TT PAGE FIVE THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH: 3, 1926 yA. -------- | ¥ | -- [A ST Thursday | Friday and Saturda EXTRA SPECIAL $25.00 DIAMOND RINGS Ladies' Diamond Rings, fine cut diamond, set in ISK mountings of solid . white gold, Regular price was $25.00. Sale Price-- $13.95 | All French Ivory EXTRA SPECIAL $25.00 STRAP WATCH Men's strap Watches, High grade, 15 jewel, sterling silver caso, a good buy. Regular price was $25.00. Sale Price-- $13.95 EXTRA SPECIAL $15.00 WRIST WATCHES EXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL $100.00 DIAMOND Yidient Wri Watches in $65.00 DIAMOND RINGS B uzz Sa w Tone white a ion 1 case, Regular price was RINGS $15.00, Sale Price-- Later, Diamond tings, | | Si, Pion, That Cuts $7.95 The Prices Exquisite blue-white dia- monds in hand carved and pierced mountings of 18K solid white gold, Regular price was $100, Sale Price-- $632 in very newest type mountings of solid white or green gold. [legular price was $65.0¢. 'ale Price-- © EXTRA SPECIAL $20.00 POCKET WATCH Men's Pocket Watches, 15 jewel movement, ad- Justed, gold filled case. Regular price was $20.00, Sale Price-- $12.25 EXTRA SPECIAL $20.00 WRIST WATCHES Ladies' Wrist Watches in the popular styles. 15 jewel, white or yellow gold filled, ease. Regular pra S It All Goes - Nothing Held Back This $50,000 Sale positively closes Saturday night. Only three more days. Opportunity is knocking at your door. Wil} you take advantage of it, or wish you had? Everything in the store has been marked down for this great sale. Not a single article withheld. Take your choice at the cut prices. Many articles at half price and even less. This has been a real sale in every sense of the word, but the next three days will surpass all others in price cutting. WE INVITE YOU BRIDGE PRIZES KNIVES AND FORKS Now is the time to select your Our entire stock of silver knives, Bridge Prizes for the season forks, spoons, etc., are on sale. while one dollar spent here wili We carry a full line in several 40.the 'work ol two elsewhere | beatiful patterns. Ask to see : them. EXTRA SPECIAL ,$90.00 DIAMOND RINGS Ladies' Diamond Rings, seven genuine full cut diamonds set in cluster. price was $20.00, Sale Price-- $9.75 = ------------ -_h ER JERE ele Dm 18K solid white gold mountings. Regular price was $00.00. Sale Price-- $59.75 EXTRA SPECIAL $385.00 DIAMOND RINGS Ladies' Diamond Rings. Wonderful large solitare diamond -- a beauty ---- none better--set in 18K EXTRA SPECIAL $25.00 WRIST WATCHES Ladies' Wwist Watches in the newest styles. 17 EXTRA SPECIAL MEN'S POCKET WATCHES Men's Pocket Watches, 17 jewel movement, ad- justed to temperature and position, gold filled case, Regular price was 8:35.00. Sale Price-- $19.75 EXTRA SPECIAL $200.00 DIAMOND solid white gold moun RINGS lia white bo vious: Ladies' Diamond Rings. $385.00. Sale Price-- $256.75 jewel, white or greem gold filled case, Sale Price-- $16.25 FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS Our entire stock of Fountain Pens and Pencils on sale at } off --Swan --Waterman--Wahl and other standard makes. white diamonds in 18K solid yellow gold Tiffany mountings. Regular price was $200.00. Sale Price-- $133.50 IF IT CAME FROM FELT BROS.--IT'S THE BEST. THE STORE THAT QUALITY BUILT. EXTRA SPECIAL ALARM CLOCK Our regular $2.00 guaranteed ; Alarm Clock. While they Choice last. Nale Price $1.98 98¢ EXTRA SPECIAL CUT GLASS $1 17 oo, WATER SET SILHOUETTES Pitcher and six Tumblers. Regular $3.00 value going at New design, excellent qual- $1 45 . RAZORS Ever Ready Safety Razors. complete with stropping de- vice-- Regular price $4.00. Sale price-- $1.95 $5.00 Straight Razors $2.45 4.00 Straight Razors 1.95 2.85 Straight Razors 1.40 EXTRA SPECIAL CASSEROLES Large size Casseroles, best quality, latest design. Regu- lar price was $12.50. EXTRA SPH TAL UMBRELLAS Values SILVERWARE 6.50 Bread Tray ..... 2.95 9.50 Vegetable Dish 12.50 Casserole 18.00 Tea Bet muons CATHOLIC PRAYER BOOKS CUFF LINKS Gold filled, a fine assortment. Values up to $3.50. Sale Price -- oe 093 We are closing ont the entire $1 ? line. : $40 grade ' coc. $23 DELTAH PEARLS Pi EPIL inion he 2 $6.75 grade... -- At Half Price & Less 1.50. grade oie. - 288 $10.00 Pearls... -$ 975 orade ane. . 159 15.00 Pearls ...omwm i 20.00 Pearls ....... - +: 25.00. Pearls momo 30.00 Pearls ... - A fine assortment. up to $5.00, ; . ; Entire Stock On Sale PLAYING CARDS Extra fine quality $1.75 grade Al & EXTRA SPECIAL TEA SETS 3-Piece Silver Tea Sets, guar- anteed. Wonderful values at $12.50. Sale Price -- i BEADS Lot No. 1, values up to $2.50. Choice -- 49c 45e stick of soap with each Razor. FOUNTAIN PENS 14K gold nib. Self filling, non-leakable, guaranteed. Re- gular price $2.50. Sale priee -- EOE CR-RR E'S | ERT BA -- ROGERS 26 PIECE SET | 8-DAY MANTLE ity. Regular prie¢ was $6.50. hand rubbed mahogany case. Hour and half hour cathedral gonz strike. Regular price $18.00. Sale Price-- $9.75 98¢ 15¢ Bottle of Tnk Free with all Fountain Pens. EXTRA SPECIAL CARVING SETS High grade, genuine stag handles, sterling ' silver mounts, stainless steel blades. Regular price was $7.50. Sale 8375 Lot No. 2, values up to $5.00. Choiee-- 98¢c $7.85 Sale Price $2.95 FELT BROS. . Oshawa's Leading Jewellers 12 Simcoe St. S. "Where Satisfaction Is A Certainty" Oshawa LAVALIERS We offer every Lavalier in stock at half price and less -- Many of them set with beau- tiful diamonds -and all are solid gold. $9.00 Lavalier . 4.45 1200 Lavalier ... 595 18.00 Lavalier oo... 895 20.00 Lavalier 9.85 25.00 Lavalier .... 12.45 3000 Lavalier 14.85 35.00 Lavaliet 17.45 50.00 Lavalier oo... 24.95 65.00 Lavalier a... 32.50 80.00 Lavalier ..... 39.50 Silver, 6 Knives, 6 Forks, 6 Table Spoons, 6 Tea Spoons, 1 Butter Kuife, 1 Sugar Shell. Regular price, $15.00. Sale price, while they last-- $9.75 Vow = | an ?