutual friends, who had made announcement of the coming mar- riage, said the bridegroom is a mem- ber of the flying corps of the British army. Miss Talmadge has made no an- nouncement as to her. picture or home plans. She and Captain Mac- kintosh are guests at the St. Cyr J p ) Travel in luxury on the pa- i ips of the 'every detail. . tion should be secured early. Apply to local agent, J. E. PARKER, General Agent, Ocean -Totbe. TURNS MILLIONS PAGE FIVE T0 HELP MANKIND Sir Henry Lunn Puts in Prac- tice Theory He Has Long Advocated New York, March 4--Sir Henry Lunn, prominent layman and editor in the Protestant Church in England, who amassed a fortune after retiring as a medical 'missionary in India, has pu into practice his belief that surplus wealth acquired by big business men should be devoted to the betterment of mankind. The World Alliance for In- ternational Friendship, through the churches, today announced that he hal turned over most of his vast properties to trustees, who will administer the revenue for religious and social work, including international peace, The exact - value of the properties was not given, but the announcement said they totalled millions, He is a leader in the Church Unity movement and is now touring this country in be hall of that movement. He will visit Toronto next week. EXPERIMENT IN CROP ROTATION (By Canadian Press) Winnipeg, Man., March 2.--A def- inite program of experiments in crop rotation will be launched in eleven sections of Manitoba this year as a means of combatting the weed men- ace, according to Hon, A, E fontaone, minister of agriculture, The experiments will be conducted over a three year period, There will be five plots of one acre each put into seed in each section, The first year one plot will be sown. to Brain and then planted in sweet clover. The second plot will he seeded in grain and then have rye planted in the stubble following algia Get quick relief by this simple treat- ment, Apply hot cloth, then dry the skin, and rub with Baume Bengué. Get the genuine, Say "Ben Gay" to your druggist. Pre- For Free Sample Send 10¢. to cover cost of packing and mailing :-- The Leeming Miles Co. Ltd, Montreal, the cutting of the grain. The third plot will be sown in grain and ploughed the same day as cut, Plots four and five will be sown in grain and treated to the ordinary fall ploughing. LINE OF DIRIGIBLE AIRSHIPS TO BE STARTED BY SPAIN Madrid, March 3.--The Spanish Government has decided to con- struct an air port for the accommo- dation of a line of dirigible airships fo fly between Seville and Buenos Aires, The cost of the project is estimated at 42,000,000 pesetas (about $5,900,000). PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOC'N OFFICERS Last evening the regular monthly meeting of the Westmount Parents and Teachers Association was held in the Westmount School, After the a -------- completion of current business the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Honorary presi- dent, Mrs, L. Ferguson; president, Mrs. KE, Rundle; first vice-presid- dent, Mrs. Potts; secretary, Mrs. P, D. Thompson; treasurer, Miss Ait- ken executive committee, Mesdames Cranfield, Southwell, Young, Stap- les, Baldwin and Weeks. After taking 1000 ZUTOO TABLETS Says they are Harmless Mrs. (Dr.) Shurtiefl, of Coaticook, says "1 must have taken 1000 Zutoo Tablets, After trying every remedy within reach, 1d them all four years ago for ZUTQO, which I have taken ever since, I find the tablets a harmless and remedy for sll kinds of headache." 83 cents per box--at all dealers. - Kraft Cheese is rich in calcium, phosphorus and the growth-promoting vitamine, and intelligent mothers everywhere are using it as a part of the daily diet for their growing children, Dr. Grulee, fi food ialist, says that good cheege may be given to a baby at 'the age of 'a year and a half. Professor Solin, in his book "Nutrition," says: "Six ounces of cheese with twenty-four oi the food nutrients required average grown-up individual Kraft Cheese in 1-Ib,, 1-lb, unces of bread will supply all in twenty-four hours by an 1" and 5-lb. packages is always branded as above. Please always look for the trade mark. Many recipes for Cheese for children are given in our recipe book. dish all F y teabl Write for a free copy to the Kraft-MacLaren Cheese Co., Limited, Montreal. I body are at rest. sleep. Fitful dozing will not do. sleeplessness results. and nerve cells. ciously flavoured cocoa. A Te . ry = Tired out cannot sleep -- It is prepared from ---- SSN ===. bul ~ Nw NSOMNIA is not only distressing but dangerous, It prevents the essential nightly rebuilding of body and brain tissue which is carried on only when mind and We must have sleep--and restful When we retire with brain over-active or nerves over-wrought--hungry or with digestion over-taxed, Morning finds us dull and faggy, loathe to tackle the day's work simply because our bodies have been robbed of the energy which would have been provided had we slept properly. "Ovaltine", the delicious and easily digested tonic food beverage, promotes the natural healthful restoration of brain A cup taken before retiring ensures natural refreshing sleep throughout the night. "Ovaltine" contains in concentrated form and in correct proportions all the elements for building up and maintaining health and strength. foods--rich creamy milk, fresh eggs, ripe barley malt, deli- One cup of "Owaltine" contains more nourishment than 3 eggs or 12 cups of beef tea. nature's tonic At all druggists 60c. -- 90c. A. Wander -- $1.50 Limited London, England Canadian Office: 455 King Street West, A == Toronto A generous sample will be sent on receipt of 5c. to cover packing and Sar Z ml OVALT] ra St ------ --